PhD in Computing
Imperial College London, 1994
Automatic build repair for test cases using incompatible Java versions
MR-Scout: Automated Synthesis of Metamorphic Relations from Existing Test Cases
Programming by Example Made Easy
STUBCODER: Automated Generation and Repair of Stub Code for Mock Objects
Word Closure-Based Metamorphic Testing for Machine Translation
Conference paper
JavaBench: A Benchmark of Object-Oriented Code Generation for Evaluating Large Language Models
Conference paper
MR-Adopt: Automatic Deduction of Input Transformation Function for Metamorphic Testing
Conference paper
Nyx: Detecting Exploitable Front-Running Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts
Conference paper
Towards Understanding the Bugs in Solidity Compiler
Conference paper
COMET: Coverage-guided Model Generation For Deep Learning Library Testing
Finding Deviated Behaviors of the Compressed DNN Models for Image Classifications
Neural-FEBI: Accurate function identification in Ethereum Virtual Machine bytecode
On the Caching Schemes to Speed Up Program Reduction
Plumber: Boosting the Propagation of Vulnerability Fixes in the npm Ecosystem
Runtime Permission Issues in Android Apps: Taxonomy, Practices, and Ways Forward
Toward actionable testing of deep learning models
Can Machine Learning Pipelines Be Better Configured?
Conference paper
ConfFix: Repairing Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps
Conference paper
Fuzzing Deep Learning Compilers with HirGen
Conference paper
Nuances are the Key: Unlocking ChatGPT to Find Failure-Inducing Tests with Differential Prompting
Conference paper
Revisiting the Evaluation of Deep Learning-Based Compiler Testing
Conference paper
Testing Coreference Resolution Systems without Labeled Test Sets
Conference paper
Understanding the Bug Characteristics and Fix Strategies of Federated Learning Systems
Conference paper
ωTest: WebView-Oriented Testing for Android Applications
Conference paper
Multi-Constraint Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
SemMT: A Semantic-Based Testing Approach for Machine Translation Systems
Will Dependency Conflicts Affect My Program's Semantics
APER: Evolution-Aware Runtime Permission Misuse Detection for Android Apps
Conference paper
DeepFD: Automated Fault Diagnosis and Localization for Deep Learning Programs
Conference paper
Insight: Exploring Cross-Ecosystem Vulnerability Impacts
Conference paper
Nufix: Escape From NuGet Dependency Maze
Conference paper
RegexScalpel: Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) Defense by Localize-and-Fix
Conference paper
Automatic Detection and Update Suggestion for Outdated API Names in Documentation
Historical Spectrum based Fault Localization
Sifter: A Service Isolation Strategy For Internet Applications
To what extent do DNN-based image classification models make unreliable inferences?
Workflow Refactoring for Maximizing Concurrency and Block-Structuredness
Ðarcher: Detecting on-chain-off-chain synchronization bugs in decentralized applications
Conference paper
A Comprehensive Study of Deep Learning Compiler Bugs
Conference paper
Characterizing and Detecting Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps
Conference paper
Characterizing Transaction-Reverting Statements in Ethereum Smart Contracts
Conference paper
HERO: On the Chaos When PATH Meets Modules
Conference paper
ReDoSHunter: A Combined Static and Dynamic Approach for Regular Expression DoS Detection
Conference paper
TransRegex: Multi-modal Regular Expression Synthesis by Generate-and-Repair
Conference paper
ContractGuard: Defend Ethereum Smart Contracts with Embedded Intrusion Detection
How Well Do Change Sequences Predict Defects? Sequence Learning from Software Changes
Understanding and Detecting Fragmentation-Induced Compatibility Issues for Android Apps
Boosting Automated Program Repair with Bug-Inducing Commits
Conference paper
Detecting Numerical Bugs in Neural Network Architectures
Conference paper
EvalDNN: A toolbox for evaluating deep neural network models
Conference paper
FlashRegex: Deducing Anti-ReDoS Regexes from Examples
Conference paper
MockSniffer: Characterizing and Recommending Mocking Decisions for Unit Tests
Conference paper
Watchman: Monitoring Dependency Conflicts for Python Library Ecosystem
Conference paper
Analyzing and Disentangling Interleaved Interrupt-Driven IoT Programs
Disclosing and Locating Concurrency Bugs of Interrupt-Driven IoT Programs
DroidLeaks: A Comprehensive Database of Resource Leaks in Android Apps
File-level Socio-technical Congruence and Its Relationship With Bug Proneness in OSS Projects
Could i Have a Stack Trace to Examine the Dependency Conflict Issue?
Conference paper
Exploring and exploiting the correlations between bug-inducing and bug-fixing commits
Conference paper
Exposing Library API Misuses via Mutation Analysis
Conference paper
Pivot: learning API-device correlations to facilitate Android compatibility issue detection
Conference paper
SGUARD: A feature-based clustering tool for effective spreadsheet defect detection
Conference paper
ChangeLocator:Locate Crash-Inducing Changes Based on Crash Reports
A Tale of Two Cities: How Webview Induces Bugs to Android Applications
Conference paper
An Empirical Study on TensorFlow Program Bugs
Conference paper
ChangeLocator: Locate Crash-Inducing Changes Based on Crash Reports
Conference paper
Context-Aware Patch Generation for Better Automated Program Repair
Conference paper
Do the Dependency Conflicts in My Project Matter?
Conference paper
Synthesizing Relation-Aware Entity Transformation by examples
Conference paper
Understanding and Detecting Callback Compatibility Issues for Android Applications
Conference paper
Conference paper
CACheck: Detecting and Repairing Cell Arrays in Spreadsheets
How Effectively Can Spreadsheet Anomalies Be Detected: An Empirical Study
OASIS: Prioritizing Static Analysis Warnings for Android Apps Based on App User Reviews
Conference paper
Casper: An efficient approach to call trace collection
Hybrid CPU-GPU constraint checking: Towards efficient context consistency
GreenDroid: Automated Diagnosis of Energy Inefficiency for Smartphone Applications
Book chapter
Casper: An Efficient Approach to Call Trace Collection
Conference paper
Coverage-Driven Test Code Generation for Concurrent Classes
Conference paper
CSNIPPEX: Automated Synthesis of Compilable Code Snippets from Q&A Sites
Conference paper
CUSTODES: Automatic spreadsheet cell clustering and smell detection using strong and weak features
Conference paper
Detecting Table Clones and Smells in Spreadsheets
Conference paper
Locus: Locating Bugs from Software Changes
Conference paper
Taming Android Fragmentation: Characterizing and Detecting Compatibility Issues for Android Apps
Conference paper
Understanding and Detecting Wake Lock Misuses for Android Applications
Conference paper
VEnron: a Versioned Spreadsheet Corpus and Related Evolution Analysis
Conference paper
A survey on dependability improvement techniques for pervasive computing systems
Diagnosing Energy Efficiency and Performance for Mobile Internetware Applications
RECONTEST: Effective Regression Testing of Concurrent Programs
Conference paper
CHECKERDROID: Automated Quality Assurance for Smartphone Applications
GreenDroid: Automated Diagnosis of Energy Inefficiency for Smartphone Applications
Scaling Up Symbolic Analysis by Removing Z-Equivalent States
Characterizing and detecting performance bugs for smartphone applications
Conference paper
CrashLocator: locating crashing faults based on crash stacks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Symbolic state validation through runtime data
Conference paper
AFChecker: Effective model checking for context-aware adaptive applications
Detecting Faults in Context-aware Adaptation
Towards context consistency by concurrent checking for Internetware applications
A Cost-effectiveness Criterion for Applying Software Defect Prediction Models
Conference paper
Where Has My Battery Gone? Finding Sensor Related Energy Black Holes in Smartphone Applications
Conference paper
Adam: Identifying defects in context-aware adaptation
Human and program factors affecting the maintenance of programs with deployed design patterns
Mixed-reality simulation of RFID systems using iterated learning
Dynamic fault detection in context-aware adaptation
Conference paper
Read More with Less: An Adaptive Approach to Energy-Efficient RFID Systems
The First International Workshop on Cloud Information System Engineering(CISE 2010) chairs' message
Refactoring and publishing WS-BPEL processes to obtain more partners
Conference paper
ReLink: Recovering links between bugs and changes
Conference paper
Understanding a developer social network and its evolution
Conference paper
Data-driven testing methodology for RFID systems
Engineering e-Collaboration Services with a Multi-Agent System Approach
Partial Constraint Checking for Context Consistency in Pervasive Computing
Sequential Event Pattern Based Design of Context-Aware Adaptive Application
A metamorphic testing methodology for online SOA application testing
Book chapter
Factors for effective use of deployed design patterns
Conference paper
Investigation of Radio Link Budget for UHF RFID Systems
Conference paper
LocaToR: Locating passive RFID tags with the relative neighborhood graph
Conference paper
Preserving data flow correctness in process adaptation
Conference paper
Sequential event pattern based context-aware adaptation
Conference paper
The impact of reader to tag collision on RFID tag identification
Conference paper
Atomicity Analysis of Service Composition across Organizations
Interactive Visual Optimization and Analysis for RFID Benchmarking
Preface for the ICEBE 2007 special section
Semantic Sensor Net: An Extensible Framework
Special Issue on Software Engineering for High-Confidence Systems: Preface
Book chapter
Towards a dependable software paradigm for service-oriented computing
Book chapter
A public-view approach to timed properties verification for B2B Web service compositions
Conference paper
A study on the replaceability of context-aware middleware
Conference paper
Coincidental Correctness: Refine Code Coverage with Context Pattern to Improve Fault Localization
Conference paper
Conference paper
A workflow engine-driven SOA-based cooperative computing paradigm in grid environments
Alerts in Healthcare Applications: Process and Data Integration
Inter-context control-flow and data-flow test adequacy criteria for nesC applications
The use of digital watermarking for intelligence multimedia document distribution
Decentralized constraint checking for pervasive computing
Conference paper
Conference paper
A metamorphic testing approach for online testing of service-oriented software applications
On design, verification, and dynamic modification of the problem-based scientific workflow model
Ubiquitous enterprise service adaptations based on contextual user behavior
Adapting Mobile Government Services with Context and Views in a Three-Tier Architecture
Conference paper
Detection and resolution of atomicity violation in service composition
Conference paper
Conference paper
Do maintainers utilize deployed design patterns effectively?
Conference paper
Goal-directed context validation for adaptive ubiquitous systems
Conference paper
Message from ICEBE 2007 program chairs
Conference paper
On impact-oriented automatic resolution of pervasive context inconsistency
Conference paper
Process evolution with atomicity consistency
Conference paper
Teaching embedded systems software: The HKUST experience
Conference paper
Towards the testing of power-aware software applications for wireless sensor networks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Performance aware service pool in dependable service oriented architecture
Book chapter
A Combinatorial Methodology for RFID Benchmarking
Conference paper
Adapting ubiquitous enterprise services with context and views
Conference paper
An entity-relationship model based conceptual framework for model driven development
Conference paper
Cooperative cognition and its implementation under web environment
Conference paper
Distinguishing between automatic and manual aspects of model driven development
Conference paper
Dynamic model learning using genetic algorithm under adaptive model checking framework
Conference paper
Flows and views for scalable scientific process integration
Conference paper
Incremental consistency checking for pervasive context
Conference paper
Local analysis of atomicity sphere for B2B collaboration
Conference paper
MOTSA TOF-MRA using multi-oblique-stacks acquisition (MOSA)
Conference paper
Conference paper
Publishing and composition of atomicity-equivalent services for B2B collaboration
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
The first international workshop on automation of software test
Conference paper
Toward Effective Deployment of Design Patterns for Software Extension: A Case Study
Conference paper
Conference paper
Work experience versus refactoring to design patterns: A controlled experiment
Conference paper
A hybrid workflow paradigm for integrating self-managing domain-specific applications
BLOSSOMS: Building Lightweight Optimized Sensor Systems on a Massive Scale
Certificate-driven grid workflow paradigm based on service computing
Developing e-Negotiation support with a meta-modeling approach in a Web services environment
Enhancing class commutability in the deployment of design patterns
Integrating legacy sites into web services with webxcript
Toxic effects of copper on larval development of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite
A Hybrid Workflow Paradigm for Integrating Self-Managing Domain-Specific Applications
Conference paper
A metamodel based model transformation approach
Conference paper
A Multi-Agent Infrastructure for Mobile Workforce Management in a Service Oriented Enterprise
Conference paper
Facilitating e-Negotiation Processes with Semantic Web Technologies
Conference paper
Fault-based testing of database application programs with conceptual data model
Conference paper
Inconsistency detection and resolution for context-aware middleware support
Conference paper
Semantic Sensor net: An Extensible Framework
Conference paper
Towards a metamorphic testing methodology for service-oriented software applications
Conference paper
Alerts in mobile healthcare applications: Requirements and pilot study
Applying generic timing tests for distributed multimedia software systems
Cabot: On the ontology for the middleware support of context-aware pervasive applications
Grammar based interface processing in Web Service composition
Semantic interpretation and matching of Web services
Workflow view driven cross-organizational interoperability in a web service environment
A commutative encrypted protocol for the privacy protection of watermarks in digital contents
Conference paper
A Commutative Encrypted Protocol for the Privacy Protection of Watermarks in Digital Contents
Conference paper
Alert-driven E-service management
Conference paper
Alerts for healthcare process and data integration
Conference paper
Constraint-based negotiation in a multi-agent information system with multiple platform support
Conference paper
On the Ontology for the Middleware Support of Context-Aware Pervasive Applications
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
A three-tier view-based methodology for adapting human-agent collaboration systems
A three-tier view-based methodology for m-services adaptation
Digital Rights Management in Web Services
Integration of Digital Rights Management into the Internet Open Trading Protocol
A Data-Driven Methodology to Extending Workflows to E-services over the Internet
Conference paper
A Three Layer Architecture for E-Contract Enforcement in an E-Service Environment
Conference paper
Conference paper
A Watermarking Infrastructure for Enterprise Content Management
Conference paper
Alert-driven Process Integration in a Web Services Environment
Conference paper
An architecture for e-contract enforcement in an e-service environment
Conference paper
An Event Driven Approach to Customer Relationship Management in e-Brokerage Industry
Conference paper
Developing e-Negotiation Process Support by Web Services
Conference paper
Implementing Watermark Token in WS-Security for Digital Content Distribution
Conference paper
Integrating Heterogeneous Web Services with WebXcript
Conference paper
On the e-Negotiation of Unmatched Logrolling Views
Conference paper
Proactive Views on Concrete Aspects: A Pattern Documentation Approach for Software Evolution
Conference paper
A CSP and Z combined modeling of document exchange processes in e-commerce protocols
A meta-model for e-Contract template variable dependencies facilitating e-negotiation
A three-layer framework for cross-organizational e-contract enactment
Automated test case generation for the stress testing of multimedia systems
Workflow View Driven Cross-Organizational Interoperability in a Web Service Environment
A Meta-model for Contract Template Driven e-Negotiation Processes
Conference paper
A Watermarking Infrastructure for Digital Rights Protection
Conference paper
Automating Online Web-based E-Commerce Activities with WebScript
Conference paper
Rights protection for digital contents redistribution over the Internet
Conference paper
Three-Tier View-Based Support for Mobile Workflows
Conference paper
5. Organisation Modelling using LDAP
Book chapter
A Three-Layer Framework for Cross-Organizational E-Contract Enactment
Conference paper
Automatic Generation of Database Instances for White-Box Testing
Conference paper
Exploiting automatic analysis of e-commerce protocols
Conference paper
Modeling and verifying strong cache consistency for mobile data access
Conference paper
On the modelling of document exchange processes in e-commerce protocols
Conference paper
Toward generic timing tests for distributed multimedia software systems
Conference paper
Digital Rights Management in Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP)
Conference paper
A model-based authorware for the construction of distributed multimedia systems
Behaviour Analysis of Distributed Systems Using the Tracta Approach
Checking safety properties using compositional reachability analysis
Stress testing of distributed multimedia software systems
Book chapter
A CSCW framework for the flexible coupling of groupware widgets
Conference paper
Testing Database Applications with SQL Semantics
Conference paper
Application of metamorphic testing in numerical analysis
Conference paper
Construction of distributed multimedia applications using multiple views
Conference paper
Towards a framework for testing distributed multimedia software systems
Conference paper
Two-tier technique for authoring distributed multimedia applications
Conference paper
Verification of Liveness Properties Using Compositional Reachability Analysis
A framework for distributed object-oriented testing
Conference paper
Tracta : an environment for analysing the behaviour of distributed systems
Conference paper
Context Constraints for Compositional Reachability Analysis
An Integrated Distributed Multimedia System and Development Environment
Conference paper
Checking subsystem safety properties in compositional reachability analysis
Conference paper
Tractable dataflow analysis for distributed systems
An Integrated Method for Effective Behaviour Analysis of Distributed Systems
Conference paper
Enhancing Compositional Reachability Analysis with Context Constraints
Conference paper
Tractable Flow Analysis for Anomaly Detection in Distributed Programs
Conference paper
Configuring Heterogeneous Open Systems
Conference paper
Parallel Algorithm Design for Workstation Clusters
An Introduction to Distributed Programming in REX
Conference paper
Automatic build repair for test cases using incompatible Java versions
MR-Scout: Automated Synthesis of Metamorphic Relations from Existing Test Cases
STUBCODER: Automated Generation and Repair of Stub Code for Mock Objects
Word Closure-Based Metamorphic Testing for Machine Translation
COMET: Coverage-guided Model Generation For Deep Learning Library Testing
Finding Deviated Behaviors of the Compressed DNN Models for Image Classifications
Neural-FEBI: Accurate function identification in Ethereum Virtual Machine bytecode
Plumber: Boosting the Propagation of Vulnerability Fixes in the npm Ecosystem
Runtime Permission Issues in Android Apps: Taxonomy, Practices, and Ways Forward
ConfFix: Repairing Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps
Nuances are the Key: Unlocking ChatGPT to Find Failure-Inducing Tests with Differential Prompting
Revisiting the Evaluation of Deep Learning-Based Compiler Testing
Testing Coreference Resolution Systems without Labeled Test Sets
Understanding the Bug Characteristics and Fix Strategies of Federated Learning Systems
Multi-Constraint Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
SemMT: A Semantic-Based Testing Approach for Machine Translation Systems
Automatic Detection and Update Suggestion for Outdated API Names in Documentation
Sifter: A Service Isolation Strategy For Internet Applications
To what extent do DNN-based image classification models make unreliable inferences?
Workflow Refactoring for Maximizing Concurrency and Block-Structuredness
Ðarcher: Detecting on-chain-off-chain synchronization bugs in decentralized applications
Characterizing and Detecting Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps
Characterizing Transaction-Reverting Statements in Ethereum Smart Contracts
ReDoSHunter: A Combined Static and Dynamic Approach for Regular Expression DoS Detection
TransRegex: Multi-modal Regular Expression Synthesis by Generate-and-Repair
ContractGuard: Defend Ethereum Smart Contracts with Embedded Intrusion Detection
How Well Do Change Sequences Predict Defects? Sequence Learning from Software Changes
Understanding and Detecting Fragmentation-Induced Compatibility Issues for Android Apps
Analyzing and Disentangling Interleaved Interrupt-Driven IoT Programs
Disclosing and Locating Concurrency Bugs of Interrupt-Driven IoT Programs
DroidLeaks: A Comprehensive Database of Resource Leaks in Android Apps
File-level Socio-technical Congruence and Its Relationship With Bug Proneness in OSS Projects
Could i Have a Stack Trace to Examine the Dependency Conflict Issue?
Exploring and exploiting the correlations between bug-inducing and bug-fixing commits
Pivot: learning API-device correlations to facilitate Android compatibility issue detection
SGUARD: A feature-based clustering tool for effective spreadsheet defect detection
A Tale of Two Cities: How Webview Induces Bugs to Android Applications
ChangeLocator: Locate Crash-Inducing Changes Based on Crash Reports
Context-Aware Patch Generation for Better Automated Program Repair
Synthesizing Relation-Aware Entity Transformation by examples
Understanding and Detecting Callback Compatibility Issues for Android Applications
CSNIPPEX: Automated Synthesis of Compilable Code Snippets from Q&A Sites
CUSTODES: Automatic spreadsheet cell clustering and smell detection using strong and weak features
Taming Android Fragmentation: Characterizing and Detecting Compatibility Issues for Android Apps
Understanding and Detecting Wake Lock Misuses for Android Applications
VEnron: a Versioned Spreadsheet Corpus and Related Evolution Analysis
A survey on dependability improvement techniques for pervasive computing systems
Diagnosing Energy Efficiency and Performance for Mobile Internetware Applications
RECONTEST: Effective Regression Testing of Concurrent Programs
CHECKERDROID: Automated Quality Assurance for Smartphone Applications
GreenDroid: Automated Diagnosis of Energy Inefficiency for Smartphone Applications
Scaling Up Symbolic Analysis by Removing Z-Equivalent States
Human and program factors affecting the maintenance of programs with deployed design patterns
Mixed-reality simulation of RFID systems using iterated learning
Engineering e-Collaboration Services with a Multi-Agent System Approach
Partial Constraint Checking for Context Consistency in Pervasive Computing
Sequential Event Pattern Based Design of Context-Aware Adaptive Application
Atomicity Analysis of Service Composition across Organizations
Interactive Visual Optimization and Analysis for RFID Benchmarking
Special Issue on Software Engineering for High-Confidence Systems: Preface
A workflow engine-driven SOA-based cooperative computing paradigm in grid environments
Alerts in Healthcare Applications: Process and Data Integration
Inter-context control-flow and data-flow test adequacy criteria for nesC applications
The use of digital watermarking for intelligence multimedia document distribution
A metamorphic testing approach for online testing of service-oriented software applications
On design, verification, and dynamic modification of the problem-based scientific workflow model
Ubiquitous enterprise service adaptations based on contextual user behavior
Adapting Mobile Government Services with Context and Views in a Three-Tier Architecture
Detection and resolution of atomicity violation in service composition
Do maintainers utilize deployed design patterns effectively?
Goal-directed context validation for adaptive ubiquitous systems
On impact-oriented automatic resolution of pervasive context inconsistency
Towards the testing of power-aware software applications for wireless sensor networks
Adapting ubiquitous enterprise services with context and views
An entity-relationship model based conceptual framework for model driven development
Cooperative cognition and its implementation under web environment
Distinguishing between automatic and manual aspects of model driven development
Dynamic model learning using genetic algorithm under adaptive model checking framework
Publishing and composition of atomicity-equivalent services for B2B collaboration
The first international workshop on automation of software test
Toward Effective Deployment of Design Patterns for Software Extension: A Case Study
Work experience versus refactoring to design patterns: A controlled experiment
A hybrid workflow paradigm for integrating self-managing domain-specific applications
BLOSSOMS: Building Lightweight Optimized Sensor Systems on a Massive Scale
Certificate-driven grid workflow paradigm based on service computing
Developing e-Negotiation support with a meta-modeling approach in a Web services environment
Enhancing class commutability in the deployment of design patterns
Toxic effects of copper on larval development of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite
A Hybrid Workflow Paradigm for Integrating Self-Managing Domain-Specific Applications
A Multi-Agent Infrastructure for Mobile Workforce Management in a Service Oriented Enterprise
Facilitating e-Negotiation Processes with Semantic Web Technologies
Fault-based testing of database application programs with conceptual data model
Inconsistency detection and resolution for context-aware middleware support
Towards a metamorphic testing methodology for service-oriented software applications
Alerts in mobile healthcare applications: Requirements and pilot study
Applying generic timing tests for distributed multimedia software systems
Cabot: On the ontology for the middleware support of context-aware pervasive applications
Grammar based interface processing in Web Service composition
Workflow view driven cross-organizational interoperability in a web service environment
A commutative encrypted protocol for the privacy protection of watermarks in digital contents
A Commutative Encrypted Protocol for the Privacy Protection of Watermarks in Digital Contents
Constraint-based negotiation in a multi-agent information system with multiple platform support
On the Ontology for the Middleware Support of Context-Aware Pervasive Applications
A three-tier view-based methodology for adapting human-agent collaboration systems
A three-tier view-based methodology for m-services adaptation
Integration of Digital Rights Management into the Internet Open Trading Protocol
A Data-Driven Methodology to Extending Workflows to E-services over the Internet
A Three Layer Architecture for E-Contract Enforcement in an E-Service Environment
A Watermarking Infrastructure for Enterprise Content Management
Alert-driven Process Integration in a Web Services Environment
An architecture for e-contract enforcement in an e-service environment
An Event Driven Approach to Customer Relationship Management in e-Brokerage Industry
Implementing Watermark Token in WS-Security for Digital Content Distribution
Proactive Views on Concrete Aspects: A Pattern Documentation Approach for Software Evolution
A CSP and Z combined modeling of document exchange processes in e-commerce protocols
A meta-model for e-Contract template variable dependencies facilitating e-negotiation
A three-layer framework for cross-organizational e-contract enactment
Automated test case generation for the stress testing of multimedia systems
Workflow View Driven Cross-Organizational Interoperability in a Web Service Environment
A Three-Layer Framework for Cross-Organizational E-Contract Enactment
Automatic Generation of Database Instances for White-Box Testing
Modeling and verifying strong cache consistency for mobile data access
On the modelling of document exchange processes in e-commerce protocols
Toward generic timing tests for distributed multimedia software systems
Digital Rights Management in Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP)
A model-based authorware for the construction of distributed multimedia systems
Behaviour Analysis of Distributed Systems Using the Tracta Approach
Checking safety properties using compositional reachability analysis
An Integrated Method for Effective Behaviour Analysis of Distributed Systems
Analyzing and Disentangling Interleaved Interrupt-Driven IoT Programs
Disclosing and Locating Concurrency Bugs of Interrupt-Driven IoT Programs
DroidLeaks: A Comprehensive Database of Resource Leaks in Android Apps
File-level Socio-technical Congruence and Its Relationship With Bug Proneness in OSS Projects
Could i Have a Stack Trace to Examine the Dependency Conflict Issue?
Conference paper
Exploring and exploiting the correlations between bug-inducing and bug-fixing commits
Conference paper
Exposing Library API Misuses via Mutation Analysis
Conference paper
Pivot: learning API-device correlations to facilitate Android compatibility issue detection
Conference paper
SGUARD: A feature-based clustering tool for effective spreadsheet defect detection
Conference paper
ChangeLocator:Locate Crash-Inducing Changes Based on Crash Reports
A Tale of Two Cities: How Webview Induces Bugs to Android Applications
Conference paper
An Empirical Study on TensorFlow Program Bugs
Conference paper
ChangeLocator: Locate Crash-Inducing Changes Based on Crash Reports
Conference paper
Context-Aware Patch Generation for Better Automated Program Repair
Conference paper
Do the Dependency Conflicts in My Project Matter?
Conference paper
Synthesizing Relation-Aware Entity Transformation by examples
Conference paper
Understanding and Detecting Callback Compatibility Issues for Android Applications
Conference paper
Conference paper
CACheck: Detecting and Repairing Cell Arrays in Spreadsheets
How Effectively Can Spreadsheet Anomalies Be Detected: An Empirical Study
OASIS: Prioritizing Static Analysis Warnings for Android Apps Based on App User Reviews
Conference paper
Casper: An efficient approach to call trace collection
Hybrid CPU-GPU constraint checking: Towards efficient context consistency
GreenDroid: Automated Diagnosis of Energy Inefficiency for Smartphone Applications
Book chapter
Casper: An Efficient Approach to Call Trace Collection
Conference paper
Coverage-Driven Test Code Generation for Concurrent Classes
Conference paper
CSNIPPEX: Automated Synthesis of Compilable Code Snippets from Q&A Sites
Conference paper
CUSTODES: Automatic spreadsheet cell clustering and smell detection using strong and weak features
Conference paper
Detecting Table Clones and Smells in Spreadsheets
Conference paper
Locus: Locating Bugs from Software Changes
Conference paper
Taming Android Fragmentation: Characterizing and Detecting Compatibility Issues for Android Apps
Conference paper
Understanding and Detecting Wake Lock Misuses for Android Applications
Conference paper
VEnron: a Versioned Spreadsheet Corpus and Related Evolution Analysis
Conference paper
A survey on dependability improvement techniques for pervasive computing systems
Diagnosing Energy Efficiency and Performance for Mobile Internetware Applications
RECONTEST: Effective Regression Testing of Concurrent Programs
Conference paper
CHECKERDROID: Automated Quality Assurance for Smartphone Applications
GreenDroid: Automated Diagnosis of Energy Inefficiency for Smartphone Applications
Scaling Up Symbolic Analysis by Removing Z-Equivalent States
Characterizing and detecting performance bugs for smartphone applications
Conference paper
CrashLocator: locating crashing faults based on crash stacks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Symbolic state validation through runtime data
Conference paper
AFChecker: Effective model checking for context-aware adaptive applications
Detecting Faults in Context-aware Adaptation
Towards context consistency by concurrent checking for Internetware applications
A Cost-effectiveness Criterion for Applying Software Defect Prediction Models
Conference paper
Where Has My Battery Gone? Finding Sensor Related Energy Black Holes in Smartphone Applications
Conference paper
Adam: Identifying defects in context-aware adaptation
Human and program factors affecting the maintenance of programs with deployed design patterns
Mixed-reality simulation of RFID systems using iterated learning
Dynamic fault detection in context-aware adaptation
Conference paper
Read More with Less: An Adaptive Approach to Energy-Efficient RFID Systems
The First International Workshop on Cloud Information System Engineering(CISE 2010) chairs' message
Refactoring and publishing WS-BPEL processes to obtain more partners
Conference paper
ReLink: Recovering links between bugs and changes
Conference paper
Understanding a developer social network and its evolution
Conference paper
Data-driven testing methodology for RFID systems
Engineering e-Collaboration Services with a Multi-Agent System Approach
Partial Constraint Checking for Context Consistency in Pervasive Computing
Sequential Event Pattern Based Design of Context-Aware Adaptive Application
A metamorphic testing methodology for online SOA application testing
Book chapter
Factors for effective use of deployed design patterns
Conference paper
Investigation of Radio Link Budget for UHF RFID Systems
Conference paper
LocaToR: Locating passive RFID tags with the relative neighborhood graph
Conference paper
Preserving data flow correctness in process adaptation
Conference paper
Sequential event pattern based context-aware adaptation
Conference paper
The impact of reader to tag collision on RFID tag identification
Conference paper
Atomicity Analysis of Service Composition across Organizations
Interactive Visual Optimization and Analysis for RFID Benchmarking
Preface for the ICEBE 2007 special section
Semantic Sensor Net: An Extensible Framework
Special Issue on Software Engineering for High-Confidence Systems: Preface
Book chapter
Towards a dependable software paradigm for service-oriented computing
Book chapter
A public-view approach to timed properties verification for B2B Web service compositions
Conference paper
A study on the replaceability of context-aware middleware
Conference paper
Coincidental Correctness: Refine Code Coverage with Context Pattern to Improve Fault Localization
Conference paper
Conference paper
A workflow engine-driven SOA-based cooperative computing paradigm in grid environments
Alerts in Healthcare Applications: Process and Data Integration
Inter-context control-flow and data-flow test adequacy criteria for nesC applications
The use of digital watermarking for intelligence multimedia document distribution
Decentralized constraint checking for pervasive computing
Conference paper
Conference paper
A metamorphic testing approach for online testing of service-oriented software applications
On design, verification, and dynamic modification of the problem-based scientific workflow model
Ubiquitous enterprise service adaptations based on contextual user behavior
Adapting Mobile Government Services with Context and Views in a Three-Tier Architecture
Conference paper
Detection and resolution of atomicity violation in service composition
Conference paper
Conference paper
Do maintainers utilize deployed design patterns effectively?
Conference paper
Goal-directed context validation for adaptive ubiquitous systems
Conference paper
Message from ICEBE 2007 program chairs
Conference paper
On impact-oriented automatic resolution of pervasive context inconsistency
Conference paper
Process evolution with atomicity consistency
Conference paper
Teaching embedded systems software: The HKUST experience
Conference paper
Towards the testing of power-aware software applications for wireless sensor networks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Performance aware service pool in dependable service oriented architecture
Book chapter
A Combinatorial Methodology for RFID Benchmarking
Conference paper
Adapting ubiquitous enterprise services with context and views
Conference paper
An entity-relationship model based conceptual framework for model driven development
Conference paper
Cooperative cognition and its implementation under web environment
Conference paper
Distinguishing between automatic and manual aspects of model driven development
Conference paper
Dynamic model learning using genetic algorithm under adaptive model checking framework
Conference paper
Flows and views for scalable scientific process integration
Conference paper
Incremental consistency checking for pervasive context
Conference paper
Local analysis of atomicity sphere for B2B collaboration
Conference paper
MOTSA TOF-MRA using multi-oblique-stacks acquisition (MOSA)
Conference paper
Conference paper
Publishing and composition of atomicity-equivalent services for B2B collaboration
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
The first international workshop on automation of software test
Conference paper
Toward Effective Deployment of Design Patterns for Software Extension: A Case Study
Conference paper
Conference paper
Work experience versus refactoring to design patterns: A controlled experiment
Conference paper
A hybrid workflow paradigm for integrating self-managing domain-specific applications
BLOSSOMS: Building Lightweight Optimized Sensor Systems on a Massive Scale
Certificate-driven grid workflow paradigm based on service computing
Developing e-Negotiation support with a meta-modeling approach in a Web services environment
Enhancing class commutability in the deployment of design patterns
Integrating legacy sites into web services with webxcript
Toxic effects of copper on larval development of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite
A Hybrid Workflow Paradigm for Integrating Self-Managing Domain-Specific Applications
Conference paper
A metamodel based model transformation approach
Conference paper
A Multi-Agent Infrastructure for Mobile Workforce Management in a Service Oriented Enterprise
Conference paper
Facilitating e-Negotiation Processes with Semantic Web Technologies
Conference paper
Fault-based testing of database application programs with conceptual data model
Conference paper
Inconsistency detection and resolution for context-aware middleware support
Conference paper
Semantic Sensor net: An Extensible Framework
Conference paper
Towards a metamorphic testing methodology for service-oriented software applications
Conference paper
Alerts in mobile healthcare applications: Requirements and pilot study
Applying generic timing tests for distributed multimedia software systems
Cabot: On the ontology for the middleware support of context-aware pervasive applications
Grammar based interface processing in Web Service composition
Semantic interpretation and matching of Web services
Workflow view driven cross-organizational interoperability in a web service environment
A commutative encrypted protocol for the privacy protection of watermarks in digital contents
Conference paper
A Commutative Encrypted Protocol for the Privacy Protection of Watermarks in Digital Contents
Conference paper
Alert-driven E-service management
Conference paper
Alerts for healthcare process and data integration
Conference paper
Constraint-based negotiation in a multi-agent information system with multiple platform support
Conference paper
On the Ontology for the Middleware Support of Context-Aware Pervasive Applications
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
A three-tier view-based methodology for adapting human-agent collaboration systems
A three-tier view-based methodology for m-services adaptation
Digital Rights Management in Web Services
Integration of Digital Rights Management into the Internet Open Trading Protocol
A Data-Driven Methodology to Extending Workflows to E-services over the Internet
Conference paper
A Three Layer Architecture for E-Contract Enforcement in an E-Service Environment
Conference paper
Conference paper
A Watermarking Infrastructure for Enterprise Content Management
Conference paper
Alert-driven Process Integration in a Web Services Environment
Conference paper
An architecture for e-contract enforcement in an e-service environment
Conference paper
An Event Driven Approach to Customer Relationship Management in e-Brokerage Industry
Conference paper
Developing e-Negotiation Process Support by Web Services
Conference paper
Implementing Watermark Token in WS-Security for Digital Content Distribution
Conference paper
Integrating Heterogeneous Web Services with WebXcript
Conference paper
On the e-Negotiation of Unmatched Logrolling Views
Conference paper
Proactive Views on Concrete Aspects: A Pattern Documentation Approach for Software Evolution
Conference paper
A CSP and Z combined modeling of document exchange processes in e-commerce protocols
A meta-model for e-Contract template variable dependencies facilitating e-negotiation
A three-layer framework for cross-organizational e-contract enactment
Automated test case generation for the stress testing of multimedia systems
Workflow View Driven Cross-Organizational Interoperability in a Web Service Environment
A Meta-model for Contract Template Driven e-Negotiation Processes
Conference paper
A Watermarking Infrastructure for Digital Rights Protection
Conference paper
Automating Online Web-based E-Commerce Activities with WebScript
Conference paper
Rights protection for digital contents redistribution over the Internet
Conference paper
Three-Tier View-Based Support for Mobile Workflows
Conference paper
5. Organisation Modelling using LDAP
Book chapter
A Three-Layer Framework for Cross-Organizational E-Contract Enactment
Conference paper
Automatic Generation of Database Instances for White-Box Testing
Conference paper
Exploiting automatic analysis of e-commerce protocols
Conference paper
Modeling and verifying strong cache consistency for mobile data access
Conference paper
On the modelling of document exchange processes in e-commerce protocols
Conference paper
Toward generic timing tests for distributed multimedia software systems
Conference paper
Digital Rights Management in Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP)
Conference paper
A model-based authorware for the construction of distributed multimedia systems
Behaviour Analysis of Distributed Systems Using the Tracta Approach
Checking safety properties using compositional reachability analysis
Stress testing of distributed multimedia software systems
Book chapter
A CSCW framework for the flexible coupling of groupware widgets
Conference paper
Testing Database Applications with SQL Semantics
Conference paper
Application of metamorphic testing in numerical analysis
Conference paper
Construction of distributed multimedia applications using multiple views
Conference paper
Towards a framework for testing distributed multimedia software systems
Conference paper
Two-tier technique for authoring distributed multimedia applications
Conference paper
Verification of Liveness Properties Using Compositional Reachability Analysis
A framework for distributed object-oriented testing
Conference paper
Tracta : an environment for analysing the behaviour of distributed systems
Conference paper