PhD in Cell Biology
Baylor College of Medicine, 1990
Factors associated with weight gain during COVID-19 pandemic: A global study
Myeloid-intrinsic cell cycle-related kinase drives immunosuppression to promote tumorigenesis
A School-based Program for Teachers and Parents: Psycho-social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Kids
Conference paper
Conference paper
Cell cycle-related kinase reprograms the liver immune microenvironment to promote cancer metastasis
Comparative Analysis of Single-cell Parallel Sequencing Approaches in Oocyte Application
SRD‐1 in AWA neurons is the receptor for female volatile sex pheromones in C. elegans males
Generation and characterization of pathogenic Mab21l2(R51C) mouse model
Conference paper
Pathology of MAB21l2(R51C) in early eye development
Conference paper
Investigating the molecular basis of the nematode volatile sex pheromone perception.
Conference paper
Molecular basis of the nematode volatile sex pheromone perception
Conference paper
Pathology of MAB21L2(R51C) mutations in mouse model
Conference paper
Revealing transcriptome and methylome landscapes in a human oocyte by parallel sequencing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
ICA1L forms BAR-domain complexes with PICK1 and is crucial for acrosome formation in spermiogenesis
Altering neural sex of a single class of neurons confers male-specific behavior in hermaphrodites
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mab21l2 is required for development of the preBötC neurons involved in respiratory rhythmogenesis
Conference paper
The male-specific CEM neurons sense sex pheromone via Go-mediated signaling in C. elegans.
Conference paper
The role of a claudin superfamily gene nsy-4 in male sensory organ development of C. elegans.
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mab21l2 is required for neonatal breathing and survival
Conference paper
Role of Mab21l2 in palatogenesis
Conference paper
Cultivation of Synthetic Biology with the iGEM Competition
Conference paper
Conference paper
Neural-specific Elimination of Mab21l2 Results in Respiratory Failure in Mouse Neonates
Conference paper
SEM Sample Preparation for Cells on 3D Scaffolds by Freeze-drying and HMDS
Cryopreservation of Embryos from Model Animals and Human
Book chapter
The developmental role of Mab21l2: neuronal specification in the neural tube
Conference paper
The impact of Mab21l2 deletion on neuronal specification and other neural functions
Conference paper
Cell culture medium as an alternative to conventional simulated body fluid
Dissecting the role of ncbp-1/ncbp-2 in determining ray patterns in C. elegans males
Conference paper
Conference paper
Identification of the sex pheromone receptors in AWA neurons
Conference paper
Identification of the sex pheromone receptors in AWA neurons and their functional characterization
Conference paper
Interaction of TGF-beta regulators, LON-1 and LON-2 with its downstream target, DBL-1
Conference paper
Conference paper
The functional connectivity of male-specific CEM neurons in C. elegans
Conference paper
The identification of the functional components of the male-specific CEM neurons
Conference paper
The nature of tbx-2 expression pattern in C. elegans male tail
Conference paper
Cryopreservation of Mammalian Embryos: Advancement of Putting Life on Hold
mab-31 and the TGF-beta pathway act in the ray lineage to pattern C. elegans male sensory rays
Dosage dependency of induced neuronal differentiation manipulated by the self assembly peptide niche
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mouse Mab21l2 potentiates neural differentiation in vitro and in vivo
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Sex pheromone perception - a hardwired molecular pathway modulated by paracrine factors
Conference paper
Systematic study of niche characteristics for stem cell proliferation and neural differentiation
Conference paper
Conference paper
An evolutionarily conserved nested gene pair — Mab21 and Lrba/Nbea in metazoan
Effect of Extraction Solvent on the Bioactivity of an Herbal Formulation
Mouse Embryo Cryopreservation Utilizing a Novel High-capacity Vitrification Spatula
In vitro evaluation of 10T1/2 cells on bioceramics and its correlation with in vivo studies
Conference paper
Conference paper
Discovery-based Functional Genomics Laboratory for Biology Programme
Characterization of a novel BMP signaling component acting in sensory ray patterning
Conference paper
ER stress induced autophagy-regulated cell death in C. elegans
Conference paper
Identification of MAB-22 targets mediating sensory ray assembly in C. elegans
Conference paper
MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory rays in C. elegans males
Conference paper
Negative autoregulation of mab-22 mediates sensory ray assembly in C. elegans
Conference paper
Osteoinductivity comparison between different biomaterials
Conference paper
Pheromone perception – molecularly hardwired and modulated by paracrine factors
Conference paper
Sex pheromone perception in Caenorhabditis is modulated by the insulin-like signaling pathway
Conference paper
Stress and mis-assembled collagens cause C. elegans male tail anomaly
Conference paper
Study of Biomaterials Osteoinductivity with Stem Cell Differentiation
Conference paper
Study of hydroxyapatite osteoinduction with osteo-specific gene expression of stem cell
Conference paper
The cellular and molecular components for sex pheromone perception in Caenorhabditis
Conference paper
The zinc finger transcription factor MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory organs in C. elegans
Conference paper
crm-1 facilitates BMP signaling to control body size in Caenorhabditis elegans
The species, sex, and stage specificity of a Caenorhabditis sex pheromone
ceh-43/distal-less acts in sensory ray assembly. The 16th International C. elegans
Conference paper
Functional genomic analysis of C. elegans sensory ray development
Conference paper
Global hunting for candidates that control sensory ray assembly in C. elegans
Conference paper
Identification of a new component of the dbl/sma signaling pathway acting in sensory ray patterning
Conference paper
Involvement of UPR pathways in abnormal sensory ray morphology
Conference paper
noah-2: a new component in ray morphogenesis of C. elegans
Conference paper
Conference paper
The zinc finger protein ZTF-6/MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory rays
Conference paper
Transcription factors en route genetic engines of organogenesis
Conference paper
A discovery-based molecular genetics undergraduate lab course using Caenorhabditis elegans
Conference paper
A transcriptional network controlling male sensory organ development in C. elegans
Conference paper
Characterization of Cuticular Collagen gene ram-2 in Sensory Ray Morphogenesis
Conference paper
CRM-1 facilitates BMP signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
mab-22 defines a key component controlling sensory ray assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Conference paper
ram-6 is required for Caenorhabditis elegans male sensory rays morphogenesis
Conference paper
Sex pheromone in dioecious nematode: its production and perception
Conference paper
Sex pheromone in dioecious nematode: Its production and perception pathway
Conference paper
Sex pheromone in nematode: developmental synthesis, perception and evolutionary implication.
Conference paper
Sex pheromone production in dioecious nematodes and the perception pathway delineated by genetics.
Conference paper
The zinc finger protein MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory rays
Conference paper
Speech and language: a human trait defined by molecular genetics
Book chapter
dpy-20 functions as a global regulator to control the expression of hypodermal genes.
Conference paper
Evidence of a sex attractant in dioecious Caenorhabditis
Conference paper
Functional studies of a C2H2 zinc finger protein controlling cell fate choices.
Conference paper
Conference paper
Identification of new components in ray morphogenesis of C. elegans.
Conference paper
Molecular analysis of misfolded ECM proteins in C. elegans
Conference paper
Role of mab-22 and ceh-43 in C. elegans male sensory ray assembly.
Conference paper
Temporal-spatial regulation of cuticular collagen genes involved in sensory ray morphogenesis.
Conference paper
The characterization of the N-terminal domain of cuticle collagens.
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
A novel matrix molecule MAB-7 is required in C. elegans sensory ray morphogenesis.
Conference paper
Characterization of a transcriptional repressor complex in male sensory ray patterning of C. elegans
Conference paper
Conference paper
Characterization of mab-22 and its role in C. elegans sensory ray formation
Conference paper
Characterization of the C. elegans ray formation processes via the study of mab-22 gene.
Conference paper
crm-1 is a facilitator of the bmp pathway in worm to control the body morphology.
Conference paper
dpy-20 is a global regulator of body cuticular collagen genes in C. elegans
Conference paper
Expression analyses of sin-3 in invertebrate and vertebrate
Conference paper
Genetics of pheromone perception and the neural circuitry
Conference paper
Identification of new components required in sensory ray morphogenesis of C. elegans
Conference paper
mab-7 acts non-autonomously to control C. elegans ray morphogenesis
Conference paper
N- and C-propeptides of collagens and their role in controlling functional specificity
Conference paper
Role of Mab21l2 in vetebrate development.
Conference paper
Sex pheromone in Caenorhabditis: its characterization and perception
Conference paper
Temporal and spatial regulation of male tail specific collagen genes in C. elegans
Conference paper
Conference paper
The potential involvement of Mab21l2 in mouse neural differentiation
Conference paper
The role of a BMP modulator, crm-1, in the body morphogenesis of Caenorhabditis elegans
Conference paper
Characterization of a sin-3 like corepressor in sensory ray identity determination
Conference paper
Characterization of von Willebrand factor type C (vWC) domain carrying genes in C. elegans
Conference paper
Isolation of genetic mutants in dioecious C. remanei and the assessment of its non-disjunction rate
Conference paper
mab-7 acts non-autonomously to control ray morphogenesis in C. elegans male tail
Conference paper
Male tail specific activation of ram-4 during sensory organ morphogenesis
Conference paper
Phenotypic Characterization of mab-22 in Caenorhabditis elegans
Conference paper
ram-2/3 encodes a cuticular collagen required for ray cell migration and morphogenesis
Conference paper
RAM-5 protein interacts with matrix components to control sensory organ morphogenesis in C. elegans
Conference paper
The cloning and characterization of a cuticular collagen encoded by ram-1
Conference paper
Two novel zinc finger proteins act as regulators of ray lineage and determine ray identity
Conference paper
Expression of zebrafish mab21 genes marks the differentiating eye, midbrain and neural tube
Why Are There Males in the Hermaphroditic Species Caenorhabditis elegans?
A novel secretory protein MAB-7 is involved in sensory ray morphogenesis of C. elegans
Conference paper
Genetic interaction of ram genes and the definition of the two parallel genetic pathways
Conference paper
Mab-21 gene expression is regulated by forkhead and homeodomain containing transcription factors
Conference paper
MAB21L2 relocalizes to the nucleus in response to the Msx genes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Embryonic XMab21l2 Expression Is Required for Gastrulation and Subsequent Neural Development
Characterization of the onset timing and expression pattern of Mab21 genes in zebrafish.
Conference paper
Conference paper
Developmental expression of Mab21l2 during mouse embryogenesis
Genomic cloning and chromosomal localization of the mouse Mab21I2 locus
Stress-induced phenocopy of C. elegans defines functional steps of sensory organ differentiation
Biotechnology: a new alliance needed
Book chapter
Conference paper
Conference paper
Identification of cis-acting regulatory elements of the chicken skeletal α-actin gene promoter
Conference paper
ICA1L forms BAR-domain complexes with PICK1 and is crucial for acrosome formation in spermiogenesis
Altering neural sex of a single class of neurons confers male-specific behavior in hermaphrodites
Mab21l2 is required for development of the preBötC neurons involved in respiratory rhythmogenesis
The male-specific CEM neurons sense sex pheromone via Go-mediated signaling in C. elegans.
The role of a claudin superfamily gene nsy-4 in male sensory organ development of C. elegans.
Dissecting the role of ncbp-1/ncbp-2 in determining ray patterns in C. elegans males
Identification of the sex pheromone receptors in AWA neurons
Identification of the sex pheromone receptors in AWA neurons and their functional characterization
Interaction of TGF-beta regulators, LON-1 and LON-2 with its downstream target, DBL-1
The functional connectivity of male-specific CEM neurons in C. elegans
The identification of the functional components of the male-specific CEM neurons
The nature of tbx-2 expression pattern in C. elegans male tail
Cryopreservation of Mammalian Embryos: Advancement of Putting Life on Hold
mab-31 and the TGF-beta pathway act in the ray lineage to pattern C. elegans male sensory rays
Dosage dependency of induced neuronal differentiation manipulated by the self assembly peptide niche
Mouse Mab21l2 potentiates neural differentiation in vitro and in vivo
Sex pheromone perception - a hardwired molecular pathway modulated by paracrine factors
Systematic study of niche characteristics for stem cell proliferation and neural differentiation
Characterization of a novel BMP signaling component acting in sensory ray patterning
ER stress induced autophagy-regulated cell death in C. elegans
Identification of MAB-22 targets mediating sensory ray assembly in C. elegans
MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory rays in C. elegans males
Negative autoregulation of mab-22 mediates sensory ray assembly in C. elegans
Pheromone perception – molecularly hardwired and modulated by paracrine factors
Sex pheromone perception in Caenorhabditis is modulated by the insulin-like signaling pathway
Stress and mis-assembled collagens cause C. elegans male tail anomaly
Study of Biomaterials Osteoinductivity with Stem Cell Differentiation
Study of hydroxyapatite osteoinduction with osteo-specific gene expression of stem cell
The cellular and molecular components for sex pheromone perception in Caenorhabditis
The zinc finger transcription factor MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory organs in C. elegans
crm-1 facilitates BMP signaling to control body size in Caenorhabditis elegans
The species, sex, and stage specificity of a Caenorhabditis sex pheromone
ceh-43/distal-less acts in sensory ray assembly. The 16th International C. elegans
Functional genomic analysis of C. elegans sensory ray development
Global hunting for candidates that control sensory ray assembly in C. elegans
Identification of a new component of the dbl/sma signaling pathway acting in sensory ray patterning
Involvement of UPR pathways in abnormal sensory ray morphology
The zinc finger protein ZTF-6/MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory rays
Transcription factors en route genetic engines of organogenesis
A discovery-based molecular genetics undergraduate lab course using Caenorhabditis elegans
A transcriptional network controlling male sensory organ development in C. elegans
Characterization of Cuticular Collagen gene ram-2 in Sensory Ray Morphogenesis
mab-22 defines a key component controlling sensory ray assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans.
ram-6 is required for Caenorhabditis elegans male sensory rays morphogenesis
Sex pheromone in dioecious nematode: its production and perception
Sex pheromone in dioecious nematode: Its production and perception pathway
Sex pheromone in nematode: developmental synthesis, perception and evolutionary implication.
Sex pheromone production in dioecious nematodes and the perception pathway delineated by genetics.
The zinc finger protein MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory rays
dpy-20 functions as a global regulator to control the expression of hypodermal genes.
Functional studies of a C2H2 zinc finger protein controlling cell fate choices.
Identification of new components in ray morphogenesis of C. elegans.
Role of mab-22 and ceh-43 in C. elegans male sensory ray assembly.
Temporal-spatial regulation of cuticular collagen genes involved in sensory ray morphogenesis.
The characterization of the N-terminal domain of cuticle collagens.
A novel matrix molecule MAB-7 is required in C. elegans sensory ray morphogenesis.
Characterization of a transcriptional repressor complex in male sensory ray patterning of C. elegans
Characterization of mab-22 and its role in C. elegans sensory ray formation
Characterization of the C. elegans ray formation processes via the study of mab-22 gene.
crm-1 is a facilitator of the bmp pathway in worm to control the body morphology.
dpy-20 is a global regulator of body cuticular collagen genes in C. elegans
Identification of new components required in sensory ray morphogenesis of C. elegans
mab-7 acts non-autonomously to control C. elegans ray morphogenesis
N- and C-propeptides of collagens and their role in controlling functional specificity
Sex pheromone in Caenorhabditis: its characterization and perception
Temporal and spatial regulation of male tail specific collagen genes in C. elegans
The potential involvement of Mab21l2 in mouse neural differentiation
The role of a BMP modulator, crm-1, in the body morphogenesis of Caenorhabditis elegans
Characterization of a sin-3 like corepressor in sensory ray identity determination
Characterization of von Willebrand factor type C (vWC) domain carrying genes in C. elegans
Isolation of genetic mutants in dioecious C. remanei and the assessment of its non-disjunction rate
mab-7 acts non-autonomously to control ray morphogenesis in C. elegans male tail
Male tail specific activation of ram-4 during sensory organ morphogenesis
Phenotypic Characterization of mab-22 in Caenorhabditis elegans
ram-2/3 encodes a cuticular collagen required for ray cell migration and morphogenesis
RAM-5 protein interacts with matrix components to control sensory organ morphogenesis in C. elegans
The cloning and characterization of a cuticular collagen encoded by ram-1
Two novel zinc finger proteins act as regulators of ray lineage and determine ray identity
Expression of zebrafish mab21 genes marks the differentiating eye, midbrain and neural tube
Why Are There Males in the Hermaphroditic Species Caenorhabditis elegans?
A novel secretory protein MAB-7 is involved in sensory ray morphogenesis of C. elegans
Genetic interaction of ram genes and the definition of the two parallel genetic pathways
Mab-21 gene expression is regulated by forkhead and homeodomain containing transcription factors
MAB21L2 relocalizes to the nucleus in response to the Msx genes
Developmental expression of Mab21l2 during mouse embryogenesis
Genomic cloning and chromosomal localization of the mouse Mab21I2 locus
Stress-induced phenocopy of C. elegans defines functional steps of sensory organ differentiation
Comparative Analysis of Single-cell Parallel Sequencing Approaches in Oocyte Application
SRD‐1 in AWA neurons is the receptor for female volatile sex pheromones in C. elegans males
Generation and characterization of pathogenic Mab21l2(R51C) mouse model
Conference paper
Pathology of MAB21l2(R51C) in early eye development
Conference paper
Investigating the molecular basis of the nematode volatile sex pheromone perception.
Conference paper
Molecular basis of the nematode volatile sex pheromone perception
Conference paper
Pathology of MAB21L2(R51C) mutations in mouse model
Conference paper
Revealing transcriptome and methylome landscapes in a human oocyte by parallel sequencing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
ICA1L forms BAR-domain complexes with PICK1 and is crucial for acrosome formation in spermiogenesis
Altering neural sex of a single class of neurons confers male-specific behavior in hermaphrodites
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mab21l2 is required for development of the preBötC neurons involved in respiratory rhythmogenesis
Conference paper
The male-specific CEM neurons sense sex pheromone via Go-mediated signaling in C. elegans.
Conference paper
The role of a claudin superfamily gene nsy-4 in male sensory organ development of C. elegans.
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mab21l2 is required for neonatal breathing and survival
Conference paper
Role of Mab21l2 in palatogenesis
Conference paper
Cultivation of Synthetic Biology with the iGEM Competition
Conference paper
Conference paper
Neural-specific Elimination of Mab21l2 Results in Respiratory Failure in Mouse Neonates
Conference paper
SEM Sample Preparation for Cells on 3D Scaffolds by Freeze-drying and HMDS
Cryopreservation of Embryos from Model Animals and Human
Book chapter
The developmental role of Mab21l2: neuronal specification in the neural tube
Conference paper
The impact of Mab21l2 deletion on neuronal specification and other neural functions
Conference paper
Cell culture medium as an alternative to conventional simulated body fluid
Dissecting the role of ncbp-1/ncbp-2 in determining ray patterns in C. elegans males
Conference paper
Conference paper
Identification of the sex pheromone receptors in AWA neurons
Conference paper
Identification of the sex pheromone receptors in AWA neurons and their functional characterization
Conference paper
Interaction of TGF-beta regulators, LON-1 and LON-2 with its downstream target, DBL-1
Conference paper
Conference paper
The functional connectivity of male-specific CEM neurons in C. elegans
Conference paper
The identification of the functional components of the male-specific CEM neurons
Conference paper
The nature of tbx-2 expression pattern in C. elegans male tail
Conference paper
Cryopreservation of Mammalian Embryos: Advancement of Putting Life on Hold
mab-31 and the TGF-beta pathway act in the ray lineage to pattern C. elegans male sensory rays
Dosage dependency of induced neuronal differentiation manipulated by the self assembly peptide niche
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mouse Mab21l2 potentiates neural differentiation in vitro and in vivo
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Sex pheromone perception - a hardwired molecular pathway modulated by paracrine factors
Conference paper
Systematic study of niche characteristics for stem cell proliferation and neural differentiation
Conference paper
Conference paper
An evolutionarily conserved nested gene pair — Mab21 and Lrba/Nbea in metazoan
Effect of Extraction Solvent on the Bioactivity of an Herbal Formulation
Mouse Embryo Cryopreservation Utilizing a Novel High-capacity Vitrification Spatula
In vitro evaluation of 10T1/2 cells on bioceramics and its correlation with in vivo studies
Conference paper
Conference paper
Discovery-based Functional Genomics Laboratory for Biology Programme
Characterization of a novel BMP signaling component acting in sensory ray patterning
Conference paper
ER stress induced autophagy-regulated cell death in C. elegans
Conference paper
Identification of MAB-22 targets mediating sensory ray assembly in C. elegans
Conference paper
MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory rays in C. elegans males
Conference paper
Negative autoregulation of mab-22 mediates sensory ray assembly in C. elegans
Conference paper
Osteoinductivity comparison between different biomaterials
Conference paper
Pheromone perception – molecularly hardwired and modulated by paracrine factors
Conference paper
Sex pheromone perception in Caenorhabditis is modulated by the insulin-like signaling pathway
Conference paper
Stress and mis-assembled collagens cause C. elegans male tail anomaly
Conference paper
Study of Biomaterials Osteoinductivity with Stem Cell Differentiation
Conference paper
Study of hydroxyapatite osteoinduction with osteo-specific gene expression of stem cell
Conference paper
The cellular and molecular components for sex pheromone perception in Caenorhabditis
Conference paper
The zinc finger transcription factor MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory organs in C. elegans
Conference paper
crm-1 facilitates BMP signaling to control body size in Caenorhabditis elegans
The species, sex, and stage specificity of a Caenorhabditis sex pheromone
ceh-43/distal-less acts in sensory ray assembly. The 16th International C. elegans
Conference paper
Functional genomic analysis of C. elegans sensory ray development
Conference paper
Global hunting for candidates that control sensory ray assembly in C. elegans
Conference paper
Identification of a new component of the dbl/sma signaling pathway acting in sensory ray patterning
Conference paper
Involvement of UPR pathways in abnormal sensory ray morphology
Conference paper
noah-2: a new component in ray morphogenesis of C. elegans
Conference paper
Conference paper
The zinc finger protein ZTF-6/MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory rays
Conference paper
Transcription factors en route genetic engines of organogenesis
Conference paper
A discovery-based molecular genetics undergraduate lab course using Caenorhabditis elegans
Conference paper
A transcriptional network controlling male sensory organ development in C. elegans
Conference paper
Characterization of Cuticular Collagen gene ram-2 in Sensory Ray Morphogenesis
Conference paper
CRM-1 facilitates BMP signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
mab-22 defines a key component controlling sensory ray assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Conference paper
ram-6 is required for Caenorhabditis elegans male sensory rays morphogenesis
Conference paper
Sex pheromone in dioecious nematode: its production and perception
Conference paper
Sex pheromone in dioecious nematode: Its production and perception pathway
Conference paper
Sex pheromone in nematode: developmental synthesis, perception and evolutionary implication.
Conference paper
Sex pheromone production in dioecious nematodes and the perception pathway delineated by genetics.
Conference paper
The zinc finger protein MAB-30 controls patterning of sensory rays
Conference paper
Speech and language: a human trait defined by molecular genetics
Book chapter
dpy-20 functions as a global regulator to control the expression of hypodermal genes.
Conference paper
Evidence of a sex attractant in dioecious Caenorhabditis
Conference paper
Functional studies of a C2H2 zinc finger protein controlling cell fate choices.
Conference paper
Conference paper
Identification of new components in ray morphogenesis of C. elegans.
Conference paper
Molecular analysis of misfolded ECM proteins in C. elegans
Conference paper
Role of mab-22 and ceh-43 in C. elegans male sensory ray assembly.
Conference paper
Temporal-spatial regulation of cuticular collagen genes involved in sensory ray morphogenesis.
Conference paper
The characterization of the N-terminal domain of cuticle collagens.
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
A novel matrix molecule MAB-7 is required in C. elegans sensory ray morphogenesis.
Conference paper
Characterization of a transcriptional repressor complex in male sensory ray patterning of C. elegans
Conference paper
Conference paper
Characterization of mab-22 and its role in C. elegans sensory ray formation
Conference paper
Characterization of the C. elegans ray formation processes via the study of mab-22 gene.
Conference paper
crm-1 is a facilitator of the bmp pathway in worm to control the body morphology.
Conference paper
dpy-20 is a global regulator of body cuticular collagen genes in C. elegans
Conference paper
Expression analyses of sin-3 in invertebrate and vertebrate
Conference paper
Genetics of pheromone perception and the neural circuitry
Conference paper
Identification of new components required in sensory ray morphogenesis of C. elegans
Conference paper
mab-7 acts non-autonomously to control C. elegans ray morphogenesis
Conference paper
N- and C-propeptides of collagens and their role in controlling functional specificity
Conference paper
Role of Mab21l2 in vetebrate development.
Conference paper
Sex pheromone in Caenorhabditis: its characterization and perception
Conference paper
Temporal and spatial regulation of male tail specific collagen genes in C. elegans
Conference paper
Conference paper
The potential involvement of Mab21l2 in mouse neural differentiation
Conference paper
The role of a BMP modulator, crm-1, in the body morphogenesis of Caenorhabditis elegans
Conference paper
Characterization of a sin-3 like corepressor in sensory ray identity determination
Conference paper
Characterization of von Willebrand factor type C (vWC) domain carrying genes in C. elegans
Conference paper
Isolation of genetic mutants in dioecious C. remanei and the assessment of its non-disjunction rate
Conference paper
mab-7 acts non-autonomously to control ray morphogenesis in C. elegans male tail
Conference paper
Male tail specific activation of ram-4 during sensory organ morphogenesis
Conference paper
Phenotypic Characterization of mab-22 in Caenorhabditis elegans
Conference paper
ram-2/3 encodes a cuticular collagen required for ray cell migration and morphogenesis
Conference paper
RAM-5 protein interacts with matrix components to control sensory organ morphogenesis in C. elegans
Conference paper
The cloning and characterization of a cuticular collagen encoded by ram-1
Conference paper
Two novel zinc finger proteins act as regulators of ray lineage and determine ray identity
Conference paper
Expression of zebrafish mab21 genes marks the differentiating eye, midbrain and neural tube
Why Are There Males in the Hermaphroditic Species Caenorhabditis elegans?
A novel secretory protein MAB-7 is involved in sensory ray morphogenesis of C. elegans
Conference paper
Genetic interaction of ram genes and the definition of the two parallel genetic pathways
Conference paper
Mab-21 gene expression is regulated by forkhead and homeodomain containing transcription factors
Conference paper
MAB21L2 relocalizes to the nucleus in response to the Msx genes
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Embryonic XMab21l2 Expression Is Required for Gastrulation and Subsequent Neural Development
Characterization of the onset timing and expression pattern of Mab21 genes in zebrafish.
Conference paper
Conference paper
Developmental expression of Mab21l2 during mouse embryogenesis
Genomic cloning and chromosomal localization of the mouse Mab21I2 locus
Stress-induced phenocopy of C. elegans defines functional steps of sensory organ differentiation
Biotechnology: a new alliance needed
Book chapter
Conference paper
Conference paper
Identification of cis-acting regulatory elements of the chicken skeletal α-actin gene promoter
Conference paper
No Publications |
No Publications |
No Publications |
IIMP2000 | Academic and Professional Development |
IIMP4990 | Interdisciplinary Capstone Project II |
BIEN5050 | Global Health Ethics |
IIMP2000 | Academic and Professional Development |
IIMP4980 | Interdisciplinary Capstone Project I |
LIFS4910C | Independent Study |
SCIE1130 | Scientific Understanding of Our World |
IIMP2000 | Academic and Professional Development |
IIMP4990 | Interdisciplinary Capstone Project II |
LIFS4910D | Independent Study |
LIFS4981 | Biochemistry and Cell Biology Project Research II |
LIFS4983 | Biotechnology Project Research II |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
KANNAN, Harini
Life Science
HUANG, Yingyu
Life Science( Completed in 2022 )
LI, Qian Xin Andreas
Life Science( Completed in 2023 )
CHAN, Hiu Yin
Bioengineering( Completed in 2022 )
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