PhD in Engineering
University of Cambridge, 2012
Airfoil self-noise prediction using deep neural networks
An improved dynamic model for wind-turbine wake flow
Breaking the symmetry of a wavy channel alters the route to chaotic flow
Chaos via type-II intermittency in a forced globally unstable jet
Effects of AlH3 particle size and loading on the combustion and agglomeration of solid propellants
Fokker-Planck dynamics of two coupled van der Pol oscillators subjected to stochastic forcing
Fokker-Planck modeling of the stochastic dynamics of a Rijke tube
Forced synchronization of self-excited chaotic thermoacoustic oscillations
Genetic programing control of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations
Ground-induced suppression of chaos in the self-excited flow behind a plunging airfoil
Investigation of aluminum particle ignition dynamics in various propellant environments
Resolvent analysis for predicting energetic structures in the far wake of a wind turbine
Scale-free topology of vortical networks in a turbulent thermoacoustic system
Acoustic excitation of an n-heptane droplet: Evaporation, ignition and combustion characteristics
Ignition and combustion characteristics of boron-based nanofluid fuel
Ignition and combustion experiments on Mg/AP composite fuels in different reaction environments
Implications of steep hilly terrain for modeling wind-turbine wakes
Model-free forecasting of partially observable spatiotemporally chaotic systems
Multifractality and scale-free network topology in a noise-perturbed laminar jet
Recent progress in the thermal management of lithium-ion batteries
Introduction to solar energy harvesting and storage
Book chapter
Chaos suppression via genetic programming control in a self-excited thermoacoustic system
Conference paper
Cluster-based control of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations in a Rijke tube
Conference paper
Early detection of global instability via recurrence plots and neural networks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Intermittency route to chaos in a forced globally unstable jet
Conference paper
Output-only system identification of low-frequency flow oscillations over an airfoil near stall
Conference paper
Statistical properties of the low-frequency flow oscillations over an airfoil near stall
Conference paper
VisionARi: Improving the accessibility of high-quality educational AR content
Conference paper
Asynchronous and synchronous quenching of a globally unstable jet via axisymmetry breaking
Componentwise influence of upstream turbulence on the far-wake dynamics of wind turbines
Synchronization and chimeras in a network of four ring-coupled thermoacoustic oscillators
Organic Phase Change Materials
Book chapter
Thermoacoustic Instability: A Complex Systems Perspective [Book Review]
Book review
Conference paper
Chimera states in a can-annular combustion system
Conference paper
Early detection of self-sustained low-frequency flow oscillations over an airfoil
Conference paper
Genetic programming control of quasiperiodic thermoacoustic oscillations
Conference paper
Immersive learning in fluid dynamics via an online community-based augmented reality platform
Conference paper
Model-free forecasting of large partially observable spatiotemporally chaotic systems
Conference paper
Resolvent analysis for predicting energy-containing structures in the far wake of a wind turbine
Conference paper
Strange nonchaos and crisis-induced intermittency in a forced self-excited jet
Conference paper
Suppression of quasiperiodic thermoacoustic oscillations via genetic programming
Conference paper
VisionARi: An Online Community-Based Augmented Reality Platform for Immersive Learning
Conference paper
Conference paper
A comprehensive review on the application of hybrid nanofluids in solar energy collectors
A dynamic multi-objective optimization procedure for water cooling of a photovoltaic module
A method for improving the accuracy of numerical simulations of a photovoltaic panel
Global hydrodynamic instability and blowoff dynamics of a bluff-body stabilized lean-premixed flame
Low-Order Modeling of the Mutual Synchronization between Two Turbulent Thermoacoustic Oscillators
RANS simulations of terrain-disrupted turbulent airflow at Hong Kong International Airport
Unsteady ultra-lean combustion of methane and biogas in a porous burner – An experimental study
Collective behavior in a network of four ring-coupled turbulent combustors
Conference paper
Conference paper
Predicting tipping points in complex systems using machine learning
Conference paper
Ruelle–Takens–Newhouse route to chaos in a forced low-density jet
Conference paper
Suppression of thermoacoustic oscillations in a Sondhauss tube using genetic programming
Conference paper
Conference paper
Transition in a laminar boundary layer containing a suspended square rod
Conference paper
A Ginzburg–Landau model for linear global modes in open shear flows
A numerical study on discrete combustion of polydisperse magnesium aero-suspensions
A theoretical study of parietal vortex shedding in Taylor–Culick flow via linear stability analysis
Estimating Biofuel Density via a Soft Computing Approach Based on Intermolecular Interactions
Experimental investigation of circular flat-panel collector performance with spiral pipes
Intermittency route to self-excited chaotic thermoacoustic oscillations
Lift characteristics of two tandem airfoils in the globally unstable wake of a heated cylinder
Numerical study on the application of biodiesel and bioethanol in a multiple injection diesel engine
Closed-loop control of a globally unstable jet using genetic programming
Conference paper
Genetic programming control of a hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Conference paper
Genetic programming control of a laminar premixed combustor
Conference paper
Intermittency route to chaos in a self-excited thermoacoustic system
Conference paper
Conference paper
Self-excited chaotic thermoacoustic oscillations via type-II intermittency
Conference paper
Suppression of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations using genetic programming
Conference paper
Conference paper
Coherence Resonance in Low-density Jets
Complex Network Analysis of Forced Synchronization in a Hydrodynamically Self-excited Jet
Forced synchronization of quasiperiodic oscillations in a thermoacoustic system
Non-modal Stability Analysis of Low-Re Separated Flow Around a NACA 4415 Airfoil in Ground Effect
Stability of Low-Reynolds-Number Separated Flow Around an Airfoil Near a Wavy Ground
System Identification of a Low-Density Jet via Its Noise-Induced Dynamics
Conference paper
Asymmetric forcing of two coupled thermoacoustic oscillators
Conference paper
Conference paper
Closed-loop control of thermoacoustic oscillations using genetic programming
Conference paper
Exploiting noise-induced dynamics for system identification near a Hopf bifurcation
Conference paper
Conference paper
System identification of a thermoacoustic system using its noise-induced dynamics
Conference paper
Conference paper
Ground Effects on the Stability of Separated Flow Around a NACA 4415 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers
Modified computation of the nozzle damping coefficient in solid rocket motors
Nonlinear time-series analysis of thermoacoustic oscillations in a solid rocket motor
Steady flow around an inclined torus at low Reynolds numbers: Lift and drag coefficients
Conference paper
Global helical modes in low-density jets
Conference paper
Noise-induced triggering in low-density jets
Conference paper
Non-modal stability analysis of low-Re separated flow around a NACA 4415 airfoil in ground effect
Conference paper
Recurrence analysis of a globally unstable jet subjected to transverse acoustic forcing
Conference paper
Spatiotemporal intermittency of global helical modes in low-density jets
Conference paper
Suppression of chaotic thermoacoustic oscillations by external acoustic forcing
Conference paper
System identification of a low-density jet via its noise-induced dynamics
Conference paper
Extracting flame describing functions in the presence of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations
Low-cost multispectral imaging for remote sensing of lettuce health
Onset of global instability in low-density jets
An intermittency route to global instability in low-density jets
Conference paper
Coherence resonance in low-density jets
Conference paper
Ground effects on the stability of separated flow around an airfoil at low Reynolds numbers
Conference paper
Nonlinear time-series analysis of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations in a Rijke tube
Conference paper
Open-loop control of quasiperiodic thermoacoustic oscillations
Conference paper
Recurrence Analysis of Forced Synchronization in a Self-excited Thermoacoustic System
Conference paper
Transverse acoustic forcing of a round hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Conference paper
Experimental sensitivity analysis and control of thermoacoustic systems
A recurrence network approach to analyzing forced synchronization in hydrodynamic systems
Conference paper
Conference paper
Forced synchronization of thermoacoustic oscillations in a ducted flame
Conference paper
Subcritical Hopf bifurcations in low-density jets
Conference paper
The effect of confinement length on the stability of planar dense wakes
Conference paper
The nature of combustion noise: Stochastic or chaotic?
Conference paper
Nonlinear dynamics of a self-excited thermoacoustic system subjected to acoustic forcing
Experimental sensitivity analysis and control of thermoacoustic systems
Conference paper
CFD of nonlinear thermoacoustics of bluff-body stabilized premixed flames
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Lock-in and quasiperiodicity in a forced hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Lock-in and quasiperiodicity in hydrodynamically self-excited flames: Experiments and modelling
Phase trapping and slipping in a forced hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Experimental Sensitivity Analysis of a Hydrodynamically Self-excited Low-Density Axisymmetric Jet
Conference paper
Lock-in and quasiperiodicity in a hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Conference paper
Applications of the dynamic mode decomposition
Viscoelastic air-blast sprays in a cross-flow. Part 1: Penetration and dispersion
Viscoelastic air-blast sprays in a cross-flow. Part 2: Droplet velocities
Experiments on air-blast atomization of viscoelastic liquids, Part 1: Quiescent conditions
Forcing of self-excited round jet diffusion flames
Newtonian and non-Newtonian spray interaction with a high-speed moving surface
The wake of a single 2D roughness element immersed in a turbulent boundary layer
Book chapter
Conference paper
The wake of a single 2D roughness element immersed in a turbulent boundary layer
Conference paper
Turbulent boundary layers over a single roughness element: Shape effects
Conference paper
Heat release response of forced self-excited round jet diffusion flames
Conference paper
The effect of acoustic forcing on heat release in self-excited round jet diffusion flames
Conference paper
Conference paper
Experiments on the global instability of confined axisymmetric dense wakes
Conference paper
Conference paper
An experimental study of non-Newtonian atomization
Conference paper
Breaking the symmetry of a wavy channel alters the route to chaotic flow
Chaos via type-II intermittency in a forced globally unstable jet
Effects of AlH3 particle size and loading on the combustion and agglomeration of solid propellants
Fokker-Planck dynamics of two coupled van der Pol oscillators subjected to stochastic forcing
Fokker-Planck modeling of the stochastic dynamics of a Rijke tube
Forced synchronization of self-excited chaotic thermoacoustic oscillations
Genetic programing control of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations
Ground-induced suppression of chaos in the self-excited flow behind a plunging airfoil
Investigation of aluminum particle ignition dynamics in various propellant environments
Resolvent analysis for predicting energetic structures in the far wake of a wind turbine
Scale-free topology of vortical networks in a turbulent thermoacoustic system
Acoustic excitation of an n-heptane droplet: Evaporation, ignition and combustion characteristics
Ignition and combustion characteristics of boron-based nanofluid fuel
Ignition and combustion experiments on Mg/AP composite fuels in different reaction environments
Implications of steep hilly terrain for modeling wind-turbine wakes
Model-free forecasting of partially observable spatiotemporally chaotic systems
Multifractality and scale-free network topology in a noise-perturbed laminar jet
Recent progress in the thermal management of lithium-ion batteries
Chaos suppression via genetic programming control in a self-excited thermoacoustic system
Cluster-based control of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations in a Rijke tube
Early detection of global instability via recurrence plots and neural networks
Intermittency route to chaos in a forced globally unstable jet
Output-only system identification of low-frequency flow oscillations over an airfoil near stall
Statistical properties of the low-frequency flow oscillations over an airfoil near stall
VisionARi: Improving the accessibility of high-quality educational AR content
Asynchronous and synchronous quenching of a globally unstable jet via axisymmetry breaking
Componentwise influence of upstream turbulence on the far-wake dynamics of wind turbines
Synchronization and chimeras in a network of four ring-coupled thermoacoustic oscillators
Early detection of self-sustained low-frequency flow oscillations over an airfoil
Genetic programming control of quasiperiodic thermoacoustic oscillations
Immersive learning in fluid dynamics via an online community-based augmented reality platform
Model-free forecasting of large partially observable spatiotemporally chaotic systems
Resolvent analysis for predicting energy-containing structures in the far wake of a wind turbine
Strange nonchaos and crisis-induced intermittency in a forced self-excited jet
Suppression of quasiperiodic thermoacoustic oscillations via genetic programming
VisionARi: An Online Community-Based Augmented Reality Platform for Immersive Learning
A comprehensive review on the application of hybrid nanofluids in solar energy collectors
A dynamic multi-objective optimization procedure for water cooling of a photovoltaic module
A method for improving the accuracy of numerical simulations of a photovoltaic panel
Global hydrodynamic instability and blowoff dynamics of a bluff-body stabilized lean-premixed flame
Low-Order Modeling of the Mutual Synchronization between Two Turbulent Thermoacoustic Oscillators
RANS simulations of terrain-disrupted turbulent airflow at Hong Kong International Airport
Unsteady ultra-lean combustion of methane and biogas in a porous burner – An experimental study
Collective behavior in a network of four ring-coupled turbulent combustors
Predicting tipping points in complex systems using machine learning
Ruelle–Takens–Newhouse route to chaos in a forced low-density jet
Suppression of thermoacoustic oscillations in a Sondhauss tube using genetic programming
Transition in a laminar boundary layer containing a suspended square rod
A Ginzburg–Landau model for linear global modes in open shear flows
A numerical study on discrete combustion of polydisperse magnesium aero-suspensions
A theoretical study of parietal vortex shedding in Taylor–Culick flow via linear stability analysis
Estimating Biofuel Density via a Soft Computing Approach Based on Intermolecular Interactions
Experimental investigation of circular flat-panel collector performance with spiral pipes
Intermittency route to self-excited chaotic thermoacoustic oscillations
Lift characteristics of two tandem airfoils in the globally unstable wake of a heated cylinder
Numerical study on the application of biodiesel and bioethanol in a multiple injection diesel engine
Closed-loop control of a globally unstable jet using genetic programming
Genetic programming control of a hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Intermittency route to chaos in a self-excited thermoacoustic system
Self-excited chaotic thermoacoustic oscillations via type-II intermittency
Suppression of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations using genetic programming
Complex Network Analysis of Forced Synchronization in a Hydrodynamically Self-excited Jet
Forced synchronization of quasiperiodic oscillations in a thermoacoustic system
Non-modal Stability Analysis of Low-Re Separated Flow Around a NACA 4415 Airfoil in Ground Effect
Stability of Low-Reynolds-Number Separated Flow Around an Airfoil Near a Wavy Ground
System Identification of a Low-Density Jet via Its Noise-Induced Dynamics
Asymmetric forcing of two coupled thermoacoustic oscillators
Closed-loop control of thermoacoustic oscillations using genetic programming
Exploiting noise-induced dynamics for system identification near a Hopf bifurcation
System identification of a thermoacoustic system using its noise-induced dynamics
Ground Effects on the Stability of Separated Flow Around a NACA 4415 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers
Modified computation of the nozzle damping coefficient in solid rocket motors
Nonlinear time-series analysis of thermoacoustic oscillations in a solid rocket motor
Steady flow around an inclined torus at low Reynolds numbers: Lift and drag coefficients
Non-modal stability analysis of low-Re separated flow around a NACA 4415 airfoil in ground effect
Recurrence analysis of a globally unstable jet subjected to transverse acoustic forcing
Spatiotemporal intermittency of global helical modes in low-density jets
Suppression of chaotic thermoacoustic oscillations by external acoustic forcing
System identification of a low-density jet via its noise-induced dynamics
Extracting flame describing functions in the presence of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations
Low-cost multispectral imaging for remote sensing of lettuce health
An intermittency route to global instability in low-density jets
Ground effects on the stability of separated flow around an airfoil at low Reynolds numbers
Nonlinear time-series analysis of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations in a Rijke tube
Open-loop control of quasiperiodic thermoacoustic oscillations
Recurrence Analysis of Forced Synchronization in a Self-excited Thermoacoustic System
Transverse acoustic forcing of a round hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Experimental sensitivity analysis and control of thermoacoustic systems
Lock-in and quasiperiodicity in a hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Coherence Resonance in Low-density Jets
Complex Network Analysis of Forced Synchronization in a Hydrodynamically Self-excited Jet
Forced synchronization of quasiperiodic oscillations in a thermoacoustic system
Non-modal Stability Analysis of Low-Re Separated Flow Around a NACA 4415 Airfoil in Ground Effect
Stability of Low-Reynolds-Number Separated Flow Around an Airfoil Near a Wavy Ground
System Identification of a Low-Density Jet via Its Noise-Induced Dynamics
Conference paper
Asymmetric forcing of two coupled thermoacoustic oscillators
Conference paper
Conference paper
Closed-loop control of thermoacoustic oscillations using genetic programming
Conference paper
Exploiting noise-induced dynamics for system identification near a Hopf bifurcation
Conference paper
Conference paper
System identification of a thermoacoustic system using its noise-induced dynamics
Conference paper
Conference paper
Ground Effects on the Stability of Separated Flow Around a NACA 4415 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers
Modified computation of the nozzle damping coefficient in solid rocket motors
Nonlinear time-series analysis of thermoacoustic oscillations in a solid rocket motor
Steady flow around an inclined torus at low Reynolds numbers: Lift and drag coefficients
Conference paper
Global helical modes in low-density jets
Conference paper
Noise-induced triggering in low-density jets
Conference paper
Non-modal stability analysis of low-Re separated flow around a NACA 4415 airfoil in ground effect
Conference paper
Recurrence analysis of a globally unstable jet subjected to transverse acoustic forcing
Conference paper
Spatiotemporal intermittency of global helical modes in low-density jets
Conference paper
Suppression of chaotic thermoacoustic oscillations by external acoustic forcing
Conference paper
System identification of a low-density jet via its noise-induced dynamics
Conference paper
Extracting flame describing functions in the presence of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations
Low-cost multispectral imaging for remote sensing of lettuce health
Onset of global instability in low-density jets
An intermittency route to global instability in low-density jets
Conference paper
Coherence resonance in low-density jets
Conference paper
Ground effects on the stability of separated flow around an airfoil at low Reynolds numbers
Conference paper
Nonlinear time-series analysis of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations in a Rijke tube
Conference paper
Open-loop control of quasiperiodic thermoacoustic oscillations
Conference paper
Recurrence Analysis of Forced Synchronization in a Self-excited Thermoacoustic System
Conference paper
Transverse acoustic forcing of a round hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Conference paper
Experimental sensitivity analysis and control of thermoacoustic systems
A recurrence network approach to analyzing forced synchronization in hydrodynamic systems
Conference paper
Conference paper
Forced synchronization of thermoacoustic oscillations in a ducted flame
Conference paper
Subcritical Hopf bifurcations in low-density jets
Conference paper
The effect of confinement length on the stability of planar dense wakes
Conference paper
The nature of combustion noise: Stochastic or chaotic?
Conference paper
Nonlinear dynamics of a self-excited thermoacoustic system subjected to acoustic forcing
Experimental sensitivity analysis and control of thermoacoustic systems
Conference paper
CFD of nonlinear thermoacoustics of bluff-body stabilized premixed flames
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Lock-in and quasiperiodicity in a forced hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Lock-in and quasiperiodicity in hydrodynamically self-excited flames: Experiments and modelling
Phase trapping and slipping in a forced hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Experimental Sensitivity Analysis of a Hydrodynamically Self-excited Low-Density Axisymmetric Jet
Conference paper
Lock-in and quasiperiodicity in a hydrodynamically self-excited jet
Conference paper
Applications of the dynamic mode decomposition
Viscoelastic air-blast sprays in a cross-flow. Part 1: Penetration and dispersion
Viscoelastic air-blast sprays in a cross-flow. Part 2: Droplet velocities
Experiments on air-blast atomization of viscoelastic liquids, Part 1: Quiescent conditions
Forcing of self-excited round jet diffusion flames
Newtonian and non-Newtonian spray interaction with a high-speed moving surface
The wake of a single 2D roughness element immersed in a turbulent boundary layer
Book chapter
Conference paper
The wake of a single 2D roughness element immersed in a turbulent boundary layer
Conference paper
Turbulent boundary layers over a single roughness element: Shape effects
Conference paper
Heat release response of forced self-excited round jet diffusion flames
Conference paper
The effect of acoustic forcing on heat release in self-excited round jet diffusion flames
Conference paper
Conference paper
Experiments on the global instability of confined axisymmetric dense wakes
Conference paper
Conference paper
An experimental study of non-Newtonian atomization
Conference paper
No Publications |
MECH6950A | Independent Studies |
AESF5310 | Advanced Aerodynamics |
MECH3640 | Aerodynamics |
UROP1100N | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
UROP4100M | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 4 |
AESF5380 | Computational Fluid Dynamics |
MECH4830 | Introduction to Aerospace Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) |
MECH4900 | Final Year Design Project |
MECH4950 | Co-op Program |
MECH4980 | Final Year Aerospace Design Project |
UROP1100L | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
AESF5310 | Advanced Aerodynamics |
MECH3640 | Aerodynamics |
MECH4900 | Final Year Design Project |
MECH4980 | Final Year Aerospace Design Project |
UROP3200 | Undergraduate Research Opportunities with Mini-conference Experience |
No Teaching Assignments |
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XU, Haoming
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YANG, Aobo
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LIN, Zizhuo
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Mechanical Engineering
PARK, Jungjin
Mechanical Engineering
ZHAI, Xiangyu
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program (Sustainable Energy and Environment)
YIU, Kwan Ho
Mechanical Engineering
DORANEHGARD, Mohammad Hossein
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
FENG, Dachuan
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
YANG, Zhijian
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
PARK, Jungjin
Mechanical Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
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