PhD in Computer Science and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008
An Efficiently Updatable Path Oracle for Terrain Surfaces
Efficient Algorithms for Group Hitting Probability Queries on Large Graphs
Fraction-Score: A Generalized Support Measure for Weighted and Maximal Co-location Pattern Mining
Mobility Data Science: Perspectives and Challenges
Natural Language Interfaces for Tabular Data Querying and Visualization: A Survey
On Efficient Shortest Path Computation on Terrain Surface: A Direction-Oriented Approach
Speech-to-SQL: toward speech-driven SQL query generation from natural language question
Adversarial Learning of Group and Individual Fair Representations
Conference paper
Automatic Data Visualization Generation from Chinese Natural Language Questions
Conference paper
Congestion-mitigating Spatiotemporal Routing in Road Networks
Conference paper
Demonstration of FeVisQA: Free-Form Question Answering over Data Visualization
Conference paper
Efficient Shortest Path Queries on 3D Weighted Terrain Surfaces for Moving Objects
Conference paper
Fair Top-k Query on Alpha-Fairness
Conference paper
Conference paper
MixedSearch: An Interactive System of Searching for the Best Tuple with Mixed Attributes
Conference paper
Proximity Queries on Point Clouds using Rapid Construction Path Oracle
Conference paper
Conference paper
An Efficient Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Finding Group Steiner Trees in Temporal Graphs
Cost-Aware and Distance-Constrained Collective Spatial Keyword Query
Effective and Scalable Manifold Ranking-based Image Retrieval with Output Bound
Finding shortest gentle paths on polyhedral terrains by the method of multiple shooting
Automatic Personalized Health Insurance Recommendation Based on Utility and User Feedback
Conference paper
EAR-Oracle: On Efficient Indexing for Distance Queries between Arbitrary Points on Terrain Surface
Conference paper
Efficient Public Transport Planning on Roads
Conference paper
Conference paper
Finding Best Tuple via Error-prone User Interaction
Conference paper
Interactive Search with Mixed Attributes
Conference paper
Natural Language Generation Meets Data Visualization: Vis-to-Text and its Duality with Text-to-Vis
Conference paper
QHL: A Fast Algorithm for Exact Constrained Shortest Path Search on Road Networks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Proximity Queries on Terrain Surface
Towards Secure and Efficient Equality Conjunction Search Over Outsourced Databases
A Platform for Deploying the TFE Ecosystem of Automatic Speech Recognition
Conference paper
Cost-Aware and Distance-Constrained Collective Spatial Keyword Query (Extended Abstract)
Conference paper
Improving Representation Learning for Session-based Recommendation
Conference paper
Interactive Mining with Ordered and Unordered Attributes
Conference paper
Conference paper
VoiceQuerySystem: A Voice-driven Database Querying System Using Natural Language Questions
Conference paper
Optimal location query based on k nearest neighbours
A Fully Dynamic Algorithm for k-Regret Minimizing Sets
Conference paper
An Efficient and Effective Framework for Session-based Social Recommendation
Conference paper
Interactive Search for One of the Top-k
Conference paper
L2RS: A Learning-to-Rescore Mechanism for Hybrid Speech Recognition
Conference paper
Multimodal N-best List Rescoring with Weakly Supervised Pre-training in Hybrid Speech Recognition
Conference paper
Path Advisor: A Multi-Functional Campus Map Tool for Shortest Path
Conference paper
SmartMeeting: Automatic Meeting Transcription and Summarization for In-Person Conversations
Conference paper
SmartSales: An AI-Powered Telemarketing Coaching System in FinTech
Conference paper
Conference paper
On Nearby-Fit Spatial Keyword Queries
On Optimal Preference Diffusion Over Social Networks
Analyzing Student Performance with Personalized Study Path and Learning Trouble Ratio
Conference paper
Architecture-Intact Oracle for Fastest Path and Time Queries on Dynamic Spatial Networks
Conference paper
Being happy with the least: Achieving α-happiness with minimum number of tuples
Conference paper
GoldenRetriever: A Speech Recognition System Powered by Modern Information Retrieval
Conference paper
Handling Information Loss of Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation
Conference paper
Incorporating boundary and category feature for nested named entity recognition
Conference paper
Incorporating concept information into term weighting schemes for topic models
Conference paper
Index-free approach with theoretical guarantee for efficient random walk with restart query
Conference paper
On Nearby-Fit Spatial Keyword Queries (Extended Abstract)
Conference paper
TopicOcean: An Ever-Increasing Topic Model With Meta-learning
Conference paper
Two-level convolutional neural network for aspect extraction
Conference paper
When Do GNNs Work: Understanding and Improving Neighborhood Aggregation
Conference paper
Big Data Analytics for Large-scale Wireless Networks: Challenges and Opportunities
Efficient Mining of Extraordinary Patterns by Pruning and Predicting
GeoLifecycle: User Engagement of Geographical Exploration and Churn Prediction in LBSNs
Conference paper
Class Indistinguishability for Outsourcing Equality Conjunction Search
Conference paper
Finding Average Regret Ratio Minimizing Set in Database
Conference paper
FindYourFavorite: An Interactive System for Finding the User's Favorite Tuple in the Database
Conference paper
First index-free manifold ranking-based image retrieval with output bound
Conference paper
Fraction-Score: A New Support Measure for Co-location Pattern Mining
Conference paper
Frequent Item Mining When Obtaining Support is Costly
Conference paper
Conference paper
On Generalizing Collective Spatial Keyword Queries
Conference paper
Practical Access Pattern Privacy by Combining PIR and Oblivious Shuffle
Conference paper
Repeatable Oblivious Shuffling of Large Outsourced Data Blocks
Conference paper
Session-based recommendation with local invariance
Conference paper
Strongly Truthful Interactive Regret Minimization
Conference paper
Topic-Aware Dialogue Speech Recognition with Transfer Learning
Conference paper
On Generalizing Collective Spatial Keyword Queries
Profit Maximization with Sufficient Customer Satisfactions
Efficient k-Regret Query Algorithm with Restriction-free Bound for any Dimensionality
Conference paper
On Capacity and Delay of Multichannel Wireless Networks with Infrastructure Support
Special Issue On Spatial And Temporal Database Management
Book chapter
Book chapter
A melody composer for both tonal and non-tonal languages
Conference paper
Distance Oracle on Terrain Surface
Conference paper
Inherent-Cost Aware Collective Spatial Keyword Queries
Conference paper
k-Regret Minimizing Set: Efficient Algorithms and Hardness
Conference paper
READS: A Random Walk Approach for Efficient and Accurate Dynamic SimRank
Conference paper
Generalized bucketization scheme for flexible privacy settings
Monochromatic and bichromatic reverse top-k group nearest neighbor queries
Skyline Queries and Pareto Optimality
Book chapter
Minimizing Average Regret Ratio in Database
Conference paper
Optimal location queries in road networks
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 14th International Symposium, SSTD 2015, Proceedings
Conference paper
Exact Top-k Nearest Keyword Search in Large Networks
Conference paper
KeyLabel Algorithms for Keyword Search in Large Graphs
Conference paper
k-Hit Query: Top-k Query with Probabilistic Utility Function
Conference paper
New Lower and Upper Bounds for Shortest Distance Queries on Terrains
Conference paper
On Percolation Connectivity of Large Scale Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas
Conference paper
Reconstruction Privacy: Enabling Statistical Learning
Conference paper
Trend-MC: A Melody Composer by Constructing from Frequent Trend-Based Patterns
Conference paper
Visual-VM: A Social Network Visualization Tool for Viral Marketing
Conference paper
Hop doubling label indexing for point-to-point distance querying on scalefree networks
Small sum privacy and large sum utility in data publishing
Terrain-Toolkit: A multi-functional tool for terrain data
Trajectory simplification: On minimizing the directionbased error
Viral marketing for dedicated customers
A New Framework for Traffic Anomaly Detection
Conference paper
Efficient algorithms for optimal location queries in road networks
Conference paper
Geometry Approach for k-Regret Query
Conference paper
Hypersphere dominance: an optimal approach
Conference paper
Learning on Probabilistic Labels
Conference paper
Multi-channel Wireless Networks With Infrastructure Support: Capacity and Delay
Conference paper
Selective Sampling on Probabilistic Data
Conference paper
Trajectory Simplification: On Minimizing the Direction-based Error
Conference paper
A new approach for maximizing bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor search
Direction-Preserving Trajectory Simplification
Finding shortest paths on terrains by killing two birds with one stone
IS-Label: an independent-set based labeling scheme for point-to-point distance querying
On Eavesdropping Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks with Directional Antennas
Collective Spatial Keyword Queries: A Distance Owner-Driven Approach
Conference paper
Conference paper
Finding Shortest Paths on Terrains by Killing Two Birds with One Stone
Conference paper
On Good and Fair Paper-Reviewer Assignment
Conference paper
On Optimal Worst-Case Matching
Conference paper
T-Music: A Melody Composer based on Frequent Pattern Mining
Conference paper
A Highly Optimized Algorithm for Continuous Intersection Join Queries over Moving Objects
An efficient method for privacy preserving location queries
Finding Top-k Preferable Products
Attribute-Based Subsequence Matching and Mining
Conference paper
Can the utility of anonymized data be used for privacy breaches?
Information based data anonymization for classification utility
Maximizing bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor for Lp-norm in two- and three-dimensional spaces
SU-E-I-184: Variation of SUV in Time of Flight and Non-Time of Flight Dual Time Oncologic PET-CT
Efficient Methods for Finding Influential Locations with Adaptive Grids
Conference paper
Exploring Security Improvement of Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas
Conference paper
Finding shortest path on land surface
Conference paper
Finding Top-k Profitable Products
Conference paper
Minimizing Seed Set for Viral Marketing
Conference paper
Global Privacy Guarantee in Serial Data Publishing
Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing: an Overview
Anonymization for Global Privacy Guarantee in Serial Data Publishing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Competitive privacy: Secure analysis on integrated sequence data
Conference paper
Probabilistic inference protection on anonymized data
Conference paper
Publishing Skewed Sensitive Microdata
Conference paper
(alpha, k)-anonymous data publishing
Anonymization-Based Attacks in Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing
Efficient Method for Maximizing Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor
Online Skyline Analysis with Dynamic Preferences on Nominal Attributes
Book chapter
FF-Anonymity: When Quasi-Identifiers Are Missing
Conference paper
Finding the influence set through skylines
Conference paper
Anonymisation by Local Recoding in Data with Attribute Hierarchical Taxonomies
Efficient Skyline Querying with Variable User Preferences on Nominal Attributes
Privacy Preserving Serial Data Publishing By Role Composition
Scaling and Time Warping in Time Series Querying
On the Capacity of Multi-Channel Wireless Networks Using Directional Antennas
Conference paper
Response to Discussion by Victor Li on 'Linear Real-time Rate Control'
(alpha, k)-anonymity Based Privacy Preservation by Lossy join
Conference paper
Advanced macro-block entropy coding in H.264
Conference paper
Advanced Real-Time Rate Control in H.264
Conference paper
Minimality Attack in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Achieving k-Anonymity by Clustering in Attribute Hierarchical Structures
Development of a Robust and User-friendly Method for Leukemia Classification Using Microarrays
Experimental investigations of the anode flow field of a micro direct methanol fuel cell
Minimality Attack in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing
Mining Top-K Frequent Itemset from Data Streams
Multidimensional k-Anonymization by Linear Clustering Using Space-Filling Curves
(α, k)-anonymity: An Enhanced k-anonymity Model for Privacy Preserving Data Publishing
Conference paper
Data Mining for Inventory Item Selection with Cross-Selling Considerations
Mining N-most Interesting Itemsets without support threshold by the COFI-tree
Projective Clustering by Histograms
Association Rule Mining and Its Applications to MPIS
Book chapter
Practical Indexing XML Document for Twig Query
Book chapter
Mining Top-K Itemsets over a Sliding Window Based on Zipfian Distribution
Conference paper
Piecewise linear model for real-time rate control
Conference paper
Privacy-Preserving Frequent Pattern Mining Across Private Databases
Conference paper
ISM: Item Selection for Marketing with Cross-Selling Considerations
Real-time Rate Control via Variable Frame Rate and Quantization Parameters
Real-Time Rate Control Via Variable Frame Rate and Quantization Parameters
Book chapter
Choosing Best Items by Considering Relationships Between Items
Conference paper
Efficient intra-prediction algorithm in H.264
Conference paper
Efficient intra-prediction mode, selection for 4x4 blocks in H.264
Conference paper
MPIS: Maximal-Profit Item Selection with Cross-Selling Considerations
Conference paper
Perceptual rate control for low-delay video communications
Conference paper
Additive nonparametric regression with autocorrelated errors
Efficient Algorithms for Group Hitting Probability Queries on Large Graphs
Fraction-Score: A Generalized Support Measure for Weighted and Maximal Co-location Pattern Mining
Natural Language Interfaces for Tabular Data Querying and Visualization: A Survey
On Efficient Shortest Path Computation on Terrain Surface: A Direction-Oriented Approach
Speech-to-SQL: toward speech-driven SQL query generation from natural language question
Adversarial Learning of Group and Individual Fair Representations
Automatic Data Visualization Generation from Chinese Natural Language Questions
Congestion-mitigating Spatiotemporal Routing in Road Networks
Demonstration of FeVisQA: Free-Form Question Answering over Data Visualization
Efficient Shortest Path Queries on 3D Weighted Terrain Surfaces for Moving Objects
MixedSearch: An Interactive System of Searching for the Best Tuple with Mixed Attributes
Proximity Queries on Point Clouds using Rapid Construction Path Oracle
An Efficient Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Finding Group Steiner Trees in Temporal Graphs
Cost-Aware and Distance-Constrained Collective Spatial Keyword Query
Effective and Scalable Manifold Ranking-based Image Retrieval with Output Bound
Finding shortest gentle paths on polyhedral terrains by the method of multiple shooting
Automatic Personalized Health Insurance Recommendation Based on Utility and User Feedback
EAR-Oracle: On Efficient Indexing for Distance Queries between Arbitrary Points on Terrain Surface
Natural Language Generation Meets Data Visualization: Vis-to-Text and its Duality with Text-to-Vis
QHL: A Fast Algorithm for Exact Constrained Shortest Path Search on Road Networks
A Platform for Deploying the TFE Ecosystem of Automatic Speech Recognition
Cost-Aware and Distance-Constrained Collective Spatial Keyword Query (Extended Abstract)
Improving Representation Learning for Session-based Recommendation
VoiceQuerySystem: A Voice-driven Database Querying System Using Natural Language Questions
An Efficient and Effective Framework for Session-based Social Recommendation
L2RS: A Learning-to-Rescore Mechanism for Hybrid Speech Recognition
Multimodal N-best List Rescoring with Weakly Supervised Pre-training in Hybrid Speech Recognition
Path Advisor: A Multi-Functional Campus Map Tool for Shortest Path
SmartMeeting: Automatic Meeting Transcription and Summarization for In-Person Conversations
SmartSales: An AI-Powered Telemarketing Coaching System in FinTech
Analyzing Student Performance with Personalized Study Path and Learning Trouble Ratio
Architecture-Intact Oracle for Fastest Path and Time Queries on Dynamic Spatial Networks
Being happy with the least: Achieving α-happiness with minimum number of tuples
GoldenRetriever: A Speech Recognition System Powered by Modern Information Retrieval
Handling Information Loss of Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation
Incorporating boundary and category feature for nested named entity recognition
Incorporating concept information into term weighting schemes for topic models
Index-free approach with theoretical guarantee for efficient random walk with restart query
TopicOcean: An Ever-Increasing Topic Model With Meta-learning
Two-level convolutional neural network for aspect extraction
When Do GNNs Work: Understanding and Improving Neighborhood Aggregation
Big Data Analytics for Large-scale Wireless Networks: Challenges and Opportunities
Efficient Mining of Extraordinary Patterns by Pruning and Predicting
GeoLifecycle: User Engagement of Geographical Exploration and Churn Prediction in LBSNs
Class Indistinguishability for Outsourcing Equality Conjunction Search
FindYourFavorite: An Interactive System for Finding the User's Favorite Tuple in the Database
First index-free manifold ranking-based image retrieval with output bound
Fraction-Score: A New Support Measure for Co-location Pattern Mining
Practical Access Pattern Privacy by Combining PIR and Oblivious Shuffle
Repeatable Oblivious Shuffling of Large Outsourced Data Blocks
Topic-Aware Dialogue Speech Recognition with Transfer Learning
Generalized bucketization scheme for flexible privacy settings
Monochromatic and bichromatic reverse top-k group nearest neighbor queries
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 14th International Symposium, SSTD 2015, Proceedings
k-Hit Query: Top-k Query with Probabilistic Utility Function
New Lower and Upper Bounds for Shortest Distance Queries on Terrains
On Percolation Connectivity of Large Scale Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas
Trend-MC: A Melody Composer by Constructing from Frequent Trend-Based Patterns
Visual-VM: A Social Network Visualization Tool for Viral Marketing
Hop doubling label indexing for point-to-point distance querying on scalefree networks
Trajectory simplification: On minimizing the directionbased error
A new approach for maximizing bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor search
Finding shortest paths on terrains by killing two birds with one stone
IS-Label: an independent-set based labeling scheme for point-to-point distance querying
On Eavesdropping Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks with Directional Antennas
Can the utility of anonymized data be used for privacy breaches?
Information based data anonymization for classification utility
Maximizing bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor for Lp-norm in two- and three-dimensional spaces
SU-E-I-184: Variation of SUV in Time of Flight and Non-Time of Flight Dual Time Oncologic PET-CT
Anonymization-Based Attacks in Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing
Efficient Method for Maximizing Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor
Online Skyline Analysis with Dynamic Preferences on Nominal Attributes
Achieving k-Anonymity by Clustering in Attribute Hierarchical Structures
Development of a Robust and User-friendly Method for Leukemia Classification Using Microarrays
Experimental investigations of the anode flow field of a micro direct methanol fuel cell
Multidimensional k-Anonymization by Linear Clustering Using Space-Filling Curves
Data Mining for Inventory Item Selection with Cross-Selling Considerations
Mining N-most Interesting Itemsets without support threshold by the COFI-tree
ISM: Item Selection for Marketing with Cross-Selling Considerations
Real-time Rate Control via Variable Frame Rate and Quantization Parameters
Choosing Best Items by Considering Relationships Between Items
Big Data Analytics for Large-scale Wireless Networks: Challenges and Opportunities
Efficient Mining of Extraordinary Patterns by Pruning and Predicting
GeoLifecycle: User Engagement of Geographical Exploration and Churn Prediction in LBSNs
Conference paper
Class Indistinguishability for Outsourcing Equality Conjunction Search
Conference paper
Finding Average Regret Ratio Minimizing Set in Database
Conference paper
FindYourFavorite: An Interactive System for Finding the User's Favorite Tuple in the Database
Conference paper
First index-free manifold ranking-based image retrieval with output bound
Conference paper
Fraction-Score: A New Support Measure for Co-location Pattern Mining
Conference paper
Frequent Item Mining When Obtaining Support is Costly
Conference paper
Conference paper
On Generalizing Collective Spatial Keyword Queries
Conference paper
Practical Access Pattern Privacy by Combining PIR and Oblivious Shuffle
Conference paper
Repeatable Oblivious Shuffling of Large Outsourced Data Blocks
Conference paper
Session-based recommendation with local invariance
Conference paper
Strongly Truthful Interactive Regret Minimization
Conference paper
Topic-Aware Dialogue Speech Recognition with Transfer Learning
Conference paper
On Generalizing Collective Spatial Keyword Queries
Profit Maximization with Sufficient Customer Satisfactions
Efficient k-Regret Query Algorithm with Restriction-free Bound for any Dimensionality
Conference paper
On Capacity and Delay of Multichannel Wireless Networks with Infrastructure Support
Special Issue On Spatial And Temporal Database Management
Book chapter
Book chapter
A melody composer for both tonal and non-tonal languages
Conference paper
Distance Oracle on Terrain Surface
Conference paper
Inherent-Cost Aware Collective Spatial Keyword Queries
Conference paper
k-Regret Minimizing Set: Efficient Algorithms and Hardness
Conference paper
READS: A Random Walk Approach for Efficient and Accurate Dynamic SimRank
Conference paper
Generalized bucketization scheme for flexible privacy settings
Monochromatic and bichromatic reverse top-k group nearest neighbor queries
Skyline Queries and Pareto Optimality
Book chapter
Minimizing Average Regret Ratio in Database
Conference paper
Optimal location queries in road networks
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 14th International Symposium, SSTD 2015, Proceedings
Conference paper
Exact Top-k Nearest Keyword Search in Large Networks
Conference paper
KeyLabel Algorithms for Keyword Search in Large Graphs
Conference paper
k-Hit Query: Top-k Query with Probabilistic Utility Function
Conference paper
New Lower and Upper Bounds for Shortest Distance Queries on Terrains
Conference paper
On Percolation Connectivity of Large Scale Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas
Conference paper
Reconstruction Privacy: Enabling Statistical Learning
Conference paper
Trend-MC: A Melody Composer by Constructing from Frequent Trend-Based Patterns
Conference paper
Visual-VM: A Social Network Visualization Tool for Viral Marketing
Conference paper
Hop doubling label indexing for point-to-point distance querying on scalefree networks
Small sum privacy and large sum utility in data publishing
Terrain-Toolkit: A multi-functional tool for terrain data
Trajectory simplification: On minimizing the directionbased error
Viral marketing for dedicated customers
A New Framework for Traffic Anomaly Detection
Conference paper
Efficient algorithms for optimal location queries in road networks
Conference paper
Geometry Approach for k-Regret Query
Conference paper
Hypersphere dominance: an optimal approach
Conference paper
Learning on Probabilistic Labels
Conference paper
Multi-channel Wireless Networks With Infrastructure Support: Capacity and Delay
Conference paper
Selective Sampling on Probabilistic Data
Conference paper
Trajectory Simplification: On Minimizing the Direction-based Error
Conference paper
A new approach for maximizing bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor search
Direction-Preserving Trajectory Simplification
Finding shortest paths on terrains by killing two birds with one stone
IS-Label: an independent-set based labeling scheme for point-to-point distance querying
On Eavesdropping Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks with Directional Antennas
Collective Spatial Keyword Queries: A Distance Owner-Driven Approach
Conference paper
Conference paper
Finding Shortest Paths on Terrains by Killing Two Birds with One Stone
Conference paper
On Good and Fair Paper-Reviewer Assignment
Conference paper
On Optimal Worst-Case Matching
Conference paper
T-Music: A Melody Composer based on Frequent Pattern Mining
Conference paper
A Highly Optimized Algorithm for Continuous Intersection Join Queries over Moving Objects
An efficient method for privacy preserving location queries
Finding Top-k Preferable Products
Attribute-Based Subsequence Matching and Mining
Conference paper
Can the utility of anonymized data be used for privacy breaches?
Information based data anonymization for classification utility
Maximizing bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor for Lp-norm in two- and three-dimensional spaces
SU-E-I-184: Variation of SUV in Time of Flight and Non-Time of Flight Dual Time Oncologic PET-CT
Efficient Methods for Finding Influential Locations with Adaptive Grids
Conference paper
Exploring Security Improvement of Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas
Conference paper
Finding shortest path on land surface
Conference paper
Finding Top-k Profitable Products
Conference paper
Minimizing Seed Set for Viral Marketing
Conference paper
Global Privacy Guarantee in Serial Data Publishing
Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing: an Overview
Anonymization for Global Privacy Guarantee in Serial Data Publishing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Competitive privacy: Secure analysis on integrated sequence data
Conference paper
Probabilistic inference protection on anonymized data
Conference paper
Publishing Skewed Sensitive Microdata
Conference paper
(alpha, k)-anonymous data publishing
Anonymization-Based Attacks in Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing
Efficient Method for Maximizing Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor
Online Skyline Analysis with Dynamic Preferences on Nominal Attributes
Book chapter
FF-Anonymity: When Quasi-Identifiers Are Missing
Conference paper
Finding the influence set through skylines
Conference paper
Anonymisation by Local Recoding in Data with Attribute Hierarchical Taxonomies
Efficient Skyline Querying with Variable User Preferences on Nominal Attributes
Privacy Preserving Serial Data Publishing By Role Composition
Scaling and Time Warping in Time Series Querying
On the Capacity of Multi-Channel Wireless Networks Using Directional Antennas
Conference paper
Response to Discussion by Victor Li on 'Linear Real-time Rate Control'
(alpha, k)-anonymity Based Privacy Preservation by Lossy join
Conference paper
Advanced macro-block entropy coding in H.264
Conference paper
Advanced Real-Time Rate Control in H.264
Conference paper
Minimality Attack in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Achieving k-Anonymity by Clustering in Attribute Hierarchical Structures
Development of a Robust and User-friendly Method for Leukemia Classification Using Microarrays
Experimental investigations of the anode flow field of a micro direct methanol fuel cell
Minimality Attack in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing
Mining Top-K Frequent Itemset from Data Streams
Multidimensional k-Anonymization by Linear Clustering Using Space-Filling Curves
(α, k)-anonymity: An Enhanced k-anonymity Model for Privacy Preserving Data Publishing
Conference paper
Data Mining for Inventory Item Selection with Cross-Selling Considerations
Mining N-most Interesting Itemsets without support threshold by the COFI-tree
Projective Clustering by Histograms
Association Rule Mining and Its Applications to MPIS
Book chapter
Practical Indexing XML Document for Twig Query
Book chapter
Mining Top-K Itemsets over a Sliding Window Based on Zipfian Distribution
Conference paper
Piecewise linear model for real-time rate control
Conference paper
Privacy-Preserving Frequent Pattern Mining Across Private Databases
Conference paper
ISM: Item Selection for Marketing with Cross-Selling Considerations
Real-time Rate Control via Variable Frame Rate and Quantization Parameters
Real-Time Rate Control Via Variable Frame Rate and Quantization Parameters
Book chapter
Choosing Best Items by Considering Relationships Between Items
Conference paper
Efficient intra-prediction algorithm in H.264
Conference paper
Efficient intra-prediction mode, selection for 4x4 blocks in H.264
Conference paper
MPIS: Maximal-Profit Item Selection with Cross-Selling Considerations
Conference paper
Perceptual rate control for low-delay video communications
Conference paper
Additive nonparametric regression with autocorrelated errors
No Publications |
COMP1942 | Exploring and Visualizing Data |
COMP6921O | Research Project |
MSBD5002 | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
UROP1100O | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
UROP3100O | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 3 |
UROP4100O | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 4 |
COMP4981 | Final Year Project |
COMP5331 | Knowledge Discovery in Databases |
CSIT5210 | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
UROP1100N | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
UROP2100N | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 2 |
UROP3100N | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 3 |
COMP4981 | Final Year Project |
UROP1100M | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
UROP3200 | Undergraduate Research Opportunities with Mini-conference Experience |
COMP1942 | Exploring and Visualizing Data |
COMP4910 | Co-op Program |
COMP4981 | Final Year Project |
COMP6921O | Research Project |
MSBD5002 | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
UROP1100L | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
UROP2100L | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 2 |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
TAN, Weile
Computer Science and Engineering
LIU, Junjie
Computer Science and Engineering
SU, Hong
Computer Science and Engineering
XIONG, Xubang
Computer Science and Engineering
CHAK, Hon Hing
Computer Science and Engineering
HE, Tianlang
Computer Science and Engineering
CHEN, Qixu
Computer Science and Engineering
YAN, Yinzhao
Computer Science and Engineering
LIU, Hao
Computer Science and Engineering
SONG, Yuanfeng
Computer Science and Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
WANG, Libin
Computer Science and Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
WANG, Weicheng
Computer Science and Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
CHEN, Tianwen
Computer Science and Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
FANG, Xianghong
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program (Artificial Intelligence)( Completed in 2022 )
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