DEng in Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Munich (TUM), 2017
A diffuse-interface smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for compressible multiphase flows
A new high-order RKDG method based on the TENO-THINC scheme for shock-capturing
One-side diffuse-interface immersed boundary method for compressible flows
A high-order diffuse-interface method with TENO-THINC scheme for compressible multiphase flows
A new troubled cell indicator and a new limiter based on TENO schemes for RKDG methods
A new type of non-polynomial based TENO scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws
A novel finite-difference converged ENO scheme for steady-state simulations of Euler equations
A Reynolds analogy model for compressible wall turbulence
Finite-Volume TENO Scheme with a New Cell-Interface Flux Evaluation Strategy for Unstructured Meshes
Mean temperature scalings in compressible wall turbulence
Multiscale analysis of the space-time properties in incompressible wall-bounded turbulence
Optimisation and modelling of eddy viscosity in the resolvent analysis of turbulent channel flows
Progress in physical modeling of compressible wall-bounded turbulent flows
Resolvent analyses of incompressible turbulent channel, pipe and boundary-layer flows
The generalised resolvent-based turbulence estimation with arbitrarily sampled measurements in time
3D fluid-shell interaction simulation framework based on meshless methods
Conference paper
3D meshless fluid–shell interaction framework
Conference paper
A diffuse-interface smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for compressible multiphase flows
Conference paper
Conference paper
A new high-order RKDG method based on the TENO-THINC scheme for shock-capturing
Conference paper
A new high-order RKDG method based on the TENO-THINC scheme for shock-capturing
Conference paper
Conference paper
A semi-meshless Lagrangian finite-volume framework for Reissner-Mindlin shell
Conference paper
Adaptively Tuned High-Order Methods for iLES
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Generalized resolvent-based turbulence estimation with arbitrarily sampled measurements in time
Conference paper
Optimal spatial configuration of limited measurement locations for flow reconstruction
Conference paper
Streamwise inclination angle of attached eddies in compressible turbulent channel flows
Conference paper
Conference paper
The generalized resolvent-based turbulence estimation with arbitrarily sampled measurements in time
Conference paper
A Family of Fast Multi-resolution ENO Schemes for Compressible Flows
A Five-Point TENO Scheme with Adaptive Dissipation Based on a New Scale Sensor
A new particle shifting technique for SPH methods based on Voronoi diagram and volume compensation
A short note on a 3D spectral analysis for turbulent flows on unstructured meshes
Effects of mean shear on the vortex identification and the orientation statistics
High-Order Finite-Volume TENO Schemes with Dual ENO-Like Stencil Selection for Unstructured Meshes
High-Order Low-Dissipation Shock-Resolving TENO-THINC Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Linear response analysis of supersonic turbulent channel flows with a large parameter space
Momentum and heat flux events in compressible turbulent channel flows
Review of the High-Order TENO Schemes for Compressible Gas Dynamics and Turbulence
Study of the vortex structure in compressible wall-bounded turbulence
A high-order diffuse interface method with TENO-THINC scheme for compressible multiphase flows
Conference paper
A high-order shock-capturing DG method based on the TENO scheme
Conference paper
A new low-dissipation finite-volume method based on the TENO scheme for unstructured meshes
Conference paper
A new SPH method based on high-order moving-least-square TENO scheme for compressible flows
Conference paper
A resolvent-based prediction framework for turbulent channel flow with limited measurements
Conference paper
A Six-Point Shock-Capturing Scheme With Neural Network
Conference paper
Conference paper
Enstrophy production in compressible isotropic turbulence with vibrational non-equilibrium
Conference paper
Finite-volume TENO schemes with a new cell interface flux computing strategy for unstructured meshes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Kinematic properties of vortical structures in compressible wall bounded turbulence
Conference paper
Linear response analysis of compressible turbulent channel flows
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mean temperature scaling in compressible wall turbulence
Conference paper
Conference paper
Resolvent analysis of turbulent pipe, channel and boundary layer flows
Conference paper
Wall-modeled large-eddy simulations for aerospace engineering
Conference paper
A block-based adaptive particle refinement SPH method for fluid–structure interaction problems
A Fifth-Order Low-Dissipation Discontinuity-Resolving TENO Scheme for Compressible Flow Simulation
A New Adaptation Strategy for Multi-resolution Method
A Novel High-Order Low-Dissipation TENO-THINC Scheme for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
An Efficient Low-Dissipation High-Order TENO Scheme for MHD Flows
Compressible Velocity Transformations for Various Noncanonical Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows
Large-scale motions and self-similar structures in compressible turbulent channel flows
Streamwise Inclination Angle of Wall-Attached Eddies in Turbulent Channel Flows
UCNS3D: An open-source high-order finite-volume unstructured CFD solver
A fifth-order very-low-dissipation TENO scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws
Conference paper
A five-point TENO scheme with adaptive dissipation based on a new scale sensor
Conference paper
A Multi-Resolution SPH Framework for Fluid-Structure Interaction
Conference paper
A new particle shifting technique for SPH methods based on Voronoi diagram and volume compensation
Conference paper
High-order low-dissipation TENO schemes: from structured to unstructured meshes
Conference paper
High-order TENO schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws
Conference paper
Conference paper
Large-scale motions and self-similar structures in compressible turbulent channel flows
Conference paper
Conference paper
On the eddy structures of wall-bounded turbulence in ocean engineering
Conference paper
On the streamwise wall-shear fluctuations generated by attached eddies in a turbulent channel flow
Conference paper
Recent progress in modelling the incompressible and compressible wall-bounded turbulence
Conference paper
Wall model for large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent flows
Conference paper
A feature-aware SPH for isotropic unstructured mesh generation
A low-dissipation shock-capturing framework with flexible nonlinear dissipation control
General method for determining the boundary layer thickness in nonequilibrium flows
Prediction of aerothermal characteristics of a generic hypersonic inlet flow
Shock-induced heating and transition to turbulence in a hypersonic boundary layer
Time-Accurate and highly-Stable Explicit operators for stiff differential equations
Velocity Transformation for Compressible Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows with and without Heat Transfer
Very-High-Order TENO Schemes With Adaptive Accuracy Order And Adaptive Dissipation Control
A low-dissipation shock-capturing framework with flexible nonlinear dissipation control
Conference paper
Fast multi-resolution ENO schemes for compressible flows
Conference paper
Improved equilibrium wall stress model for turbulent boundary layers with zero pressure gradient
Conference paper
Velocity transformation for compressible wall-bounded turbulent flows with and without heat transfer
Conference paper
A consistent parallel isotropic unstructured mesh generation method based on multi-phase SPH
Adaptive anisotropic unstructured mesh generation method based on fluid relaxation analogy
A low-dissipation shock-capturing framework with fexible nonlinear dissipation control
Conference paper
A new ODE-based wall model for boundary layers accounting for pressure gradient and Re effects
Conference paper
A new TENO/THINC hybrid high-resolution scheme for shock capturing
Conference paper
Conference paper
A hybrid method with teno based discontinuity indicator for hyperbolic conservation laws
A low-dissipation finite-volume method based on a new TENO shock-capturing scheme
A new multi-resolution parallel framework for SPH
A Targeted ENO Scheme as Implicit Model for Turbulent and Genuine Subgrid Scales
A very-high-order TENO scheme for all-speed gas dynamics and turbulence
An isotropic unstructured mesh generation method based on a fluid relaxation analogy
An optimal particle setup method with Centroidal Voronoi Particle dynamics
Detonation simulations with a fifth-order teno scheme
High-Order Low-Dissipation Targeted ENO Schemes for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics
Improved five- And six-point targeted essentially nonoscillatory schemes with adaptive dissipation
Parallel fast-neighbor-searching and communication strategy for particle-based methods
Conference paper
Reviewing of High-order TENO Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Conference paper
Shock-induced transition and heating in hypersonic boundary layers
Conference paper
WMLES of shock-induced aerodynamic heating in hypersonic boundary layers
Conference paper
A new class of adaptive high-order targeted ENO schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws
Conference paper
Advances in PDEs: Theory, Computation and Application to CFD
Conference paper
Equilibrium wall-modeled LES of shock-induced aerodynamic heating in hypersonic boundary layers
Conference paper
Flow Topology and Alignment Analysis of Passive Scalar Mixing in Shock Turbulence Interaction
Conference paper
High-order Targeted ENO Scheme for Turbulence Simulations
Conference paper
Time-evolution of passive scalar structures in shock-turbulence interaction
Conference paper
A novel partitioning method for block-structured adaptive meshes
A physics-motivated Centroidal Voronoi Particle domain decomposition method
Targeted ENO schemes with tailored resolution property for hyperbolic conservation laws
A high-order TENO scheme for the large eddy simulation of incompressible and compressible turbulence
Conference paper
A new class of adaptive high-order TENO schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Conference paper
A new parallel framework for SPH method with adaptive smoothing-length
Conference paper
An unstructured-mesh generator based on SPH analogy
Conference paper
Implicit large eddy simulations with a high-order TENO scheme
Conference paper
Novel high order TENO schemes and new domain decomposition method
Conference paper
A family of high-order targeted ENO schemes for compressible-fluid simulations
A physics-motivated Centroidal Voronoi Particle domain decomposition method
Conference paper
A family of high order targeted ENO scheme for compressible fluid simulations
Conference paper
Physics-driven approach to load balancing in massively parallel CFD
Conference paper
A high-order diffuse-interface method with TENO-THINC scheme for compressible multiphase flows
A new troubled cell indicator and a new limiter based on TENO schemes for RKDG methods
A new type of non-polynomial based TENO scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws
A novel finite-difference converged ENO scheme for steady-state simulations of Euler equations
Finite-Volume TENO Scheme with a New Cell-Interface Flux Evaluation Strategy for Unstructured Meshes
Multiscale analysis of the space-time properties in incompressible wall-bounded turbulence
Optimisation and modelling of eddy viscosity in the resolvent analysis of turbulent channel flows
Progress in physical modeling of compressible wall-bounded turbulent flows
Resolvent analyses of incompressible turbulent channel, pipe and boundary-layer flows
The generalised resolvent-based turbulence estimation with arbitrarily sampled measurements in time
3D fluid-shell interaction simulation framework based on meshless methods
A diffuse-interface smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for compressible multiphase flows
A new high-order RKDG method based on the TENO-THINC scheme for shock-capturing
A new high-order RKDG method based on the TENO-THINC scheme for shock-capturing
A semi-meshless Lagrangian finite-volume framework for Reissner-Mindlin shell
Generalized resolvent-based turbulence estimation with arbitrarily sampled measurements in time
Optimal spatial configuration of limited measurement locations for flow reconstruction
Streamwise inclination angle of attached eddies in compressible turbulent channel flows
The generalized resolvent-based turbulence estimation with arbitrarily sampled measurements in time
A Family of Fast Multi-resolution ENO Schemes for Compressible Flows
A Five-Point TENO Scheme with Adaptive Dissipation Based on a New Scale Sensor
A new particle shifting technique for SPH methods based on Voronoi diagram and volume compensation
A short note on a 3D spectral analysis for turbulent flows on unstructured meshes
Effects of mean shear on the vortex identification and the orientation statistics
High-Order Finite-Volume TENO Schemes with Dual ENO-Like Stencil Selection for Unstructured Meshes
High-Order Low-Dissipation Shock-Resolving TENO-THINC Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Linear response analysis of supersonic turbulent channel flows with a large parameter space
Momentum and heat flux events in compressible turbulent channel flows
Review of the High-Order TENO Schemes for Compressible Gas Dynamics and Turbulence
Study of the vortex structure in compressible wall-bounded turbulence
A high-order diffuse interface method with TENO-THINC scheme for compressible multiphase flows
A high-order shock-capturing DG method based on the TENO scheme
A new low-dissipation finite-volume method based on the TENO scheme for unstructured meshes
A new SPH method based on high-order moving-least-square TENO scheme for compressible flows
A resolvent-based prediction framework for turbulent channel flow with limited measurements
Enstrophy production in compressible isotropic turbulence with vibrational non-equilibrium
Finite-volume TENO schemes with a new cell interface flux computing strategy for unstructured meshes
Kinematic properties of vortical structures in compressible wall bounded turbulence
Linear response analysis of compressible turbulent channel flows
Resolvent analysis of turbulent pipe, channel and boundary layer flows
Wall-modeled large-eddy simulations for aerospace engineering
A block-based adaptive particle refinement SPH method for fluid–structure interaction problems
A Fifth-Order Low-Dissipation Discontinuity-Resolving TENO Scheme for Compressible Flow Simulation
A Novel High-Order Low-Dissipation TENO-THINC Scheme for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
An Efficient Low-Dissipation High-Order TENO Scheme for MHD Flows
Compressible Velocity Transformations for Various Noncanonical Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows
Large-scale motions and self-similar structures in compressible turbulent channel flows
Streamwise Inclination Angle of Wall-Attached Eddies in Turbulent Channel Flows
UCNS3D: An open-source high-order finite-volume unstructured CFD solver
A fifth-order very-low-dissipation TENO scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws
A five-point TENO scheme with adaptive dissipation based on a new scale sensor
A Multi-Resolution SPH Framework for Fluid-Structure Interaction
A new particle shifting technique for SPH methods based on Voronoi diagram and volume compensation
High-order low-dissipation TENO schemes: from structured to unstructured meshes
Large-scale motions and self-similar structures in compressible turbulent channel flows
On the eddy structures of wall-bounded turbulence in ocean engineering
On the streamwise wall-shear fluctuations generated by attached eddies in a turbulent channel flow
Recent progress in modelling the incompressible and compressible wall-bounded turbulence
Wall model for large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent flows
A feature-aware SPH for isotropic unstructured mesh generation
A low-dissipation shock-capturing framework with flexible nonlinear dissipation control
General method for determining the boundary layer thickness in nonequilibrium flows
Prediction of aerothermal characteristics of a generic hypersonic inlet flow
Shock-induced heating and transition to turbulence in a hypersonic boundary layer
Time-Accurate and highly-Stable Explicit operators for stiff differential equations
Velocity Transformation for Compressible Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows with and without Heat Transfer
Very-High-Order TENO Schemes With Adaptive Accuracy Order And Adaptive Dissipation Control
A low-dissipation shock-capturing framework with flexible nonlinear dissipation control
Improved equilibrium wall stress model for turbulent boundary layers with zero pressure gradient
Velocity transformation for compressible wall-bounded turbulent flows with and without heat transfer
A consistent parallel isotropic unstructured mesh generation method based on multi-phase SPH
Adaptive anisotropic unstructured mesh generation method based on fluid relaxation analogy
A hybrid method with teno based discontinuity indicator for hyperbolic conservation laws
A low-dissipation finite-volume method based on a new TENO shock-capturing scheme
A Targeted ENO Scheme as Implicit Model for Turbulent and Genuine Subgrid Scales
A very-high-order TENO scheme for all-speed gas dynamics and turbulence
An isotropic unstructured mesh generation method based on a fluid relaxation analogy
An optimal particle setup method with Centroidal Voronoi Particle dynamics
High-Order Low-Dissipation Targeted ENO Schemes for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics
Improved five- And six-point targeted essentially nonoscillatory schemes with adaptive dissipation
Parallel fast-neighbor-searching and communication strategy for particle-based methods
Advances in PDEs: Theory, Computation and Application to CFD
Equilibrium wall-modeled LES of shock-induced aerodynamic heating in hypersonic boundary layers
Flow Topology and Alignment Analysis of Passive Scalar Mixing in Shock Turbulence Interaction
Time-evolution of passive scalar structures in shock-turbulence interaction
A novel partitioning method for block-structured adaptive meshes
A physics-motivated Centroidal Voronoi Particle domain decomposition method
Targeted ENO schemes with tailored resolution property for hyperbolic conservation laws
A high-order TENO scheme for the large eddy simulation of incompressible and compressible turbulence
A new class of adaptive high-order TENO schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
A new parallel framework for SPH method with adaptive smoothing-length
Implicit large eddy simulations with a high-order TENO scheme
Novel high order TENO schemes and new domain decomposition method
A physics-motivated Centroidal Voronoi Particle domain decomposition method
A hybrid method with teno based discontinuity indicator for hyperbolic conservation laws
A low-dissipation finite-volume method based on a new TENO shock-capturing scheme
A new multi-resolution parallel framework for SPH
A Targeted ENO Scheme as Implicit Model for Turbulent and Genuine Subgrid Scales
A very-high-order TENO scheme for all-speed gas dynamics and turbulence
An isotropic unstructured mesh generation method based on a fluid relaxation analogy
An optimal particle setup method with Centroidal Voronoi Particle dynamics
Detonation simulations with a fifth-order teno scheme
High-Order Low-Dissipation Targeted ENO Schemes for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics
Improved five- And six-point targeted essentially nonoscillatory schemes with adaptive dissipation
Parallel fast-neighbor-searching and communication strategy for particle-based methods
Conference paper
Reviewing of High-order TENO Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Conference paper
Shock-induced transition and heating in hypersonic boundary layers
Conference paper
WMLES of shock-induced aerodynamic heating in hypersonic boundary layers
Conference paper
A new class of adaptive high-order targeted ENO schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws
Conference paper
Advances in PDEs: Theory, Computation and Application to CFD
Conference paper
Equilibrium wall-modeled LES of shock-induced aerodynamic heating in hypersonic boundary layers
Conference paper
Flow Topology and Alignment Analysis of Passive Scalar Mixing in Shock Turbulence Interaction
Conference paper
High-order Targeted ENO Scheme for Turbulence Simulations
Conference paper
Time-evolution of passive scalar structures in shock-turbulence interaction
Conference paper
A novel partitioning method for block-structured adaptive meshes
A physics-motivated Centroidal Voronoi Particle domain decomposition method
Targeted ENO schemes with tailored resolution property for hyperbolic conservation laws
A high-order TENO scheme for the large eddy simulation of incompressible and compressible turbulence
Conference paper
A new class of adaptive high-order TENO schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Conference paper
A new parallel framework for SPH method with adaptive smoothing-length
Conference paper
An unstructured-mesh generator based on SPH analogy
Conference paper
Implicit large eddy simulations with a high-order TENO scheme
Conference paper
Novel high order TENO schemes and new domain decomposition method
Conference paper
A family of high-order targeted ENO schemes for compressible-fluid simulations
A physics-motivated Centroidal Voronoi Particle domain decomposition method
Conference paper
A family of high order targeted ENO scheme for compressible fluid simulations
Conference paper
Physics-driven approach to load balancing in massively parallel CFD
Conference paper
MECH2210 | Fluid Mechanics |
MECH2310 | Thermodynamics |
MECH4980 | Final Year Aerospace Design Project |
MECH6950C | Independent Studies |
UROP1100N | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
UROP2100N | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 2 |
UROP1100M | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
UROP3200 | Undergraduate Research Opportunities with Mini-conference Experience |
MECH2210 | Fluid Mechanics |
MECH4900 | Final Year Design Project |
MECH4950 | Co-op Program |
MECH4980 | Final Year Aerospace Design Project |
UROP2100L | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 2 |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
LU, Shiyi
Mechanical Engineering
SONG, Depei
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
SUN, Ka Ip Justin Edmund
Mechanical Engineering
YUAN, Mingduo
Mechanical Engineering
HUANG, Haohan
LI, Qichao
Mechanical Engineering
YING, Anjia
Mechanical Engineering
BAI, Tianyi
Mechanical Engineering
GAO, Tianrun
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
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