PhD in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Cornell University, 1998
Improving efficiency in structural optimization using RBFNN and MMA-Adam hybrid method
Learning Stiffness Tensors in Self-Activated Solids via a Local Rule
A 3D structure mapping-based efficient topology optimization framework
A Fast Direct Boundary Element Method for 3D Acoustic Problems Based On Hierarchical Matrices
A generative adversarial active learning method for mechanical layout generation
Frequency-Multiplexed Transmitted-Wave Manipulation with Multifunctional Acoustic Metasurfaces
On the generalized Snell's law for the design of elastic metasurfaces
An adaptive artificial neural network-based generative design method for layout designs
An Efficient Data Generation Method for ANN-Based Surrogate Models
Semi-supervised node classification via graph learning convolutional neural network
On the generalized Snell’s law for the design of elastic metasurface
Conference paper
Accelerating gradient-based topology optimization design with dual-model artificial neural networks
A deep learning–based method for the design of microstructural materials
Frequency-Coded Passive Multifunctional Elastic Metasurfaces
Multifunctional elastic metasurface design with topology optimization
Damage localization using time-varying index and convolutional neural network
Conference paper
Boundary Integral Analysis for Non-homogeneous, Incompressible Stokes Flows
Deep Learning–based Inverse Method for Layout Design
Investigation of wave interference effect in Si/Ge superlattices with interfering Monte Carlo method
Rectification of Mobile Leidenfrost Droplets by Planar Ratchets
Topology optimization design scheme for broadband non-resonant hyperbolic elastic metamaterials
Deep learning methods for structure and metamaterial design
Conference paper
Design of elastic wave metasurfaces using topology optimization
Conference paper
MFP-Based Monte Carlo Method for Nanostructure Phonon Transport
Conference paper
Numerical simulation of surface diffusion motion and its application in MEMS fabrication
Conference paper
A Physical-based Gas-surface Interaction Model for Rarefied Gas Flow Simulation
An efficient grid-based direct-volume integration BEM for 3D geometrically nonlinear elasticity
Grid-based BEM for Nonlinera Problems
Conference paper
Inverse Design with Variational Auto-encoder
Conference paper
Modeling and Design for Surface Diffusion
Conference paper
Neural Network based Surrogate Models for Effective Mechanical Properties of Microstructures
Conference paper
The Reduction Mechanism of Surface Roughness on the Thermal Conductivity of Thin Films
Conference paper
Topology Optimization Design of Broadband Elastic Hyperbolic Metamaterial
Conference paper
Topology Optimization Design of Broadband Elastic Hyperbolic Metamaterial
Conference paper
Volume Integration for the 3D stokes Equation
Conference paper
A Flux-Corrected Phase-Field Method for Surface Diffusion
An Interfering Monte Carlo Method for Partially Coherent Phonon Transport in Superlattices
Grid-based Volume Integration for Elasticity: Traction Boundary Integral Equation
An Efficient Adaptive Frequency Sampling Scheme for Large-scale Transient Boundary Element Analysis
Characterization of a Laterally Oscillating Microresonator Operating in the Nonlinear Region
Grid-based Volume Integration for Elasticity
Oxygen-activated Growth and Bandgap Tunability of Large Single-crystal Bilayer Graphene
Ultralow Electrical Percolation in Graphene Aerogel/Epoxy Composites
A Flux-corrected Phase Field Method for Surface Diffusion Motion
Conference paper
A High-Order Level Set Method for Numerical Simulation of Surface Diffusion Motion
Conference paper
A Monte Carlo Based Method Simulating Both Particle and Wave Behaviours of Phonon Transport
Conference paper
Conference paper
An Accelerated Grid-based BEM for Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic Problems
Conference paper
An Isogeometric FEM-BEM method for Structural-Acoustic Coupling Problems
Conference paper
Thermally Induced Mechanical Loading on Microstructures
Conference paper
Complexity and Accuracy of the Grid-based Direct-volume Integration BEM for Quasilinear Problems
Isogeometric Finite Element Analysis of Interior Acoustic Problems
Modified Ballistic-diffusive Equations for Transient non-continuum Heat Conduction
Multi-scale Modeling of Hemodynamics in the Cardiovascular Systems
An Efficient Hybrid DSMC/MD Algorithm for Accurate Modeling of Micro Gas Flows
Knudsen torque: A rotational mechanism driven by thermal force
A Case Study on the Communication and Computation Behaviors of Real Applications in NoC-based MPSoCs
Conference paper
An Accelerated Grid-based Approach for Geometrically Nonlinear Problems
Conference paper
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of a Microresonator for Low Pressure Sensing
Conference paper
Fast BEM for Numerical Study of the Morphology of Endothelial Cell on Blood Transport
Conference paper
Knudsen torque on heated micro beams
Conference paper
Modified Ballistic-diffusive Equation for Phonon Transport in Micro- and Nano-Devices
Conference paper
Efficiency improvement of the frequency-domain BEM for rapid transient elastodynamic analysis
Shape-dependent orientation of thermophoretic forces in microsystems
Volume Integration for the Hypersingular Boundary Integral Equation
An Efficient Grid based Boundary Integral Approach for 2D Quasi-linear Problems
Conference paper
Boundary Element Methods for Dynamic Structural Analysis
Conference paper
On the Relationship between Frequency-domain BEM and Convolution Quadrature BEM
Conference paper
Conference paper
Performance of Empirical Gas-Wall Interaction Models on the Modeling of Knudsen Force
Conference paper
Shape Effect of Knudsen Force in the Near Continuum Regime
Conference paper
Shape Effect on the Orientation of Thermophoretic Force in the Near Continuum Regime
Conference paper
Multiple temperature kinetic model and its applications to micro-scale gas flows
Theoretical Two-Dimensional Modeling of Gas Conduction Between Finite Parallel Plates in High Vacuum
On the Maxwell Gas-Wall Interaction Model for Micro/NanoGas Flows
Conference paper
Size Dependent Orientation of Knudsen Force
Conference paper
Negative Knudsen Force on Heated Microbeam
Recent Advances and Emerging Applications of the Boundary Element Method
Wavelet BEM for Large-scale Stokes Flows Based on the Direct Integral Formulation
Conference paper
An Efficient Poisson Solver based on the Cell based Volume Integration Scheme
Conference paper
A Macromodel for Squeeze-film Air Damping in the Free-molecule Regime
Origin of Knudsen Forces on Heated Microbeams
Rapid solution of 3-D oscillatory elastodynamics using the pFFT accelerated BEM
Theoretical and Numerical Studies of Noncontinuum Gas-Phase Heat Conduction in Micro/Nano Devices
A Macro Model of Squeeze-film Air Damping in the Free-Molecule Regime
Conference paper
A Multiple Temperature Kinetic Model and Its application to Micro-scale Gas Flow Simulations
Conference paper
Effect of Oscillation Mode on the Free-molecule Squeeze-film Air Damping
Conference paper
Fast BEM Analysis of Porous Solids
Conference paper
Fast BEM for 3-D Elastodynamics Based on pFFT Acceleration Technique
Conference paper
Gas-phase Heat Transfer from a Heated Microcantilever Inside a Vacuum Enclosure
Conference paper
On the Convergence of the Panel Method for Potential Problems with Non-smooth Domains
MD Study of Squeeze-film Damping in the Free-Molecule Gas Regime
Conference paper
A New Transformation Technique for Evaluating Nearly Singular Integrals
Evaluating Gas Damping in MEMS Using Fast Integral Equation Solvers
Book chapter
The Boundary Element Method and its Applications to the Modeling of MEMS Devices
Book chapter
Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Squeeze-film Damping in the Free-molecule Regime
Conference paper
Multiscale Modeling of Heat Transfer in a Thermal Sensing Atomic Force Microscope
Conference paper
Octant Flux Splitting Information Preservation DSMC Method for Thermally Driven Flows
Efficient DSMC Modeling Techniques for Micro/nano Gas Flows
Conference paper
Conference paper
A Grid Based Integral Approach for Quasilinear Problems
Algorithms in FastStokes and its Applications to Micromachined Device Simulation
Theoretical Investigation of Gas Separation in a Micro Channel by Thermal Diffusion
Algorithms in FastStokes and its Applications to Micromachined Device Simulation
Book chapter
Investigation of Gas Separation Induced by Thermal Loading
Conference paper
Cauchy Principal Values and Finite Parts of Boundary Integrals – Revisited
Air Damping of Microbeams Rsonators in Low Vacuum
Conference paper
An Efficient Integral Approach for Nonhomogeneous/Nonlinear Problems
Conference paper
Boundary Integral Solution of Quasi-linear Laplace Equation
Conference paper
Multiscale Modeling of Heat Transfer in Thermal Sensing Atomic Force Microscopy
Conference paper
A Fast Integral Approach for Drag force Calculation Due to Oscillatory Slip Stokes Flows
A Low-Power Resonant Micromachined Compass
Fast BEM Solution for Coupled 3D Electrostatic and Linear Elastic Problems
On the Squeeze-Flim Damping of Micro Resonators in the Free-Molecule Regime
A Novel Approach for Volume-Integral Evaluation in the BEM
Conference paper
Fast BEM Solution for Coupled 3D Electrostatic and Linear Elastic Problems
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
On the Air Damping of Micro-Resonators in the Free Molecular Region
Conference paper
Air Damping in Lateral Oscillating Micro Resonators: a Numerical and Experimental Study
Algorithms in FastStokes and its Applications to Micromachined Device Simulation
Book chapter
Synthesis of MEMS for Electrostatic Actuation
Book chapter
A Brief Tutorial on Modeling and Simulation of MEMS Sensors
Conference paper
A Sub-μW Micromachined Magnetic Compass
Conference paper
Air damping in an ultra-high-frequency disk resonator
Conference paper
Air damping in an ultra-high-frequency disk resonator
Conference paper
Damping Analysis of Ultra-High-Frequency Resonators
Conference paper
Fast Boundary Element Method for Solving Large-Scale Coupled Problems
Conference paper
Efficient 3-D Numerical Code FastSlipStokes for Drag Force Calculation Due to Slip Flow
Conference paper
Effects of Slip-Flow Boundary Condition on the Quality Factors of Micro-resonators
Conference paper
Fast algorithms for 3-D fluid flow in micromachined devices
Conference paper
A Fast Stokes Solver for Generalized Flow Problems
Conference paper
Viscous Drag on a Lateral Micro-resonator: Fast 3-D Fluid Simulation and Measurement Data
Conference paper
Fast Algorithms for 3-D Simulation
Optimal Shape Design of Three-dimensional MEMS with Applications to Electrostatic Comb Drives
A Fast 3D Solver for Unsteady Flow with Applications to Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
Conference paper
Conference paper
Elimination of Rigid Body Modes from Discretized Boundary Integral Equations
Nuclei of Strain at Three-Dimensional Bimaterial Interfaces
Optimal Shape Design of an Electrostatic Comb Drive in Microelectromechanical Systems
Conference paper
Optimal Shape Design of Three-Dimensional MEMS with Applications to Electrostatic Comb Drives
Conference paper
Optimal Shape Design of Three-Dimensional MEMS with Applications to Electrostatic Comb Drives
Conference paper
A 3D structure mapping-based efficient topology optimization framework
A Fast Direct Boundary Element Method for 3D Acoustic Problems Based On Hierarchical Matrices
A generative adversarial active learning method for mechanical layout generation
Frequency-Multiplexed Transmitted-Wave Manipulation with Multifunctional Acoustic Metasurfaces
On the generalized Snell's law for the design of elastic metasurfaces
An adaptive artificial neural network-based generative design method for layout designs
An Efficient Data Generation Method for ANN-Based Surrogate Models
Semi-supervised node classification via graph learning convolutional neural network
On the generalized Snell’s law for the design of elastic metasurface
Boundary Integral Analysis for Non-homogeneous, Incompressible Stokes Flows
Investigation of wave interference effect in Si/Ge superlattices with interfering Monte Carlo method
Rectification of Mobile Leidenfrost Droplets by Planar Ratchets
Topology optimization design scheme for broadband non-resonant hyperbolic elastic metamaterials
A Physical-based Gas-surface Interaction Model for Rarefied Gas Flow Simulation
An efficient grid-based direct-volume integration BEM for 3D geometrically nonlinear elasticity
Neural Network based Surrogate Models for Effective Mechanical Properties of Microstructures
The Reduction Mechanism of Surface Roughness on the Thermal Conductivity of Thin Films
Topology Optimization Design of Broadband Elastic Hyperbolic Metamaterial
Topology Optimization Design of Broadband Elastic Hyperbolic Metamaterial
An Efficient Adaptive Frequency Sampling Scheme for Large-scale Transient Boundary Element Analysis
Characterization of a Laterally Oscillating Microresonator Operating in the Nonlinear Region
Oxygen-activated Growth and Bandgap Tunability of Large Single-crystal Bilayer Graphene
Ultralow Electrical Percolation in Graphene Aerogel/Epoxy Composites
A Flux-corrected Phase Field Method for Surface Diffusion Motion
A High-Order Level Set Method for Numerical Simulation of Surface Diffusion Motion
A Monte Carlo Based Method Simulating Both Particle and Wave Behaviours of Phonon Transport
An Accelerated Grid-based BEM for Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic Problems
An Isogeometric FEM-BEM method for Structural-Acoustic Coupling Problems
Complexity and Accuracy of the Grid-based Direct-volume Integration BEM for Quasilinear Problems
Isogeometric Finite Element Analysis of Interior Acoustic Problems
Modified Ballistic-diffusive Equations for Transient non-continuum Heat Conduction
Multi-scale Modeling of Hemodynamics in the Cardiovascular Systems
An Efficient Hybrid DSMC/MD Algorithm for Accurate Modeling of Micro Gas Flows
Knudsen torque: A rotational mechanism driven by thermal force
A Case Study on the Communication and Computation Behaviors of Real Applications in NoC-based MPSoCs
An Accelerated Grid-based Approach for Geometrically Nonlinear Problems
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of a Microresonator for Low Pressure Sensing
Fast BEM for Numerical Study of the Morphology of Endothelial Cell on Blood Transport
Modified Ballistic-diffusive Equation for Phonon Transport in Micro- and Nano-Devices
Efficiency improvement of the frequency-domain BEM for rapid transient elastodynamic analysis
Shape-dependent orientation of thermophoretic forces in microsystems
Volume Integration for the Hypersingular Boundary Integral Equation
An Efficient Grid based Boundary Integral Approach for 2D Quasi-linear Problems
On the Relationship between Frequency-domain BEM and Convolution Quadrature BEM
Performance of Empirical Gas-Wall Interaction Models on the Modeling of Knudsen Force
Shape Effect on the Orientation of Thermophoretic Force in the Near Continuum Regime
A Macromodel for Squeeze-film Air Damping in the Free-molecule Regime
Rapid solution of 3-D oscillatory elastodynamics using the pFFT accelerated BEM
Theoretical and Numerical Studies of Noncontinuum Gas-Phase Heat Conduction in Micro/Nano Devices
A Macro Model of Squeeze-film Air Damping in the Free-Molecule Regime
A Multiple Temperature Kinetic Model and Its application to Micro-scale Gas Flow Simulations
Effect of Oscillation Mode on the Free-molecule Squeeze-film Air Damping
Fast BEM for 3-D Elastodynamics Based on pFFT Acceleration Technique
Gas-phase Heat Transfer from a Heated Microcantilever Inside a Vacuum Enclosure
MD Study of Squeeze-film Damping in the Free-Molecule Gas Regime
Algorithms in FastStokes and its Applications to Micromachined Device Simulation
Theoretical Investigation of Gas Separation in a Micro Channel by Thermal Diffusion
A Fast Integral Approach for Drag force Calculation Due to Oscillatory Slip Stokes Flows
Fast BEM Solution for Coupled 3D Electrostatic and Linear Elastic Problems
On the Squeeze-Flim Damping of Micro Resonators in the Free-Molecule Regime
Elimination of Rigid Body Modes from Discretized Boundary Integral Equations
Optimal Shape Design of an Electrostatic Comb Drive in Microelectromechanical Systems
Boundary Integral Analysis for Non-homogeneous, Incompressible Stokes Flows
Deep Learning–based Inverse Method for Layout Design
Investigation of wave interference effect in Si/Ge superlattices with interfering Monte Carlo method
Rectification of Mobile Leidenfrost Droplets by Planar Ratchets
Topology optimization design scheme for broadband non-resonant hyperbolic elastic metamaterials
Deep learning methods for structure and metamaterial design
Conference paper
Design of elastic wave metasurfaces using topology optimization
Conference paper
MFP-Based Monte Carlo Method for Nanostructure Phonon Transport
Conference paper
Numerical simulation of surface diffusion motion and its application in MEMS fabrication
Conference paper
A Physical-based Gas-surface Interaction Model for Rarefied Gas Flow Simulation
An efficient grid-based direct-volume integration BEM for 3D geometrically nonlinear elasticity
Grid-based BEM for Nonlinera Problems
Conference paper
Inverse Design with Variational Auto-encoder
Conference paper
Modeling and Design for Surface Diffusion
Conference paper
Neural Network based Surrogate Models for Effective Mechanical Properties of Microstructures
Conference paper
The Reduction Mechanism of Surface Roughness on the Thermal Conductivity of Thin Films
Conference paper
Topology Optimization Design of Broadband Elastic Hyperbolic Metamaterial
Conference paper
Topology Optimization Design of Broadband Elastic Hyperbolic Metamaterial
Conference paper
Volume Integration for the 3D stokes Equation
Conference paper
A Flux-Corrected Phase-Field Method for Surface Diffusion
An Interfering Monte Carlo Method for Partially Coherent Phonon Transport in Superlattices
Grid-based Volume Integration for Elasticity: Traction Boundary Integral Equation
An Efficient Adaptive Frequency Sampling Scheme for Large-scale Transient Boundary Element Analysis
Characterization of a Laterally Oscillating Microresonator Operating in the Nonlinear Region
Grid-based Volume Integration for Elasticity
Oxygen-activated Growth and Bandgap Tunability of Large Single-crystal Bilayer Graphene
Ultralow Electrical Percolation in Graphene Aerogel/Epoxy Composites
A Flux-corrected Phase Field Method for Surface Diffusion Motion
Conference paper
A High-Order Level Set Method for Numerical Simulation of Surface Diffusion Motion
Conference paper
A Monte Carlo Based Method Simulating Both Particle and Wave Behaviours of Phonon Transport
Conference paper
Conference paper
An Accelerated Grid-based BEM for Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic Problems
Conference paper
An Isogeometric FEM-BEM method for Structural-Acoustic Coupling Problems
Conference paper
Thermally Induced Mechanical Loading on Microstructures
Conference paper
Complexity and Accuracy of the Grid-based Direct-volume Integration BEM for Quasilinear Problems
Isogeometric Finite Element Analysis of Interior Acoustic Problems
Modified Ballistic-diffusive Equations for Transient non-continuum Heat Conduction
Multi-scale Modeling of Hemodynamics in the Cardiovascular Systems
An Efficient Hybrid DSMC/MD Algorithm for Accurate Modeling of Micro Gas Flows
Knudsen torque: A rotational mechanism driven by thermal force
A Case Study on the Communication and Computation Behaviors of Real Applications in NoC-based MPSoCs
Conference paper
An Accelerated Grid-based Approach for Geometrically Nonlinear Problems
Conference paper
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of a Microresonator for Low Pressure Sensing
Conference paper
Fast BEM for Numerical Study of the Morphology of Endothelial Cell on Blood Transport
Conference paper
Knudsen torque on heated micro beams
Conference paper
Modified Ballistic-diffusive Equation for Phonon Transport in Micro- and Nano-Devices
Conference paper
Efficiency improvement of the frequency-domain BEM for rapid transient elastodynamic analysis
Shape-dependent orientation of thermophoretic forces in microsystems
Volume Integration for the Hypersingular Boundary Integral Equation
An Efficient Grid based Boundary Integral Approach for 2D Quasi-linear Problems
Conference paper
Boundary Element Methods for Dynamic Structural Analysis
Conference paper
On the Relationship between Frequency-domain BEM and Convolution Quadrature BEM
Conference paper
Conference paper
Performance of Empirical Gas-Wall Interaction Models on the Modeling of Knudsen Force
Conference paper
Shape Effect of Knudsen Force in the Near Continuum Regime
Conference paper
Shape Effect on the Orientation of Thermophoretic Force in the Near Continuum Regime
Conference paper
Multiple temperature kinetic model and its applications to micro-scale gas flows
Theoretical Two-Dimensional Modeling of Gas Conduction Between Finite Parallel Plates in High Vacuum
On the Maxwell Gas-Wall Interaction Model for Micro/NanoGas Flows
Conference paper
Size Dependent Orientation of Knudsen Force
Conference paper
Negative Knudsen Force on Heated Microbeam
Recent Advances and Emerging Applications of the Boundary Element Method
Wavelet BEM for Large-scale Stokes Flows Based on the Direct Integral Formulation
Conference paper
An Efficient Poisson Solver based on the Cell based Volume Integration Scheme
Conference paper
A Macromodel for Squeeze-film Air Damping in the Free-molecule Regime
Origin of Knudsen Forces on Heated Microbeams
Rapid solution of 3-D oscillatory elastodynamics using the pFFT accelerated BEM
Theoretical and Numerical Studies of Noncontinuum Gas-Phase Heat Conduction in Micro/Nano Devices
A Macro Model of Squeeze-film Air Damping in the Free-Molecule Regime
Conference paper
A Multiple Temperature Kinetic Model and Its application to Micro-scale Gas Flow Simulations
Conference paper
Effect of Oscillation Mode on the Free-molecule Squeeze-film Air Damping
Conference paper
Fast BEM Analysis of Porous Solids
Conference paper
Fast BEM for 3-D Elastodynamics Based on pFFT Acceleration Technique
Conference paper
Gas-phase Heat Transfer from a Heated Microcantilever Inside a Vacuum Enclosure
Conference paper
On the Convergence of the Panel Method for Potential Problems with Non-smooth Domains
MD Study of Squeeze-film Damping in the Free-Molecule Gas Regime
Conference paper
A New Transformation Technique for Evaluating Nearly Singular Integrals
Evaluating Gas Damping in MEMS Using Fast Integral Equation Solvers
Book chapter
The Boundary Element Method and its Applications to the Modeling of MEMS Devices
Book chapter
Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Squeeze-film Damping in the Free-molecule Regime
Conference paper
Multiscale Modeling of Heat Transfer in a Thermal Sensing Atomic Force Microscope
Conference paper
Octant Flux Splitting Information Preservation DSMC Method for Thermally Driven Flows
Efficient DSMC Modeling Techniques for Micro/nano Gas Flows
Conference paper
Conference paper
A Grid Based Integral Approach for Quasilinear Problems
Algorithms in FastStokes and its Applications to Micromachined Device Simulation
Theoretical Investigation of Gas Separation in a Micro Channel by Thermal Diffusion
Algorithms in FastStokes and its Applications to Micromachined Device Simulation
Book chapter
Investigation of Gas Separation Induced by Thermal Loading
Conference paper
Cauchy Principal Values and Finite Parts of Boundary Integrals – Revisited
Air Damping of Microbeams Rsonators in Low Vacuum
Conference paper
An Efficient Integral Approach for Nonhomogeneous/Nonlinear Problems
Conference paper
Boundary Integral Solution of Quasi-linear Laplace Equation
Conference paper
Multiscale Modeling of Heat Transfer in Thermal Sensing Atomic Force Microscopy
Conference paper
A Fast Integral Approach for Drag force Calculation Due to Oscillatory Slip Stokes Flows
A Low-Power Resonant Micromachined Compass
Fast BEM Solution for Coupled 3D Electrostatic and Linear Elastic Problems
On the Squeeze-Flim Damping of Micro Resonators in the Free-Molecule Regime
A Novel Approach for Volume-Integral Evaluation in the BEM
Conference paper
Fast BEM Solution for Coupled 3D Electrostatic and Linear Elastic Problems
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
On the Air Damping of Micro-Resonators in the Free Molecular Region
Conference paper
Air Damping in Lateral Oscillating Micro Resonators: a Numerical and Experimental Study
Algorithms in FastStokes and its Applications to Micromachined Device Simulation
Book chapter
Synthesis of MEMS for Electrostatic Actuation
Book chapter
A Brief Tutorial on Modeling and Simulation of MEMS Sensors
Conference paper
A Sub-μW Micromachined Magnetic Compass
Conference paper
Air damping in an ultra-high-frequency disk resonator
Conference paper
Air damping in an ultra-high-frequency disk resonator
Conference paper
Damping Analysis of Ultra-High-Frequency Resonators
Conference paper
Fast Boundary Element Method for Solving Large-Scale Coupled Problems
Conference paper
Efficient 3-D Numerical Code FastSlipStokes for Drag Force Calculation Due to Slip Flow
Conference paper
Effects of Slip-Flow Boundary Condition on the Quality Factors of Micro-resonators
Conference paper
Fast algorithms for 3-D fluid flow in micromachined devices
Conference paper
A Fast Stokes Solver for Generalized Flow Problems
Conference paper
Viscous Drag on a Lateral Micro-resonator: Fast 3-D Fluid Simulation and Measurement Data
Conference paper
Fast Algorithms for 3-D Simulation
Optimal Shape Design of Three-dimensional MEMS with Applications to Electrostatic Comb Drives
A Fast 3D Solver for Unsteady Flow with Applications to Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
Conference paper
Conference paper
Elimination of Rigid Body Modes from Discretized Boundary Integral Equations
Nuclei of Strain at Three-Dimensional Bimaterial Interfaces
Optimal Shape Design of an Electrostatic Comb Drive in Microelectromechanical Systems
Conference paper
Optimal Shape Design of Three-Dimensional MEMS with Applications to Electrostatic Comb Drives
Conference paper
Optimal Shape Design of Three-Dimensional MEMS with Applications to Electrostatic Comb Drives
Conference paper
No Publications |
MECH2040 | Solid Mechanics I |
UROP1100O | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
MECH4450 | Introduction to Finite Element Analysis |
MESF5930 | Finite Element Methods |
MECH2040 | Solid Mechanics I |
MECH4900 | Final Year Design Project |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
NGUYEN, Huu Canh
Mechanical Engineering
FENG, Jiaquan
Mechanical Engineering
MA, Ho Yeung
Mechanical Engineering
WANG, Zhuoma
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program (Advanced Materials)
LI, Kangjie
Mechanical Engineering
CHENG, Haoyi
Mechanical Engineering
LI, Chun Min
Mechanical Engineering
LI, Ruoyan
Mechanical Engineering
TAN, Ren Kai
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
HO, Man Lee
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program (Microelectronics)( Completed in 2022 )
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