PhD in Civil Engineering
Tsinghua University, 2002
A mechanism-based optimization strategy with adaptive laser power for laser powder bed fusion
A mortar segment-to-segment frictional contact approach in material point method
A multi-horizon fully coupled thermo-mechanical peridynamics
Coupled total- and semi-Lagrangian peridynamics for modelling fluid-driven fracturing in solids
Determination of the size of representative volume element for gap-graded granular materials
The critical state of crushable granular sand
Unifying the contact in signed distance field-based and conventional discrete element methods
Coupled peridynamic modeling of hydraulic fracturing in rocks
Conference paper
Multiphysics simulation of freezing and thawing granular media using material point method
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of granular
Conference paper
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for the Two-Way Coupling Between Fluid Flow and Moving Bodies
Conference paper
Conference paper
Compaction of highly deformable cohesive granular powders
Data-driven multiscale modelling of granular materials via knowledge transfer and sharing
DEM-enriched contact approach for material point method
Leveraging ray tracing cores for particle-based simulations on GPUs
Load-Deflection of Flexible Ring-Net Barrier in Resisting Debris Flows
Morphology characterization and discrete element modeling of coral sand with intraparticle voids
Multiscale modeling of freeze-thaw behavior in granular media
Multiscale, multiphysics modeling of saturated granular materials in large deformation
The role of particle shape in computational modelling of granular matter
A Semi-Implicit MPM for Modeling the Thermal Effect in Saturated Porous Media
Conference paper
A Total Lagrangian Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Approach for Modelling of Soft Granular Powders
Conference paper
An explicit-implicit THM-Coupled MPM for saturated porous media
Conference paper
Computational modelling of multiphase fluids interacting with irregularly-shaped granular particles
Conference paper
Data-driven multiscale modelling of granular materials via transfer learning
Conference paper
Data-driven multiscale modelling of granular materials via transfer learning
Conference paper
Fully coupled thermo-mechanical state-based peridynamics for thermal cracking
Conference paper
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Thaw-Induced Landslides in Permafrost
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of large deformation in saturated granular media
Conference paper
Conference paper
Numerical simulation of fluid-solid interactions by Peridynamics
Conference paper
Ray-tracing discrete element modeling and in-situ visualization of geo-hazards
Conference paper
Resolved/unresolved coupled CFD-DEM for simulation of particle-fluid-structure interaction problems
Conference paper
Thaw-induced large deformation in granular media: a hierarchical multiscale perspective
Conference paper
Influence of solid-fluid interaction on impact dynamics against rigid barrier: CFD-DEM modelling
Machine learning bridges microslips and slip avalanches of sheared granular gouges
Multi-scale analysis of shear behaviour of crushable granular sand under general stress conditions
Peridynamic modeling of stochastic fractures in bolted glass plates
Scalable three-dimensional hybrid continuum-discrete multiscale modeling of granular media
Conference paper
Conference paper
Multiscale insights into dynamic behavior of saturated granular sand at large deformation
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of thermo-mechanical coupling problems in granular media
Conference paper
Multiscale modelling of dynamic hydro-mechanical coupling in saturated granular sand
Conference paper
Multiscale simulation of transition of deformation bands in high-porosity sandstone
Conference paper
Multiscale, multiphysics modeling of wave propagation in anisotropic saturated porous media
Conference paper
Ray tracing-based GPU accelerated numerical simulations in particle-based methods
Conference paper
A coupled SPFEM/DEM approach for multiscale modeling of large-deformation geomechanical problems
A new physically based impact model for debris flow
A semi-implicit material point method based on fractional-step method for saturated soil
Bearing capacity and failure of footing on anisotropic soil: A multiscale perspective
Cyclic normal load-displacement behaviour of clay-coated sand grain contacts
Discrete element analysis of dry granular flow impact on slit dams
Hydrodynamic dead zone in multiphase geophysical flows impacting a rigid obstacle
Investigating the effect of flow direction on suffusion and its impacts on gap-graded granular soils
Multiscale Modeling of Anchor Pullout in Sand
Multiscale modeling of continuous crushing of granular media: the role of grain microstructure
Peridynamic modelling of blasting induced rock fractures
Quantifying the transition of impact mechanisms of geophysical flows against flexible barrier
Revisiting the GJK and Shape Erosion Method for Contact Resolution in DEM
The deformation and failure of strip footings on anisotropic cohesionless sloping grounds
The microscopic origin of K0 on granular soils: the role of particle shape
DEM modeling of grain shape: accuracy and efficiency
Conference paper
Conference paper
Modeling Blasting Induced Rock Fractures with Non-Ordinary State-Based Peridynamics
Conference paper
Multiscale Modeling of Anchor Pull-Out in Sand
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of compaction band in high-porosity limestone
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of failure of footing on anisotropic soil
Conference paper
Multiscale Modeling of the strength and deformation of microbial reinforced sand
Conference paper
Conference paper
A homogenization equation for the small strain stiffness of gap-graded granular materials
Assessing debris flow impact on flexible ring net barrier: A coupled CFD-DEM study
Compaction bands in Tuffeau de Maastricht: insights from X-ray tomography and multiscale modeling
Size polydispersity tunes slips avalanches of granular gouge
The Signature of Deformation Bands in Porous Sandstones
Universality of internal structure characteristics in granular media under shear
Conference paper
A Peridynamic Investigation on Crushing of Sand Particles
A poly-superellipsoid-based approach on particle morphology for DEM modeling of granular media
An elastoplastic model for gap-graded soils based on homogenization theory
Multiscale Modeling of Compaction Bands in Saturated High-porosity Sandstones
Multiscale modeling of large deformation in geomechanics
Superellipsoid-based Study on Reproducing 3D Particle Geometry from 2D Projections
A hybrid method on modeling of grain crushing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Computational multiscale modeling of large deformation in geomechanics by coupled MPM/DEM
Conference paper
Coupled CFD/DEM Modeling of Hydrodynamic Dead Zone in Multiphase Debris Flow
Conference paper
Coupled CFD/DEM modeling of multiphase debris flow over a natural erodible terrain
Conference paper
Coupled MPM/DEM multiscale modelling of geotechnical problems involving large deformation
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of particle crushing in granular media
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of Shear Behavior of Crushable Granular Material under general stress conditions
Conference paper
Multi-scale modeling of thermo-mechanical responses of granular materials
Conference paper
Peridynamics for Multiscale Modeling of Continuous Grain Crushing of Granular Media
Conference paper
Conference paper
Signature of fabric anisotropy in sheared granular media
Conference paper
SudoDEM: a new open-source discrete element code for modeling of non-spherical granular particles
Conference paper
A unified CFD-DEM approach for modeling of debris flow impacts on flexible barriers
Dam-break of mixtures consisting of non-newtonian liquids and granular particles
Multiscale Insights Into Borehole Instabilities in High‐Porosity Sandstones
Multiscale modeling and analysis of compaction bands in high-porosity sandstones
Quantifying the Impact of Dry Debris Flow Against a Rigid Barrier by DEM Analyses
Three-dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Based on Strain-rotation Decomposition
Variational Inequality-based Framework of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis
A coupled micromechanical model for triphasic granular system
Conference paper
A data-driven method for DEM-based multiscale modeling
Conference paper
Conference paper
Crushing criterion of granular particles under multiple contacts
Conference paper
Conference paper
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Granular Materials: the good, the bad and the ugly
Conference paper
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of large deformation problems in granular media
Conference paper
Multi-scale modeling of anchoring in sand
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of large deformation in geomechanics: A coupled mpm-dem approach
Conference paper
Multi-scale, multi-phase modeling of debris flow and interactions with flexible barrier
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
A High-order Three-dimensional Numerical Manifold Method Enriched with Derivative Degrees of Freedom
A Non-Coaxial Critical-State Model for Sand Accounting for Fabric Anisotropy and Fabric Evolution
Dilatancy Relation for Overconsolidated Clay
Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Based on Strain-Rotation Decomposition
A coupled CFD-DEM study of debris flow impacts: The influence of mass exchange
Conference paper
A coupled CFD-DEM study of debris flow: the effect of fine exchanging on the impact behaviour
Conference paper
Borehole Instabilities in Granular Rocks Revisited: A Multiscale Perspective
Conference paper
Conference paper
Coupled CFD-DEM modeling of debris flow mitigated by flexible barriers
Conference paper
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of channel bed entrainment into debris flow
Conference paper
Granular Flow Fluctuations in a Conical Hopper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Hydrodynamic dead zone in two phase debris flows impact
Conference paper
Investigation on Single Sand Particle Crushing Criterion Using Peridynamic Method
Conference paper
Multiscale modelling of large deformations in granular materials
Conference paper
Conference paper
Understanding the Physics of Dead Zone in Debris Flow - Microstructure and Jamming Transition
Conference paper
3D Multiscale Modeling of Strain Localization in Granular Media
A Difluorobenzoxadiazole Building Block for Efficient Polymer Solar Cells
Micro origins for macro behavior in granular media
Multiscale analysis of shear failure of thick-walled hollow cylinder in dry sand
Multiscale insights into classical geomechanics problems
Parallel hierarchical multiscale modelling of hydro-mechanical problems for saturated granular soils
Unified Anisotropic Elastoplastic Model for Sand
A Peridynamic approach for numerical modeling of sand grain crushing
Conference paper
Alternative pathway to granular plasticity via computational multiscale modeling
Conference paper
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of debris flow over erodible bed
Conference paper
Multiscale hydro-mechanical modelling of saturated granular media
Conference paper
Numerical Simulation of Dam Break by a Coupled CFD-DEM Approach
Conference paper
Sand Grain Crushing under Multi-axial Loading Conditions
Conference paper
The evolving nature of compaction bands in highly porous sandstone: a multiscale view
Conference paper
A Simple Three-dimensional Failure Criterion for Rocks Based on the Hoek–Brown Criterion
Calibration of the continuous surface cap model for concrete
Constitutive Modeling of Anisotropic Sand Behavior in Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
The interplay between anisotropy and strain localization in granular soils: a multiscale insight
Reliable Diversity-Based Spatial Crowdsourcing by Moving Workers
Book chapter
3D hierarchical multiscale modeling (HMM) of strain localization in granular media
Conference paper
A Coupled CFD-DEM Simulation of Dam-Break
Conference paper
A Multiscale Study of Inherent Anisotropy and Strain Localization in Granular Soils
Conference paper
Conference paper
Constitutive Modelling of Fabric Anisotropy in Sand
Conference paper
Cyclic Loading and Fabric Evolution in Sand: A Constitutive Investigation
Conference paper
Fabric Evolution and Its Effect on Strain Localization in Sand
Conference paper
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Fluid-saturated Soils
Conference paper
Modeling Principal Stress Rotation for Anisotropic Sand
Conference paper
Multiscale Modelling of Compaction Band in Highly Porous Sandstone
Conference paper
Multiscale Modelling of Compaction Band in Porous Sandstone
Conference paper
Multiscale modelling of compaction bands in highly porous sandstone
Conference paper
Multiscale Modelling of Failure in Saturated Sand
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Shape matters: quantifying the influence of particle shape on the shape response of granular sand
Conference paper
Conference paper
A coupled CFD-DEM analysis of granular flow impacting on a water reservoir
A coupled FEM/DEM approach for hierarchical multiscale modelling of granular media
A critical state sand plasticity model accounting for fabric evolution
A micromechanics-based model for sand-silt mixtures
Rotational resistance and shear-induced anisotropy in granular media
A hierarchical multiscale approach for granular media
Conference paper
A multiscale insight into strain localization in sand
Conference paper
A Multiscale Investigation of Strain Localization in Cohesionless Sand
Conference paper
Advances in realistic generation of grain shapes
Conference paper
Bridging the micro and macro for granular media: A computational multi-scale paradigm
Conference paper
Building realistic samples for accurate dicrete modeling of granular materials
Conference paper
Evaluating the impact of debris flow: a coupled CFD/DEM approach
Conference paper
Modelling non-coaxiality and strain localisation in sand: The role of fabric and its evolution
Conference paper
A failure criterion for cross-anisotropic soils considering microstructure
Characterization of fluctuations in granular hopper flow
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of fluid-particle interaction in geomechanics
Discrete Modeling of Fluid-Particle Interaction in Soils
Evaluation on Failure of Fiber-Reinforced Sand
Generating realistic 3D sand particles using Fourier descriptors
Numerical modeling of fluid-particle interaction in granular media
Strain Localization and Fabric Evolution in Sand
The signature of shear-induced anisotropy in granular media
Unique critical state characteristics in granular media considering fabric anisotropy
Discrete modeling of fluid-particle interaction in soils
Book chapter
Modeling the Dilatancy of Over Consolidated Clay
Book chapter
Unique quantification of critical state in granular media considering fabric anisotropy
Book chapter
A Coupled Analysis of Fluid-particle Interaction in Granular Soils
Conference paper
A Coupled CFD-DEM Investigation of Granular Flow Impacting on Water Reservoir
Conference paper
A Hierarchical Model for Cross-scale Simulation of Granular Media
Conference paper
A New Definition on Critical State of Granular Media Accounting for Fabric Anisotropy
Conference paper
A Statistically-based Approach to Reproduce Sand Particles for Discrete Modeling
Conference paper
Correlation of Inter-particle Friction With Global Friction and Dilation in Dense Granular Media
Conference paper
Influence of Non-regular Particle Shape on the Behavior of Granular Assembly Under Shear
Conference paper
The impact of granular flow on a water reservoir - a coupled CFD-DEM study
Conference paper
The Influence of Particle Shape on Granular Hopper Flow
Conference paper
Constitutive modeling of artificially cemented sand by considering fabric anisotropy
Efficient Approach to Characterize Strength Anisotropy in Soils
Fourier-Voronoi-based generation of realistic samples for discrete modelling of granular materials
A micromechanical study on the shear strength in granular materials: the role of particle shape
Conference paper
Characteristics of sandpile formed in water
Conference paper
Characterization of strength anisotropy of fiber-reinforced sand
Conference paper
Discrete modeling of fluid-particle interaction in granular media
Conference paper
Modeling the anisotropic effects with extended UH model for soils
Conference paper
Pressure dip of conical sand pile formed in water
Conference paper
Realistic generation and packing of DEM sand samples
Conference paper
RFEM-based limit analysis of slope stability by linear programming
Conference paper
The role of water on the pressure dip in sand piles
Conference paper
A unified theory for cavity expansion in cohesive-frictional micromorphic media
Estimation of soil suction from the soil-water characteristic curve
A coupled CFD/DEM study on sandpile formation in water
Conference paper
A general failure criterion for geomaterials with cross anisotropy
Conference paper
A revisit to the shakedown of pavements under moving surface loads
Conference paper
Bimodal character of induced anisotropy in granular materials under undrained shear
Conference paper
Characteristics of shear-induced anisotropy in granular media
Conference paper
Constitutive characterization of strength and deformation for natural clay and cemented sand
Conference paper
Conference paper
The strength and constitutive behavior of geomaterials with cross anisotropy
Conference paper
Upper-bound limit analysis of soil slope stability based on RPIM meshless method
Conference paper
A generalized anisotropic failure criterion for geomaterials
Unloading and reverse yielding of a finite cavity in a bounded cohesive-frictional medium
The concept of reference curves for constitutive modelling in soil mechanics
Cavity expansion in gradient dependent media
Conference paper
Shakedown of Pavements under Moving Surface Loads: Revisited
Conference paper
Bounds for shakedown of cohesive-frictional materials under moving surface loads
Strain gradient theory in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
Bounds for shakedown of cohesive‐frictional materials under moving surface loads
Conference paper
Evaluation of Elastic Properties of Micro-cracked Rocks Based on Micromechanical Considerations
Conference paper
Finite element modeling the behavior of an embankment on soft clay using a structured soil model
Conference paper
Shakedown analysis of cohesive-frictional non-homogeneous soils under moving surface loads
Conference paper
Cavity expansion of a gradient-dependent solid cylinder
Limit theorems for gradient-dependent elastoplastic geomaterials
Gradient dependent limit theorems for elasto‐plastic geomaterials
Conference paper
Microstructural effect on the cavity expansion in a soil cylinder
Conference paper
Strain gradient plasticity by internal-variable approach with normality structure
Thermo-mechanical formulation of strain gradient plasticity for geomaterials
Effect of clay structure degradation on settlement of embankment
Conference paper
Explicit stress integration of complex soil models
Shear banding analysis of geomaterials by strain gradient enhanced damage model
Analyses of localized bifurcations and large deformation in geotechnical engineering
Book chapter
Continuum damage mechanics and damage models for jointed rock masses
Book chapter
Numerical simulation of formation and fracture network in rock masses
Book chapter
Influence of structure degradation on the behaviour of embankments on soft soil
Conference paper
Use of a structure model in analysis of trial embankments on soft clay
Conference paper
Explicit stress integration for complex soil models
Conference paper
Finite element implementation for complex soil models
Conference paper
Fluttering instability in geomaterials: really or fantasy?
Conference paper
Damage localization bifurcation model for rock-concrete-like materials and its application
Geomechanics model test and study on the monolithic stability of high arch dam
Multi-potential based discontinuous bifurcation model for jointed rock masses and its application
Fluttering instability in pressure‐sensitive dilatant solids
Conference paper
Forward numerical model for microseismicity induced by hydraulic fracturing in rock
Conference paper
Gradient‐localization damage model and its application to arch dam stability evaluation
On the stability of high arch dam: its evaluation and criteria
On the strain gradient‐enhanced damage model and its application to the localization analysis
Seepage field changes of ship‐lock slope of TGP under raining and percolation
Simulation of localization failure with strain-gradient-enhanced damage mechanics
Forward numerical model for microseismicity induced by hydraulic fracturing
Rheological damage fracture model for slope stability analysis
Conference paper
Multiple approaches to the analysis of monolithic stability of Ertan arch dam
Multiple fracture network seepage model for fractured media
Case history of the Three Gorges Dam in China
Conference paper
Stability analysis of Ertan Arch Dam and its prototype observation
Conference paper
Grouting effects at Ertan arch dam site
Conference paper
A mechanism-based optimization strategy with adaptive laser power for laser powder bed fusion
A mortar segment-to-segment frictional contact approach in material point method
A multi-horizon fully coupled thermo-mechanical peridynamics
Coupled total- and semi-Lagrangian peridynamics for modelling fluid-driven fracturing in solids
Determination of the size of representative volume element for gap-graded granular materials
Unifying the contact in signed distance field-based and conventional discrete element methods
Coupled peridynamic modeling of hydraulic fracturing in rocks
Multiphysics simulation of freezing and thawing granular media using material point method
Multiscale modeling of coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of granular
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for the Two-Way Coupling Between Fluid Flow and Moving Bodies
Data-driven multiscale modelling of granular materials via knowledge transfer and sharing
Leveraging ray tracing cores for particle-based simulations on GPUs
Load-Deflection of Flexible Ring-Net Barrier in Resisting Debris Flows
Morphology characterization and discrete element modeling of coral sand with intraparticle voids
Multiscale modeling of freeze-thaw behavior in granular media
Multiscale, multiphysics modeling of saturated granular materials in large deformation
The role of particle shape in computational modelling of granular matter
A Semi-Implicit MPM for Modeling the Thermal Effect in Saturated Porous Media
A Total Lagrangian Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Approach for Modelling of Soft Granular Powders
An explicit-implicit THM-Coupled MPM for saturated porous media
Computational modelling of multiphase fluids interacting with irregularly-shaped granular particles
Data-driven multiscale modelling of granular materials via transfer learning
Data-driven multiscale modelling of granular materials via transfer learning
Fully coupled thermo-mechanical state-based peridynamics for thermal cracking
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Thaw-Induced Landslides in Permafrost
Multiscale modeling of large deformation in saturated granular media
Numerical simulation of fluid-solid interactions by Peridynamics
Ray-tracing discrete element modeling and in-situ visualization of geo-hazards
Resolved/unresolved coupled CFD-DEM for simulation of particle-fluid-structure interaction problems
Thaw-induced large deformation in granular media: a hierarchical multiscale perspective
Influence of solid-fluid interaction on impact dynamics against rigid barrier: CFD-DEM modelling
Machine learning bridges microslips and slip avalanches of sheared granular gouges
Multi-scale analysis of shear behaviour of crushable granular sand under general stress conditions
Peridynamic modeling of stochastic fractures in bolted glass plates
Scalable three-dimensional hybrid continuum-discrete multiscale modeling of granular media
Multiscale insights into dynamic behavior of saturated granular sand at large deformation
Multiscale modeling of thermo-mechanical coupling problems in granular media
Multiscale modelling of dynamic hydro-mechanical coupling in saturated granular sand
Multiscale simulation of transition of deformation bands in high-porosity sandstone
Multiscale, multiphysics modeling of wave propagation in anisotropic saturated porous media
Ray tracing-based GPU accelerated numerical simulations in particle-based methods
A coupled SPFEM/DEM approach for multiscale modeling of large-deformation geomechanical problems
A semi-implicit material point method based on fractional-step method for saturated soil
Bearing capacity and failure of footing on anisotropic soil: A multiscale perspective
Cyclic normal load-displacement behaviour of clay-coated sand grain contacts
Discrete element analysis of dry granular flow impact on slit dams
Hydrodynamic dead zone in multiphase geophysical flows impacting a rigid obstacle
Investigating the effect of flow direction on suffusion and its impacts on gap-graded granular soils
Multiscale modeling of continuous crushing of granular media: the role of grain microstructure
Quantifying the transition of impact mechanisms of geophysical flows against flexible barrier
Revisiting the GJK and Shape Erosion Method for Contact Resolution in DEM
The deformation and failure of strip footings on anisotropic cohesionless sloping grounds
The microscopic origin of K0 on granular soils: the role of particle shape
Modeling Blasting Induced Rock Fractures with Non-Ordinary State-Based Peridynamics
Multiscale modeling of compaction band in high-porosity limestone
Multiscale modeling of failure of footing on anisotropic soil
Multiscale Modeling of the strength and deformation of microbial reinforced sand
A homogenization equation for the small strain stiffness of gap-graded granular materials
Assessing debris flow impact on flexible ring net barrier: A coupled CFD-DEM study
Compaction bands in Tuffeau de Maastricht: insights from X-ray tomography and multiscale modeling
Size polydispersity tunes slips avalanches of granular gouge
Universality of internal structure characteristics in granular media under shear
A poly-superellipsoid-based approach on particle morphology for DEM modeling of granular media
An elastoplastic model for gap-graded soils based on homogenization theory
Multiscale Modeling of Compaction Bands in Saturated High-porosity Sandstones
Superellipsoid-based Study on Reproducing 3D Particle Geometry from 2D Projections
Computational multiscale modeling of large deformation in geomechanics by coupled MPM/DEM
Coupled CFD/DEM Modeling of Hydrodynamic Dead Zone in Multiphase Debris Flow
Coupled CFD/DEM modeling of multiphase debris flow over a natural erodible terrain
Coupled MPM/DEM multiscale modelling of geotechnical problems involving large deformation
Multiscale modeling of Shear Behavior of Crushable Granular Material under general stress conditions
Multi-scale modeling of thermo-mechanical responses of granular materials
Peridynamics for Multiscale Modeling of Continuous Grain Crushing of Granular Media
SudoDEM: a new open-source discrete element code for modeling of non-spherical granular particles
A unified CFD-DEM approach for modeling of debris flow impacts on flexible barriers
Dam-break of mixtures consisting of non-newtonian liquids and granular particles
Multiscale Insights Into Borehole Instabilities in High‐Porosity Sandstones
Multiscale modeling and analysis of compaction bands in high-porosity sandstones
Quantifying the Impact of Dry Debris Flow Against a Rigid Barrier by DEM Analyses
Three-dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Based on Strain-rotation Decomposition
Variational Inequality-based Framework of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis
A coupled micromechanical model for triphasic granular system
Crushing criterion of granular particles under multiple contacts
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Granular Materials: the good, the bad and the ugly
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of large deformation problems in granular media
Multiscale modeling of large deformation in geomechanics: A coupled mpm-dem approach
Multi-scale, multi-phase modeling of debris flow and interactions with flexible barrier
A High-order Three-dimensional Numerical Manifold Method Enriched with Derivative Degrees of Freedom
A Non-Coaxial Critical-State Model for Sand Accounting for Fabric Anisotropy and Fabric Evolution
Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Based on Strain-Rotation Decomposition
A coupled CFD-DEM study of debris flow impacts: The influence of mass exchange
A coupled CFD-DEM study of debris flow: the effect of fine exchanging on the impact behaviour
Borehole Instabilities in Granular Rocks Revisited: A Multiscale Perspective
Coupled CFD-DEM modeling of debris flow mitigated by flexible barriers
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of channel bed entrainment into debris flow
Investigation on Single Sand Particle Crushing Criterion Using Peridynamic Method
Multiscale modelling of large deformations in granular materials
Understanding the Physics of Dead Zone in Debris Flow - Microstructure and Jamming Transition
3D Multiscale Modeling of Strain Localization in Granular Media
A Difluorobenzoxadiazole Building Block for Efficient Polymer Solar Cells
Multiscale analysis of shear failure of thick-walled hollow cylinder in dry sand
Parallel hierarchical multiscale modelling of hydro-mechanical problems for saturated granular soils
A Peridynamic approach for numerical modeling of sand grain crushing
Alternative pathway to granular plasticity via computational multiscale modeling
Multiscale hydro-mechanical modelling of saturated granular media
Numerical Simulation of Dam Break by a Coupled CFD-DEM Approach
The evolving nature of compaction bands in highly porous sandstone: a multiscale view
A Simple Three-dimensional Failure Criterion for Rocks Based on the Hoek–Brown Criterion
Calibration of the continuous surface cap model for concrete
Constitutive Modeling of Anisotropic Sand Behavior in Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
The interplay between anisotropy and strain localization in granular soils: a multiscale insight
3D hierarchical multiscale modeling (HMM) of strain localization in granular media
A Multiscale Study of Inherent Anisotropy and Strain Localization in Granular Soils
Cyclic Loading and Fabric Evolution in Sand: A Constitutive Investigation
Fabric Evolution and Its Effect on Strain Localization in Sand
Multiscale Modelling of Compaction Band in Highly Porous Sandstone
Multiscale modelling of compaction bands in highly porous sandstone
Shape matters: quantifying the influence of particle shape on the shape response of granular sand
A coupled CFD-DEM analysis of granular flow impacting on a water reservoir
A coupled FEM/DEM approach for hierarchical multiscale modelling of granular media
A critical state sand plasticity model accounting for fabric evolution
Rotational resistance and shear-induced anisotropy in granular media
A Multiscale Investigation of Strain Localization in Cohesionless Sand
Bridging the micro and macro for granular media: A computational multi-scale paradigm
Building realistic samples for accurate dicrete modeling of granular materials
Evaluating the impact of debris flow: a coupled CFD/DEM approach
Modelling non-coaxiality and strain localisation in sand: The role of fabric and its evolution
A failure criterion for cross-anisotropic soils considering microstructure
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of fluid-particle interaction in geomechanics
Generating realistic 3D sand particles using Fourier descriptors
Numerical modeling of fluid-particle interaction in granular media
Unique critical state characteristics in granular media considering fabric anisotropy
Unique quantification of critical state in granular media considering fabric anisotropy
A Coupled Analysis of Fluid-particle Interaction in Granular Soils
A Coupled CFD-DEM Investigation of Granular Flow Impacting on Water Reservoir
A Hierarchical Model for Cross-scale Simulation of Granular Media
A New Definition on Critical State of Granular Media Accounting for Fabric Anisotropy
A Statistically-based Approach to Reproduce Sand Particles for Discrete Modeling
Correlation of Inter-particle Friction With Global Friction and Dilation in Dense Granular Media
Influence of Non-regular Particle Shape on the Behavior of Granular Assembly Under Shear
The impact of granular flow on a water reservoir - a coupled CFD-DEM study
Constitutive modeling of artificially cemented sand by considering fabric anisotropy
Efficient Approach to Characterize Strength Anisotropy in Soils
Fourier-Voronoi-based generation of realistic samples for discrete modelling of granular materials
A micromechanical study on the shear strength in granular materials: the role of particle shape
Characterization of strength anisotropy of fiber-reinforced sand
Discrete modeling of fluid-particle interaction in granular media
Modeling the anisotropic effects with extended UH model for soils
RFEM-based limit analysis of slope stability by linear programming
A unified theory for cavity expansion in cohesive-frictional micromorphic media
Estimation of soil suction from the soil-water characteristic curve
A general failure criterion for geomaterials with cross anisotropy
A revisit to the shakedown of pavements under moving surface loads
Bimodal character of induced anisotropy in granular materials under undrained shear
Characteristics of shear-induced anisotropy in granular media
Constitutive characterization of strength and deformation for natural clay and cemented sand
The strength and constitutive behavior of geomaterials with cross anisotropy
Upper-bound limit analysis of soil slope stability based on RPIM meshless method
Bounds for shakedown of cohesive-frictional materials under moving surface loads
Strain gradient theory in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
Bounds for shakedown of cohesive‐frictional materials under moving surface loads
Evaluation of Elastic Properties of Micro-cracked Rocks Based on Micromechanical Considerations
Finite element modeling the behavior of an embankment on soft clay using a structured soil model
Shakedown analysis of cohesive-frictional non-homogeneous soils under moving surface loads
Strain gradient plasticity by internal-variable approach with normality structure
Thermo-mechanical formulation of strain gradient plasticity for geomaterials
Effect of clay structure degradation on settlement of embankment
Gradient‐localization damage model and its application to arch dam stability evaluation
On the stability of high arch dam: its evaluation and criteria
On the strain gradient‐enhanced damage model and its application to the localization analysis
Seepage field changes of ship‐lock slope of TGP under raining and percolation
Simulation of localization failure with strain-gradient-enhanced damage mechanics
Rheological damage fracture model for slope stability analysis
A Peridynamic Investigation on Crushing of Sand Particles
A poly-superellipsoid-based approach on particle morphology for DEM modeling of granular media
An elastoplastic model for gap-graded soils based on homogenization theory
Multiscale Modeling of Compaction Bands in Saturated High-porosity Sandstones
Multiscale modeling of large deformation in geomechanics
Superellipsoid-based Study on Reproducing 3D Particle Geometry from 2D Projections
A hybrid method on modeling of grain crushing
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Computational multiscale modeling of large deformation in geomechanics by coupled MPM/DEM
Conference paper
Coupled CFD/DEM Modeling of Hydrodynamic Dead Zone in Multiphase Debris Flow
Conference paper
Coupled CFD/DEM modeling of multiphase debris flow over a natural erodible terrain
Conference paper
Coupled MPM/DEM multiscale modelling of geotechnical problems involving large deformation
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of particle crushing in granular media
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of Shear Behavior of Crushable Granular Material under general stress conditions
Conference paper
Multi-scale modeling of thermo-mechanical responses of granular materials
Conference paper
Peridynamics for Multiscale Modeling of Continuous Grain Crushing of Granular Media
Conference paper
Conference paper
Signature of fabric anisotropy in sheared granular media
Conference paper
SudoDEM: a new open-source discrete element code for modeling of non-spherical granular particles
Conference paper
A unified CFD-DEM approach for modeling of debris flow impacts on flexible barriers
Dam-break of mixtures consisting of non-newtonian liquids and granular particles
Multiscale Insights Into Borehole Instabilities in High‐Porosity Sandstones
Multiscale modeling and analysis of compaction bands in high-porosity sandstones
Quantifying the Impact of Dry Debris Flow Against a Rigid Barrier by DEM Analyses
Three-dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Based on Strain-rotation Decomposition
Variational Inequality-based Framework of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis
A coupled micromechanical model for triphasic granular system
Conference paper
A data-driven method for DEM-based multiscale modeling
Conference paper
Conference paper
Crushing criterion of granular particles under multiple contacts
Conference paper
Conference paper
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Granular Materials: the good, the bad and the ugly
Conference paper
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of large deformation problems in granular media
Conference paper
Multi-scale modeling of anchoring in sand
Conference paper
Multiscale modeling of large deformation in geomechanics: A coupled mpm-dem approach
Conference paper
Multi-scale, multi-phase modeling of debris flow and interactions with flexible barrier
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
A High-order Three-dimensional Numerical Manifold Method Enriched with Derivative Degrees of Freedom
A Non-Coaxial Critical-State Model for Sand Accounting for Fabric Anisotropy and Fabric Evolution
Dilatancy Relation for Overconsolidated Clay
Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Based on Strain-Rotation Decomposition
A coupled CFD-DEM study of debris flow impacts: The influence of mass exchange
Conference paper
A coupled CFD-DEM study of debris flow: the effect of fine exchanging on the impact behaviour
Conference paper
Borehole Instabilities in Granular Rocks Revisited: A Multiscale Perspective
Conference paper
Conference paper
Coupled CFD-DEM modeling of debris flow mitigated by flexible barriers
Conference paper
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of channel bed entrainment into debris flow
Conference paper
Granular Flow Fluctuations in a Conical Hopper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Hydrodynamic dead zone in two phase debris flows impact
Conference paper
Investigation on Single Sand Particle Crushing Criterion Using Peridynamic Method
Conference paper
Multiscale modelling of large deformations in granular materials
Conference paper
Conference paper
Understanding the Physics of Dead Zone in Debris Flow - Microstructure and Jamming Transition
Conference paper
3D Multiscale Modeling of Strain Localization in Granular Media
A Difluorobenzoxadiazole Building Block for Efficient Polymer Solar Cells
Micro origins for macro behavior in granular media
Multiscale analysis of shear failure of thick-walled hollow cylinder in dry sand
Multiscale insights into classical geomechanics problems
Parallel hierarchical multiscale modelling of hydro-mechanical problems for saturated granular soils
Unified Anisotropic Elastoplastic Model for Sand
A Peridynamic approach for numerical modeling of sand grain crushing
Conference paper
Alternative pathway to granular plasticity via computational multiscale modeling
Conference paper
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of debris flow over erodible bed
Conference paper
Multiscale hydro-mechanical modelling of saturated granular media
Conference paper
Numerical Simulation of Dam Break by a Coupled CFD-DEM Approach
Conference paper
Sand Grain Crushing under Multi-axial Loading Conditions
Conference paper
The evolving nature of compaction bands in highly porous sandstone: a multiscale view
Conference paper
A Simple Three-dimensional Failure Criterion for Rocks Based on the Hoek–Brown Criterion
Calibration of the continuous surface cap model for concrete
Constitutive Modeling of Anisotropic Sand Behavior in Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
The interplay between anisotropy and strain localization in granular soils: a multiscale insight
Reliable Diversity-Based Spatial Crowdsourcing by Moving Workers
Book chapter
3D hierarchical multiscale modeling (HMM) of strain localization in granular media
Conference paper
A Coupled CFD-DEM Simulation of Dam-Break
Conference paper
A Multiscale Study of Inherent Anisotropy and Strain Localization in Granular Soils
Conference paper
Conference paper
Constitutive Modelling of Fabric Anisotropy in Sand
Conference paper
Cyclic Loading and Fabric Evolution in Sand: A Constitutive Investigation
Conference paper
Fabric Evolution and Its Effect on Strain Localization in Sand
Conference paper
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling of Fluid-saturated Soils
Conference paper
Modeling Principal Stress Rotation for Anisotropic Sand
Conference paper
Multiscale Modelling of Compaction Band in Highly Porous Sandstone
Conference paper
Multiscale Modelling of Compaction Band in Porous Sandstone
Conference paper
Multiscale modelling of compaction bands in highly porous sandstone
Conference paper
Multiscale Modelling of Failure in Saturated Sand
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Shape matters: quantifying the influence of particle shape on the shape response of granular sand
Conference paper
Conference paper
A coupled CFD-DEM analysis of granular flow impacting on a water reservoir
A coupled FEM/DEM approach for hierarchical multiscale modelling of granular media
A critical state sand plasticity model accounting for fabric evolution
A micromechanics-based model for sand-silt mixtures
Rotational resistance and shear-induced anisotropy in granular media
A hierarchical multiscale approach for granular media
Conference paper
A multiscale insight into strain localization in sand
Conference paper
A Multiscale Investigation of Strain Localization in Cohesionless Sand
Conference paper
Advances in realistic generation of grain shapes
Conference paper
Bridging the micro and macro for granular media: A computational multi-scale paradigm
Conference paper
Building realistic samples for accurate dicrete modeling of granular materials
Conference paper
Evaluating the impact of debris flow: a coupled CFD/DEM approach
Conference paper
Modelling non-coaxiality and strain localisation in sand: The role of fabric and its evolution
Conference paper
A failure criterion for cross-anisotropic soils considering microstructure
Characterization of fluctuations in granular hopper flow
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of fluid-particle interaction in geomechanics
Discrete Modeling of Fluid-Particle Interaction in Soils
Evaluation on Failure of Fiber-Reinforced Sand
Generating realistic 3D sand particles using Fourier descriptors
Numerical modeling of fluid-particle interaction in granular media
Strain Localization and Fabric Evolution in Sand
The signature of shear-induced anisotropy in granular media
Unique critical state characteristics in granular media considering fabric anisotropy
Discrete modeling of fluid-particle interaction in soils
Book chapter
Modeling the Dilatancy of Over Consolidated Clay
Book chapter
Unique quantification of critical state in granular media considering fabric anisotropy
Book chapter
A Coupled Analysis of Fluid-particle Interaction in Granular Soils
Conference paper
A Coupled CFD-DEM Investigation of Granular Flow Impacting on Water Reservoir
Conference paper
A Hierarchical Model for Cross-scale Simulation of Granular Media
Conference paper
A New Definition on Critical State of Granular Media Accounting for Fabric Anisotropy
Conference paper
A Statistically-based Approach to Reproduce Sand Particles for Discrete Modeling
Conference paper
Correlation of Inter-particle Friction With Global Friction and Dilation in Dense Granular Media
Conference paper
Influence of Non-regular Particle Shape on the Behavior of Granular Assembly Under Shear
Conference paper
The impact of granular flow on a water reservoir - a coupled CFD-DEM study
Conference paper
The Influence of Particle Shape on Granular Hopper Flow
Conference paper
Constitutive modeling of artificially cemented sand by considering fabric anisotropy
Efficient Approach to Characterize Strength Anisotropy in Soils
Fourier-Voronoi-based generation of realistic samples for discrete modelling of granular materials
A micromechanical study on the shear strength in granular materials: the role of particle shape
Conference paper
Characteristics of sandpile formed in water
Conference paper
Characterization of strength anisotropy of fiber-reinforced sand
Conference paper
Discrete modeling of fluid-particle interaction in granular media
Conference paper
Modeling the anisotropic effects with extended UH model for soils
Conference paper
Pressure dip of conical sand pile formed in water
Conference paper
Realistic generation and packing of DEM sand samples
Conference paper
RFEM-based limit analysis of slope stability by linear programming
Conference paper
The role of water on the pressure dip in sand piles
Conference paper
A unified theory for cavity expansion in cohesive-frictional micromorphic media
Estimation of soil suction from the soil-water characteristic curve
A coupled CFD/DEM study on sandpile formation in water
Conference paper
A general failure criterion for geomaterials with cross anisotropy
Conference paper
A revisit to the shakedown of pavements under moving surface loads
Conference paper
Bimodal character of induced anisotropy in granular materials under undrained shear
Conference paper
Characteristics of shear-induced anisotropy in granular media
Conference paper
Constitutive characterization of strength and deformation for natural clay and cemented sand
Conference paper
Conference paper
The strength and constitutive behavior of geomaterials with cross anisotropy
Conference paper
Upper-bound limit analysis of soil slope stability based on RPIM meshless method
Conference paper
A generalized anisotropic failure criterion for geomaterials
Unloading and reverse yielding of a finite cavity in a bounded cohesive-frictional medium
The concept of reference curves for constitutive modelling in soil mechanics
Cavity expansion in gradient dependent media
Conference paper
Shakedown of Pavements under Moving Surface Loads: Revisited
Conference paper
Bounds for shakedown of cohesive-frictional materials under moving surface loads
Strain gradient theory in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
Bounds for shakedown of cohesive‐frictional materials under moving surface loads
Conference paper
Evaluation of Elastic Properties of Micro-cracked Rocks Based on Micromechanical Considerations
Conference paper
Finite element modeling the behavior of an embankment on soft clay using a structured soil model
Conference paper
Shakedown analysis of cohesive-frictional non-homogeneous soils under moving surface loads
Conference paper
Cavity expansion of a gradient-dependent solid cylinder
Limit theorems for gradient-dependent elastoplastic geomaterials
Gradient dependent limit theorems for elasto‐plastic geomaterials
Conference paper
Microstructural effect on the cavity expansion in a soil cylinder
Conference paper
Strain gradient plasticity by internal-variable approach with normality structure
Thermo-mechanical formulation of strain gradient plasticity for geomaterials
Effect of clay structure degradation on settlement of embankment
Conference paper
Explicit stress integration of complex soil models
Shear banding analysis of geomaterials by strain gradient enhanced damage model
Analyses of localized bifurcations and large deformation in geotechnical engineering
Book chapter
Continuum damage mechanics and damage models for jointed rock masses
Book chapter
Numerical simulation of formation and fracture network in rock masses
Book chapter
Influence of structure degradation on the behaviour of embankments on soft soil
Conference paper
Use of a structure model in analysis of trial embankments on soft clay
Conference paper
Explicit stress integration for complex soil models
Conference paper
Finite element implementation for complex soil models
Conference paper
Fluttering instability in geomaterials: really or fantasy?
Conference paper
Damage localization bifurcation model for rock-concrete-like materials and its application
Geomechanics model test and study on the monolithic stability of high arch dam
Multi-potential based discontinuous bifurcation model for jointed rock masses and its application
Fluttering instability in pressure‐sensitive dilatant solids
Conference paper
Forward numerical model for microseismicity induced by hydraulic fracturing in rock
Conference paper
Gradient‐localization damage model and its application to arch dam stability evaluation
On the stability of high arch dam: its evaluation and criteria
On the strain gradient‐enhanced damage model and its application to the localization analysis
Seepage field changes of ship‐lock slope of TGP under raining and percolation
Simulation of localization failure with strain-gradient-enhanced damage mechanics
Forward numerical model for microseismicity induced by hydraulic fracturing
Rheological damage fracture model for slope stability analysis
Conference paper
Multiple approaches to the analysis of monolithic stability of Ertan arch dam
Multiple fracture network seepage model for fractured media
Case history of the Three Gorges Dam in China
Conference paper
Stability analysis of Ertan Arch Dam and its prototype observation
Conference paper
Grouting effects at Ertan arch dam site
Conference paper
No Publications |
CIVL5730 | Theoretical and Computational Soil Mechanics |
CIEM5740 | Computer Methods for Slope Engineering |
CIVL4750 | Numerical Solutions to Geotechnical Problems |
CIVL4710 | Soil Slope Engineering |
CIVL4910 | Civil and Environmental Engineering Final Year Project |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
WANG, Wentao
Civil Engineering
CHENG, Zhang
Civil Engineering
YANG, Changyi
Civil Engineering
YU, Jidu
Civil Engineering
SHANG, Xiaonan
Civil Engineering
VIZMANOS, Renee Agnes Oliva
Civil Engineering
YANG, Jianchuan
Civil Engineering
KU, Quan
Civil Engineering( Completed in 2024 )
Civil Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
YU, Tao
Civil Engineering( Completed in 2023 )
DAS, Amiya Prakash
Civil Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
Civil Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
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