PhD in Electrical Engineering
City University of Hong Kong, 2006
ADPS – A Pre-screening Tool for Students with Dyslexia in Learning Traditional Chinese
AI-Enhanced Cloud-Edge-Terminal Collaborative Network: Survey, Applications, and Future Directions
Approximate Message Passing-Enhanced Graph Neural Network for OTFS Data Detection
Bayes-Optimal Unsupervised Learning for Channel Estimation in Near-Field Holographic MIMO
Communication-Efficient Federated Distillation: Theoretical Analysis and Performance Enhancement
E2E Network Slicing Optimization for Control- and User-Plane Separation-based SAGINs with DRL
From BIM to digital twin in BIPV: A review of current knowledge
Humanoid robot-empowered language learning based on self-determination theory
Interference Mitigation for Network-Level ISAC: An Optimization Perspective
Message Passing Meets Graph Neural Networks: A New Paradigm for Massive MIMO Systems
Mutual information density of massive MIMO systems over Rayleigh-product channels
Open-Source Edge AI for 6G Wireless Networks
Resource Allocation Design for Next-Generation Multiple Access: A Tutorial Overview
Secrecy Analysis for IRS-aided Wiretap MIMO Communications: Fundamental Limits and System Design
Active IRS-Aided MIMO Communications: How Much Gain Can We Get?
Conference paper
Asymmetric Neural Image Compression with High-Preserving Information
Conference paper
Deep Learning-Based Adaptive Joint Source-Channel Coding using Hypernetworks
Conference paper
Fairness-aware Federated Minimax Optimization with Convergence Guarantee
Conference paper
Conference paper
Learning Bayes-optimal channel estimation for holographic MIMO in unknown EM environments
Conference paper
Lightweight and Flexible Deep Equilibrium Learning for CSI Feedback in FDD Massive MIMO
Conference paper
Model-Driven Deep Learning for Distributed Detection in WSNs with Binary Quantization
Conference paper
Model-Driven Sensing-Node Selection for Maneuvering Target Tracking
Conference paper
Newtonized Near-Field Channel Estimation for Ultra-Massive MIMO Systems
Conference paper
Sensing Mutual Information with Random Signals in Gaussian Channels
Conference paper
The Effect of Quantization in Federated Learning: A Rényi Differential Privacy Perspective
Conference paper
An Adaptive and Robust Deep Learning Framework for THz Ultra-Massive MIMO Channel Estimation
Collaborative Sensing in Perceptive Mobile Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
FedKL: Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Reinforcement Learning by Penalizing KL Divergence
Graph Neural Networks for Wireless Communications: From Theory to Practice
Hierarchical Federated Learning with Quantization: Convergence Analysis and System Design
Binary federated learning with client-level differential privacy
Conference paper
Blind performance prediction for deep learning based ultra-massive MIMO channel estimation
Conference paper
Blind Performance Prediction for Deep Learning Based Ultra-Massive MIMO Channel Estimation
Conference paper
Conference paper
GNN-enhanced approximate message passing for massive/ultra-massive MIMO detection
Conference paper
Integrated Sensing and Communication in Coordinated Cellular Networks
Conference paper
IRS-Aided Secure Communications with Linear Precoding: Performance Analysis and System Design
Conference paper
Conference paper
Multi-Objective Optimization for Active IRS-Assisted Communication Systems
Conference paper
Power Allocation for Device-to-Device Interference Channel Using Truncated Graph Transformers
Conference paper
Resource Allocation for OTFS-Based ISAC Systems
Conference paper
Sensing-Enhanced Secure Communication: Joint Time Allocation and Beamforming Design
Conference paper
Task-oriented communication with out-of-distribution detection: An information bottleneck framework
Conference paper
URLLC in IRS-Aided MIMO Systems: Finite Blocklength Analysis and Design
Conference paper
Learn to Communicate with Neural Calibration: Scalability and Generalization
Augmented Deep Unfolding for Downlink Beamforming in Multi-cell Massive MIMO with Limited Feedback
Conference paper
Belief Propagation for Near-Field Cooperative Localization and Tracking in 6G Vehicular Networks
Conference paper
Communication-Efficient Federated Distillation with Active Data Sampling
Conference paper
Content-Aware Client Selection for Federated Learning in Wireless Networks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Designing a Game for Pre-Screening Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Chinese
Conference paper
FedDQ: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Descending Quantization
Conference paper
Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Maneuvering Target Sensing: True Velocity Estimation
Conference paper
IRS-aided MIMO Systems over Double-scattering Channels: Impact of Channel Rank Deficiency
Conference paper
Iterative sparse recovery based passive localization in perceptive mobile networks
Conference paper
SSBNet: Improving Visual Recognition Efficiency by Adaptive Sampling
Conference paper
Cell-free massive MIMO for 6G wireless communication networks
Machine-Learning-Aided Mission-Critical Internet of Underwater Things
AI Empowered Resource Management for Future Wireless Networks
Conference paper
Distributed Expectation Propagation Detection for Cell-Free Massive MIMO
Conference paper
Neural Calibration for Scalable Beamforming in FDD Massive MIMO with Implicit Channel Estimation
Conference paper
A low-complexity algorithmic framework for large-scale IRS-assisted wireless systems
Conference paper
Client-edge-cloud hierarchical federated learning
Conference paper
Deep learning for scalable wireless resource allocation: which model to use?
Conference paper
Developing and Assessing MATLAB Exercises for Active Concept Learning
Connectivity-aware UAV path planning with aerial coverage maps
Conference paper
Exploiting Mobility In Cache-assisted D2D Networks: Performance Analysis And Optimization
Mobility-Aware Caching in D2D Networks
Mobility Increases the Data Offloading Ratio in D2D Caching Networks
Conference paper
Optimal Overlay Cognitive Spectrum Access with F-ALOHA in Macro-Femto Heterogeneous Networks
Cache Size Allocation in Backhaul Limited Wireless Networks
Conference paper
Optimal QoS-aware Channel Assignment in D2D Communications with Partial CSI
Conference paper
Power-Delay Tradeoff in Multi-User Mobile-Edge Computing Systems
Conference paper
QoS-Aware Channel Assignment for Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization in D2D Communications
Conference paper
QoS-Aware Joint Mode Selection and Channel Assignment for D2D Communications
Conference paper
Selective Uplink Training for Massive MIMO Systems
Conference paper
Interface MB-Based Video Content Editing Transcoding
Analysis of Area Spectral Efficiency and Link Reliability in Multiuser MIMO HetNets
Conference paper
Jointly Optimal Spectrum Deployment and Cognitive Access for ASE Maximization of Macro-Femto HetNets
Conference paper
Interference Alignment in Dual-Hop MIMO Interference Channel
Selective Relay-Activation for Conditional DF Relaying
Cognitive spectrum access in macro-femto heterogeneous networks
Conference paper
Cognitive spectrum access in two-tier femtocell networks
Conference paper
Cooperative Cognitive Networks: Optimal, Distributed and Low-Complexity Algorithms
Optimality of Amplify-and-Forward Based Two-Way Relaying
Outage-Capacity Based Adaptive Relaying in LTE-Advanced Networks
Prior Zero Forcing for Cognitive Relaying
System Design, DMT Analysis, and Penalty for Non-Coherent Relaying
Achievable diversity gain of K-user interference channel
Conference paper
Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Relay Channels
Conference paper
Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Wireless Networks with a Minimum Average Throughput Requirement
Conference paper
Optimizing spectrum sensing efficiency in cognitive radio networks
Conference paper
Selective Water-Filling for Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Systems
Conference paper
Diversity Analysis for Linear Equalizers over ISI Channels
Localized or interleaved? A tradeoff between diversity and cfo interference in multipath channels
A low-complexity precoding scheme for PAPR reduction in SC-FDMA systems
Conference paper
Achieving space diversity with non-coherent AF relaying
Conference paper
Prior Zero-Forcing for Relaying Primary Signals in Cognitive Network
Conference paper
Capacity of Correlated MISO Channels with Correlated Co-channel Interference and Noise
Spectrum sensing with active cognitive systems
Transmit and cooperative beamforming in multi-relay systems
Conference paper
ADPS – A Pre-screening Tool for Students with Dyslexia in Learning Traditional Chinese
AI-Enhanced Cloud-Edge-Terminal Collaborative Network: Survey, Applications, and Future Directions
Approximate Message Passing-Enhanced Graph Neural Network for OTFS Data Detection
Bayes-Optimal Unsupervised Learning for Channel Estimation in Near-Field Holographic MIMO
Communication-Efficient Federated Distillation: Theoretical Analysis and Performance Enhancement
E2E Network Slicing Optimization for Control- and User-Plane Separation-based SAGINs with DRL
From BIM to digital twin in BIPV: A review of current knowledge
Humanoid robot-empowered language learning based on self-determination theory
Interference Mitigation for Network-Level ISAC: An Optimization Perspective
Message Passing Meets Graph Neural Networks: A New Paradigm for Massive MIMO Systems
Mutual information density of massive MIMO systems over Rayleigh-product channels
Resource Allocation Design for Next-Generation Multiple Access: A Tutorial Overview
Secrecy Analysis for IRS-aided Wiretap MIMO Communications: Fundamental Limits and System Design
Active IRS-Aided MIMO Communications: How Much Gain Can We Get?
Asymmetric Neural Image Compression with High-Preserving Information
Deep Learning-Based Adaptive Joint Source-Channel Coding using Hypernetworks
Fairness-aware Federated Minimax Optimization with Convergence Guarantee
Learning Bayes-optimal channel estimation for holographic MIMO in unknown EM environments
Lightweight and Flexible Deep Equilibrium Learning for CSI Feedback in FDD Massive MIMO
Model-Driven Deep Learning for Distributed Detection in WSNs with Binary Quantization
Model-Driven Sensing-Node Selection for Maneuvering Target Tracking
Newtonized Near-Field Channel Estimation for Ultra-Massive MIMO Systems
Sensing Mutual Information with Random Signals in Gaussian Channels
The Effect of Quantization in Federated Learning: A Rényi Differential Privacy Perspective
An Adaptive and Robust Deep Learning Framework for THz Ultra-Massive MIMO Channel Estimation
Collaborative Sensing in Perceptive Mobile Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
FedKL: Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Reinforcement Learning by Penalizing KL Divergence
Graph Neural Networks for Wireless Communications: From Theory to Practice
Hierarchical Federated Learning with Quantization: Convergence Analysis and System Design
Binary federated learning with client-level differential privacy
Blind performance prediction for deep learning based ultra-massive MIMO channel estimation
Blind Performance Prediction for Deep Learning Based Ultra-Massive MIMO Channel Estimation
GNN-enhanced approximate message passing for massive/ultra-massive MIMO detection
Integrated Sensing and Communication in Coordinated Cellular Networks
IRS-Aided Secure Communications with Linear Precoding: Performance Analysis and System Design
Multi-Objective Optimization for Active IRS-Assisted Communication Systems
Power Allocation for Device-to-Device Interference Channel Using Truncated Graph Transformers
Sensing-Enhanced Secure Communication: Joint Time Allocation and Beamforming Design
Task-oriented communication with out-of-distribution detection: An information bottleneck framework
URLLC in IRS-Aided MIMO Systems: Finite Blocklength Analysis and Design
Augmented Deep Unfolding for Downlink Beamforming in Multi-cell Massive MIMO with Limited Feedback
Belief Propagation for Near-Field Cooperative Localization and Tracking in 6G Vehicular Networks
Communication-Efficient Federated Distillation with Active Data Sampling
Content-Aware Client Selection for Federated Learning in Wireless Networks
Designing a Game for Pre-Screening Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Chinese
FedDQ: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Descending Quantization
Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Maneuvering Target Sensing: True Velocity Estimation
IRS-aided MIMO Systems over Double-scattering Channels: Impact of Channel Rank Deficiency
Iterative sparse recovery based passive localization in perceptive mobile networks
SSBNet: Improving Visual Recognition Efficiency by Adaptive Sampling
Connectivity-aware UAV path planning with aerial coverage maps
Optimal Overlay Cognitive Spectrum Access with F-ALOHA in Macro-Femto Heterogeneous Networks
Optimal QoS-aware Channel Assignment in D2D Communications with Partial CSI
Power-Delay Tradeoff in Multi-User Mobile-Edge Computing Systems
QoS-Aware Channel Assignment for Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization in D2D Communications
QoS-Aware Joint Mode Selection and Channel Assignment for D2D Communications
Developing and Assessing MATLAB Exercises for Active Concept Learning
Connectivity-aware UAV path planning with aerial coverage maps
Conference paper
Exploiting Mobility In Cache-assisted D2D Networks: Performance Analysis And Optimization
Mobility-Aware Caching in D2D Networks
Mobility Increases the Data Offloading Ratio in D2D Caching Networks
Conference paper
Optimal Overlay Cognitive Spectrum Access with F-ALOHA in Macro-Femto Heterogeneous Networks
Cache Size Allocation in Backhaul Limited Wireless Networks
Conference paper
Optimal QoS-aware Channel Assignment in D2D Communications with Partial CSI
Conference paper
Power-Delay Tradeoff in Multi-User Mobile-Edge Computing Systems
Conference paper
QoS-Aware Channel Assignment for Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization in D2D Communications
Conference paper
QoS-Aware Joint Mode Selection and Channel Assignment for D2D Communications
Conference paper
Selective Uplink Training for Massive MIMO Systems
Conference paper
Interface MB-Based Video Content Editing Transcoding
Analysis of Area Spectral Efficiency and Link Reliability in Multiuser MIMO HetNets
Conference paper
Jointly Optimal Spectrum Deployment and Cognitive Access for ASE Maximization of Macro-Femto HetNets
Conference paper
Interference Alignment in Dual-Hop MIMO Interference Channel
Selective Relay-Activation for Conditional DF Relaying
Cognitive spectrum access in macro-femto heterogeneous networks
Conference paper
Cognitive spectrum access in two-tier femtocell networks
Conference paper
Cooperative Cognitive Networks: Optimal, Distributed and Low-Complexity Algorithms
Optimality of Amplify-and-Forward Based Two-Way Relaying
Outage-Capacity Based Adaptive Relaying in LTE-Advanced Networks
Prior Zero Forcing for Cognitive Relaying
System Design, DMT Analysis, and Penalty for Non-Coherent Relaying
Achievable diversity gain of K-user interference channel
Conference paper
Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Relay Channels
Conference paper
Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Wireless Networks with a Minimum Average Throughput Requirement
Conference paper
Optimizing spectrum sensing efficiency in cognitive radio networks
Conference paper
Selective Water-Filling for Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Systems
Conference paper
Diversity Analysis for Linear Equalizers over ISI Channels
Localized or interleaved? A tradeoff between diversity and cfo interference in multipath channels
A low-complexity precoding scheme for PAPR reduction in SC-FDMA systems
Conference paper
Achieving space diversity with non-coherent AF relaying
Conference paper
Prior Zero-Forcing for Relaying Primary Signals in Cognitive Network
Conference paper
Capacity of Correlated MISO Channels with Correlated Co-channel Interference and Noise
Spectrum sensing with active cognitive systems
Transmit and cooperative beamforming in multi-relay systems
Conference paper
EESM5546 | Wireless Communication Systems |
ISDN2602 | Internet of Things: Integrative System Design |
UROP1100O | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
EESM5536 | Digital Communications |
ISDN3150 | AI for Design |
UROP1100N | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
UROP2100N | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 2 |
SISP1318 | Making a Smart Garbage Bin by Internet of Things Technology |
UROP1000 | Undergraduate Research Opportunities |
UROP1100M | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
EESM5546 | Wireless Communication Systems |
ELEC4900 | Final Year Design Project |
ELEC4901 | Final Year Thesis |
ISDN2602 | Internet of Things: Integrative System Design |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
CHENG, Chun Hin
Electronic and Computer Engineering
CHUI, Pak Ho Tony
Integrative Systems and Design
LI, Yangnan
Electronic and Computer Engineering
SHIN, Jacky
Integrative Systems and Design
XU, Kaiyan
Integrative Systems and Design
KIM, Dohoon
Electronic and Computer Engineering
ZHANG, Haiming
Electronic and Computer Engineering
ZHAO, Hang
Electronic and Computer Engineering
ZHENG, Mingxuan
Electronic and Computer Engineering
Electronic and Computer Engineering
XIE, Zhijie
Electronic and Computer Engineering
XU, Yiming
Electronic and Computer Engineering
LAM, Chun Wui Winton
Electronic and Computer Engineering
FUNG, Ka Yan
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program( Completed in 2024 )
Electronic and Computer Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
DUNDA, Gerry Windiarto Mohamad
Electronic and Computer Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
XU, Kaiyan
Integrative Systems and Design( Completed in 2024 )
KIM, Dohoon
Electronic and Computer Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
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