PhD in Mechanical Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2021
Aerodynamic and Acoustic Evaluation of a Cylinder Covered by Stretched Grooved Fabric
Effect of rotation speed fluctuation on rotor noise generation: A numerical and experimental study
A Numerical Study of Cyclist-Cyclist Aerodynamic Interaction Towards Efficient Overtaking Strategy
Acoustic imaging of geometrically shielded sound sources using tailored Green's functions
Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of ducted propellers: A study on the design and geometry effects
Experimental investigation on the aerodynamics of a windsurfing sail under steady sailing conditions
Experimental Study of the Effect of Boundary-Layer Transition on Rotor Aeroacoustics
Exploring noise reduction strategies: Optimizing drone station placement for last-mile delivery
Numerical simulation of windsurfing sail aerodynamics: Insights into forces and flow characteristics
On Improving the Noise Reduction Performance of Trailing Edge Serrations by Extension
On the evolution of flow structures around a track cyclist
Reflected acoustic wave manipulation by metasurfaces in a grazing flow
The influence of crosswinds and leg positions on cycling aerodynamics
A Hierarchical Approach for Windsurfing Performance Analysis and Velocity Prediction
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
An approximation method to identify the near-field sound patterns in aerodynamic flows
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Effect of Sail Rig-back Angle in Windsurfing Sailing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Low-noise multi-agent intelligent navigation for unmanned aircraft systems
Conference paper
Conference paper
Statistical Analysis in Transient Rotor Noise Strength
Conference paper
Acoustic imaging of the broadband noise arising in contra-rotating co-axial propellers
An investigation of rotor aeroacoustics with unsteady motions and uncertainty factors
Development of a Low-Noise and High-Efficiency Propeller Using Divergent Riblet Surface Pattern
Experimental and numerical investigations on rotor noise in axial descending flight
Performance of a windsurfing sail under steady condition
Predicting the aerodynamic noise of counter-rotating coaxial rotors
Virtual flight simulation of delivery drone noise in the urban residential community
A computational aeroacoustic study of a multi-rotor powered urban air mobility vehicle
Conference paper
Conference paper
An investigation of the noise characteristics of a small-scale rotor in axial descent
Conference paper
Conference paper
Experimental investigation on the aeroacoustics of coaxial rotors
Conference paper
Low-noise Flight Routing Planning of Drones Based on a Virtual Flight Noise Simulator
Conference paper
Near-field sound propagation and the installation effects of an urban air mobility vehicle
Conference paper
Noise assessment and low-noise flight path planning platform for urban air mobility
Conference paper
Noise measurement of a quadrotor drone in an anechoic chamber
Conference paper
Noise-aware UAS flight path planning based on virtual flight simulation
Conference paper
Transient aeroacoustic analysis of a pitching airfoil at low Reynolds number
Conference paper
Aerodynamics of isolated cycling wheels using wind tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamics
An experimental study of aerodynamic noise from large obstructions in turbulent boundary layer flows
Broadband trailing edge noise reduction through porous velvet-coated serrations
On Identifying the Deterministic Components of Propeller Noise
Toward high-efficiency low-noise propellers: A numerical and experimental study
Acoustic Impedance Measurements using an Advanced Grazing Flow Tube Facility
Conference paper
Enhancing the noise reduction capability of serrations using low-profile vortex generators
Conference paper
Identification of deterministic components of propeller noise
Conference paper
On the effect of unsteady motions on the rotor aerodynamic noise
Conference paper
Trailing edge noise reduction using velvety serrations
Conference paper
Uncertainty Factors in Propeller Aeroacoustic Measurements
Conference paper
Design and characterization of a multifunctional low-speed anechoic wind tunnel at HKUST
Propulsive Efficiency and Efficacy of a Pumping Sail
A hybrid and efficient low-noise assessment platform for urban aerial mobility (HELPU)
Conference paper
An experimental investigation of turbulent flow over two-dimensional obstacles on a flat plate
Conference paper
Effect of a poroelastic extension on acoustic scattering of a finite plate
Conference paper
Experimental assessment of the noise characteristics of propellers for commercial drones
Conference paper
The experimental study on sound reduction of a circular cylinder with surface pattern
Conference paper
The multi-functional rotor aerodynamic and aeroacoustic test platform at HKUST
Conference paper
Trailing edge noise reduction through flexible serrations
Conference paper
A revisit of the tonal noise of small rotors
A study of the effect of serration shape and flexibility on trailing edge noise
Aerodynamic measurements of a single wheel in ground effect
Conference paper
An experimental investigation of the effect of owl-inspired velvety coating on trailing edge noise
Conference paper
Modification of Broadband Trailing Edge Noise Through Hairy Coating
Conference paper
Delayed frost formation on hybrid nanostructured surfaces with patterned high wetting contrast
Conference paper
A Numerical Study of Cyclist-Cyclist Aerodynamic Interaction Towards Efficient Overtaking Strategy
Acoustic imaging of geometrically shielded sound sources using tailored Green's functions
Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of ducted propellers: A study on the design and geometry effects
Experimental investigation on the aerodynamics of a windsurfing sail under steady sailing conditions
Experimental Study of the Effect of Boundary-Layer Transition on Rotor Aeroacoustics
Exploring noise reduction strategies: Optimizing drone station placement for last-mile delivery
Numerical simulation of windsurfing sail aerodynamics: Insights into forces and flow characteristics
On Improving the Noise Reduction Performance of Trailing Edge Serrations by Extension
Reflected acoustic wave manipulation by metasurfaces in a grazing flow
The influence of crosswinds and leg positions on cycling aerodynamics
Acoustic imaging of the broadband noise arising in contra-rotating co-axial propellers
An investigation of rotor aeroacoustics with unsteady motions and uncertainty factors
Development of a Low-Noise and High-Efficiency Propeller Using Divergent Riblet Surface Pattern
Experimental and numerical investigations on rotor noise in axial descending flight
Predicting the aerodynamic noise of counter-rotating coaxial rotors
Virtual flight simulation of delivery drone noise in the urban residential community
A computational aeroacoustic study of a multi-rotor powered urban air mobility vehicle
An investigation of the noise characteristics of a small-scale rotor in axial descent
Experimental investigation on the aeroacoustics of coaxial rotors
Low-noise Flight Routing Planning of Drones Based on a Virtual Flight Noise Simulator
Near-field sound propagation and the installation effects of an urban air mobility vehicle
Noise assessment and low-noise flight path planning platform for urban air mobility
Noise measurement of a quadrotor drone in an anechoic chamber
Noise-aware UAS flight path planning based on virtual flight simulation
Transient aeroacoustic analysis of a pitching airfoil at low Reynolds number
Aerodynamics of isolated cycling wheels using wind tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamics
An experimental study of aerodynamic noise from large obstructions in turbulent boundary layer flows
Broadband trailing edge noise reduction through porous velvet-coated serrations
On Identifying the Deterministic Components of Propeller Noise
Toward high-efficiency low-noise propellers: A numerical and experimental study
Acoustic Impedance Measurements using an Advanced Grazing Flow Tube Facility
Enhancing the noise reduction capability of serrations using low-profile vortex generators
Identification of deterministic components of propeller noise
On the effect of unsteady motions on the rotor aerodynamic noise
A hybrid and efficient low-noise assessment platform for urban aerial mobility (HELPU)
An experimental investigation of turbulent flow over two-dimensional obstacles on a flat plate
Effect of a poroelastic extension on acoustic scattering of a finite plate
Experimental assessment of the noise characteristics of propellers for commercial drones
The experimental study on sound reduction of a circular cylinder with surface pattern
The multi-functional rotor aerodynamic and aeroacoustic test platform at HKUST
An experimental investigation of the effect of owl-inspired velvety coating on trailing edge noise
Conference paper
Modification of Broadband Trailing Edge Noise Through Hairy Coating
Conference paper
Delayed frost formation on hybrid nanostructured surfaces with patterned high wetting contrast
Conference paper
AESF5330 | Advanced Aircraft Design |
MECH5961 | Acoustics and Aeroacoustics |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
LI, Huiling
Mechanical Engineering
HE, Jiahua
Mechanical Engineering
HOU, Jiafan
Mechanical Engineering
HU, Zixiang
Mechanical Engineering
MAO, Jiaqi
Mechanical Engineering
WANG, Zilu
Mechanical Engineering
LI, Xiangru
Mechanical Engineering
ZHANG, Zhicheng
Mechanical Engineering
MOK, Kwan Pui
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
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