PhD in Fluid Mechanics
University of Cambridge, 1991
Effect of rotation speed fluctuation on rotor noise generation: A numerical and experimental study
A Numerical Study of Cyclist-Cyclist Aerodynamic Interaction Towards Efficient Overtaking Strategy
Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of ducted propellers: A study on the design and geometry effects
Experimental investigation on the aerodynamics of a windsurfing sail under steady sailing conditions
Experimental Study of the Effect of Boundary-Layer Transition on Rotor Aeroacoustics
Experimental study of the turbulence ingestion noise of rotor blades
Exploring noise reduction strategies: Optimizing drone station placement for last-mile delivery
Numerical simulation of windsurfing sail aerodynamics: Insights into forces and flow characteristics
On the evolution of flow structures around a track cyclist
The influence of crosswinds and leg positions on cycling aerodynamics
A Hierarchical Approach for Windsurfing Performance Analysis and Velocity Prediction
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effect of Sail Rig-back Angle in Windsurfing Sailing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Low-noise multi-agent intelligent navigation for unmanned aircraft systems
Conference paper
Conference paper
A Phase-Gradient Acoustic Metasurface for Broadband Duct Noise Attenuation in the Presence of Flow
Acoustic imaging of the broadband noise arising in contra-rotating co-axial propellers
An investigation of rotor aeroacoustics with unsteady motions and uncertainty factors
Computational Aeroacoustics Study of Propellers with Vibrational Motion
Development and progress in acoustic phase-gradient metamaterials for wavefront modulation
Development of a Low-Noise and High-Efficiency Propeller Using Divergent Riblet Surface Pattern
Experimental and numerical investigations on rotor noise in axial descending flight
Experimental investigation of the effect of sectional airfoil profile deviation on propeller noise
Frequency-Multiplexed Transmitted-Wave Manipulation with Multifunctional Acoustic Metasurfaces
Performance of a windsurfing sail under steady condition
Predicting the aerodynamic noise of counter-rotating coaxial rotors
Sound Reflection by Periodic Acoustic Metasurface in Sheared Grazing Flows
Virtual flight simulation of delivery drone noise in the urban residential community
Conference paper
Aeroacoustic Investigation of Grid Turbulence Interacting With Rotors
Conference paper
An improved artificial compressibility method for aeroacoustics at low Mach numbers
Conference paper
An investigation of the noise characteristics of a small-scale rotor in axial descent
Conference paper
Conference paper
Experimental investigation on the aeroacoustics of coaxial rotors
Conference paper
Low Mach number aeroacoustic computations of airfoils in application with Pierce's wave equation
Conference paper
Low-noise Flight Routing Planning of Drones Based on a Virtual Flight Noise Simulator
Conference paper
Noise assessment and low-noise flight path planning platform for urban air mobility
Conference paper
Noise-aware UAS flight path planning based on virtual flight simulation
Conference paper
Nonlinear Sound Absorption of Helmholtz Resonators With Extended Necks at High Sound Pressure Levels
Conference paper
On the multiple tones in trailing edge noise of an aerofoil at low-to-moderate Reynolds number flows
Conference paper
Reflected wave manipulation by aeroacoustic metasurfaces in sheared grazing flows
Conference paper
Transient aeroacoustic analysis of a pitching airfoil at low Reynolds number
Conference paper
Aerodynamics of isolated cycling wheels using wind tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamics
An efficient and high-order sliding mesh method for computational aeroacoustics
An experimental study of aerodynamic noise from large obstructions in turbulent boundary layer flows
Boundary element analysis on the fuselage scattering of drone noise
Broadband acoustic meta-porous layer for reflected wave manipulation and absorption
Broadband trailing edge noise reduction through porous velvet-coated serrations
Efficient computation of broadband noise propagation using Gaussian beam tracing method
Forbidden Transmission of Broadband Duct Noise Realized by Compactly Placed Detuned Resonators
On Identifying the Deterministic Components of Propeller Noise
Radiation Modes of Propeller Tonal Noise
Reprint of: Assessment of UAM and drone noise impact on the environment based on virtual flights
Toward high-efficiency low-noise propellers: A numerical and experimental study
Acoustic Impedance Measurements using an Advanced Grazing Flow Tube Facility
Conference paper
Acoustic measurement of multi-rotor drones in anechoic and hemi-anechoic chambers
Conference paper
Conference paper
Enhancing the noise reduction capability of serrations using low-profile vortex generators
Conference paper
Identification of deterministic components of propeller noise
Conference paper
Numerical study of the aeroacoustics of shrouded propellers for Urban Air Mobility vehicles
Conference paper
On the effect of unsteady motions on the rotor aerodynamic noise
Conference paper
Reflected wave manipulation by acoustic metasurface in a grazing shear flow
Conference paper
Trailing edge noise reduction using velvety serrations
Conference paper
Uncertainty Factors in Propeller Aeroacoustic Measurements
Conference paper
A numerical investigation of the rotor blockage effect on cascade noise using a sliding mesh method
An overview of testing methods for aeroengine fan noise
Assessment of UAM and Drone Noise Impact on the Environment Based on Virtual Flights
Design and characterization of a multifunctional low-speed anechoic wind tunnel at HKUST
Efficient storage and interpolation of acoustic transfer functions
Experimental study on a compact lined circular duct for small-scale propeller noise reduction
On the effects of anisotropic turbulence on leading edge noise
On the efficient modelling of generic source directivity in Gaussian beam tracing
Propulsive Efficiency and Efficacy of a Pumping Sail
Ultralight Metamaterial for Sound Absorption Based on Miura-Ori Tessellation Structures
Wideband low-frequency sound absorption by inhomogeneous multi-layer resonators with extended necks
Conference paper
A high-fidelity diagnostic facility for characterization of liners performance under grazing flow
Conference paper
A hybrid and efficient low-noise assessment platform for urban aerial mobility (HELPU)
Conference paper
Acoustic scattering in the noise prediction of urban aerial vehicles
Conference paper
Acoustic scattering in the noise prediction of urban air mobility
Conference paper
Aeroacoustic measurements of dual-rotor interactions
Conference paper
An experimental investigation of turbulent flow over two-dimensional obstacles on a flat plate
Conference paper
Assessment of UAM noise impact on the environment based on virtual flights with realistic sources
Conference paper
Broadband aerodynamic noise simulation using synthetic turbulence methods
Conference paper
Experimental assessment of the noise characteristics of propellers for commercial drones
Conference paper
Numerical simulations of small-scale shrouded propellers
Conference paper
Rotor blockage effect simulation using high order sliding grid method
Conference paper
Simulation of Helmholtz resonator using immersed boundary method
Conference paper
Simulation of multi-rotor powered urban aerial mobility noise for environmental assessment
Conference paper
Sound reflection of acoustic porous metasurfaces under uniform mean flow
Conference paper
Supercomputer Simulation of Turbulent Flow Around Isolated UAV Rotor and Associated Acoustic Fields
Conference paper
The experimental study on sound reduction of a circular cylinder with surface pattern
Conference paper
The multi-functional rotor aerodynamic and aeroacoustic test platform at HKUST
Conference paper
Trailing edge noise reduction through flexible serrations
Conference paper
Ultra-light Metamaterial for Sound Absorption Based on Miura-ori Sandwich Structure
Conference paper
A Compressive-sensing-based Method for Radial Mode Analysis of Aeroengine Fan Noise
A revisit of the tonal noise of small rotors
A study of the effect of serration shape and flexibility on trailing edge noise
An analytical correction to Amiet's solution of airfoil leading-edge noise in non-uniform mean flows
An experimental study of trailing edge noise from a heaving airfoil
CAA simulations of the leading edge noise of a heaving airfoil
A rotor blade aeroacoustics test platform at HKUST
Conference paper
Conference paper
Aerodynamic measurements of a single wheel in ground effect
Conference paper
Assessment of the environmental impact of drone noise in virtual flights
Conference paper
Conference paper
Interpolation based acoustic transfer function for drone noise simulation
Conference paper
Multi-rotor powered drone noise assessment
Conference paper
A comparison of acoustic far-field prediction methods for turbulent flows
An experimental study of trailing edge noise from a pitching airfoil
Compressive sensing method with enhanced sparsity for aeroengine duct mode detection
Geometry effect on the airfoil-gust interaction noise in transonic flows
On the effect of streamwise disturbance on the airfoil-turbulence interaction noise
On the effects of fan wake modelling and vane design on cascade noise
Reduced-basis boundary element method for efficient broadband acoustic simulation
Acoustic characteristics of a quad-copter under realistic flight conditions
Conference paper
Acoustic Mapping of Drones in Complex Environments
Conference paper
An analytical model for the prediction of airfoil cascade-turbulence interaction noise
Conference paper
An experimental investigation of the effect of owl-inspired velvety coating on trailing edge noise
Conference paper
Broadband Forbidden Transmission by Multiple CPA-based Detuned Helmholtz Resonators
Conference paper
Design and Commission of a Low Speed Anechoic Wind Tunnel at HKUST
Conference paper
Distortion of anisotropic turbulence spectrum in the vicinity of aerofoil leading edge
Conference paper
Conference paper
Inverted wedge porous acoustic metamaterials
Conference paper
Conference paper
Measurement of Trailing Edge Noise From a Heaving Airfoil
Conference paper
Modification of Broadband Trailing Edge Noise Through Hairy Coating
Conference paper
Multi-rotor noise scattering by a drone fuselage
Conference paper
Noise Assessment of Mulit-rotor Flying Vehicles
Conference paper
Noise measurements of generic small-scale propellers
Conference paper
Noise prediction of drones in urban environments
Conference paper
Conference paper
The effect of uniform mean flow on sound pressure field of metasurface
Conference paper
A Generalized Sound Extrapolation Method for Turbulent flows
Acoustic porous metasurface for excellent sound absorption based on wave manipulation
Analytical Modelling for Predicting the Sound Field of Planar Acoustic metasurface
Experiments on Reflection and Transmission of Acoustic Porous Metasurface with Composite Structure
Extension of Roughness Noise to Bluff Bodies Using the Boundary Element Method
Manipulating Reflected Acoustic Wave via Helmholtz Resonators With Varying-length Extended Necks
On the Frequency Domain Formulation of the Generalized Sound Extrapolation Method
Reflected Wave Manipulation By Inhomogeneous Impedance Via Varying-depth Acoustic Liners
Stable time-domain CAA simulations with linearised governing equations
Acoustic characterization of a porous metasurface with embedded partitions
Conference paper
Acoustic Metamaterials Applied on Circular Interfaces
Conference paper
Acoustic Metaporous Layer for Sound Absorption Enhancement
Conference paper
An Experimental Investigation of Trailing Edge Noise of a Pitching Airfoil
Conference paper
Leading edge noise simulations of a heaving airfoil
Conference paper
Modified non-Gaussian filters for synthetic turbulence
Conference paper
Random-eddy-superposition technique for leading edge noise predictions
Conference paper
Reflected wave manipulation by varying-depth acoustic liners
Conference paper
Sound extrapolation methods for turbulent flows based on indirect acoustic variables
Conference paper
Turbulent-wake-cascade Interaction Noise Simulations Using a Hybrid Sliding Mesh Method
Conference paper
A sound extrapolation method for aeroacoustics far-field prediction in presence of vortical waves
Investigation of the Sound Generation Mechanisms for In-duct Orifice Plates
Sound Transmission Through an Acoustic Porous Metasurface with Periodic Structures
Synthetic Turbulence Methods for Computational Aeroacoustic Simulations of Leading Edge Noise
The Noise Generated by a Landing Gear Wheel with Hub and Rim Cavities
Three-dimensional acoustic characteristic study of porous metasurface
Towards an Effective Non-reflective Boundary Condition for Computational Aeroacoustics
Unsteady Aerodynamics of Single and Tandem Wheels
A Hybrid High-order Sliding Mesh Interface for Finite Difference Schemes
Conference paper
A numerical investigation of the airfoil leading edge noise in transonic flows
Conference paper
A Numerical Investigation of the Airfoil-Gust Interaction Noise in Transonic Flows
Conference paper
A numerical study of the airfoil leading edge noise in transonic flows
Conference paper
Airfoil Leading Edge Noise Predictions Using a Viscous Mean Flow
Conference paper
An experimental and numerical study of the tonal noise from two scall-scale propellers
Conference paper
Wavy Leading Edge Airfoils Interacting with Anisotropic Turbulence
Conference paper
A priori grid quality estimation for high-order finite differencing
Aerodynamics of a Pitching and Heaving Airfoil in Ground Effect
Book chapter
A Comparison of Wall Functions for Bluff Body Aeroacoustic Simulations
Conference paper
Aerodynamic Interactions between Landing-gear Components
Conference paper
Airfoil-Gust Interactions in Transonic Flow
Conference paper
An Evaluation of Gradient Term Modification Methods for Linearized Euler Equations
Conference paper
Artificial Damping Methods for Stable Computations with Linearized Euler Equations
Conference paper
Computational Analysis of Partially-covered Cavity with and without Side Walls
Conference paper
DDES Simulation of a Complex Main Landing Gear with a Six-wheel Bogie
Conference paper
Design and Characterization of Acoustic Porous Metasurface
Conference paper
High-order Numerical Simulations of an Isolated Landing Gear Wheel with a Hub Cavity
Conference paper
Leading Edge Noise Predictions Using Anisotropic Synthetic Turbulence
Conference paper
On the Acoustic Properties of a Hole in a Wall of Finite Thickness
Conference paper
Towards a Generic Non-reflective Characteristic Boundary Condition for Aeroacoustic Simulations
Conference paper
Turbulence-Cascade Interaction Noise Using an Advanced Digital Filter Method
Conference paper
A fast GPU based bidiagonal solver for computational aeroacoustics
Iterative Learning Control for Trailing-Edge Flap Lift Enhancement with Pulsed Blowing
Single velocity-component modeling of leading edge turbulence interaction noise
Aerofoil geometry effects on turbulence interaction noise
Conference paper
Effect of Cavity Flow on Landing Gear Aerodynamic Loads
Conference paper
Evaluation and Comparison of Linearized Euler Equations and Equivalent Source Method
Conference paper
Evaluation and development of non-reflective boundary conditions for aeroacoustic simulations
Conference paper
Experimental Study of the Mechanisms of Sound Generation Due to an In-duct Orifice Plate
Conference paper
High-Order Hybrid Cell-Centered Method for Computational Aeroacoustics
Conference paper
Conference paper
Numerical Simulations of Single and Tandem Wheels for Aerodynamic Loads Prediction
Conference paper
Synthetic Turbulence Methods for Leading Edge Noise Predictions
Conference paper
The Effect of Flow Circulation on the Scattering of Landing Gear Noise
Conference paper
Unsteady Force and Flow Features of Single and Tandem Wheels
Conference paper
Broadband wave propagation from an Aeroengine duct
Experimental study of noise emitted by circular cylinders with large roughness
A Complex Equivalent Source Method for Scattering Effect of Aircraft Noise
Conference paper
A Fast GPU Based Bidiagonal Solver for Computational Aeroacoustics
Conference paper
Gradient Term Filtering for Stable Sound Propagation with Linearized Euler Equations
Conference paper
Numerical Investigation of Active Flow Control Using Steady Blowing for Landing Gear Noise Reduction
Conference paper
Two-dimensional Optimisation by Iterative Learning for Flow Separation Control
Conference paper
Aeroacoustic Effects of High-lift Wing Slat Track and Cut-out System
Attenuation of noise from an airfoil equipped with a high-lift device using plasma actuators
High-order interface for aeroacoustic computation using overset grid
Landing-gear Noise Prediction Using High-order Finite Difference Schemes
Microbial tribology and disruption of dental plaque bacterial biofilms
Optimization for sound transmission through a double-wall panel
Symmetric airfoil geometry effects on leading edge noise
A Position Based Iterative Learning Control Applied to Active Flow Control
Conference paper
Effects of Real Airfoil Geometry on Leading Edge Gust Interaction Noise
Conference paper
Aircraft noise and its nearfield propagation computations
Measurements and control of aircraft’s main landing gear broadband noise
Use of Blowing Flow Control to Reduce Bluff Body Interaction Noise
Aerodynamics of a heaving airfoil in ground effect
Large-scale vortex generation modeling
Multifidelity surrogate modeling of experimental and computational aerodynamic data sets
On the unsteady motion and stability of a heaving airfoil in ground effect
Airfoil flow control usiug plasma actuation and coauda effect
Conference paper
Dielectric Barrier Discharge Based Jet Actuator for Flow Control
Conference paper
Linearised divergence equations for sound propagation
Conference paper
Slat noise reduction using a leading edge strip
Conference paper
Broadband flow-induced sound control using plasma actuators
Computational investigation of a race car wing with vortex generators in ground effect
Identification and attenuation of a tonal-noise source on an aircraft landing gear
Landing gear noise control using perforated fairings
Patched Characteristic Interface Condition for High-Order Multiblock Aeroacoustic Computation
Plasma actuators for noise control
The use of plasma actuators for bluff body broadband noise control
“Encyclopedia in Aerospace Engineering” – acoustics and noise
Book chapter
Airframe Noise – High Lift Device Noise
Book chapter
Book chapter
Aeroacoustic investigation of deployed spoiler during steep approach landing
Conference paper
Aerodynamics of an Oscillating Wing in Ground Effect
Conference paper
Detached-eddy simulation of a double-element wing in ground effect
Conference paper
The use of blowing flow control to reduce bluff body interaction noise
Conference paper
Time-domain broadband liner optimization
Conference paper
Time-domain computation of multimode propagation in an aeroengine duct
Conference paper
Bluff Body Noise Control Using Perforated Fairings
Flow Physics of a Race Car Wing with Vortex Generators in Ground Effect
Flow Separation Control on a Race Car Wing with Vortex Generators in Ground Effect
Measurements of flow around a flap side edge with porous edge treatment
Numerical Investigation of Broadband Slat Noise Attenuation with Acoustic Liner Treatment
Sound Radiation from a Bypass Duct with Bifurcations
The Aerodynamic Interaction Between an Inverted Wing and a Rotating Wheel
Patched Characteristic Interface Condition for High-Order Aeroacoustic Computation
Conference paper
Adaptive mesh refinement computation of acoustic radiation from an engine Intake
Efficient Computation of Spinning Modal Radiation Through an Engine Bypass Duct
Streamwise and spanwise plasma actuators for flow-induced cavity noise control
Unsteady RANS and detached-eddy simulations of flow around a circular cylinder in ground effect
Variable structure model for flow-induced tonal noise control with plasma actuators
Bluff Body Noise and Flow Control with Atmospheric Plasma Actuators
Conference paper
Broadband slat noise attenuation with acoustic liner treatment
Conference paper
Perforated fairings for landing gear noise control
Conference paper
Sound Radiation from a Generic Bypass Duct with Bifurcations
Conference paper
The use of a Fairing and Split Plate for Bluff Body Noise Control
Conference paper
Aerodynamic model of a hill climb racing car
Atmospheric Plasma Actuators for Aeroacoustic Applications
Attenuation of low-speed flow-induced cavity tones using plasma actuators
Computation of Fan Noise Radiation through an Engine Exhaust Geometry with Flow
Vortex shedding from a circular cylinder near a moving ground
Noise Sources Control of an Aircraft Landing Gear
Conference paper
Variable structure model for flow-induced tonal noise control with plasma actuators
Conference paper
A Computational Study of the Flow Around an Isolated Wheel in Contact With the Ground
A Fourier Pseudospectral Method for Some Computational Aeroacoustics Problems
Attenuation of Slat Trailing Edge Noise Using Acoustic Liners
Computational Analysis of a Inverted Double-Element Airfoil in Ground Effect
Ground Effect Aerodynamics of Race Cars
Ground effect aerodynamics research of racing cars
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Computation of Acoustic Radiation from an Engine Intake
Conference paper
Measurements of Flow Around a Flap Side-Edge with Porous Edge Treatment
Conference paper
Acoustic radiation from a semi-infinite duct with a subsonic jet
Computational Analysis of Pressure and Wake Characteristics of an Aerofoil in Ground Effect
Measurements of the flow over a low aspect-ratio cylinder mounted on a ground plane
Vortical structures over rectangular cavities at low speed
Adaptive mesh refinement for computational aeroacoustics
Conference paper
Computation of spinning modal radiation from an unflanged duct
Edge Vortices of a Double Element Wing in Ground Effect
Time accurate numerical study of turbulent supersonic jets
Vortices behind a bluff body with an upswept aft section in ground effect
A numerical method for computation of sound radiation from an unflanged duct
Conference paper
Computational aeroacoustic simulation of leading edge slat flow
Conference paper
A numerical investigation of noise radiated by a turbulent flow over a cavity
Aerodynamics of a Double-Element Wing in Ground Effect
Influence of Diffuser Angle on a Bluff Body in Ground Effect
Off-Surface Aerodynamic Measurements of a Wing in Ground Effect
Optimized prefactored compact schemes
The evolution of co-rotating vortices in a canonical boundary layer with inclined jets
Linearized Euler Simulations of Leading-Edge Slat Flow
Conference paper
Aerodynamics of Gurney Flaps on a Wing in Ground Effect
Some Aspects of the Aerodynamics of Gurney Flaps on a Double-Element Wing
The Force and Pressure of a Diffuser-Equipped Bluff Body in Ground Effect
Aerodynamics of a Single Element Wing in Ground Effect
Aerodynamics of Gurney Flaps on a Single-Element High-Lift Wing
An inclined rectangular jet in a turbulent boundary layer-vortex flow
Micro-Raman Spectral Analysis of the Subsurface Damage Layer in Machined Silicon Wafers
Turbulence measurements of an inclined rectangular jet embedded in a turbulent boundary layer
Attenuation of cavity flow oscillation through leading edge flow control
Counter-Rotating Vortices Embedded in a Turbulent Boundary Layer with Inclined Jets
Pressure over a dual-cavity cascade at supersonic speeds
Rapid thermal annealing for residual-stress relaxation in undoped or doped polysilicon thin films
Conference paper
An observation of pressure waves around a shallow cavity
Buckling of polysilicon microbeams during sacrificial layer removal
Measurements of residual stresses in thin films using micro-rotating-structures
Rapid thermal annealing of polysilicon thin films
Residual-stress relaxation in polysilicon thin films by high-temperature rapid thermal annealing
The effect of trailing edge geometry on cavity flow oscillation driven by a supersonic shear layer
Blister-like Local Buckling of Polysilicon Microbeams During Wet-release
Conference paper
Buckling evolution of microelectromechanical structures
Conference paper
Control of cavity flow oscillation through leading edge flow modification
Conference paper
Conference paper
Flow structure analysis around an oscillating circular cylinder at low KC number: a numerical study
Measurements of a longitudinal vortex generated by a rectangular jet in a turbulent boundary layer
Progress in Computational Aeroacoustics in Predicting the Noise Radiated from Turbulent Flows
Conference paper
Investigation on subsurface damage in silicon wafers
Conference paper
Analysis of unsteady supersonic cavity flow employing an adaptive meshing refinement algorithm
Conference paper
Co- and Contrarotating streamwise vortices in a turbulent boundary layer
Compressible cavity flow oscillation due to shear layer instabilities and pressure feedback
An experiment and computational investigation of ground effect lift loss for single jet impingement
Computational analysis of a single jet impingement ground effect lift loss
Experimental investigation of supersonic flow over two cavities in tandem
An experimental investigation of supersonic flow over two cavities in tandem
Conference paper
A Numerical Study of Cyclist-Cyclist Aerodynamic Interaction Towards Efficient Overtaking Strategy
Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of ducted propellers: A study on the design and geometry effects
Experimental investigation on the aerodynamics of a windsurfing sail under steady sailing conditions
Experimental Study of the Effect of Boundary-Layer Transition on Rotor Aeroacoustics
Experimental study of the turbulence ingestion noise of rotor blades
Exploring noise reduction strategies: Optimizing drone station placement for last-mile delivery
Numerical simulation of windsurfing sail aerodynamics: Insights into forces and flow characteristics
The influence of crosswinds and leg positions on cycling aerodynamics
A Phase-Gradient Acoustic Metasurface for Broadband Duct Noise Attenuation in the Presence of Flow
Acoustic imaging of the broadband noise arising in contra-rotating co-axial propellers
An investigation of rotor aeroacoustics with unsteady motions and uncertainty factors
Computational Aeroacoustics Study of Propellers with Vibrational Motion
Development and progress in acoustic phase-gradient metamaterials for wavefront modulation
Development of a Low-Noise and High-Efficiency Propeller Using Divergent Riblet Surface Pattern
Experimental and numerical investigations on rotor noise in axial descending flight
Experimental investigation of the effect of sectional airfoil profile deviation on propeller noise
Frequency-Multiplexed Transmitted-Wave Manipulation with Multifunctional Acoustic Metasurfaces
Predicting the aerodynamic noise of counter-rotating coaxial rotors
Sound Reflection by Periodic Acoustic Metasurface in Sheared Grazing Flows
Virtual flight simulation of delivery drone noise in the urban residential community
Aeroacoustic Investigation of Grid Turbulence Interacting With Rotors
An improved artificial compressibility method for aeroacoustics at low Mach numbers
An investigation of the noise characteristics of a small-scale rotor in axial descent
Experimental investigation on the aeroacoustics of coaxial rotors
Low Mach number aeroacoustic computations of airfoils in application with Pierce's wave equation
Low-noise Flight Routing Planning of Drones Based on a Virtual Flight Noise Simulator
Noise assessment and low-noise flight path planning platform for urban air mobility
Noise-aware UAS flight path planning based on virtual flight simulation
Nonlinear Sound Absorption of Helmholtz Resonators With Extended Necks at High Sound Pressure Levels
On the multiple tones in trailing edge noise of an aerofoil at low-to-moderate Reynolds number flows
Reflected wave manipulation by aeroacoustic metasurfaces in sheared grazing flows
Transient aeroacoustic analysis of a pitching airfoil at low Reynolds number
Aerodynamics of isolated cycling wheels using wind tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamics
An efficient and high-order sliding mesh method for computational aeroacoustics
An experimental study of aerodynamic noise from large obstructions in turbulent boundary layer flows
Boundary element analysis on the fuselage scattering of drone noise
Broadband acoustic meta-porous layer for reflected wave manipulation and absorption
Broadband trailing edge noise reduction through porous velvet-coated serrations
Efficient computation of broadband noise propagation using Gaussian beam tracing method
Forbidden Transmission of Broadband Duct Noise Realized by Compactly Placed Detuned Resonators
On Identifying the Deterministic Components of Propeller Noise
Reprint of: Assessment of UAM and drone noise impact on the environment based on virtual flights
Toward high-efficiency low-noise propellers: A numerical and experimental study
Acoustic Impedance Measurements using an Advanced Grazing Flow Tube Facility
Acoustic measurement of multi-rotor drones in anechoic and hemi-anechoic chambers
Enhancing the noise reduction capability of serrations using low-profile vortex generators
Identification of deterministic components of propeller noise
Numerical study of the aeroacoustics of shrouded propellers for Urban Air Mobility vehicles
On the effect of unsteady motions on the rotor aerodynamic noise
Reflected wave manipulation by acoustic metasurface in a grazing shear flow
A numerical investigation of the rotor blockage effect on cascade noise using a sliding mesh method
Assessment of UAM and Drone Noise Impact on the Environment Based on Virtual Flights
Design and characterization of a multifunctional low-speed anechoic wind tunnel at HKUST
Efficient storage and interpolation of acoustic transfer functions
Experimental study on a compact lined circular duct for small-scale propeller noise reduction
On the effects of anisotropic turbulence on leading edge noise
On the efficient modelling of generic source directivity in Gaussian beam tracing
Ultralight Metamaterial for Sound Absorption Based on Miura-Ori Tessellation Structures
Wideband low-frequency sound absorption by inhomogeneous multi-layer resonators with extended necks
A high-fidelity diagnostic facility for characterization of liners performance under grazing flow
A hybrid and efficient low-noise assessment platform for urban aerial mobility (HELPU)
Acoustic scattering in the noise prediction of urban aerial vehicles
Acoustic scattering in the noise prediction of urban air mobility
An experimental investigation of turbulent flow over two-dimensional obstacles on a flat plate
Assessment of UAM noise impact on the environment based on virtual flights with realistic sources
Broadband aerodynamic noise simulation using synthetic turbulence methods
Experimental assessment of the noise characteristics of propellers for commercial drones
Rotor blockage effect simulation using high order sliding grid method
Simulation of Helmholtz resonator using immersed boundary method
Simulation of multi-rotor powered urban aerial mobility noise for environmental assessment
Sound reflection of acoustic porous metasurfaces under uniform mean flow
Supercomputer Simulation of Turbulent Flow Around Isolated UAV Rotor and Associated Acoustic Fields
The experimental study on sound reduction of a circular cylinder with surface pattern
The multi-functional rotor aerodynamic and aeroacoustic test platform at HKUST
Ultra-light Metamaterial for Sound Absorption Based on Miura-ori Sandwich Structure
A Compressive-sensing-based Method for Radial Mode Analysis of Aeroengine Fan Noise
A study of the effect of serration shape and flexibility on trailing edge noise
An analytical correction to Amiet's solution of airfoil leading-edge noise in non-uniform mean flows
An experimental study of trailing edge noise from a heaving airfoil
CAA simulations of the leading edge noise of a heaving airfoil
A comparison of acoustic far-field prediction methods for turbulent flows
An experimental study of trailing edge noise from a pitching airfoil
Compressive sensing method with enhanced sparsity for aeroengine duct mode detection
Geometry effect on the airfoil-gust interaction noise in transonic flows
On the effect of streamwise disturbance on the airfoil-turbulence interaction noise
On the effects of fan wake modelling and vane design on cascade noise
Reduced-basis boundary element method for efficient broadband acoustic simulation
Acoustic characteristics of a quad-copter under realistic flight conditions
An analytical model for the prediction of airfoil cascade-turbulence interaction noise
An experimental investigation of the effect of owl-inspired velvety coating on trailing edge noise
Broadband Forbidden Transmission by Multiple CPA-based Detuned Helmholtz Resonators
Design and Commission of a Low Speed Anechoic Wind Tunnel at HKUST
Distortion of anisotropic turbulence spectrum in the vicinity of aerofoil leading edge
Modification of Broadband Trailing Edge Noise Through Hairy Coating
The effect of uniform mean flow on sound pressure field of metasurface
A Generalized Sound Extrapolation Method for Turbulent flows
Acoustic porous metasurface for excellent sound absorption based on wave manipulation
Analytical Modelling for Predicting the Sound Field of Planar Acoustic metasurface
Experiments on Reflection and Transmission of Acoustic Porous Metasurface with Composite Structure
Extension of Roughness Noise to Bluff Bodies Using the Boundary Element Method
Manipulating Reflected Acoustic Wave via Helmholtz Resonators With Varying-length Extended Necks
On the Frequency Domain Formulation of the Generalized Sound Extrapolation Method
Reflected Wave Manipulation By Inhomogeneous Impedance Via Varying-depth Acoustic Liners
Stable time-domain CAA simulations with linearised governing equations
Acoustic characterization of a porous metasurface with embedded partitions
An Experimental Investigation of Trailing Edge Noise of a Pitching Airfoil
Random-eddy-superposition technique for leading edge noise predictions
Reflected wave manipulation by varying-depth acoustic liners
Sound extrapolation methods for turbulent flows based on indirect acoustic variables
Turbulent-wake-cascade Interaction Noise Simulations Using a Hybrid Sliding Mesh Method
A sound extrapolation method for aeroacoustics far-field prediction in presence of vortical waves
Investigation of the Sound Generation Mechanisms for In-duct Orifice Plates
Sound Transmission Through an Acoustic Porous Metasurface with Periodic Structures
Synthetic Turbulence Methods for Computational Aeroacoustic Simulations of Leading Edge Noise
The Noise Generated by a Landing Gear Wheel with Hub and Rim Cavities
Three-dimensional acoustic characteristic study of porous metasurface
Towards an Effective Non-reflective Boundary Condition for Computational Aeroacoustics
A Hybrid High-order Sliding Mesh Interface for Finite Difference Schemes
A numerical investigation of the airfoil leading edge noise in transonic flows
A Numerical Investigation of the Airfoil-Gust Interaction Noise in Transonic Flows
A numerical study of the airfoil leading edge noise in transonic flows
Airfoil Leading Edge Noise Predictions Using a Viscous Mean Flow
An experimental and numerical study of the tonal noise from two scall-scale propellers
Wavy Leading Edge Airfoils Interacting with Anisotropic Turbulence
A priori grid quality estimation for high-order finite differencing
Aerodynamics of a Pitching and Heaving Airfoil in Ground Effect
A Comparison of Wall Functions for Bluff Body Aeroacoustic Simulations
An Evaluation of Gradient Term Modification Methods for Linearized Euler Equations
Artificial Damping Methods for Stable Computations with Linearized Euler Equations
Computational Analysis of Partially-covered Cavity with and without Side Walls
DDES Simulation of a Complex Main Landing Gear with a Six-wheel Bogie
High-order Numerical Simulations of an Isolated Landing Gear Wheel with a Hub Cavity
Leading Edge Noise Predictions Using Anisotropic Synthetic Turbulence
On the Acoustic Properties of a Hole in a Wall of Finite Thickness
Towards a Generic Non-reflective Characteristic Boundary Condition for Aeroacoustic Simulations
Turbulence-Cascade Interaction Noise Using an Advanced Digital Filter Method
A fast GPU based bidiagonal solver for computational aeroacoustics
Iterative Learning Control for Trailing-Edge Flap Lift Enhancement with Pulsed Blowing
Single velocity-component modeling of leading edge turbulence interaction noise
Evaluation and Comparison of Linearized Euler Equations and Equivalent Source Method
Evaluation and development of non-reflective boundary conditions for aeroacoustic simulations
Experimental Study of the Mechanisms of Sound Generation Due to an In-duct Orifice Plate
High-Order Hybrid Cell-Centered Method for Computational Aeroacoustics
Numerical Simulations of Single and Tandem Wheels for Aerodynamic Loads Prediction
Synthetic Turbulence Methods for Leading Edge Noise Predictions
The Effect of Flow Circulation on the Scattering of Landing Gear Noise
Unsteady Force and Flow Features of Single and Tandem Wheels
A Complex Equivalent Source Method for Scattering Effect of Aircraft Noise
A Fast GPU Based Bidiagonal Solver for Computational Aeroacoustics
Gradient Term Filtering for Stable Sound Propagation with Linearized Euler Equations
Numerical Investigation of Active Flow Control Using Steady Blowing for Landing Gear Noise Reduction
Two-dimensional Optimisation by Iterative Learning for Flow Separation Control
Aeroacoustic Effects of High-lift Wing Slat Track and Cut-out System
Attenuation of noise from an airfoil equipped with a high-lift device using plasma actuators
High-order interface for aeroacoustic computation using overset grid
Landing-gear Noise Prediction Using High-order Finite Difference Schemes
Microbial tribology and disruption of dental plaque bacterial biofilms
Optimization for sound transmission through a double-wall panel
Computational investigation of a race car wing with vortex generators in ground effect
Identification and attenuation of a tonal-noise source on an aircraft landing gear
Patched Characteristic Interface Condition for High-Order Multiblock Aeroacoustic Computation
The use of plasma actuators for bluff body broadband noise control
Aeroacoustic investigation of deployed spoiler during steep approach landing
Detached-eddy simulation of a double-element wing in ground effect
The use of blowing flow control to reduce bluff body interaction noise
Time-domain computation of multimode propagation in an aeroengine duct
Flow Physics of a Race Car Wing with Vortex Generators in Ground Effect
Flow Separation Control on a Race Car Wing with Vortex Generators in Ground Effect
Measurements of flow around a flap side edge with porous edge treatment
Numerical Investigation of Broadband Slat Noise Attenuation with Acoustic Liner Treatment
The Aerodynamic Interaction Between an Inverted Wing and a Rotating Wheel
Adaptive mesh refinement computation of acoustic radiation from an engine Intake
Efficient Computation of Spinning Modal Radiation Through an Engine Bypass Duct
Streamwise and spanwise plasma actuators for flow-induced cavity noise control
Unsteady RANS and detached-eddy simulations of flow around a circular cylinder in ground effect
Variable structure model for flow-induced tonal noise control with plasma actuators
A Computational Study of the Flow Around an Isolated Wheel in Contact With the Ground
A Fourier Pseudospectral Method for Some Computational Aeroacoustics Problems
Attenuation of Slat Trailing Edge Noise Using Acoustic Liners
Computational Analysis of a Inverted Double-Element Airfoil in Ground Effect
Acoustic radiation from a semi-infinite duct with a subsonic jet
Computational Analysis of Pressure and Wake Characteristics of an Aerofoil in Ground Effect
Measurements of the flow over a low aspect-ratio cylinder mounted on a ground plane
A numerical investigation of noise radiated by a turbulent flow over a cavity
Influence of Diffuser Angle on a Bluff Body in Ground Effect
Off-Surface Aerodynamic Measurements of a Wing in Ground Effect
The evolution of co-rotating vortices in a canonical boundary layer with inclined jets
Aerodynamics of Gurney Flaps on a Single-Element High-Lift Wing
An inclined rectangular jet in a turbulent boundary layer-vortex flow
Micro-Raman Spectral Analysis of the Subsurface Damage Layer in Machined Silicon Wafers
Turbulence measurements of an inclined rectangular jet embedded in a turbulent boundary layer
Buckling of polysilicon microbeams during sacrificial layer removal
Measurements of residual stresses in thin films using micro-rotating-structures
Residual-stress relaxation in polysilicon thin films by high-temperature rapid thermal annealing
The effect of trailing edge geometry on cavity flow oscillation driven by a supersonic shear layer
Flow structure analysis around an oscillating circular cylinder at low KC number: a numerical study
Measurements of a longitudinal vortex generated by a rectangular jet in a turbulent boundary layer
Progress in Computational Aeroacoustics in Predicting the Noise Radiated from Turbulent Flows
An experimental investigation of supersonic flow over two cavities in tandem
A comparison of acoustic far-field prediction methods for turbulent flows
An experimental study of trailing edge noise from a pitching airfoil
Compressive sensing method with enhanced sparsity for aeroengine duct mode detection
Geometry effect on the airfoil-gust interaction noise in transonic flows
On the effect of streamwise disturbance on the airfoil-turbulence interaction noise
On the effects of fan wake modelling and vane design on cascade noise
Reduced-basis boundary element method for efficient broadband acoustic simulation
Acoustic characteristics of a quad-copter under realistic flight conditions
Conference paper
Acoustic Mapping of Drones in Complex Environments
Conference paper
An analytical model for the prediction of airfoil cascade-turbulence interaction noise
Conference paper
An experimental investigation of the effect of owl-inspired velvety coating on trailing edge noise
Conference paper
Broadband Forbidden Transmission by Multiple CPA-based Detuned Helmholtz Resonators
Conference paper
Design and Commission of a Low Speed Anechoic Wind Tunnel at HKUST
Conference paper
Distortion of anisotropic turbulence spectrum in the vicinity of aerofoil leading edge
Conference paper
Conference paper
Inverted wedge porous acoustic metamaterials
Conference paper
Conference paper
Measurement of Trailing Edge Noise From a Heaving Airfoil
Conference paper
Modification of Broadband Trailing Edge Noise Through Hairy Coating
Conference paper
Multi-rotor noise scattering by a drone fuselage
Conference paper
Noise Assessment of Mulit-rotor Flying Vehicles
Conference paper
Noise measurements of generic small-scale propellers
Conference paper
Noise prediction of drones in urban environments
Conference paper
Conference paper
The effect of uniform mean flow on sound pressure field of metasurface
Conference paper
A Generalized Sound Extrapolation Method for Turbulent flows
Acoustic porous metasurface for excellent sound absorption based on wave manipulation
Analytical Modelling for Predicting the Sound Field of Planar Acoustic metasurface
Experiments on Reflection and Transmission of Acoustic Porous Metasurface with Composite Structure
Extension of Roughness Noise to Bluff Bodies Using the Boundary Element Method
Manipulating Reflected Acoustic Wave via Helmholtz Resonators With Varying-length Extended Necks
On the Frequency Domain Formulation of the Generalized Sound Extrapolation Method
Reflected Wave Manipulation By Inhomogeneous Impedance Via Varying-depth Acoustic Liners
Stable time-domain CAA simulations with linearised governing equations
Acoustic characterization of a porous metasurface with embedded partitions
Conference paper
Acoustic Metamaterials Applied on Circular Interfaces
Conference paper
Acoustic Metaporous Layer for Sound Absorption Enhancement
Conference paper
An Experimental Investigation of Trailing Edge Noise of a Pitching Airfoil
Conference paper
Leading edge noise simulations of a heaving airfoil
Conference paper
Modified non-Gaussian filters for synthetic turbulence
Conference paper
Random-eddy-superposition technique for leading edge noise predictions
Conference paper
Reflected wave manipulation by varying-depth acoustic liners
Conference paper
Sound extrapolation methods for turbulent flows based on indirect acoustic variables
Conference paper
Turbulent-wake-cascade Interaction Noise Simulations Using a Hybrid Sliding Mesh Method
Conference paper
A sound extrapolation method for aeroacoustics far-field prediction in presence of vortical waves
Investigation of the Sound Generation Mechanisms for In-duct Orifice Plates
Sound Transmission Through an Acoustic Porous Metasurface with Periodic Structures
Synthetic Turbulence Methods for Computational Aeroacoustic Simulations of Leading Edge Noise
The Noise Generated by a Landing Gear Wheel with Hub and Rim Cavities
Three-dimensional acoustic characteristic study of porous metasurface
Towards an Effective Non-reflective Boundary Condition for Computational Aeroacoustics
Unsteady Aerodynamics of Single and Tandem Wheels
A Hybrid High-order Sliding Mesh Interface for Finite Difference Schemes
Conference paper
A numerical investigation of the airfoil leading edge noise in transonic flows
Conference paper
A Numerical Investigation of the Airfoil-Gust Interaction Noise in Transonic Flows
Conference paper
A numerical study of the airfoil leading edge noise in transonic flows
Conference paper
Airfoil Leading Edge Noise Predictions Using a Viscous Mean Flow
Conference paper
An experimental and numerical study of the tonal noise from two scall-scale propellers
Conference paper
Wavy Leading Edge Airfoils Interacting with Anisotropic Turbulence
Conference paper
A priori grid quality estimation for high-order finite differencing
Aerodynamics of a Pitching and Heaving Airfoil in Ground Effect
Book chapter
A Comparison of Wall Functions for Bluff Body Aeroacoustic Simulations
Conference paper
Aerodynamic Interactions between Landing-gear Components
Conference paper
Airfoil-Gust Interactions in Transonic Flow
Conference paper
An Evaluation of Gradient Term Modification Methods for Linearized Euler Equations
Conference paper
Artificial Damping Methods for Stable Computations with Linearized Euler Equations
Conference paper
Computational Analysis of Partially-covered Cavity with and without Side Walls
Conference paper
DDES Simulation of a Complex Main Landing Gear with a Six-wheel Bogie
Conference paper
Design and Characterization of Acoustic Porous Metasurface
Conference paper
High-order Numerical Simulations of an Isolated Landing Gear Wheel with a Hub Cavity
Conference paper
Leading Edge Noise Predictions Using Anisotropic Synthetic Turbulence
Conference paper
On the Acoustic Properties of a Hole in a Wall of Finite Thickness
Conference paper
Towards a Generic Non-reflective Characteristic Boundary Condition for Aeroacoustic Simulations
Conference paper
Turbulence-Cascade Interaction Noise Using an Advanced Digital Filter Method
Conference paper
A fast GPU based bidiagonal solver for computational aeroacoustics
Iterative Learning Control for Trailing-Edge Flap Lift Enhancement with Pulsed Blowing
Single velocity-component modeling of leading edge turbulence interaction noise
Aerofoil geometry effects on turbulence interaction noise
Conference paper
Effect of Cavity Flow on Landing Gear Aerodynamic Loads
Conference paper
Evaluation and Comparison of Linearized Euler Equations and Equivalent Source Method
Conference paper
Evaluation and development of non-reflective boundary conditions for aeroacoustic simulations
Conference paper
Experimental Study of the Mechanisms of Sound Generation Due to an In-duct Orifice Plate
Conference paper
High-Order Hybrid Cell-Centered Method for Computational Aeroacoustics
Conference paper
Conference paper
Numerical Simulations of Single and Tandem Wheels for Aerodynamic Loads Prediction
Conference paper
Synthetic Turbulence Methods for Leading Edge Noise Predictions
Conference paper
The Effect of Flow Circulation on the Scattering of Landing Gear Noise
Conference paper
Unsteady Force and Flow Features of Single and Tandem Wheels
Conference paper
Broadband wave propagation from an Aeroengine duct
Experimental study of noise emitted by circular cylinders with large roughness
A Complex Equivalent Source Method for Scattering Effect of Aircraft Noise
Conference paper
A Fast GPU Based Bidiagonal Solver for Computational Aeroacoustics
Conference paper
Gradient Term Filtering for Stable Sound Propagation with Linearized Euler Equations
Conference paper
Numerical Investigation of Active Flow Control Using Steady Blowing for Landing Gear Noise Reduction
Conference paper
Two-dimensional Optimisation by Iterative Learning for Flow Separation Control
Conference paper
Aeroacoustic Effects of High-lift Wing Slat Track and Cut-out System
Attenuation of noise from an airfoil equipped with a high-lift device using plasma actuators
High-order interface for aeroacoustic computation using overset grid
Landing-gear Noise Prediction Using High-order Finite Difference Schemes
Microbial tribology and disruption of dental plaque bacterial biofilms
Optimization for sound transmission through a double-wall panel
Symmetric airfoil geometry effects on leading edge noise
A Position Based Iterative Learning Control Applied to Active Flow Control
Conference paper
Effects of Real Airfoil Geometry on Leading Edge Gust Interaction Noise
Conference paper
Aircraft noise and its nearfield propagation computations
Measurements and control of aircraft’s main landing gear broadband noise
Use of Blowing Flow Control to Reduce Bluff Body Interaction Noise
Aerodynamics of a heaving airfoil in ground effect
Large-scale vortex generation modeling
Multifidelity surrogate modeling of experimental and computational aerodynamic data sets
On the unsteady motion and stability of a heaving airfoil in ground effect
Airfoil flow control usiug plasma actuation and coauda effect
Conference paper
Dielectric Barrier Discharge Based Jet Actuator for Flow Control
Conference paper
Linearised divergence equations for sound propagation
Conference paper
Slat noise reduction using a leading edge strip
Conference paper
Broadband flow-induced sound control using plasma actuators
Computational investigation of a race car wing with vortex generators in ground effect
Identification and attenuation of a tonal-noise source on an aircraft landing gear
Landing gear noise control using perforated fairings
Patched Characteristic Interface Condition for High-Order Multiblock Aeroacoustic Computation
Plasma actuators for noise control
The use of plasma actuators for bluff body broadband noise control
“Encyclopedia in Aerospace Engineering” – acoustics and noise
Book chapter
Airframe Noise – High Lift Device Noise
Book chapter
Book chapter
Aeroacoustic investigation of deployed spoiler during steep approach landing
Conference paper
Aerodynamics of an Oscillating Wing in Ground Effect
Conference paper
Detached-eddy simulation of a double-element wing in ground effect
Conference paper
The use of blowing flow control to reduce bluff body interaction noise
Conference paper
Time-domain broadband liner optimization
Conference paper
Time-domain computation of multimode propagation in an aeroengine duct
Conference paper
Bluff Body Noise Control Using Perforated Fairings
Flow Physics of a Race Car Wing with Vortex Generators in Ground Effect
Flow Separation Control on a Race Car Wing with Vortex Generators in Ground Effect
Measurements of flow around a flap side edge with porous edge treatment
Numerical Investigation of Broadband Slat Noise Attenuation with Acoustic Liner Treatment
Sound Radiation from a Bypass Duct with Bifurcations
The Aerodynamic Interaction Between an Inverted Wing and a Rotating Wheel
Patched Characteristic Interface Condition for High-Order Aeroacoustic Computation
Conference paper
Adaptive mesh refinement computation of acoustic radiation from an engine Intake
Efficient Computation of Spinning Modal Radiation Through an Engine Bypass Duct
Streamwise and spanwise plasma actuators for flow-induced cavity noise control
Unsteady RANS and detached-eddy simulations of flow around a circular cylinder in ground effect
Variable structure model for flow-induced tonal noise control with plasma actuators
Bluff Body Noise and Flow Control with Atmospheric Plasma Actuators
Conference paper
Broadband slat noise attenuation with acoustic liner treatment
Conference paper
Perforated fairings for landing gear noise control
Conference paper
Sound Radiation from a Generic Bypass Duct with Bifurcations
Conference paper
The use of a Fairing and Split Plate for Bluff Body Noise Control
Conference paper
Aerodynamic model of a hill climb racing car
Atmospheric Plasma Actuators for Aeroacoustic Applications
Attenuation of low-speed flow-induced cavity tones using plasma actuators
Computation of Fan Noise Radiation through an Engine Exhaust Geometry with Flow
Vortex shedding from a circular cylinder near a moving ground
Noise Sources Control of an Aircraft Landing Gear
Conference paper
Variable structure model for flow-induced tonal noise control with plasma actuators
Conference paper
A Computational Study of the Flow Around an Isolated Wheel in Contact With the Ground
A Fourier Pseudospectral Method for Some Computational Aeroacoustics Problems
Attenuation of Slat Trailing Edge Noise Using Acoustic Liners
Computational Analysis of a Inverted Double-Element Airfoil in Ground Effect
Ground Effect Aerodynamics of Race Cars
Ground effect aerodynamics research of racing cars
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Computation of Acoustic Radiation from an Engine Intake
Conference paper
Measurements of Flow Around a Flap Side-Edge with Porous Edge Treatment
Conference paper
Acoustic radiation from a semi-infinite duct with a subsonic jet
Computational Analysis of Pressure and Wake Characteristics of an Aerofoil in Ground Effect
Measurements of the flow over a low aspect-ratio cylinder mounted on a ground plane
Vortical structures over rectangular cavities at low speed
Adaptive mesh refinement for computational aeroacoustics
Conference paper
Computation of spinning modal radiation from an unflanged duct
Edge Vortices of a Double Element Wing in Ground Effect
Time accurate numerical study of turbulent supersonic jets
Vortices behind a bluff body with an upswept aft section in ground effect
A numerical method for computation of sound radiation from an unflanged duct
Conference paper
Computational aeroacoustic simulation of leading edge slat flow
Conference paper
A numerical investigation of noise radiated by a turbulent flow over a cavity
Aerodynamics of a Double-Element Wing in Ground Effect
Influence of Diffuser Angle on a Bluff Body in Ground Effect
Off-Surface Aerodynamic Measurements of a Wing in Ground Effect
Optimized prefactored compact schemes
The evolution of co-rotating vortices in a canonical boundary layer with inclined jets
Linearized Euler Simulations of Leading-Edge Slat Flow
Conference paper
Aerodynamics of Gurney Flaps on a Wing in Ground Effect
Some Aspects of the Aerodynamics of Gurney Flaps on a Double-Element Wing
The Force and Pressure of a Diffuser-Equipped Bluff Body in Ground Effect
Aerodynamics of a Single Element Wing in Ground Effect
Aerodynamics of Gurney Flaps on a Single-Element High-Lift Wing
An inclined rectangular jet in a turbulent boundary layer-vortex flow
Micro-Raman Spectral Analysis of the Subsurface Damage Layer in Machined Silicon Wafers
Turbulence measurements of an inclined rectangular jet embedded in a turbulent boundary layer
Attenuation of cavity flow oscillation through leading edge flow control
Counter-Rotating Vortices Embedded in a Turbulent Boundary Layer with Inclined Jets
Pressure over a dual-cavity cascade at supersonic speeds
Rapid thermal annealing for residual-stress relaxation in undoped or doped polysilicon thin films
Conference paper
An observation of pressure waves around a shallow cavity
Buckling of polysilicon microbeams during sacrificial layer removal
Measurements of residual stresses in thin films using micro-rotating-structures
Rapid thermal annealing of polysilicon thin films
Residual-stress relaxation in polysilicon thin films by high-temperature rapid thermal annealing
The effect of trailing edge geometry on cavity flow oscillation driven by a supersonic shear layer
Blister-like Local Buckling of Polysilicon Microbeams During Wet-release
Conference paper
Buckling evolution of microelectromechanical structures
Conference paper
Control of cavity flow oscillation through leading edge flow modification
Conference paper
Conference paper
Flow structure analysis around an oscillating circular cylinder at low KC number: a numerical study
Measurements of a longitudinal vortex generated by a rectangular jet in a turbulent boundary layer
Progress in Computational Aeroacoustics in Predicting the Noise Radiated from Turbulent Flows
Conference paper
Investigation on subsurface damage in silicon wafers
Conference paper
Analysis of unsteady supersonic cavity flow employing an adaptive meshing refinement algorithm
Conference paper
Co- and Contrarotating streamwise vortices in a turbulent boundary layer
Compressible cavity flow oscillation due to shear layer instabilities and pressure feedback
An experiment and computational investigation of ground effect lift loss for single jet impingement
Computational analysis of a single jet impingement ground effect lift loss
Experimental investigation of supersonic flow over two cavities in tandem
An experimental investigation of supersonic flow over two cavities in tandem
Conference paper
AESF5350 | Aircraft Propulsion |
MECH3660 | Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion |
AESF5330 | Advanced Aircraft Design |
MECH4900 | Final Year Design Project |
MECH4980 | Final Year Aerospace Design Project |
MECH5961 | Acoustics and Aeroacoustics |
AESF5350 | Aircraft Propulsion |
MECH3660 | Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion |
MECH4980 | Final Year Aerospace Design Project |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
CAO, Cheng
Mechanical Engineering
CAO, Runzhen
Mechanical Engineering
LI, Huiling
Mechanical Engineering
NIU, Zhuoyue
Mechanical Engineering
WANG, Chenyu
Mechanical Engineering
HE, Jiahua
Mechanical Engineering
HU, Zixiang
Mechanical Engineering
PENG, Zhenjun
Mechanical Engineering
WANG, Zilu
Mechanical Engineering
BAO, Hongsen
Mechanical Engineering
LI, Xiangru
Mechanical Engineering
ZHANG, Zhicheng
Mechanical Engineering
HOU, Jiafan
Mechanical Engineering
LI, Xiangtian
Mechanical Engineering
MAO, Jiaqi
Mechanical Engineering
CANTOS TRIGO, Sinforiano Sebastian
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
LI, Yuhong
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
LIU, Guangsheng
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
MA, Zhida
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program (Intelligent Transportation)( Completed in 2024 )
MOK, Kwan Pui
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
QU, Renhao
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
TAN, Qichen
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program (Intelligent Transportation)( Completed in 2024 )
WU, Han
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
LIU, Qian
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
YI, Wei
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
ZHENG, Chuntai
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
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