PhD in Chemical Engineering
University of Notre Dame, 1993
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Impact of Iron-based Nanoparticles on Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Responses in Mice Organs
Conference paper
An atmospheric water harvester with fast and energy-saving water removal and recovery
Dissolvable Topical Formulations for Burst and Constant Delivery of Vitamin C
Hierarchically Branched Siloxane Brushes for Efficient Harvesting of Atmospheric Water
Inhibition of condensation-induced droplet wetting by nano-hierarchical surfaces
Magnetic Microsphere Scaffold-Based Soft Microbots for Targeted Mesenchymal Stem Cell Delivery
Modelling Toluene Sorption in Ionic Liquid/Metal Organic Framework Composite Materials
Occurrence, risk, and treatment of ciprofloxacin and clarithromycin in drainage
Photoactive nano-confined Pt in titania nanotubes (Pt-TiNT) via microwave-assisted flow synthesis
The dominance of co-circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants in wastewater
Anti-biofilm property of epoxy coatings for seawater pipeline
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Investigating the Volatilome of Drainage Discharge Channel
Conference paper
Conference paper
Malodor-Control Hydrogel in Drainage Applications
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
VOCs-mediated suppression of Bacillus subtilis against pathogens in drainage system
Conference paper
Volatilome and microbiome of coastal drainage outfall
Conference paper
A new versatile x–y–z electrospinning equipment for nanofiber synthesis in both far and near field
Efficiency of Mechanochemical Ball Milling Technique in the Preparation of Fe/TiO2 Photocatalysts
Functionalization of metal organic frameworks by [BMIM][CH3COO] ionic liquid for toluene capture
Graphitic carbon nitride-based composites for photocatalytic abatement of emerging pollutants
Book chapter
Anti-corrosion property of epoxy-based coatings in seawater pipelines
Conference paper
Evaluating nanomaterial absorption and biodistribution in Celery (Apium graveolens)
Conference paper
Field study of antimicrobial textile finishes for long-term care facilities
Conference paper
Investigation of pollutant degradation in a catalytic dual membrane reactor under ozone oxidation
Conference paper
Nanoconfinement of Iron ions in 1D TiO2 nanotube and its photocatalytic performance
Conference paper
Conference paper
Spatial Resolution of 3D Printed Silica-Acrylate Hybrid Materials via VAT Photopolymerization
Conference paper
Operando investigation of toluene oxidation over 1D Pt@CeO2 derived from Pt cluster-containing MOF
Dual membrane ozone reactor for treatment of water pollutants
Conference paper
Societal needs for innovation in environmental health technology
Conference paper
A comparative study between ionic liquid coating and counterparts in bulk for toluene absorption
Ceria and Its Related Materials for VOC Catalytic Combustion: A Review
Rapid synthesis of zeolite film coating on stainless steel
Supported ionic liquids for air purification
Antimicrobial Efficacy Study using a light disinfection device for Health Care-Associated Infections
Conference paper
Conference paper
Membrane process for treatment of recalcitrant pollutants in water
Conference paper
Migrant substance study of plastic materials in drinking water
Conference paper
Conference paper
Study on the effectiveness of ceramic epoxy as seawater pipe lining
Conference paper
An investigation of the transformation, kinetics and bioactivity of ozone treatment of DEET in water
Preparation and Antibacterial Behaviour of Nanostructured Ag@SiO2-penicillin With Silver Nanoplates
Preparation and Performance of Catalytic MOFs in Microreactor
Bacteriophage recovery from environmental samples using functionalized silica
Conference paper
Confined PFSA-MOF Composite Membrane in Fuel Cells for Promoted Water Management and Performance
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Polymeric Catalytic Membrane for Ozone Treatment of DEET in Water
Conference paper
Conference paper
Reactions of SO2 and NH3 with Epoxy Groups on the Surface of Graphite Oxide Powder
Crystallization of Sub-100 Nanometer MOF Thin Film on Graphene Oxides
Conference paper
Facile Synthesis of Flexible and Superhydrophobic Silica Aerogels by TEMS, DMDMS and PDMS
Conference paper
Flow synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks
Conference paper
Conference paper
MOF Membrane Microreactor for Organic Synthesis
Conference paper
New odor control technology for drainage system
Conference paper
Novel Three-dimensional Printing System for Flexible Silica Aerogel Synthesis
Conference paper
Novel confined PFSA/Pt-zeolite composite membrane for self-humidifying PEMFC
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preparation of 2D MOF materials
Conference paper
Ultralight, monolithic graphene and ceria aerogels for VOCs removal and disinfection
Conference paper
Antibacterial activities and biosafety of supported ionic liquids
Conference paper
Conference paper
Bactericidal activity and mechanism of high intensity narrow wavelength blue light LED
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Catalytic Performances of Metal-organic Framework-based Membrane Microreactors
Conference paper
Coated air filters for removal of molecular and airborne particulate pollutants
Conference paper
Cytotoxicixty and acute toxicity studies of imidazolium-based ionic liquids
Conference paper
Conference paper
Design air purification filters with formulated antimicrobial agents
Conference paper
Design and practice of a long-term bactericidal system
Conference paper
Inorganic-organic microcapsule emulsion for surface and air disinfections
Conference paper
Ionic liquid-based air purification systems for the removal of bioaerosols and molecular pollutants
Conference paper
Mechanism of an antimicrobial surface agent and virucidal efficiency
Conference paper
Supported ionic liquids for air purification
Conference paper
The effects of interface in self-humidifying PFSA-zeolite proton exchange membrane
Conference paper
Water dynamics in a confined Nafion-zeolite composite membrane in PEMFC
Conference paper
An Investigation of the Selective Adsorptions of Metals on Mesoporous NH2-MCM-41
Conference paper
Compressive Properties of Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Aerogels
Conference paper
Control of Nanofiltration membranes biofouling by using a new anti-fouling coating
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Field Study of Antimicrobial Gel Material for Suppressing Malodor in Sewer System
Conference paper
Investigation of the light disinfection of multidrug-resistant microorganisms
Conference paper
Microneedles for transdermal delivery of traditional Chinese medicine
Conference paper
Multi-functional Gel Materials for Malodor Control
Conference paper
Nanotechnology development in Hong Kong
Conference paper
New Materials Technology for Sustainable Removal of Moisture from Air
Conference paper
Novel PEMFC with promoted performance under high temperature
Conference paper
Photocatalytic Properties of Ion-Implanted Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Protective effect of microneedle-injected ferulic acid against diabetes in mice
Conference paper
Study of the virucidal activity and mechanism of a multilevel antimicrobial coating
Conference paper
Transdermal Delivery of Traditional Chinese Medicine Via a Microfabricated Zeolite Microneedle
Conference paper
Treatment of Deet in an Advanced Ozone Membrane Reactor
Conference paper
Visible Light Photoactivity of Ion Implanted Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Continuous flow ZIF-8/NaA composite membrane microreactor for efficient Knoevenagel condensation
Direct Manipulation of Particle Size and Morphology of Ordered Mesoporous Silica by Flow Synthesis
Conference paper
Catalysts for Treating H2S Malodor Problem at Ambient Temperature
Conference paper
Catalytic Membrane Process for Effective Treatment of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Water
Conference paper
Comparison of different TiO2 phase structures and morphologies on dye-sensitized solar cell
Conference paper
Copper/vanadia/titania Bifunctional Catalysts for Ammonia Remediation
Conference paper
Design, Synthesis and Fabrication of Freestanding Aerogels of Graphene-MOFs for Air Treatment
Conference paper
Engineering Aspects of 1D Nanostructured Titania Synthesis
Conference paper
Freestanding Graphene Mixed Oxides Aerogel for Treatment of Indoor Air Pollutants
Conference paper
Freestanding ZIF-8 Membrane in Microfluidic Channel
Conference paper
High-temperature self-humidifying proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Conference paper
Investigating the state of water in confined Nafion membrane
Conference paper
Investigation of the Information of Magnetic ZIF-8 under Flow Conditions
Conference paper
Magnetic Adsorbents for Heavy Metal Removal from Sea Water
Conference paper
Manipulating Particle Size and Morphology of Mesoporous Silica
Conference paper
Observing the Formation of MOF Particles in Microfluidic Reactor
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Structure and Photocatalytic Activity of Nonmetal Ion Implanted 1-d Titania Nanostructure.
Conference paper
The synthesis of freestanding metal-organic-framework (MOF) aerogels
Conference paper
Tunable CO2 uptake/release by CPO-27-Ni aerogel incorporated in Nickel foam
Conference paper
Application of vitamin E to antagonize SWCNTs-induced exacerbation of allergic asthma
In situ fabrication of high-permeance ZIF-8 tubular membranes in a continuous flow system
New synthesis strategies for Ni/Al2O3-Sil-1 core shell catalysts for steam reforming of methane
Zeolites and mesoporous materials in fuel cell applications
A general route to prepare metal-organic-framework aerogel
Conference paper
Application of a Smart Antimicrobial Coating in Facilities to Combat Indirect Infection
Conference paper
Assembly and Evolution of Low-dimensional Nanomaterials in Silica Aerogel
Conference paper
Catalytic ozonation of EDC in a membrane reactor
Conference paper
Controlled spatial doping of Ag on the surface, interlayer, and core of Ti-nanotubes
Conference paper
Detection of zeolite secondary building units by ToF-SIMS
Conference paper
Effects of Zeolite Types and Their Different Properties on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Conference paper
Glycerol carbonylation in a microreactor
Conference paper
Malodor treatment using controlled-release antimicrobial gel
Conference paper
Preparation of hierarchical porous monolith metal-organic-framework (MOF) aerogel
Conference paper
Room temperature VOx/TiO2 catalyst for treatment of H2S malodor in air
Conference paper
Selective ammonia oxidation on vanadia-titania catalysts
Conference paper
Self-Humidifying Nafion-Zeolite Composite Membrane
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
The Effects of Confinement and Zeolite Types in Self-humidifying Proton Exchange Membranes
Conference paper
ToF-SIMS Analysis of Ultrathin Zeolite Membrane: Detection of Secondary Building Units
Conference paper
Virucidal Activity and Mechanism of Smart Antimicrobial Surface Coating
Conference paper
Conference paper
Zeolite Characterization via ToF-SIMS
Conference paper
A simple and scalable method for preparing low-defect ZIF-8 tubular membranes
Factors affecting the formation of Sn-Beta zeolites by steam-assisted conversion method
Confined PFSA membrane as structured membrane for clean energy generation
Conference paper
Drinking Water Disinfection By Low Voltage Micro-mini Pulsed Electric Field Device
Conference paper
Effects of confinement on the properties of confined PFSA-zeolite proton-conducting membranes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Freestanding Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks Membrane in Microchannel
Conference paper
Highly Reactive Visible Light Photocatalyst by Confining Ag Nanoparticles in Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Low temperature catalysts for direct remediation of H2S malodor in air
Conference paper
Low Temperature Catalysts for Direct Remediation of H2S Malodor In Air
Conference paper
Low Temperature Catalysts for Direct Remediation of NH3 Malodor in Air
Conference paper
Microwave-Assisted Plasmonic Metal Nanostructure for Efficient Antibacterial Activities
Conference paper
Mulilevel Antimicrobial Filter for Bioaerosol Capture and Disinfection
Conference paper
Multilevel Antimicrobial Filter for Bioaerosol Capture and Disinfection
Conference paper
Role of Surface Chemistry in the Photocatalytic Properties of Carbon-doped TiO2
Conference paper
Selective Adsorption and Removal of Heavy Metals From Seawater By Nanosorbents
Conference paper
Silica Aerogels Containing 1D and 0D Ti-based Nanomaterials for Environment Applications
Conference paper
Silica Alcogel Containing Essential Oil for Air and Surface Disinfections
Conference paper
Silver Doped on Spatial Locations of Titanate Nanotubes and Its Role on Activity
Conference paper
Smart Antimicrobial Coating to Against Adenovirus
Conference paper
Spatial Doping of Gold on Surface, Interlayer and Core of Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Titanate-Graphene oxide composite: controlled morphology and photocatalytic activity
Conference paper
Tof-SIMS: A Versatile Method for Zeolite Structure Detection
Conference paper
ToF-SIMS: A Versatile Method for Zeolite Structure Detection
Conference paper
ToF-SIMS: Novice Method for MFI-type Zeolite Investigation
Conference paper
Virucidal Activity of a Multilevel Antimicrobial Coating Based of Encapsulated Chlorine Dioxide
Conference paper
Visible Light Photocatalysts from Spatially Doped Ag in Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Visible Light Photocatalysts: Green Carbon Dopant on Photoactivity
Conference paper
Zeolite Microneedle: Design for Drug Delivery
Conference paper
Zeolite Microneedles for Controlled Transdermal Drug Delivery
Conference paper
Zeolite-confined Sulfonated Graphene-nafion Composite Membrane for Self-Humidifying PEMFC
Conference paper
A new structured composite membrane for fuel cell applications
Assessment of Sericin Biosorbent for Selective Dye Removal
Chemical engineering process miniaturisation for chemical production and material manufacture
Investigation of Pd membrane reactors for one-step hydroxylation of benzene to phenol
Zeolite applications in fuel cells: Water management and proton conductivity
Zeolite capillary microreactor by flow synthesis method
Confined graphene derivative-zeolite-Nafion composite membrane for self-humidifying micro fuel cell
Conference paper
Continuous microwave synthesis of nanostructured TiO2 photocatalysts
Conference paper
Design of zeolite microneedles for regulated transdermal drug delivery
Conference paper
Flow synthesis of microporous and mesoporous solid in microfluidic reactor
Conference paper
Conference paper
High photoactive titanium nitride nanotube preparation for organic compound in water
Conference paper
Microwave-assisted Au doped nanotube preparation for degradation of organic compounds in water
Conference paper
Conference paper
Novel Membrane for Artificial Photosynthesis
Conference paper
Conference paper
Titanate nanotube preparation: Microwave irradiation time and temperature effect on photoactivity
Conference paper
Titanate nanotube synthesis mechanism under microwave irradiation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Zeolitic Aerogel: A New Hierarchical Porous Material
Conference paper
Confined PFSA-zeolite Composite Membrane for Self-humidifying Fuel Cell
Investigation of the performance of TiO2 photocatalytic coatings
MCM-41 "LUS": Alumina Tubular Membranes for Metal Separation in Aqueous Solution
Performance of TS-1-Coated Structured Packing Materials for Styrene Oxidation Reaction
Precious metal recovery by selective adsorption using biosorbents
Preparation and performance of TS-1/SiO2 egg-shell catalysts
Selective Removal of Chromium from Different Aqueous Systems Using Magnetic MCM-41 Nanosorbents
Formation mechanism of titanate nanotubes prepared by microwave hydrothermal process
Conference paper
Mechanism of Titanate Nanotube Synthesis under Microwave Irradiation
Conference paper
A novel approach for the preparation of highly stable Pd membrane on macroporous alpha-Al2O3 tube
Gas permeation and separation in ZSM-5 micromembranes
Pd-silicalite-1 composite membrane reactor for direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol
Preparation of titanium silicalite-1 catalytic films and application as catalytic membrane reactors
Zeolite proton conducting membrane for micro fuel cell applications
Zeolites and Molecular Sieves in Fuel Cell Applications
Book chapter
Applications of zeolites and zeolites composite micromembranes in micro fuel cell
Conference paper
Confined zeolite-nafion composite membrane for self-humidifying micro fuel cell
Conference paper
Modeling of advanced ozone membrane reactor for endocrine disrupting compound remediation
Conference paper
Modeling of packed-bed membrane reactor for ethylene epoxidation
Conference paper
Performance of microfabricated zeolite micromembrane in PEMFC
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preparation of Pd membrane on the inner of α-Al2O3 tubes by flow method for benzene hydroxylation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Zeolite-enclosed micro-cavities on silicon wafer for chemical storage
Conference paper
A Multilevel Antimicrobial Coating Based on Polymer-Encapsulated ClO2
An Investigation of the Performance of Catalytic Aerogel Filters
Bactericidal and sporicidal performance of a polymer-encapsulated chlorine dioxide-coated surface
Hydrogen production from partial oxidation of methane in a membrane reactor
Mesoporous TiO2-SiO2 aerogels with hierarchal pore structures
Non-UV germicidal activity of fresh TiO2 and Ag/TiO2
Pd-silicalite-1 composite membrane for direct hydroxylation of benzene
Preparation and properties of TS-1 zeolite and film using Sil-1 nanoparticles as seeds
Reactivity and antimicrobial properties of nanostructured titanium dioxide
Synthesis of Highly Selective Magnetic Mesoporous Adsorbent
Zeolites in Microsystems for Chemical Synthesis and Energy Generation
Nanotechnology Research and Commercialization in Hong Kong
Book chapter
A multi-level antimicrobial coating for a healthier environment
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Cellulose supported HZSM-5 membrane for PEMFC application
Conference paper
Experiment and model of diclofenac degradation in an advanced membrane reactor
Conference paper
Experiment and model of diclofenac degradation in an advanced ozone membrane reactor
Conference paper
Flow synthesis of mesoporous silica in microreactor: Manipulation of particle size and morphology
Conference paper
H2 production from partial oxidation of methane in a dual membrane reactor
Conference paper
Microfabricated zeolite micromembrane for fuel cell application
Conference paper
Microfabricated zeolite micromembrane for fuel cell application
Conference paper
Pd-Silicalite-1 composite membrane reactor for direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol
Conference paper
Reactivity and antimicrobial properties of nanostructured titanium dioxide
Conference paper
Anion Effect on Cu2+ Adsorption on NH2-MCM-41
Anomalous Crystal Growth on TiO2 Thin Film Induced by the AFM Tip
Preparation of composite zeolite membrane separator/contactor for ozone water treatment
Selective Adsorption of Gold from Complex Mixtures Using Mesoporous Adsorbents
Selective mesoporous adsorbents for Ag+/Cu2+ separation
Synthesis of freestanding silica and titania-silica aerogels with ordered and disordered mesopores
A novel membrane reactor for ozone water treatment
Biological applications of zeolite microspheres
Chapter 12 Entrepreneurship and product design in chemical engineering education
Nanospheres inside the zeolite membrane microchannels by ship-in-bottle approach
Non-UV Based Germicidal Activity of Metal-doped TiO2 Coating on Solid Surfaces
Properties of TiO2 support and the performance of Au/TiO2 catalyst for CO oxidation reaction
Recovery of high purity gold and silver using mesoporous adsorbents
Selective mesoporous adsorbents for Cr(2)O2/7-and Cu2+ separation
Separation of precious metals using selective mesoporous adsorbents
Zeolite membrane microreactors and their performance
Zeolite microneedles for transdermal drug delivery
Entrepreneurship and Product Design in Chemical Engineering Education
Book chapter
A new method for preparing nanoscaled TiO2 structure
Conference paper
A novel membrane reactor for ozone water treatment
Conference paper
Conference paper
An investigation of Claisen-Schmidt condensation reaction in microreactors
Conference paper
Biological applications of zeolite microspheres
Conference paper
Conference paper
Design of selective adsorbents for metal ion separation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Gas permeation and separation in nanoporous zeolite micromembranes
Conference paper
Immobilization of biomolecules in nanobottles
Conference paper
Knoevenagel condensation reactions in microreactors: Performance of zeolite catalysts and membranes
Conference paper
Nanospheres inside the zeolite membrane microchunnels by ship-in-a-bottle approach
Conference paper
Conference paper
Photocatalytic oxidation for surface disinfection
Conference paper
Preparation of silica nanobottles for bioimmobilization
Conference paper
Preparation of ultrathin wall, hollow silica nanospheres from MCM-41
Conference paper
Recovery of high purity gold and silver using mesoporous adsorbents
Conference paper
Conference paper
Separation of Cr2O72- and Cu2+ using mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Smart hygienic coating for a healthier living environment
Conference paper
Synthesis and application of freestanding, mesoporous titania-silica aerogels
Conference paper
Zeolite compositional micropatterns for immobilization of biomolecules
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane for microseparators and microreactors
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane microreactors and their performance
Conference paper
Zeolite microneedles for transdermal drug delivery
Conference paper
Zeolite-based electrochemical microreactor
Conference paper
A rational approach in the design of selective mesoporous adsorbents
Design, fabrication and application of zeolite membrane microstructures
Effects of ozone pretreatment on the performance of Au/TiO2 catalyst for CO oxidation reaction
Investigation of ozonolysis of phenol using g-alumina based catalysts
Nanoscale observation of morphological transformation during ageing of silica and silica-alumina
An in-situ AFM investigation of sol-gel process for catalyst preparation
Conference paper
Base catalyzed reactions in membrane microreactor system
Conference paper
Design of Selective Mesoporous Adsorbents for Metal Ion Separation
Conference paper
Effect of ozone pretreatment on low temperature CO oxidation catalysts
Conference paper
Effects of TiO2 crystal size on the catalytic activity of Au/TiO2 for low temperature CO oxidation
Conference paper
Investigation of ozonolysis of phenol using γ-alumina based catalysts
Conference paper
Low temperature ammonia oxidation catalyst studies
Conference paper
New low temperature ammonia oxidation catalysts
Conference paper
Preparation and properties of zeolite films in SS microreactors
Conference paper
Preparation of zeolite A membrane microreactors by using a novel method
Conference paper
Conference paper
Synthesis of monolithic titania-silica aerogel for PCO reactions
Conference paper
Synthesis of nanospheres inside the zeolite membrane microchunnels by ship-in-a-bottle approach
Conference paper
The performance and application of zeolite membrane microreactor
Conference paper
Zeolite micropattern on biological application
Conference paper
Architectural design and performance of zeolite microreactors
Experiments and modeling of membrane microreactors
Novel two-layered zeolite NaA-silicalite-1 membranes
TS-1 oxidation of aniline to azoxybenzene in a microstructured reactor
Zeolite membrane microreactor for fine chemical synthesis
Zeolite micropattern for biological applications
Architectural design and performance of zeolite microreactors
Conference paper
Design and fabrication of zeolite-based electrochemical microreactors
Conference paper
Fabrication of TiO2-SiO2 aerogel monolith with ordered mesostructures
Conference paper
Gas permeation and separation in ZSM-5 micro membrane unit
Conference paper
Gold removal and recovery using mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Conference paper
Material and engineering solutions to microfuel cell design
Conference paper
Microstructure zeolites and their applications
Conference paper
New conceptual zeolitic direct methanol micro fuel cell
Conference paper
Preparation of zeolite microspheres and their application in biology
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Synthesis of fine chemicals in zeolite membrane micro reactors
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane enclosed microstructures
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane microreactor and its performance
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane microreactor for fine chemical synthesis
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane microreactors for fine chemical synthesis
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane reactor for ozonation
Conference paper
1-pentene epoxidation in catalytic microfabricated reactors
An investigation of Knoevenagel condensation reaction in microreactors using a new zeolite catalyst
Low-temperature ozone treatment for organic template removal from zeolite membrane
Microfabricated zeolite micromembranes
Microfabricated ZSM-5 zeolite micromembranes
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Catalysis
Selective adsorbents from chemically modified ordered mesoporous silica
Titanium silicalite-1 microreactors for 1-pentene epoxidation
A low temperature ozone process for preparing high quality zeolite membrane
Conference paper
An investigation of zeolite membrane application for water treatment
Conference paper
Aniline conversion to azoxybenzene in membrane microreactor
Conference paper
Application of zeolite films and membranes in microreactor systems
Conference paper
Carbon-zeolite NaA composite membranes
Conference paper
Carbon-Zeolite NaA composite membranes
Conference paper
Effect of ozone pretreatment on low temperature CO oxidation catalysts
Conference paper
Esterification reaction in novel HZSM-5 microtunnel and microchunnel reactors
Conference paper
Fabrication of miniature zeolite membrane microstructure for chemical storage and delivery
Conference paper
Fine chemical synthesis by microfabricated membrane reactors
Conference paper
Formulation of a thin catalytic membrane layer for ozonolysis of organic water pollutants
Conference paper
Functional nanomaterials for improvement of indoor air quality
Conference paper
Growth of zeolite NaA layers on porous stainless steel microchannels
Conference paper
Growth of zeolite silicalite-1 membranes on different a-alumina supports
Conference paper
Investigation of ozonolysis of phenol using g-alumina based catalysts
Conference paper
Low temperature activation of MFI zeolite membrane as a tool for membrane characterization
Conference paper
Low temperature ammonia oxidation catalyst studies
Conference paper
Membrane microreactors for fine chemical synthesis
Conference paper
Microfabricated membrane reactors for fine chemical synthesis
Conference paper
Microfabricated zeolite membrane microstructures
Conference paper
Microwave assisted TiO2 nanocatalyst used for photocatalytic oxidation reaction
Conference paper
Monolithic silica-titania aerogels by modified sol-gel method
Conference paper
Nanocatalytic systems for air quality control
Conference paper
Nanostructured Catalysts for Indoor Air Remediation
Conference paper
Performance of low temperature CO oxidation catalysts
Conference paper
Performance of microfabricated TS-1 microreactor for alkene epoxidation
Conference paper
Performance of zeolite membrane for water treatment
Conference paper
Preparation of composite carbon-zeolite membranes using a simple method
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preparation of zeolite silicalite-1 membranes on tubular carbon supports
Conference paper
Properties of free standing ZSM-5 micromembrane with different Si/Al ratio
Conference paper
Selective adsorbents from chemically modified ordered mesoporous silica
Conference paper
Selective adsorption of metal ions in ordered mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Structural and chemical micropatterns based on zeolite materials
Conference paper
Synthesis of monolithic silica-titania aerogel for PCO reactions
Conference paper
TS-1 Oxidation of aniline to azoxybenzene in a microstructured reactor
Conference paper
Zeolite catalyst and membrane in microreactor systems
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane reactor used for water treatment
Conference paper
Zeolite Microfabricated Membranes
Conference paper
Zeolite Microstructures and Applications
Conference paper
1-Pentene epoxidation in titanium silicalite-1 microchannel reactor - Experiments and modelling
Factors affecting the synthesis of hetero-atom zeolite Fe-ZSM-5 membrane
Knoevenagel condensation reaction in a membrane microreactor
Knoevenagel condensation reaction in zeolite membrane microreactor
Performance of a membrane-catalyst for photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Selective adsorbents from ordered mesoporous silica
The influence of surface properties on the photocatalytic activity of nanostructured TiO2
Biological applications of structural and chemical micropatterns based on zeolite materials
Conference paper
Design and fabrication of miniature zeolite membrane microstructure
Conference paper
Genesis and growth of nanoparticles during sol-gel synthesis
Conference paper
Genesis and growth of nanoparticles during sol-gel synthesis
Conference paper
Germicide nanomaterials: theories, applications and business opportunities
Conference paper
Hydrogen and proton transport properties of nanoporous zeolite micromembranes
Conference paper
Incorporation of functional metal oxide materials in chemical microsystems
Conference paper
Nano materials and nanotechnology
Conference paper
Nanoporous zeolite materials in microsystems
Conference paper
Nanostructured photocatalysts for environmental applications
Conference paper
Selective adsorption of Cu and Pb in ordered mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Selective Ordered Mesoporous Silica Adsorbents
Conference paper
Separation of copper and lead using selective ordered mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Ensemble effects in nanostructured TiO2 used in the gas-phase photooxidation of trichloroethylene
Incorporating zeolites in microchemical systems
Influence of the synthesis conditions and growth environment on MFI zeolite film orientation
Novel approach for thin dense nanoscale-grained metal films
Templateless synthesis of catalysts with narrow mesoporous distribution
TS-1 zeolite microengineered reactors for 1-pentene epoxidation
Zeolite microtunnels and microchunnels
Conference paper
Design and fabrication of zeolite micromembranes
Conference paper
Design, fabrication and performance of zeolite micromembranes
Conference paper
Design, Fabrication and Testing of Zeolite Micromembranes
Conference paper
Factors affecting the synthesis of ZSM-5 and Fe-ZSM-5 membranes
Conference paper
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Conference paper
Conference paper
Membrane microreactor for base-catalyzed Knoevenagel condensation reaction
Conference paper
Microfabricated zeolite miniature membranes for micro fuel cell applications
Conference paper
On the fabrication and testing of a multichannel membrane microreactor
Conference paper
On the performance of membrane-assisted base-catalyzed knoevenagel condensation reaction
Conference paper
Performance of a membrane-catalyst for photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Conference paper
Performance of membrane-catalyst for photo-oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Conference paper
Permeation and Separation Performance of Engineered Zeolite Micromembranes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Photo-remediation of volatile chlorinated C2 compounds on nanostructured TiO2 Catalysis
Conference paper
Preparation and characterization of NaA zeolite membranes
Conference paper
Titanium silicalite-1 microreactors for 1-pentene epoxidation
Conference paper
Design and fabrication of zeolite-based microreactors and membrane microseparators
Direct observation of growth of lamellae and spherulites of a semicrystalline polymer by AFM
Effect of drying conditions of Au-Mn co-precipitates for low-temperature CO oxidation
Effects of electroless plating chemistry on the synthesis of palladium membranes
Effects of synthesis parameters on the zeolite membrane growth
Effects of synthesis parameters on the zeolite membrane morphology
EPR study of the surface characteristics of nanostructured TiO2 under UV irradiation
Gas-phase photo-oxidation of toluene using nanometer-size TiO2 catalysts
Conference paper
Size effects in gas-phase photo-oxidation of trichloroethylene using nanometer-sized TiO2 catalysts
The role of surface chemistry in zeolite membrane formation
Ethylene epoxidation in a catalytic packed-bed membrane reactor
Conference paper
Ethylene epoxidation reaction in a membrane reactor
Conference paper
Inorganic Membranes: State of the Art and Future Developments
Conference paper
Inorganic Membranes: Synthesis, Characterization and Application
Conference paper
Membrane Materials with Engineered Structure and Tailored Chemistry
Conference paper
New Synthesis Strategy for Engineered Zeolite Membranes
Conference paper
Synthesis of MFI-type Zeolite Membranes with Nonuniform Distribution of Al and Ti Framework Ions
Conference paper
Zeolite Membranes with Engineered Structure and Tailored Chemistry
Conference paper
Zeolite Membranes with Engineered Structure and Tailored Chemistry
Conference paper
Effect of Catalyst Distribution in a Membrane Reactor: Experiments and Model
Membrane Reactors for Ethane Dehydrogenation and Ethylene Epoxidation Reactions
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Metal composite membranes: Synthesis, characterization and reaction
Conference paper
Microporous ceramic membranes for dehydrogenation and oxidation reactors
Conference paper
Microporous ceramic membranes: Synthesis, characterization and reaction
Conference paper
Pd composite membranes: Electroless plating kinetics, film microstructure and membrane permeation
Conference paper
Novel preparation of Pd/Vycor composite membranes
Novel preparation techniques for thin metal-ceramic composite membranes
The roles of Ice nucleators in cold tolerant invertebrates
Book chapter
Conference paper
Effect of catalyst activity distribution on inorganic membrane reactor performance
Conference paper
Conference paper
Inorganic membrane synthesis, characterization and reaction studies
Conference paper
A novel preparation technique for supported thin metallic membranes for gas separation and reaction
Conference paper
Nonuniform catalyst distribution for catalytic membrane reactors
Conference paper
Conference paper
Novel preparation techniques for supported thin metallic membranes and inorganic ceramic membranes
Conference paper
Scanning probe microscopy studies of structure and reactivity of Pt and Pd model supported catalysts
Conference paper
Conference paper
Book chapter
Conference paper
Preparation and characterization of supported thin, dense Ag membranes
Conference paper
STM studies of the evolution of microstructure and reactivity of Pt and Pd/graphite catalysts
Conference paper
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of supported Pt and Pd catalysts: Microstructure and morphology
Scanning tunneling microscopy: Studies of size and morphology of Pt/graphite catalysts
Book chapter
Evolution of 2-D microstructure in Pd and Pt model supported catalysts
Conference paper
Conference paper
A scanning tunneling microscopy study of an insect lipoprotein ice nucleator
canning tunneling microscopy: Study of the Pt catalyst particles supported on graphite
Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of Pt and Pd supported catalysts
Conference paper
Size, morphology and microstructure of supported Pt/HOPG catalysts
Conference paper
Size, morphology and microstructure of supported Pt/HOPG catalysts
Conference paper
Conference paper
STM study of supported Pt and Pd catalysts: Morphology and microstructure
Conference paper
A scanning tunneling microscopy study of an insect lipoprotein ice nucleator
Conference paper
Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of Pt model surface
Conference paper
Scanning tunneling microscopyStudy of the platinum catalyst particles supported on graphite
Conference paper
An atmospheric water harvester with fast and energy-saving water removal and recovery
Dissolvable Topical Formulations for Burst and Constant Delivery of Vitamin C
Hierarchically Branched Siloxane Brushes for Efficient Harvesting of Atmospheric Water
Inhibition of condensation-induced droplet wetting by nano-hierarchical surfaces
Magnetic Microsphere Scaffold-Based Soft Microbots for Targeted Mesenchymal Stem Cell Delivery
Modelling Toluene Sorption in Ionic Liquid/Metal Organic Framework Composite Materials
Occurrence, risk, and treatment of ciprofloxacin and clarithromycin in drainage
Photoactive nano-confined Pt in titania nanotubes (Pt-TiNT) via microwave-assisted flow synthesis
The dominance of co-circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants in wastewater
A new versatile x–y–z electrospinning equipment for nanofiber synthesis in both far and near field
Efficiency of Mechanochemical Ball Milling Technique in the Preparation of Fe/TiO2 Photocatalysts
Functionalization of metal organic frameworks by [BMIM][CH3COO] ionic liquid for toluene capture
Graphitic carbon nitride-based composites for photocatalytic abatement of emerging pollutants
Anti-corrosion property of epoxy-based coatings in seawater pipelines
Evaluating nanomaterial absorption and biodistribution in Celery (Apium graveolens)
Field study of antimicrobial textile finishes for long-term care facilities
Investigation of pollutant degradation in a catalytic dual membrane reactor under ozone oxidation
Nanoconfinement of Iron ions in 1D TiO2 nanotube and its photocatalytic performance
Spatial Resolution of 3D Printed Silica-Acrylate Hybrid Materials via VAT Photopolymerization
A comparative study between ionic liquid coating and counterparts in bulk for toluene absorption
Ceria and Its Related Materials for VOC Catalytic Combustion: A Review
Antimicrobial Efficacy Study using a light disinfection device for Health Care-Associated Infections
Membrane process for treatment of recalcitrant pollutants in water
Migrant substance study of plastic materials in drinking water
Study on the effectiveness of ceramic epoxy as seawater pipe lining
An investigation of the transformation, kinetics and bioactivity of ozone treatment of DEET in water
Preparation and Antibacterial Behaviour of Nanostructured Ag@SiO2-penicillin With Silver Nanoplates
Preparation and Performance of Catalytic MOFs in Microreactor
Crystallization of Sub-100 Nanometer MOF Thin Film on Graphene Oxides
Facile Synthesis of Flexible and Superhydrophobic Silica Aerogels by TEMS, DMDMS and PDMS
Novel Three-dimensional Printing System for Flexible Silica Aerogel Synthesis
Novel confined PFSA/Pt-zeolite composite membrane for self-humidifying PEMFC
Ultralight, monolithic graphene and ceria aerogels for VOCs removal and disinfection
Antibacterial activities and biosafety of supported ionic liquids
Bactericidal activity and mechanism of high intensity narrow wavelength blue light LED
Catalytic Performances of Metal-organic Framework-based Membrane Microreactors
Coated air filters for removal of molecular and airborne particulate pollutants
Cytotoxicixty and acute toxicity studies of imidazolium-based ionic liquids
Design air purification filters with formulated antimicrobial agents
Inorganic-organic microcapsule emulsion for surface and air disinfections
Ionic liquid-based air purification systems for the removal of bioaerosols and molecular pollutants
Mechanism of an antimicrobial surface agent and virucidal efficiency
The effects of interface in self-humidifying PFSA-zeolite proton exchange membrane
Water dynamics in a confined Nafion-zeolite composite membrane in PEMFC
Compressive Properties of Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Aerogels
Control of Nanofiltration membranes biofouling by using a new anti-fouling coating
Field Study of Antimicrobial Gel Material for Suppressing Malodor in Sewer System
Investigation of the light disinfection of multidrug-resistant microorganisms
Microneedles for transdermal delivery of traditional Chinese medicine
New Materials Technology for Sustainable Removal of Moisture from Air
Novel PEMFC with promoted performance under high temperature
Photocatalytic Properties of Ion-Implanted Titania Nanotubes
Protective effect of microneedle-injected ferulic acid against diabetes in mice
Study of the virucidal activity and mechanism of a multilevel antimicrobial coating
Transdermal Delivery of Traditional Chinese Medicine Via a Microfabricated Zeolite Microneedle
Visible Light Photoactivity of Ion Implanted Titania Nanotubes
Continuous flow ZIF-8/NaA composite membrane microreactor for efficient Knoevenagel condensation
Direct Manipulation of Particle Size and Morphology of Ordered Mesoporous Silica by Flow Synthesis
Catalysts for Treating H2S Malodor Problem at Ambient Temperature
Catalytic Membrane Process for Effective Treatment of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Water
Comparison of different TiO2 phase structures and morphologies on dye-sensitized solar cell
Copper/vanadia/titania Bifunctional Catalysts for Ammonia Remediation
Design, Synthesis and Fabrication of Freestanding Aerogels of Graphene-MOFs for Air Treatment
Freestanding Graphene Mixed Oxides Aerogel for Treatment of Indoor Air Pollutants
High-temperature self-humidifying proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Investigating the state of water in confined Nafion membrane
Investigation of the Information of Magnetic ZIF-8 under Flow Conditions
Manipulating Particle Size and Morphology of Mesoporous Silica
Observing the Formation of MOF Particles in Microfluidic Reactor
Structure and Photocatalytic Activity of Nonmetal Ion Implanted 1-d Titania Nanostructure.
The synthesis of freestanding metal-organic-framework (MOF) aerogels
Tunable CO2 uptake/release by CPO-27-Ni aerogel incorporated in Nickel foam
Application of vitamin E to antagonize SWCNTs-induced exacerbation of allergic asthma
In situ fabrication of high-permeance ZIF-8 tubular membranes in a continuous flow system
New synthesis strategies for Ni/Al2O3-Sil-1 core shell catalysts for steam reforming of methane
Application of a Smart Antimicrobial Coating in Facilities to Combat Indirect Infection
Assembly and Evolution of Low-dimensional Nanomaterials in Silica Aerogel
Controlled spatial doping of Ag on the surface, interlayer, and core of Ti-nanotubes
Effects of Zeolite Types and Their Different Properties on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Malodor treatment using controlled-release antimicrobial gel
Preparation of hierarchical porous monolith metal-organic-framework (MOF) aerogel
Room temperature VOx/TiO2 catalyst for treatment of H2S malodor in air
The Effects of Confinement and Zeolite Types in Self-humidifying Proton Exchange Membranes
ToF-SIMS Analysis of Ultrathin Zeolite Membrane: Detection of Secondary Building Units
Virucidal Activity and Mechanism of Smart Antimicrobial Surface Coating
A simple and scalable method for preparing low-defect ZIF-8 tubular membranes
Factors affecting the formation of Sn-Beta zeolites by steam-assisted conversion method
Confined PFSA membrane as structured membrane for clean energy generation
Drinking Water Disinfection By Low Voltage Micro-mini Pulsed Electric Field Device
Effects of confinement on the properties of confined PFSA-zeolite proton-conducting membranes
Freestanding Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks Membrane in Microchannel
Highly Reactive Visible Light Photocatalyst by Confining Ag Nanoparticles in Titania Nanotubes
Low temperature catalysts for direct remediation of H2S malodor in air
Low Temperature Catalysts for Direct Remediation of H2S Malodor In Air
Low Temperature Catalysts for Direct Remediation of NH3 Malodor in Air
Microwave-Assisted Plasmonic Metal Nanostructure for Efficient Antibacterial Activities
Mulilevel Antimicrobial Filter for Bioaerosol Capture and Disinfection
Multilevel Antimicrobial Filter for Bioaerosol Capture and Disinfection
Role of Surface Chemistry in the Photocatalytic Properties of Carbon-doped TiO2
Selective Adsorption and Removal of Heavy Metals From Seawater By Nanosorbents
Silica Aerogels Containing 1D and 0D Ti-based Nanomaterials for Environment Applications
Silica Alcogel Containing Essential Oil for Air and Surface Disinfections
Silver Doped on Spatial Locations of Titanate Nanotubes and Its Role on Activity
Spatial Doping of Gold on Surface, Interlayer and Core of Titania Nanotubes
Titanate-Graphene oxide composite: controlled morphology and photocatalytic activity
Tof-SIMS: A Versatile Method for Zeolite Structure Detection
ToF-SIMS: A Versatile Method for Zeolite Structure Detection
Virucidal Activity of a Multilevel Antimicrobial Coating Based of Encapsulated Chlorine Dioxide
Visible Light Photocatalysts from Spatially Doped Ag in Titania Nanotubes
Visible Light Photocatalysts: Green Carbon Dopant on Photoactivity
Zeolite Microneedles for Controlled Transdermal Drug Delivery
Zeolite-confined Sulfonated Graphene-nafion Composite Membrane for Self-Humidifying PEMFC
A new structured composite membrane for fuel cell applications
Chemical engineering process miniaturisation for chemical production and material manufacture
Investigation of Pd membrane reactors for one-step hydroxylation of benzene to phenol
Zeolite applications in fuel cells: Water management and proton conductivity
Confined graphene derivative-zeolite-Nafion composite membrane for self-humidifying micro fuel cell
Continuous microwave synthesis of nanostructured TiO2 photocatalysts
Design of zeolite microneedles for regulated transdermal drug delivery
Flow synthesis of microporous and mesoporous solid in microfluidic reactor
High photoactive titanium nitride nanotube preparation for organic compound in water
Microwave-assisted Au doped nanotube preparation for degradation of organic compounds in water
Titanate nanotube preparation: Microwave irradiation time and temperature effect on photoactivity
Titanate nanotube synthesis mechanism under microwave irradiation
Confined PFSA-zeolite Composite Membrane for Self-humidifying Fuel Cell
Investigation of the performance of TiO2 photocatalytic coatings
MCM-41 "LUS": Alumina Tubular Membranes for Metal Separation in Aqueous Solution
Performance of TS-1-Coated Structured Packing Materials for Styrene Oxidation Reaction
Precious metal recovery by selective adsorption using biosorbents
Preparation and performance of TS-1/SiO2 egg-shell catalysts
Selective Removal of Chromium from Different Aqueous Systems Using Magnetic MCM-41 Nanosorbents
A novel approach for the preparation of highly stable Pd membrane on macroporous alpha-Al2O3 tube
Pd-silicalite-1 composite membrane reactor for direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol
Preparation of titanium silicalite-1 catalytic films and application as catalytic membrane reactors
Zeolite proton conducting membrane for micro fuel cell applications
Applications of zeolites and zeolites composite micromembranes in micro fuel cell
Confined zeolite-nafion composite membrane for self-humidifying micro fuel cell
Modeling of advanced ozone membrane reactor for endocrine disrupting compound remediation
Modeling of packed-bed membrane reactor for ethylene epoxidation
Performance of microfabricated zeolite micromembrane in PEMFC
Preparation of Pd membrane on the inner of α-Al2O3 tubes by flow method for benzene hydroxylation
Zeolite-enclosed micro-cavities on silicon wafer for chemical storage
A Multilevel Antimicrobial Coating Based on Polymer-Encapsulated ClO2
An Investigation of the Performance of Catalytic Aerogel Filters
Bactericidal and sporicidal performance of a polymer-encapsulated chlorine dioxide-coated surface
Hydrogen production from partial oxidation of methane in a membrane reactor
Mesoporous TiO2-SiO2 aerogels with hierarchal pore structures
Pd-silicalite-1 composite membrane for direct hydroxylation of benzene
Preparation and properties of TS-1 zeolite and film using Sil-1 nanoparticles as seeds
Reactivity and antimicrobial properties of nanostructured titanium dioxide
Zeolites in Microsystems for Chemical Synthesis and Energy Generation
A multi-level antimicrobial coating for a healthier environment
Experiment and model of diclofenac degradation in an advanced membrane reactor
Experiment and model of diclofenac degradation in an advanced ozone membrane reactor
Flow synthesis of mesoporous silica in microreactor: Manipulation of particle size and morphology
H2 production from partial oxidation of methane in a dual membrane reactor
Microfabricated zeolite micromembrane for fuel cell application
Microfabricated zeolite micromembrane for fuel cell application
Pd-Silicalite-1 composite membrane reactor for direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol
Reactivity and antimicrobial properties of nanostructured titanium dioxide
Anomalous Crystal Growth on TiO2 Thin Film Induced by the AFM Tip
Preparation of composite zeolite membrane separator/contactor for ozone water treatment
Selective Adsorption of Gold from Complex Mixtures Using Mesoporous Adsorbents
Synthesis of freestanding silica and titania-silica aerogels with ordered and disordered mesopores
Chapter 12 Entrepreneurship and product design in chemical engineering education
Nanospheres inside the zeolite membrane microchannels by ship-in-bottle approach
Non-UV Based Germicidal Activity of Metal-doped TiO2 Coating on Solid Surfaces
Properties of TiO2 support and the performance of Au/TiO2 catalyst for CO oxidation reaction
Recovery of high purity gold and silver using mesoporous adsorbents
Selective mesoporous adsorbents for Cr(2)O2/7-and Cu2+ separation
Separation of precious metals using selective mesoporous adsorbents
An investigation of Claisen-Schmidt condensation reaction in microreactors
Gas permeation and separation in nanoporous zeolite micromembranes
Knoevenagel condensation reactions in microreactors: Performance of zeolite catalysts and membranes
Nanospheres inside the zeolite membrane microchunnels by ship-in-a-bottle approach
Preparation of ultrathin wall, hollow silica nanospheres from MCM-41
Recovery of high purity gold and silver using mesoporous adsorbents
Separation of Cr2O72- and Cu2+ using mesoporous silica adsorbents
Synthesis and application of freestanding, mesoporous titania-silica aerogels
Zeolite compositional micropatterns for immobilization of biomolecules
A rational approach in the design of selective mesoporous adsorbents
Design, fabrication and application of zeolite membrane microstructures
Effects of ozone pretreatment on the performance of Au/TiO2 catalyst for CO oxidation reaction
Investigation of ozonolysis of phenol using g-alumina based catalysts
Nanoscale observation of morphological transformation during ageing of silica and silica-alumina
An in-situ AFM investigation of sol-gel process for catalyst preparation
Design of Selective Mesoporous Adsorbents for Metal Ion Separation
Effect of ozone pretreatment on low temperature CO oxidation catalysts
Effects of TiO2 crystal size on the catalytic activity of Au/TiO2 for low temperature CO oxidation
Investigation of ozonolysis of phenol using γ-alumina based catalysts
Preparation and properties of zeolite films in SS microreactors
Preparation of zeolite A membrane microreactors by using a novel method
Synthesis of monolithic titania-silica aerogel for PCO reactions
Synthesis of nanospheres inside the zeolite membrane microchunnels by ship-in-a-bottle approach
The performance and application of zeolite membrane microreactor
Architectural design and performance of zeolite microreactors
TS-1 oxidation of aniline to azoxybenzene in a microstructured reactor
Architectural design and performance of zeolite microreactors
Design and fabrication of zeolite-based electrochemical microreactors
Fabrication of TiO2-SiO2 aerogel monolith with ordered mesostructures
Gold removal and recovery using mesoporous silica adsorbents
Preparation of zeolite microspheres and their application in biology
Synthesis of fine chemicals in zeolite membrane micro reactors
An investigation of Knoevenagel condensation reaction in microreactors using a new zeolite catalyst
Low-temperature ozone treatment for organic template removal from zeolite membrane
Selective adsorbents from chemically modified ordered mesoporous silica
Titanium silicalite-1 microreactors for 1-pentene epoxidation
A low temperature ozone process for preparing high quality zeolite membrane
An investigation of zeolite membrane application for water treatment
Application of zeolite films and membranes in microreactor systems
Effect of ozone pretreatment on low temperature CO oxidation catalysts
Esterification reaction in novel HZSM-5 microtunnel and microchunnel reactors
Fabrication of miniature zeolite membrane microstructure for chemical storage and delivery
Fine chemical synthesis by microfabricated membrane reactors
Formulation of a thin catalytic membrane layer for ozonolysis of organic water pollutants
Functional nanomaterials for improvement of indoor air quality
Growth of zeolite NaA layers on porous stainless steel microchannels
Growth of zeolite silicalite-1 membranes on different a-alumina supports
Investigation of ozonolysis of phenol using g-alumina based catalysts
Low temperature activation of MFI zeolite membrane as a tool for membrane characterization
Microfabricated membrane reactors for fine chemical synthesis
Microwave assisted TiO2 nanocatalyst used for photocatalytic oxidation reaction
Monolithic silica-titania aerogels by modified sol-gel method
Performance of microfabricated TS-1 microreactor for alkene epoxidation
Preparation of composite carbon-zeolite membranes using a simple method
Preparation of zeolite silicalite-1 membranes on tubular carbon supports
Properties of free standing ZSM-5 micromembrane with different Si/Al ratio
Selective adsorbents from chemically modified ordered mesoporous silica
Selective adsorption of metal ions in ordered mesoporous silica adsorbents
Structural and chemical micropatterns based on zeolite materials
Synthesis of monolithic silica-titania aerogel for PCO reactions
TS-1 Oxidation of aniline to azoxybenzene in a microstructured reactor
1-Pentene epoxidation in titanium silicalite-1 microchannel reactor - Experiments and modelling
Factors affecting the synthesis of hetero-atom zeolite Fe-ZSM-5 membrane
Knoevenagel condensation reaction in a membrane microreactor
Knoevenagel condensation reaction in zeolite membrane microreactor
Performance of a membrane-catalyst for photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds
The influence of surface properties on the photocatalytic activity of nanostructured TiO2
Biological applications of structural and chemical micropatterns based on zeolite materials
Design and fabrication of miniature zeolite membrane microstructure
Genesis and growth of nanoparticles during sol-gel synthesis
Genesis and growth of nanoparticles during sol-gel synthesis
Germicide nanomaterials: theories, applications and business opportunities
Hydrogen and proton transport properties of nanoporous zeolite micromembranes
Incorporation of functional metal oxide materials in chemical microsystems
Nanostructured photocatalysts for environmental applications
Selective adsorption of Cu and Pb in ordered mesoporous silica adsorbents
Separation of copper and lead using selective ordered mesoporous silica adsorbents
Ensemble effects in nanostructured TiO2 used in the gas-phase photooxidation of trichloroethylene
Influence of the synthesis conditions and growth environment on MFI zeolite film orientation
Templateless synthesis of catalysts with narrow mesoporous distribution
TS-1 zeolite microengineered reactors for 1-pentene epoxidation
Design, fabrication and performance of zeolite micromembranes
Factors affecting the synthesis of ZSM-5 and Fe-ZSM-5 membranes
Membrane microreactor for base-catalyzed Knoevenagel condensation reaction
Microfabricated zeolite miniature membranes for micro fuel cell applications
On the fabrication and testing of a multichannel membrane microreactor
On the performance of membrane-assisted base-catalyzed knoevenagel condensation reaction
Performance of a membrane-catalyst for photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Performance of membrane-catalyst for photo-oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Permeation and Separation Performance of Engineered Zeolite Micromembranes
Photo-remediation of volatile chlorinated C2 compounds on nanostructured TiO2 Catalysis
Titanium silicalite-1 microreactors for 1-pentene epoxidation
Design and fabrication of zeolite-based microreactors and membrane microseparators
Direct observation of growth of lamellae and spherulites of a semicrystalline polymer by AFM
Effect of drying conditions of Au-Mn co-precipitates for low-temperature CO oxidation
Effects of electroless plating chemistry on the synthesis of palladium membranes
Effects of synthesis parameters on the zeolite membrane growth
Effects of synthesis parameters on the zeolite membrane morphology
EPR study of the surface characteristics of nanostructured TiO2 under UV irradiation
Gas-phase photo-oxidation of toluene using nanometer-size TiO2 catalysts
Inorganic Membranes: State of the Art and Future Developments
Inorganic Membranes: Synthesis, Characterization and Application
Membrane Materials with Engineered Structure and Tailored Chemistry
Synthesis of MFI-type Zeolite Membranes with Nonuniform Distribution of Al and Ti Framework Ions
Zeolite Membranes with Engineered Structure and Tailored Chemistry
Zeolite Membranes with Engineered Structure and Tailored Chemistry
Metal composite membranes: Synthesis, characterization and reaction
Microporous ceramic membranes for dehydrogenation and oxidation reactors
Microporous ceramic membranes: Synthesis, characterization and reaction
Pd composite membranes: Electroless plating kinetics, film microstructure and membrane permeation
A novel preparation technique for supported thin metallic membranes for gas separation and reaction
Nonuniform catalyst distribution for catalytic membrane reactors
Novel preparation techniques for supported thin metallic membranes and inorganic ceramic membranes
Scanning probe microscopy studies of structure and reactivity of Pt and Pd model supported catalysts
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of supported Pt and Pd catalysts: Microstructure and morphology
Scanning tunneling microscopy: Studies of size and morphology of Pt/graphite catalysts
A scanning tunneling microscopy study of an insect lipoprotein ice nucleator
canning tunneling microscopy: Study of the Pt catalyst particles supported on graphite
An investigation of the transformation, kinetics and bioactivity of ozone treatment of DEET in water
Preparation and Antibacterial Behaviour of Nanostructured Ag@SiO2-penicillin With Silver Nanoplates
Preparation and Performance of Catalytic MOFs in Microreactor
Bacteriophage recovery from environmental samples using functionalized silica
Conference paper
Confined PFSA-MOF Composite Membrane in Fuel Cells for Promoted Water Management and Performance
Conference paper
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Conference paper
Polymeric Catalytic Membrane for Ozone Treatment of DEET in Water
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Conference paper
Reactions of SO2 and NH3 with Epoxy Groups on the Surface of Graphite Oxide Powder
Crystallization of Sub-100 Nanometer MOF Thin Film on Graphene Oxides
Conference paper
Facile Synthesis of Flexible and Superhydrophobic Silica Aerogels by TEMS, DMDMS and PDMS
Conference paper
Flow synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks
Conference paper
Conference paper
MOF Membrane Microreactor for Organic Synthesis
Conference paper
New odor control technology for drainage system
Conference paper
Novel Three-dimensional Printing System for Flexible Silica Aerogel Synthesis
Conference paper
Novel confined PFSA/Pt-zeolite composite membrane for self-humidifying PEMFC
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preparation of 2D MOF materials
Conference paper
Ultralight, monolithic graphene and ceria aerogels for VOCs removal and disinfection
Conference paper
Antibacterial activities and biosafety of supported ionic liquids
Conference paper
Conference paper
Bactericidal activity and mechanism of high intensity narrow wavelength blue light LED
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Conference paper
Catalytic Performances of Metal-organic Framework-based Membrane Microreactors
Conference paper
Coated air filters for removal of molecular and airborne particulate pollutants
Conference paper
Cytotoxicixty and acute toxicity studies of imidazolium-based ionic liquids
Conference paper
Conference paper
Design air purification filters with formulated antimicrobial agents
Conference paper
Design and practice of a long-term bactericidal system
Conference paper
Inorganic-organic microcapsule emulsion for surface and air disinfections
Conference paper
Ionic liquid-based air purification systems for the removal of bioaerosols and molecular pollutants
Conference paper
Mechanism of an antimicrobial surface agent and virucidal efficiency
Conference paper
Supported ionic liquids for air purification
Conference paper
The effects of interface in self-humidifying PFSA-zeolite proton exchange membrane
Conference paper
Water dynamics in a confined Nafion-zeolite composite membrane in PEMFC
Conference paper
An Investigation of the Selective Adsorptions of Metals on Mesoporous NH2-MCM-41
Conference paper
Compressive Properties of Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Aerogels
Conference paper
Control of Nanofiltration membranes biofouling by using a new anti-fouling coating
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Field Study of Antimicrobial Gel Material for Suppressing Malodor in Sewer System
Conference paper
Investigation of the light disinfection of multidrug-resistant microorganisms
Conference paper
Microneedles for transdermal delivery of traditional Chinese medicine
Conference paper
Multi-functional Gel Materials for Malodor Control
Conference paper
Nanotechnology development in Hong Kong
Conference paper
New Materials Technology for Sustainable Removal of Moisture from Air
Conference paper
Novel PEMFC with promoted performance under high temperature
Conference paper
Photocatalytic Properties of Ion-Implanted Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Protective effect of microneedle-injected ferulic acid against diabetes in mice
Conference paper
Study of the virucidal activity and mechanism of a multilevel antimicrobial coating
Conference paper
Transdermal Delivery of Traditional Chinese Medicine Via a Microfabricated Zeolite Microneedle
Conference paper
Treatment of Deet in an Advanced Ozone Membrane Reactor
Conference paper
Visible Light Photoactivity of Ion Implanted Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Continuous flow ZIF-8/NaA composite membrane microreactor for efficient Knoevenagel condensation
Direct Manipulation of Particle Size and Morphology of Ordered Mesoporous Silica by Flow Synthesis
Conference paper
Catalysts for Treating H2S Malodor Problem at Ambient Temperature
Conference paper
Catalytic Membrane Process for Effective Treatment of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Water
Conference paper
Comparison of different TiO2 phase structures and morphologies on dye-sensitized solar cell
Conference paper
Copper/vanadia/titania Bifunctional Catalysts for Ammonia Remediation
Conference paper
Design, Synthesis and Fabrication of Freestanding Aerogels of Graphene-MOFs for Air Treatment
Conference paper
Engineering Aspects of 1D Nanostructured Titania Synthesis
Conference paper
Freestanding Graphene Mixed Oxides Aerogel for Treatment of Indoor Air Pollutants
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Freestanding ZIF-8 Membrane in Microfluidic Channel
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High-temperature self-humidifying proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Conference paper
Investigating the state of water in confined Nafion membrane
Conference paper
Investigation of the Information of Magnetic ZIF-8 under Flow Conditions
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Magnetic Adsorbents for Heavy Metal Removal from Sea Water
Conference paper
Manipulating Particle Size and Morphology of Mesoporous Silica
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Observing the Formation of MOF Particles in Microfluidic Reactor
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Structure and Photocatalytic Activity of Nonmetal Ion Implanted 1-d Titania Nanostructure.
Conference paper
The synthesis of freestanding metal-organic-framework (MOF) aerogels
Conference paper
Tunable CO2 uptake/release by CPO-27-Ni aerogel incorporated in Nickel foam
Conference paper
Application of vitamin E to antagonize SWCNTs-induced exacerbation of allergic asthma
In situ fabrication of high-permeance ZIF-8 tubular membranes in a continuous flow system
New synthesis strategies for Ni/Al2O3-Sil-1 core shell catalysts for steam reforming of methane
Zeolites and mesoporous materials in fuel cell applications
A general route to prepare metal-organic-framework aerogel
Conference paper
Application of a Smart Antimicrobial Coating in Facilities to Combat Indirect Infection
Conference paper
Assembly and Evolution of Low-dimensional Nanomaterials in Silica Aerogel
Conference paper
Catalytic ozonation of EDC in a membrane reactor
Conference paper
Controlled spatial doping of Ag on the surface, interlayer, and core of Ti-nanotubes
Conference paper
Detection of zeolite secondary building units by ToF-SIMS
Conference paper
Effects of Zeolite Types and Their Different Properties on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Conference paper
Glycerol carbonylation in a microreactor
Conference paper
Malodor treatment using controlled-release antimicrobial gel
Conference paper
Preparation of hierarchical porous monolith metal-organic-framework (MOF) aerogel
Conference paper
Room temperature VOx/TiO2 catalyst for treatment of H2S malodor in air
Conference paper
Selective ammonia oxidation on vanadia-titania catalysts
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Self-Humidifying Nafion-Zeolite Composite Membrane
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The Effects of Confinement and Zeolite Types in Self-humidifying Proton Exchange Membranes
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ToF-SIMS Analysis of Ultrathin Zeolite Membrane: Detection of Secondary Building Units
Conference paper
Virucidal Activity and Mechanism of Smart Antimicrobial Surface Coating
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Zeolite Characterization via ToF-SIMS
Conference paper
A simple and scalable method for preparing low-defect ZIF-8 tubular membranes
Factors affecting the formation of Sn-Beta zeolites by steam-assisted conversion method
Confined PFSA membrane as structured membrane for clean energy generation
Conference paper
Drinking Water Disinfection By Low Voltage Micro-mini Pulsed Electric Field Device
Conference paper
Effects of confinement on the properties of confined PFSA-zeolite proton-conducting membranes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Freestanding Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks Membrane in Microchannel
Conference paper
Highly Reactive Visible Light Photocatalyst by Confining Ag Nanoparticles in Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Low temperature catalysts for direct remediation of H2S malodor in air
Conference paper
Low Temperature Catalysts for Direct Remediation of H2S Malodor In Air
Conference paper
Low Temperature Catalysts for Direct Remediation of NH3 Malodor in Air
Conference paper
Microwave-Assisted Plasmonic Metal Nanostructure for Efficient Antibacterial Activities
Conference paper
Mulilevel Antimicrobial Filter for Bioaerosol Capture and Disinfection
Conference paper
Multilevel Antimicrobial Filter for Bioaerosol Capture and Disinfection
Conference paper
Role of Surface Chemistry in the Photocatalytic Properties of Carbon-doped TiO2
Conference paper
Selective Adsorption and Removal of Heavy Metals From Seawater By Nanosorbents
Conference paper
Silica Aerogels Containing 1D and 0D Ti-based Nanomaterials for Environment Applications
Conference paper
Silica Alcogel Containing Essential Oil for Air and Surface Disinfections
Conference paper
Silver Doped on Spatial Locations of Titanate Nanotubes and Its Role on Activity
Conference paper
Smart Antimicrobial Coating to Against Adenovirus
Conference paper
Spatial Doping of Gold on Surface, Interlayer and Core of Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Titanate-Graphene oxide composite: controlled morphology and photocatalytic activity
Conference paper
Tof-SIMS: A Versatile Method for Zeolite Structure Detection
Conference paper
ToF-SIMS: A Versatile Method for Zeolite Structure Detection
Conference paper
ToF-SIMS: Novice Method for MFI-type Zeolite Investigation
Conference paper
Virucidal Activity of a Multilevel Antimicrobial Coating Based of Encapsulated Chlorine Dioxide
Conference paper
Visible Light Photocatalysts from Spatially Doped Ag in Titania Nanotubes
Conference paper
Visible Light Photocatalysts: Green Carbon Dopant on Photoactivity
Conference paper
Zeolite Microneedle: Design for Drug Delivery
Conference paper
Zeolite Microneedles for Controlled Transdermal Drug Delivery
Conference paper
Zeolite-confined Sulfonated Graphene-nafion Composite Membrane for Self-Humidifying PEMFC
Conference paper
A new structured composite membrane for fuel cell applications
Assessment of Sericin Biosorbent for Selective Dye Removal
Chemical engineering process miniaturisation for chemical production and material manufacture
Investigation of Pd membrane reactors for one-step hydroxylation of benzene to phenol
Zeolite applications in fuel cells: Water management and proton conductivity
Zeolite capillary microreactor by flow synthesis method
Confined graphene derivative-zeolite-Nafion composite membrane for self-humidifying micro fuel cell
Conference paper
Continuous microwave synthesis of nanostructured TiO2 photocatalysts
Conference paper
Design of zeolite microneedles for regulated transdermal drug delivery
Conference paper
Flow synthesis of microporous and mesoporous solid in microfluidic reactor
Conference paper
Conference paper
High photoactive titanium nitride nanotube preparation for organic compound in water
Conference paper
Microwave-assisted Au doped nanotube preparation for degradation of organic compounds in water
Conference paper
Conference paper
Novel Membrane for Artificial Photosynthesis
Conference paper
Conference paper
Titanate nanotube preparation: Microwave irradiation time and temperature effect on photoactivity
Conference paper
Titanate nanotube synthesis mechanism under microwave irradiation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Zeolitic Aerogel: A New Hierarchical Porous Material
Conference paper
Confined PFSA-zeolite Composite Membrane for Self-humidifying Fuel Cell
Investigation of the performance of TiO2 photocatalytic coatings
MCM-41 "LUS": Alumina Tubular Membranes for Metal Separation in Aqueous Solution
Performance of TS-1-Coated Structured Packing Materials for Styrene Oxidation Reaction
Precious metal recovery by selective adsorption using biosorbents
Preparation and performance of TS-1/SiO2 egg-shell catalysts
Selective Removal of Chromium from Different Aqueous Systems Using Magnetic MCM-41 Nanosorbents
Formation mechanism of titanate nanotubes prepared by microwave hydrothermal process
Conference paper
Mechanism of Titanate Nanotube Synthesis under Microwave Irradiation
Conference paper
A novel approach for the preparation of highly stable Pd membrane on macroporous alpha-Al2O3 tube
Gas permeation and separation in ZSM-5 micromembranes
Pd-silicalite-1 composite membrane reactor for direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol
Preparation of titanium silicalite-1 catalytic films and application as catalytic membrane reactors
Zeolite proton conducting membrane for micro fuel cell applications
Zeolites and Molecular Sieves in Fuel Cell Applications
Book chapter
Applications of zeolites and zeolites composite micromembranes in micro fuel cell
Conference paper
Confined zeolite-nafion composite membrane for self-humidifying micro fuel cell
Conference paper
Modeling of advanced ozone membrane reactor for endocrine disrupting compound remediation
Conference paper
Modeling of packed-bed membrane reactor for ethylene epoxidation
Conference paper
Performance of microfabricated zeolite micromembrane in PEMFC
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preparation of Pd membrane on the inner of α-Al2O3 tubes by flow method for benzene hydroxylation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Zeolite-enclosed micro-cavities on silicon wafer for chemical storage
Conference paper
A Multilevel Antimicrobial Coating Based on Polymer-Encapsulated ClO2
An Investigation of the Performance of Catalytic Aerogel Filters
Bactericidal and sporicidal performance of a polymer-encapsulated chlorine dioxide-coated surface
Hydrogen production from partial oxidation of methane in a membrane reactor
Mesoporous TiO2-SiO2 aerogels with hierarchal pore structures
Non-UV germicidal activity of fresh TiO2 and Ag/TiO2
Pd-silicalite-1 composite membrane for direct hydroxylation of benzene
Preparation and properties of TS-1 zeolite and film using Sil-1 nanoparticles as seeds
Reactivity and antimicrobial properties of nanostructured titanium dioxide
Synthesis of Highly Selective Magnetic Mesoporous Adsorbent
Zeolites in Microsystems for Chemical Synthesis and Energy Generation
Nanotechnology Research and Commercialization in Hong Kong
Book chapter
A multi-level antimicrobial coating for a healthier environment
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Cellulose supported HZSM-5 membrane for PEMFC application
Conference paper
Experiment and model of diclofenac degradation in an advanced membrane reactor
Conference paper
Experiment and model of diclofenac degradation in an advanced ozone membrane reactor
Conference paper
Flow synthesis of mesoporous silica in microreactor: Manipulation of particle size and morphology
Conference paper
H2 production from partial oxidation of methane in a dual membrane reactor
Conference paper
Microfabricated zeolite micromembrane for fuel cell application
Conference paper
Microfabricated zeolite micromembrane for fuel cell application
Conference paper
Pd-Silicalite-1 composite membrane reactor for direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol
Conference paper
Reactivity and antimicrobial properties of nanostructured titanium dioxide
Conference paper
Anion Effect on Cu2+ Adsorption on NH2-MCM-41
Anomalous Crystal Growth on TiO2 Thin Film Induced by the AFM Tip
Preparation of composite zeolite membrane separator/contactor for ozone water treatment
Selective Adsorption of Gold from Complex Mixtures Using Mesoporous Adsorbents
Selective mesoporous adsorbents for Ag+/Cu2+ separation
Synthesis of freestanding silica and titania-silica aerogels with ordered and disordered mesopores
A novel membrane reactor for ozone water treatment
Biological applications of zeolite microspheres
Chapter 12 Entrepreneurship and product design in chemical engineering education
Nanospheres inside the zeolite membrane microchannels by ship-in-bottle approach
Non-UV Based Germicidal Activity of Metal-doped TiO2 Coating on Solid Surfaces
Properties of TiO2 support and the performance of Au/TiO2 catalyst for CO oxidation reaction
Recovery of high purity gold and silver using mesoporous adsorbents
Selective mesoporous adsorbents for Cr(2)O2/7-and Cu2+ separation
Separation of precious metals using selective mesoporous adsorbents
Zeolite membrane microreactors and their performance
Zeolite microneedles for transdermal drug delivery
Entrepreneurship and Product Design in Chemical Engineering Education
Book chapter
A new method for preparing nanoscaled TiO2 structure
Conference paper
A novel membrane reactor for ozone water treatment
Conference paper
Conference paper
An investigation of Claisen-Schmidt condensation reaction in microreactors
Conference paper
Biological applications of zeolite microspheres
Conference paper
Conference paper
Design of selective adsorbents for metal ion separation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Gas permeation and separation in nanoporous zeolite micromembranes
Conference paper
Immobilization of biomolecules in nanobottles
Conference paper
Knoevenagel condensation reactions in microreactors: Performance of zeolite catalysts and membranes
Conference paper
Nanospheres inside the zeolite membrane microchunnels by ship-in-a-bottle approach
Conference paper
Conference paper
Photocatalytic oxidation for surface disinfection
Conference paper
Preparation of silica nanobottles for bioimmobilization
Conference paper
Preparation of ultrathin wall, hollow silica nanospheres from MCM-41
Conference paper
Recovery of high purity gold and silver using mesoporous adsorbents
Conference paper
Conference paper
Separation of Cr2O72- and Cu2+ using mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Smart hygienic coating for a healthier living environment
Conference paper
Synthesis and application of freestanding, mesoporous titania-silica aerogels
Conference paper
Zeolite compositional micropatterns for immobilization of biomolecules
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane for microseparators and microreactors
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane microreactors and their performance
Conference paper
Zeolite microneedles for transdermal drug delivery
Conference paper
Zeolite-based electrochemical microreactor
Conference paper
A rational approach in the design of selective mesoporous adsorbents
Design, fabrication and application of zeolite membrane microstructures
Effects of ozone pretreatment on the performance of Au/TiO2 catalyst for CO oxidation reaction
Investigation of ozonolysis of phenol using g-alumina based catalysts
Nanoscale observation of morphological transformation during ageing of silica and silica-alumina
An in-situ AFM investigation of sol-gel process for catalyst preparation
Conference paper
Base catalyzed reactions in membrane microreactor system
Conference paper
Design of Selective Mesoporous Adsorbents for Metal Ion Separation
Conference paper
Effect of ozone pretreatment on low temperature CO oxidation catalysts
Conference paper
Effects of TiO2 crystal size on the catalytic activity of Au/TiO2 for low temperature CO oxidation
Conference paper
Investigation of ozonolysis of phenol using γ-alumina based catalysts
Conference paper
Low temperature ammonia oxidation catalyst studies
Conference paper
New low temperature ammonia oxidation catalysts
Conference paper
Preparation and properties of zeolite films in SS microreactors
Conference paper
Preparation of zeolite A membrane microreactors by using a novel method
Conference paper
Conference paper
Synthesis of monolithic titania-silica aerogel for PCO reactions
Conference paper
Synthesis of nanospheres inside the zeolite membrane microchunnels by ship-in-a-bottle approach
Conference paper
The performance and application of zeolite membrane microreactor
Conference paper
Zeolite micropattern on biological application
Conference paper
Architectural design and performance of zeolite microreactors
Experiments and modeling of membrane microreactors
Novel two-layered zeolite NaA-silicalite-1 membranes
TS-1 oxidation of aniline to azoxybenzene in a microstructured reactor
Zeolite membrane microreactor for fine chemical synthesis
Zeolite micropattern for biological applications
Architectural design and performance of zeolite microreactors
Conference paper
Design and fabrication of zeolite-based electrochemical microreactors
Conference paper
Fabrication of TiO2-SiO2 aerogel monolith with ordered mesostructures
Conference paper
Gas permeation and separation in ZSM-5 micro membrane unit
Conference paper
Gold removal and recovery using mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Conference paper
Material and engineering solutions to microfuel cell design
Conference paper
Microstructure zeolites and their applications
Conference paper
New conceptual zeolitic direct methanol micro fuel cell
Conference paper
Preparation of zeolite microspheres and their application in biology
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Synthesis of fine chemicals in zeolite membrane micro reactors
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane enclosed microstructures
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane microreactor and its performance
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane microreactor for fine chemical synthesis
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane microreactors for fine chemical synthesis
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane reactor for ozonation
Conference paper
1-pentene epoxidation in catalytic microfabricated reactors
An investigation of Knoevenagel condensation reaction in microreactors using a new zeolite catalyst
Low-temperature ozone treatment for organic template removal from zeolite membrane
Microfabricated zeolite micromembranes
Microfabricated ZSM-5 zeolite micromembranes
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Catalysis
Selective adsorbents from chemically modified ordered mesoporous silica
Titanium silicalite-1 microreactors for 1-pentene epoxidation
A low temperature ozone process for preparing high quality zeolite membrane
Conference paper
An investigation of zeolite membrane application for water treatment
Conference paper
Aniline conversion to azoxybenzene in membrane microreactor
Conference paper
Application of zeolite films and membranes in microreactor systems
Conference paper
Carbon-zeolite NaA composite membranes
Conference paper
Carbon-Zeolite NaA composite membranes
Conference paper
Effect of ozone pretreatment on low temperature CO oxidation catalysts
Conference paper
Esterification reaction in novel HZSM-5 microtunnel and microchunnel reactors
Conference paper
Fabrication of miniature zeolite membrane microstructure for chemical storage and delivery
Conference paper
Fine chemical synthesis by microfabricated membrane reactors
Conference paper
Formulation of a thin catalytic membrane layer for ozonolysis of organic water pollutants
Conference paper
Functional nanomaterials for improvement of indoor air quality
Conference paper
Growth of zeolite NaA layers on porous stainless steel microchannels
Conference paper
Growth of zeolite silicalite-1 membranes on different a-alumina supports
Conference paper
Investigation of ozonolysis of phenol using g-alumina based catalysts
Conference paper
Low temperature activation of MFI zeolite membrane as a tool for membrane characterization
Conference paper
Low temperature ammonia oxidation catalyst studies
Conference paper
Membrane microreactors for fine chemical synthesis
Conference paper
Microfabricated membrane reactors for fine chemical synthesis
Conference paper
Microfabricated zeolite membrane microstructures
Conference paper
Microwave assisted TiO2 nanocatalyst used for photocatalytic oxidation reaction
Conference paper
Monolithic silica-titania aerogels by modified sol-gel method
Conference paper
Nanocatalytic systems for air quality control
Conference paper
Nanostructured Catalysts for Indoor Air Remediation
Conference paper
Performance of low temperature CO oxidation catalysts
Conference paper
Performance of microfabricated TS-1 microreactor for alkene epoxidation
Conference paper
Performance of zeolite membrane for water treatment
Conference paper
Preparation of composite carbon-zeolite membranes using a simple method
Conference paper
Conference paper
Preparation of zeolite silicalite-1 membranes on tubular carbon supports
Conference paper
Properties of free standing ZSM-5 micromembrane with different Si/Al ratio
Conference paper
Selective adsorbents from chemically modified ordered mesoporous silica
Conference paper
Selective adsorption of metal ions in ordered mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Structural and chemical micropatterns based on zeolite materials
Conference paper
Synthesis of monolithic silica-titania aerogel for PCO reactions
Conference paper
TS-1 Oxidation of aniline to azoxybenzene in a microstructured reactor
Conference paper
Zeolite catalyst and membrane in microreactor systems
Conference paper
Zeolite membrane reactor used for water treatment
Conference paper
Zeolite Microfabricated Membranes
Conference paper
Zeolite Microstructures and Applications
Conference paper
1-Pentene epoxidation in titanium silicalite-1 microchannel reactor - Experiments and modelling
Factors affecting the synthesis of hetero-atom zeolite Fe-ZSM-5 membrane
Knoevenagel condensation reaction in a membrane microreactor
Knoevenagel condensation reaction in zeolite membrane microreactor
Performance of a membrane-catalyst for photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Selective adsorbents from ordered mesoporous silica
The influence of surface properties on the photocatalytic activity of nanostructured TiO2
Biological applications of structural and chemical micropatterns based on zeolite materials
Conference paper
Design and fabrication of miniature zeolite membrane microstructure
Conference paper
Genesis and growth of nanoparticles during sol-gel synthesis
Conference paper
Genesis and growth of nanoparticles during sol-gel synthesis
Conference paper
Germicide nanomaterials: theories, applications and business opportunities
Conference paper
Hydrogen and proton transport properties of nanoporous zeolite micromembranes
Conference paper
Incorporation of functional metal oxide materials in chemical microsystems
Conference paper
Nano materials and nanotechnology
Conference paper
Nanoporous zeolite materials in microsystems
Conference paper
Nanostructured photocatalysts for environmental applications
Conference paper
Selective adsorption of Cu and Pb in ordered mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Selective Ordered Mesoporous Silica Adsorbents
Conference paper
Separation of copper and lead using selective ordered mesoporous silica adsorbents
Conference paper
Ensemble effects in nanostructured TiO2 used in the gas-phase photooxidation of trichloroethylene
Incorporating zeolites in microchemical systems
Influence of the synthesis conditions and growth environment on MFI zeolite film orientation
Novel approach for thin dense nanoscale-grained metal films
Templateless synthesis of catalysts with narrow mesoporous distribution
TS-1 zeolite microengineered reactors for 1-pentene epoxidation
Zeolite microtunnels and microchunnels
Conference paper
Design and fabrication of zeolite micromembranes
Conference paper
Design, fabrication and performance of zeolite micromembranes
Conference paper
Design, Fabrication and Testing of Zeolite Micromembranes
Conference paper
Factors affecting the synthesis of ZSM-5 and Fe-ZSM-5 membranes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Membrane microreactor for base-catalyzed Knoevenagel condensation reaction
Conference paper
Microfabricated zeolite miniature membranes for micro fuel cell applications
Conference paper
On the fabrication and testing of a multichannel membrane microreactor
Conference paper
On the performance of membrane-assisted base-catalyzed knoevenagel condensation reaction
Conference paper
Performance of a membrane-catalyst for photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Conference paper
Performance of membrane-catalyst for photo-oxidation of volatile organic compounds
Conference paper
Permeation and Separation Performance of Engineered Zeolite Micromembranes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Photo-remediation of volatile chlorinated C2 compounds on nanostructured TiO2 Catalysis
Conference paper
Preparation and characterization of NaA zeolite membranes
Conference paper
Titanium silicalite-1 microreactors for 1-pentene epoxidation
Conference paper
Design and fabrication of zeolite-based microreactors and membrane microseparators
Direct observation of growth of lamellae and spherulites of a semicrystalline polymer by AFM
Effect of drying conditions of Au-Mn co-precipitates for low-temperature CO oxidation
Effects of electroless plating chemistry on the synthesis of palladium membranes
Effects of synthesis parameters on the zeolite membrane growth
Effects of synthesis parameters on the zeolite membrane morphology
EPR study of the surface characteristics of nanostructured TiO2 under UV irradiation
Gas-phase photo-oxidation of toluene using nanometer-size TiO2 catalysts
Conference paper
Size effects in gas-phase photo-oxidation of trichloroethylene using nanometer-sized TiO2 catalysts
The role of surface chemistry in zeolite membrane formation
Ethylene epoxidation in a catalytic packed-bed membrane reactor
Conference paper
Ethylene epoxidation reaction in a membrane reactor
Conference paper
Inorganic Membranes: State of the Art and Future Developments
Conference paper
Inorganic Membranes: Synthesis, Characterization and Application
Conference paper
Membrane Materials with Engineered Structure and Tailored Chemistry
Conference paper
New Synthesis Strategy for Engineered Zeolite Membranes
Conference paper
Synthesis of MFI-type Zeolite Membranes with Nonuniform Distribution of Al and Ti Framework Ions
Conference paper
Zeolite Membranes with Engineered Structure and Tailored Chemistry
Conference paper
Zeolite Membranes with Engineered Structure and Tailored Chemistry
Conference paper
Effect of Catalyst Distribution in a Membrane Reactor: Experiments and Model
Membrane Reactors for Ethane Dehydrogenation and Ethylene Epoxidation Reactions
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Metal composite membranes: Synthesis, characterization and reaction
Conference paper
Microporous ceramic membranes for dehydrogenation and oxidation reactors
Conference paper
Microporous ceramic membranes: Synthesis, characterization and reaction
Conference paper
Pd composite membranes: Electroless plating kinetics, film microstructure and membrane permeation
Conference paper
Novel preparation of Pd/Vycor composite membranes
Novel preparation techniques for thin metal-ceramic composite membranes
The roles of Ice nucleators in cold tolerant invertebrates
Book chapter
Conference paper
Effect of catalyst activity distribution on inorganic membrane reactor performance
Conference paper
Conference paper
Inorganic membrane synthesis, characterization and reaction studies
Conference paper
A novel preparation technique for supported thin metallic membranes for gas separation and reaction
Conference paper
Nonuniform catalyst distribution for catalytic membrane reactors
Conference paper
Conference paper
Novel preparation techniques for supported thin metallic membranes and inorganic ceramic membranes
Conference paper
Scanning probe microscopy studies of structure and reactivity of Pt and Pd model supported catalysts
Conference paper
Conference paper
Book chapter
Conference paper
Preparation and characterization of supported thin, dense Ag membranes
Conference paper
STM studies of the evolution of microstructure and reactivity of Pt and Pd/graphite catalysts
Conference paper
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of supported Pt and Pd catalysts: Microstructure and morphology
Scanning tunneling microscopy: Studies of size and morphology of Pt/graphite catalysts
Book chapter
Evolution of 2-D microstructure in Pd and Pt model supported catalysts
Conference paper
Conference paper
A scanning tunneling microscopy study of an insect lipoprotein ice nucleator
canning tunneling microscopy: Study of the Pt catalyst particles supported on graphite
Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of Pt and Pd supported catalysts
Conference paper
Size, morphology and microstructure of supported Pt/HOPG catalysts
Conference paper
Size, morphology and microstructure of supported Pt/HOPG catalysts
Conference paper
Conference paper
STM study of supported Pt and Pd catalysts: Morphology and microstructure
Conference paper
A scanning tunneling microscopy study of an insect lipoprotein ice nucleator
Conference paper
Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of Pt model surface
Conference paper
Scanning tunneling microscopyStudy of the platinum catalyst particles supported on graphite
Conference paper
ENVR5430 | Environmental Control Technologies for Urban Settings |
MCEE5110 | Theory and Practice in Heterogeneous Catalysis |
CENG3230 | Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering |
BIEN4920 | Bioengineering Capstone Design |
CENG4920 | Chemical Engineering Capstone Design |
ENVR6040N | Environmental Control Technologies for Urban Settings |
MCEE5110 | Theory and Practice in Heterogeneous Catalysis |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
SALIK, Sittie Zuleiha De Sahagun
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
BONIFACIO, Rinnel Brenan Lumban
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
DOU, Yuanyuan
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
NGUYEN, Thu Trang
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
XIONG, Zixuan
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
ZENG, Xujia
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
ALMAQUER, Francis Eric Patricio
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Environmental Engineering
TIAN, Yuan
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
GARCIA, Renz Marion Gagabi
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
PAMUDJI, Malvin Subroto
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
ZHAO, Haoying
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
DE GUZMAN, Jessa Vispo
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
DENG, Huaiyu
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
PILAPIL, John David Perlas
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
UL AIN, Qurat
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
ZHENG, Yuanzhi
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
MOSTRALES, Deo Charis Ines
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
AKPAN, Utibe Bassey
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
FAREED, Zeeshan
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
GALANG, Chrissen Juvileen Dela Cruz
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
LIU, Zhiyang
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
LLANETA, Miles Lanver Tabor
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
ORTEZA, Khianne Ed Miguel
TADIA, John Loui
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
LI, Jiashuo
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
LINTAG, Rans Miguel Nunag
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
YANG, Ziqing
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
YASIS, Leslie Anne Lopez
Environmental Science, Policy and Management( Completed in 2024 )
JI, Dengyu
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
JIA, Zhuoying
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
PASCIOLCO, Mark Joseph Mitra
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
ZHANG, Zhaoxin
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program (Sustainable Energy and Environment)( Completed in 2023 )
BOÑGOL, Jhoanne Pedres
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
Environmental Science, Policy and Management( Completed in 2022 )
GARCIA, Sheena Anne Henson
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
LI, Yuxin
Environmental Science, Policy and Management( Completed in 2022 )
Bioengineering( Completed in 2022 )
SUEN, Chin Yan
Environmental Science, Policy and Management( Completed in 2022 )
WU, Qiong
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
SALIK, Sittie Zuleiha De Sahagun
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
TIAN, Yuan
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
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