PhD in Engineering and Applied Sciences
University of Southampton, 1995
An image enhancement based method for improving rPPG extraction under low-light illumination
A novel property to modify weighted l1 minimization for improved compressed sensing
Contactless Blood Oxygen Saturation Estimation from Facial Videos Using Deep Learning
The impact of weak inertial stimulation on visual-vestibular bimodal heading perception
Book chapter
Conference paper
Optic flow motion parameters explain visual disturbance from VR-HMD pupil swim
Conference paper
Where am I heading? Steady and Foggy
Conference paper
Robust Heart Rate Variability Measurement from Facial Videos
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Postural Instability and Disorientations of Drivers and Audiences in Metaverses
Conference paper
Remote mass facial temperature screening in varying ambient temperatures and distances
Conference paper
Blood Pressure Measurement: From Cuff-Based to Contactless Monitoring
Early prediction of Spirulina platensis biomass yield for biofuel production using machine learning
Camera-based heart rate variability and stress measurement from facial videos
Conference paper
Can We Maintain Space Constancy in Virtual Environments?
Conference paper
Geometric deformation for reducing optic flow and cybersickness dose value in VR
Conference paper
Geometric simplification for reducing optic flow in VR
Conference paper
Conference paper
Optimising rPPG Signal Extraction by Exploiting Facial Surface Orientation
Conference paper
Vitals: Camera-based Physiological Monitoring and Health Management Platform
Conference paper
Active head rolls enhance sonar-based auditory localization performance
Advances in soft sensors for wastewater treatment plants: A systematic review
Deep Learning Methods for Remote Heart Rate Measurement: A Review and Future Research Agenda
An Infrared Thermography Model Enabling Remote Body Temperature Screening up to 10 Meters
Conference paper
Development of an XGBoost-Based Soft Sensor for Wastewater Monitoring.
Conference paper
Keynote talk Role of Biomedical Engineers in Flighting COVID-19 pandamic in Hong Kong,
Conference paper
Rapid tempertaure screening and suspect tracking in a moving crowd.
Conference paper
SSVEP power shift during vection differs with visually induced motion sickness
Conference paper
Conference paper
Application of Optical Character Recognition with Tesseract in Logistics Management.
Automatic instance-edge detection network (AID-Net) - vertebral edge detection by deep learning
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preliminary study on overfitting in deep-learning speech separation model
Conference paper
Allocating Less Attention to Central Vision During Vection Is Correlated With Less Motion Sickness
Conference paper
Discussion Panel: Motion Sickness in Virtual Environments
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Visually induced motion sickness and vection
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preface: Special Issue on Sonification
Does your attention allocation affect how motion sick you can get?
Conference paper
Conference paper
How Does Parametric Reverberation Change The Space of Instrument Emotional Characteristics?
Conference paper
Conference paper
Key anthropometric parameters of pinna correlate with individualized head-related transfer functions
Conference paper
Mistakes, Lessons, More Mistakes: That's Experiential: an experiential extension of IELM2100
Conference paper
Plenary Talk Frequency Responses of Visually Induced Motion Sickness
Conference paper
Vection Provoked by Visual Oscillation: Is Frequency the Major Determining Factor?
Conference paper
An Investigation into How Reverberation Effects the Space of Instrument Emotional Characteristics
Exoskeletons for the Elderly: Challenges in Control Interfaces
Conference paper
How Vertical Stripes Affect Recognition of Chinese Characters
Conference paper
A Pilot Study on Reading Chinese Characters with Vertical Stripes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effects of Vertical Stripes within a Chinese Character on Reading Tasks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Vection Perception During Exposure to Visual Motion of Narrow Field of Views
Conference paper
Motion Sickness, Nausea and Thermoregulation: the "Toxic" Hypothesis
Book chapter
Alarm vigilance in the presence of 80 dBA pink noise with negative signal-to-noise ratios
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Perception of self-motion headings when subjected to near-threshold visual and inertial motion
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Visually induced motion sickness (VIMS) during game playing
Conference paper
Visually Induced Motion Sickness During Computer Game Playing
Conference paper
Effects of foveal retinal slip on visually induced motion sickness: A pilot study
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effects of Spectral Manipulation on Nonindividualized Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs)
Manual Control with Time Delays in an Immersive Virtual Environment
Book chapter
Visually Induced Motion Sickness: Effects of Translational Visual Motion along Different Axes
Book chapter
Cortical neural response to visual navigation through a Virtual environment
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Book chapter
Could OKAN be an objective indicator of the susceptibility to visually induced motion sickness?
Conference paper
Eye fatigue when viewing binocular displays: effects of mismatch between accommodation and vergence
Conference paper
Auditory Effect of Perturbing Musical Tones by Interpolation with Other Music Tones
A bi-computational model to predict visually induced nausea levels in the presence of vection
Conference paper
Conference paper
Book chapter
Beat deviation for tempo estimation algorithms
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Consumer Decision Quality in Mass Customization
The effects of lens focus when viewing stereoscopic micro-display images
Conference paper
A Search for Possible neural pathways Leading to Visually Induced Motion Sickness.
Towards mass-customizing non-individualized head-related transfer functions: a preliminary study.
Visually induced motion sickness: an insight from neurosciences.
Conference paper
Detection of random alterations to time-varying musical instrument spectra
Discrimination of Sustained Musical Instrument Sounds Resynthesized with Random Spectrum Alteration
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effect of loudness on the haptic force-feedback perception in virtual environments (A)
Modeling Consumer Behavior in the Customization Process
Book chapter
Modelling Consumer Behaviour in the Customization Process
Book chapter
Consumer Decision Making Process in Mass Customization
Conference paper
Conference paper
Scene movement: an important cause of cybersickness
Book chapter
A progress report on the quest for a cybersickness dose value
Conference paper
Consumer Decision-Making Process in Two Different Web-Stores
Conference paper
Facilitating Design-by-Customer Process for Mass Customization
Conference paper
Conference paper
Cybersickness in the presence of scene rotational movements along different axes
Effects of navigation speed on motion sickness caused by an immersive virtual environment
VR technology for ergonomics design
Book chapter
Effects of vection on the sense of presence in a virtual environment.
Conference paper
Modeling Consumer Behavior for Customization Process
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effects of a target movement direction cue on head-tracking performance
Conference paper
Conference paper
Motion sickness susceptibility and occurrence in Hong Kong Chinese
Cybersickness: An Experimental Study to Isolate the Effects of Rotational Scene Oscillations
Conference paper
Effects of hand movement lag on discrete manual control tasks in virtual environements
Conference paper
Motion sickness susceptibility of Chinese
Conference paper
Quantifying scene movement with 'spatial velocity' and its effects on cybersickness
Conference paper
The search for a Cybersickness Dose Value
Conference paper
Human Factors in Consumer Products [Book review]
Book review
A PC-based Virtual Reality System for facility layout design
Conference paper
Conference paper
Foot sizing beyond the 2-D Brannock Method
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Productivity enhancements using ergonomics methodology: a case study of train drivers
Conference paper
Subjective loudness comparison between a head phone and a bone vibrator
Conference paper
A novel property to modify weighted l1 minimization for improved compressed sensing
Contactless Blood Oxygen Saturation Estimation from Facial Videos Using Deep Learning
The impact of weak inertial stimulation on visual-vestibular bimodal heading perception
Blood Pressure Measurement: From Cuff-Based to Contactless Monitoring
Early prediction of Spirulina platensis biomass yield for biofuel production using machine learning
Camera-based heart rate variability and stress measurement from facial videos
Geometric deformation for reducing optic flow and cybersickness dose value in VR
Optimising rPPG Signal Extraction by Exploiting Facial Surface Orientation
Vitals: Camera-based Physiological Monitoring and Health Management Platform
Allocating Less Attention to Central Vision During Vection Is Correlated With Less Motion Sickness
Does your attention allocation affect how motion sick you can get?
How Does Parametric Reverberation Change The Space of Instrument Emotional Characteristics?
Key anthropometric parameters of pinna correlate with individualized head-related transfer functions
Mistakes, Lessons, More Mistakes: That's Experiential: an experiential extension of IELM2100
Plenary Talk Frequency Responses of Visually Induced Motion Sickness
Vection Provoked by Visual Oscillation: Is Frequency the Major Determining Factor?
Effects of Spectral Manipulation on Nonindividualized Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs)
Manual Control with Time Delays in an Immersive Virtual Environment
Visually Induced Motion Sickness: Effects of Translational Visual Motion along Different Axes
The effects of lens focus when viewing stereoscopic micro-display images
Detection of random alterations to time-varying musical instrument spectra
Discrimination of Sustained Musical Instrument Sounds Resynthesized with Random Spectrum Alteration
Cybersickness in the presence of scene rotational movements along different axes
Effects of navigation speed on motion sickness caused by an immersive virtual environment
Application of Optical Character Recognition with Tesseract in Logistics Management.
Automatic instance-edge detection network (AID-Net) - vertebral edge detection by deep learning
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preliminary study on overfitting in deep-learning speech separation model
Conference paper
Allocating Less Attention to Central Vision During Vection Is Correlated With Less Motion Sickness
Conference paper
Discussion Panel: Motion Sickness in Virtual Environments
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Visually induced motion sickness and vection
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preface: Special Issue on Sonification
Does your attention allocation affect how motion sick you can get?
Conference paper
Conference paper
How Does Parametric Reverberation Change The Space of Instrument Emotional Characteristics?
Conference paper
Conference paper
Key anthropometric parameters of pinna correlate with individualized head-related transfer functions
Conference paper
Mistakes, Lessons, More Mistakes: That's Experiential: an experiential extension of IELM2100
Conference paper
Plenary Talk Frequency Responses of Visually Induced Motion Sickness
Conference paper
Vection Provoked by Visual Oscillation: Is Frequency the Major Determining Factor?
Conference paper
An Investigation into How Reverberation Effects the Space of Instrument Emotional Characteristics
Exoskeletons for the Elderly: Challenges in Control Interfaces
Conference paper
How Vertical Stripes Affect Recognition of Chinese Characters
Conference paper
A Pilot Study on Reading Chinese Characters with Vertical Stripes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effects of Vertical Stripes within a Chinese Character on Reading Tasks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Vection Perception During Exposure to Visual Motion of Narrow Field of Views
Conference paper
Motion Sickness, Nausea and Thermoregulation: the "Toxic" Hypothesis
Book chapter
Alarm vigilance in the presence of 80 dBA pink noise with negative signal-to-noise ratios
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Perception of self-motion headings when subjected to near-threshold visual and inertial motion
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Visually induced motion sickness (VIMS) during game playing
Conference paper
Visually Induced Motion Sickness During Computer Game Playing
Conference paper
Effects of foveal retinal slip on visually induced motion sickness: A pilot study
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effects of Spectral Manipulation on Nonindividualized Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs)
Manual Control with Time Delays in an Immersive Virtual Environment
Book chapter
Visually Induced Motion Sickness: Effects of Translational Visual Motion along Different Axes
Book chapter
Cortical neural response to visual navigation through a Virtual environment
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Book chapter
Could OKAN be an objective indicator of the susceptibility to visually induced motion sickness?
Conference paper
Eye fatigue when viewing binocular displays: effects of mismatch between accommodation and vergence
Conference paper
Auditory Effect of Perturbing Musical Tones by Interpolation with Other Music Tones
A bi-computational model to predict visually induced nausea levels in the presence of vection
Conference paper
Conference paper
Book chapter
Beat deviation for tempo estimation algorithms
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Consumer Decision Quality in Mass Customization
The effects of lens focus when viewing stereoscopic micro-display images
Conference paper
A Search for Possible neural pathways Leading to Visually Induced Motion Sickness.
Towards mass-customizing non-individualized head-related transfer functions: a preliminary study.
Visually induced motion sickness: an insight from neurosciences.
Conference paper
Detection of random alterations to time-varying musical instrument spectra
Discrimination of Sustained Musical Instrument Sounds Resynthesized with Random Spectrum Alteration
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effect of loudness on the haptic force-feedback perception in virtual environments (A)
Modeling Consumer Behavior in the Customization Process
Book chapter
Modelling Consumer Behaviour in the Customization Process
Book chapter
Consumer Decision Making Process in Mass Customization
Conference paper
Conference paper
Scene movement: an important cause of cybersickness
Book chapter
A progress report on the quest for a cybersickness dose value
Conference paper
Consumer Decision-Making Process in Two Different Web-Stores
Conference paper
Facilitating Design-by-Customer Process for Mass Customization
Conference paper
Conference paper
Cybersickness in the presence of scene rotational movements along different axes
Effects of navigation speed on motion sickness caused by an immersive virtual environment
VR technology for ergonomics design
Book chapter
Effects of vection on the sense of presence in a virtual environment.
Conference paper
Modeling Consumer Behavior for Customization Process
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effects of a target movement direction cue on head-tracking performance
Conference paper
Conference paper
Motion sickness susceptibility and occurrence in Hong Kong Chinese
Cybersickness: An Experimental Study to Isolate the Effects of Rotational Scene Oscillations
Conference paper
Effects of hand movement lag on discrete manual control tasks in virtual environements
Conference paper
Motion sickness susceptibility of Chinese
Conference paper
Quantifying scene movement with 'spatial velocity' and its effects on cybersickness
Conference paper
The search for a Cybersickness Dose Value
Conference paper
Human Factors in Consumer Products [Book review]
Book review
A PC-based Virtual Reality System for facility layout design
Conference paper
Conference paper
Foot sizing beyond the 2-D Brannock Method
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Productivity enhancements using ergonomics methodology: a case study of train drivers
Conference paper
Subjective loudness comparison between a head phone and a bone vibrator
Conference paper
IEDA3130 | Ergonomics and Safety Management |
IEDA4920 | Decision Analytics Final Year Project |
EEMT5260 | Product Development Management |
IEDA2100E | Computing in Industrial Applications |
IEDA4960 | Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Final Year Project |
IEDA4920 | Decision Analytics Final Year Project |
IEDA4960 | Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Final Year Project |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
CHOW, Chong Tong
LAU, Siu Hung
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program
QIU, Chuchu
Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
BAECK, Hyun Woo
HOU, Junjie
Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
PANG, Kwan Lok
Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
WONG, Kwan Long
Bioengineering( Completed in 2023 )
CHEN, Shutao
Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management( Completed in 2022 )
HE, Yudong
Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics( Completed in 2022 )
WANG, Yixuan
Bioengineering( Completed in 2022 )
CHING, Phoebe Mae Lim
Bioengineering( Completed in 2023 )
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