PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Stanford University, 2009
Conference paper
Automated site planning using CAIN-GAN model
Automatic Fine-Grained BIM element classification using Multi-Modal deep learning (MMDL)
Decentralized artificial intelligence in construction using blockchain
Improved coverage path planning for indoor robots based on BIM and robotic configurations
Omni-Scan2BIM: A ready-to-use Scan2BIM approach based on vision foundation models for MEP scenes
A Blockchain-Based Approach For Embodied Carbon Management Along The Construction Supply Chain
Conference paper
A Graph Neural Network Approach to Conceptual Cost Estimation
Conference paper
Conference paper
An OpenBIM-based Framework for Lifecycle Management of Steel Reinforcement
Conference paper
Toward a high-performance and secure digital twin framework using enhanced blockchain technology
Conference paper
An ontology-based framework for automatic building energy modeling with thermal zoning
Construction cost management using blockchain and encryption
Enhancing BIM security in emergency construction projects using lightweight blockchain-as-a-service
Full-Body Pose Estimation for Excavators Based on Data Fusion of Multiple Onboard Sensors
ISM-based analysis of VR-AEC adoption barriers and their inner mechanisms
Pose Graph Relocalization with Deep Object Detection and BIM-Supported Object Landmark Dictionary
A blockchain and proxy re-encryption-based framework for construction cost information management
Conference paper
A Blockchain-based Carbon Auditing Framework for Construction Material and Product Certification
Conference paper
A Blockchain-based security-minded submission management during design and construction phases
Conference paper
An automatic translation framework based on ontology to building energy models
Conference paper
An Ontology-Based Framework for Building Energy Simulation in the Operation Phase
Conference paper
Automated embodied carbon quantification for a typical building using BIM and ontology
Conference paper
Conference paper
Blockchain-BPMN integrated framework for construction management
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Knowledge graph-driven smart contract for metadata checking in blockchain-based BIM collaboration
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
UAV Image-Based Defect Detection for Ancient Bridge Maintenance
Conference paper
A Blockchain-Based Integrated Document Management Framework for Construction Applications
A knowledge model-based BIM framework for automatic code-compliant quantity take-off
Automated classification of piping components from 3D LiDAR point clouds using SE-PseudoGrid
BIM‐Based Dynamic Construction Safety Rule Checking Using Ontology and Natural Language Processing
BIM-supported scan and flight planning for fully autonomous LiDAR-carrying UAVs
Confidentiality-minded framework for blockchain-based BIM design collaboration
Digital Twins for Construction Sites: Concepts, LoD Definition, and Applications
Global path planning based on BIM and physics engine for UGVs in indoor environments
Impact of Shaft Design to Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality of Floors Using BIM Technology
IMU-based full-body pose estimation for construction machines using kinematics modeling
Long-Time gap crowd prediction with a Two-Stage optimized spatiotemporal Hybrid-GCGRU
Object verification based on deep learning point feature comparison for scan-to-BIM
Smart construction sites: A promising approach to improving on-site HSE management performance
Vision-Assisted BIM Reconstruction From 3D LiDAR Point Clouds For MEP Scenes
Digital modeling layer: two digital modeling methods
Book chapter
A Blockchain-based encryption method for IFC models for collaborative project management
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Automatic BIM Model Auditing for Quantity Take-off Using Knowledge Graph Techniques
Conference paper
BIM-based Collaborative Design for Prefabrication Using Blockchain Technology
Conference paper
Method on pose estimation of excavators based on onboard depth camera
Conference paper
Secure version management of BIM using blockchain and smart contract cluster
Conference paper
A BIM-based framework for automated generation of fabrication drawings for façade panels
Automated Semantic Segmentation Of Industrial Point Clouds Using ResPointNet++
Automated sewer pipe defect tracking in CCTV videos based on defect detection and metric learning
BIM Security: A Critical Review And Recommendations Using Encryption Strategy And Blockchain
BIM-Based Approach for Automatic Pipe Systems Installation Coordination and Schedule Optimization
BIM-BVBS integration with openBIM standards for automatic prefabrication of steel reinforcement
Fully automated generation of parametric BIM for MEP scenes based on terrestrial laser scanning data
Graph-based network generation and CCTV processing techniques for fire evacuation
Sensitivity analysis of influence factors on multi-zone indoor airflow CFD simulation
A BIM-integrated Indoor Path Planning Framework for Unmanned Ground Robot
Conference paper
A Conceptual Framework for Secure BIM-based Design: Using Blockchain and Asymmetric Encryption
Conference paper
A Secure and Distributed Construction Document Management System Using Blockchain
Conference paper
Automating the Generation of 3D Multiple Pipe Layout Design Using BIM and Heuristic Search Methods
Conference paper
Blockchain-based E-tendering Evaluation Framework
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Online Geometry Quality Management During Directed Energy Deposition Using Laser Line Scanner
Conference paper
Study of IMU Installation Position for Posture Estimation of Excavators
Conference paper
Vision-Based Pose Forecasting of Construction Equipment for Monitoring Construction Site Safety
Conference paper
Deep Learning-Based Automated Detection of Sewer Defects in CCTV Videos
Developing Efficient Mechanisms for BIM-to-AR/VR Data Transfer
Reinforced concrete structural design optimization: A critical review
Securing interim payments in construction projects through a blockchain-based framework
Simulation optimisation towards energy efficient green buildings: Current status and future trends
Soft detection of 5-day BOD with sparse matrix in city harbor water using deep learning techniques
State-of-the-Art Review on Mixed Reality Applications in the AECO Industry
Top 10 technologies for indoor positioning on construction sites
Transfer learning enhanced AR spatial registration for facility maintenance management
3D printing in modular construction: Opportunities and challenges
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
BIM-Aided Scanning Path Planning for Autonomous Surveillance UAVs with LiDAR
Conference paper
Concrete reinforcement modelling with IFC for automated rebar fabrication
Conference paper
Data-driven design for modular high-rise residential buildings under wind-induced ventilation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Ontology-based data integration and sharing for facility maintenance management
Conference paper
Risk identification and management strategies for BIM projects
Conference paper
Conference paper
A BIM-based location aware AR collaborative framework for facility maintenance management
A Comprehensive Approach to Mitigation of Embodied Carbon in Reinforced Concrete Buildings
An integrated underground utility management and decision support based on BIM and GIS
Automatic Generation of Fabrication Drawings For Façade Mullions and Transoms Through BIM Model
Development of High-accuracy Edge Line Estimation Algorithms Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Integrating 4D BIM and GIS for Construction Supply Chain Management
Natural-language-based Intelligent Retrieval Engine for BIM Object Database
Book chapter
A Methodology for Indoor Human Comfort Analysis Based on BIM and Ontology
Conference paper
Analysis of Pedestrian Walkability Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning
Conference paper
BIM- And IoT-based framework for building energy consumption and indoor human comfort management
Conference paper
Conference paper
Construction Payment Automation Through Smart Contract-based Blockchain Framework
Conference paper
Deep learning-based scan-to-BIM framework for complex MEP scene using laser scanning data
Conference paper
Conference paper
Developing efficient mechanisms for BIM model simplification
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Semantic Segmentation of Sewer Pipe Defects Using Deep Dilated Convolutional Neural Network
Conference paper
Conference paper
Automatic As-built BIM Creation of Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Panels Using Laser Scan Data
BIM-based Framework for Automatic Scheduling of Facility Maintenance Work Orders
Critical success and failure factors for managing green building projects
Holistic BIM Framework for Sustainable Low Carbon Design of High-rise Buildings
A BIM-based approach for implementing WELL standard on human health and comfort analysis
Conference paper
A secure and distributed construction document management system using blockchain
Conference paper
An ontology-based approach for information interoperability between BIM and facility management
Conference paper
Conference paper
BIM-based Automatic Pipe Routing Design Using 3D A* Algorithm
Conference paper
Conference paper
Deep learning-based real-time damage detection for sewer pipe inspection using faster R-CNN
Conference paper
Conference paper
Developing a Location Aware Building Information Modeling System for Facility Maintenance Management
Conference paper
Developing a Location Aware Building Information Modeling System for Facility Maintenance Management
Conference paper
Conference paper
Fully integrated 3D ground motion simulation on Site-City Interaction in an urban transport hub
Conference paper
Conference paper
Influencing factors of edge line estimation accuracy based on terrestrial laser scanning
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Towards automated generation of parametric BIM for steel structures based on laser scanning data
Conference paper
A BIM-based Framework for Lift Planning in Topsides Disassembly of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms
Automated estimation of reinforced precast concrete rebar positions using colored laser scan data
Comparative LCA On Using Waste Materials In The Cement Industry: A Hong Kong Case Study
A BIM-based framework for automated generation of façade panel fabrication drawings
Conference paper
A Comparative Study on Economic Policies for Construction and Demolition Waste Minimisation
Conference paper
An Integrated Underground Utility Management and Decision Support Framework Based on BIM and GIS
Conference paper
Automated Clash Resolution of Steel Rebar in RC Beam-Column Joints Using BIM and GA
Conference paper
Automated Optimization of RC Building Frames using BIM and Hybrid GA
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
BIM- and IoT-based Framework for Building Energy Consumption and Indoor Human Comfort Management
Conference paper
Comparison of Marker-based AR and Marker-less AR: A Case Study on Indoor Decoration System
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improve Indoor Acoustics Performance by Using Building Information Modeling
Conference paper
IT for Lean Construction - A Survey in India
Conference paper
Transformation of Semantic Information-rich Underground Utility Models Between BIM and Web GIS
Conference paper
A framework for 3D traffic noise mapping using data from BIM and GIS integration
Analytical review and evaluation of civil information modelling
Development of a Mixed Pixel Filter for Improved Dimension Estimation Using AMCW Laser Scanner
Evaluation of environmental friendliness of concrete paving eco-blocks using LCA approach
Engineering Applications of the Cloud
Book chapter
Conference paper
A BIM-based Facility Management Framework for Automatic Scheduling of Maintenance Work Orders
Conference paper
A BIM-based Framework for Lifting Planning in Disassembly of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms
Conference paper
A global review and evaluation of civil information modeling
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Construction Supply Chain Coordination Leveraging 4D BIM and GIS Integration
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Site-specific Modular Design Optimization for High-rise Residential Buildings
Conference paper
Time-based Construction Waste Management Planning Using Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Conference paper
A BIM-based automated site layout planning framework for congested construction sites
A data-driven study of important climate factors on the achievement of LEED-EB credits
A review of the efforts and roles of the public sector for BIM adoption worldwide
An Ontology-based Web Service Framework for Construction Supply Chain Collaboration and Management
Automatic Transformation of Different Levels of Detail in 3D GIS City Models in CityGML
A BIM-based Framework for Material Logistics Planning
Conference paper
A cloud based BIM framework for construction site layout planning
Conference paper
A Framework for Financial Decision Making Based on 5D BIM
Conference paper
A framework for integrating energy simulation data in building information modeling
Conference paper
A Systematic Approach for Low Carbon Concrete Mix Design and Production
Conference paper
An integrated BIM-GIS framework for utility information management and analyses
Conference paper
Assessing the impact of experienced project team members in green building projects
Conference paper
Conference paper
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Using BIM Technology
Conference paper
Identifying the success and failure factors of green building projects
Conference paper
Mirror-based scanning system for side surface dimension inspection of precast concrete slab
Conference paper
Modeling and management of utility information using a 3D BIM-GIS integration framework
Conference paper
Selection of LEED-NC target credits based on case-based reasoning
Conference paper
Conference paper
Sustainability assessment of aggregates derived from wastes in Hong Kong by using LCA techniques
Conference paper
A bim-based web service framework for green building energy simulation and code checking
Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting Methods for Steel Production in China
Local Carbon Inventory Database for Construction Materials: Approaches and Potential Impacts
A BIM Based Construction Site Layout Planning Framework Considering Actual Travel Paths
Conference paper
Analysis of the Related Credits in LEED Green Building Rating System Using Data Mining Techniques
Conference paper
BIMCloud: A Cloud Computing Approach to Partial Exchange of BIM Models
Conference paper
BIMCloud: A Distributed Cloud-based Social BIM Framework for Project Collaboration
Conference paper
Cloud-BIM based dimensional quality assessment of full-scale precast concrete elements
Conference paper
Development of a Decision Support System for LEED for EB Credit Selection Based on Climate Factors
Conference paper
Evaluation of IFC4 for the GIS and Green Building Domains
Conference paper
Integrating BIM and GIS for urban planning purposes considering acoustics
Conference paper
Conference paper
Social network analysis on the inter-organizational interactions in green building projects
Conference paper
A BIM-based system for demolition and renovation waste estimation and planning
A Web-based Collaborative System Framework for Green Building Certification
Analysis of the scope and trends of worldwide green building assessment standards
A study of the relationship between credits in the LEED-EB&OB green building rating system
Conference paper
Conference paper
Analysis of the Scope and Trends of Worldwide Green Building Assessment Standards
Conference paper
Developing an Agent-based Decision Support System for Construction Waste Management
Conference paper
Development of a Local Embodied Carbon Database for Construction Materials
Conference paper
Formulation of a framework for quality assessment of precast concrete based on 3D laser scanning
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mapping Between BIM Models and 3D GIS City Models of Different Levels of Detail
Conference paper
A study of the relationship between credits in the LEED-EB&OB green building rating system
Cloud computing support for construction collaboration
Book chapter
A BIM-based framework for lifecycle environmental assessment of buildings
Conference paper
A BIM-based system for demolition and renovation waste quantification and planning
Conference paper
A gbXML-based web service framework for green building design and rule-based code checking
Conference paper
Carbon measurement of Hong Kong construction materials using life cycle assessment - cement
Conference paper
Carbon measurement of Hong Kong construction materials using life cycle assessment - cement
Conference paper
Collaborative System for HK-BEAM Green Building Certification
Conference paper
Environmental life cycle assessment of construction materials
Conference paper
Mapping BIM models and 3D GIS models using schema matching and linguistic methods
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improving Collaboration in the Construction Industry through Context-aware Web Services
Conference paper
Conference paper
RFID supported cooperation for construction waste management
Conference paper
A service oriented framework for construction supply chain integration
Gauging agency involvement environmental management in text analysis of laws and regulations
Minoe: A software tool to analyze ocean management efforts in the context of ecosystems
Modeling and monitoring of construction supply chains
Conference paper
Cloud computing and its implications for construction IT
Conference paper
Web services in architectural and civil engineering
Conference paper
Web-enabled model-based CAD for design
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improving access to and understanding of regulations through taxonomies
A Portal-based Web Service Framework for Construction Supply Chain Integration and Collaboration
Conference paper
Service oriented and orchestrated framework for supply chain integration
Conference paper
Regulation retrieval using industry specific taxonomies
A collaborative web service platform for AEC supply chain
Conference paper
A distributed portal-based platform for construction supply chain interoperability
Conference paper
Domain-specific ontology mapping by corpus-based semantic similarity
Conference paper
Relating taxonomies with regulations
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mapping regulations to industry-specific taxonomies
Conference paper
Engineering simulations with web-based services
Conference paper
Automatic Fine-Grained BIM element classification using Multi-Modal deep learning (MMDL)
Decentralized artificial intelligence in construction using blockchain
Improved coverage path planning for indoor robots based on BIM and robotic configurations
Omni-Scan2BIM: A ready-to-use Scan2BIM approach based on vision foundation models for MEP scenes
A Blockchain-Based Approach For Embodied Carbon Management Along The Construction Supply Chain
A Graph Neural Network Approach to Conceptual Cost Estimation
An OpenBIM-based Framework for Lifecycle Management of Steel Reinforcement
Toward a high-performance and secure digital twin framework using enhanced blockchain technology
An ontology-based framework for automatic building energy modeling with thermal zoning
Construction cost management using blockchain and encryption
Enhancing BIM security in emergency construction projects using lightweight blockchain-as-a-service
Full-Body Pose Estimation for Excavators Based on Data Fusion of Multiple Onboard Sensors
ISM-based analysis of VR-AEC adoption barriers and their inner mechanisms
Pose Graph Relocalization with Deep Object Detection and BIM-Supported Object Landmark Dictionary
A blockchain and proxy re-encryption-based framework for construction cost information management
A Blockchain-based Carbon Auditing Framework for Construction Material and Product Certification
A Blockchain-based security-minded submission management during design and construction phases
An automatic translation framework based on ontology to building energy models
An Ontology-Based Framework for Building Energy Simulation in the Operation Phase
Automated embodied carbon quantification for a typical building using BIM and ontology
Blockchain-BPMN integrated framework for construction management
Knowledge graph-driven smart contract for metadata checking in blockchain-based BIM collaboration
UAV Image-Based Defect Detection for Ancient Bridge Maintenance
A Blockchain-Based Integrated Document Management Framework for Construction Applications
A knowledge model-based BIM framework for automatic code-compliant quantity take-off
Automated classification of piping components from 3D LiDAR point clouds using SE-PseudoGrid
BIM‐Based Dynamic Construction Safety Rule Checking Using Ontology and Natural Language Processing
BIM-supported scan and flight planning for fully autonomous LiDAR-carrying UAVs
Confidentiality-minded framework for blockchain-based BIM design collaboration
Digital Twins for Construction Sites: Concepts, LoD Definition, and Applications
Global path planning based on BIM and physics engine for UGVs in indoor environments
Impact of Shaft Design to Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality of Floors Using BIM Technology
IMU-based full-body pose estimation for construction machines using kinematics modeling
Long-Time gap crowd prediction with a Two-Stage optimized spatiotemporal Hybrid-GCGRU
Object verification based on deep learning point feature comparison for scan-to-BIM
Smart construction sites: A promising approach to improving on-site HSE management performance
Vision-Assisted BIM Reconstruction From 3D LiDAR Point Clouds For MEP Scenes
A Blockchain-based encryption method for IFC models for collaborative project management
Automatic BIM Model Auditing for Quantity Take-off Using Knowledge Graph Techniques
BIM-based Collaborative Design for Prefabrication Using Blockchain Technology
Method on pose estimation of excavators based on onboard depth camera
Secure version management of BIM using blockchain and smart contract cluster
A BIM-based framework for automated generation of fabrication drawings for façade panels
Automated Semantic Segmentation Of Industrial Point Clouds Using ResPointNet++
Automated sewer pipe defect tracking in CCTV videos based on defect detection and metric learning
BIM Security: A Critical Review And Recommendations Using Encryption Strategy And Blockchain
BIM-Based Approach for Automatic Pipe Systems Installation Coordination and Schedule Optimization
BIM-BVBS integration with openBIM standards for automatic prefabrication of steel reinforcement
Fully automated generation of parametric BIM for MEP scenes based on terrestrial laser scanning data
Graph-based network generation and CCTV processing techniques for fire evacuation
Sensitivity analysis of influence factors on multi-zone indoor airflow CFD simulation
A BIM-integrated Indoor Path Planning Framework for Unmanned Ground Robot
A Conceptual Framework for Secure BIM-based Design: Using Blockchain and Asymmetric Encryption
A Secure and Distributed Construction Document Management System Using Blockchain
Automating the Generation of 3D Multiple Pipe Layout Design Using BIM and Heuristic Search Methods
Online Geometry Quality Management During Directed Energy Deposition Using Laser Line Scanner
Study of IMU Installation Position for Posture Estimation of Excavators
Vision-Based Pose Forecasting of Construction Equipment for Monitoring Construction Site Safety
Deep Learning-Based Automated Detection of Sewer Defects in CCTV Videos
Developing Efficient Mechanisms for BIM-to-AR/VR Data Transfer
Reinforced concrete structural design optimization: A critical review
Securing interim payments in construction projects through a blockchain-based framework
Simulation optimisation towards energy efficient green buildings: Current status and future trends
Soft detection of 5-day BOD with sparse matrix in city harbor water using deep learning techniques
State-of-the-Art Review on Mixed Reality Applications in the AECO Industry
Top 10 technologies for indoor positioning on construction sites
Transfer learning enhanced AR spatial registration for facility maintenance management
3D printing in modular construction: Opportunities and challenges
BIM-Aided Scanning Path Planning for Autonomous Surveillance UAVs with LiDAR
Concrete reinforcement modelling with IFC for automated rebar fabrication
Data-driven design for modular high-rise residential buildings under wind-induced ventilation
Ontology-based data integration and sharing for facility maintenance management
Risk identification and management strategies for BIM projects
A BIM-based location aware AR collaborative framework for facility maintenance management
A Comprehensive Approach to Mitigation of Embodied Carbon in Reinforced Concrete Buildings
An integrated underground utility management and decision support based on BIM and GIS
Automatic Generation of Fabrication Drawings For Façade Mullions and Transoms Through BIM Model
Development of High-accuracy Edge Line Estimation Algorithms Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Integrating 4D BIM and GIS for Construction Supply Chain Management
Natural-language-based Intelligent Retrieval Engine for BIM Object Database
A Methodology for Indoor Human Comfort Analysis Based on BIM and Ontology
Analysis of Pedestrian Walkability Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning
BIM- And IoT-based framework for building energy consumption and indoor human comfort management
Construction Payment Automation Through Smart Contract-based Blockchain Framework
Deep learning-based scan-to-BIM framework for complex MEP scene using laser scanning data
Developing efficient mechanisms for BIM model simplification
Semantic Segmentation of Sewer Pipe Defects Using Deep Dilated Convolutional Neural Network
Automatic As-built BIM Creation of Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Panels Using Laser Scan Data
BIM-based Framework for Automatic Scheduling of Facility Maintenance Work Orders
Critical success and failure factors for managing green building projects
Holistic BIM Framework for Sustainable Low Carbon Design of High-rise Buildings
A BIM-based approach for implementing WELL standard on human health and comfort analysis
A secure and distributed construction document management system using blockchain
An ontology-based approach for information interoperability between BIM and facility management
BIM-based Automatic Pipe Routing Design Using 3D A* Algorithm
Deep learning-based real-time damage detection for sewer pipe inspection using faster R-CNN
Developing a Location Aware Building Information Modeling System for Facility Maintenance Management
Developing a Location Aware Building Information Modeling System for Facility Maintenance Management
Fully integrated 3D ground motion simulation on Site-City Interaction in an urban transport hub
Influencing factors of edge line estimation accuracy based on terrestrial laser scanning
Towards automated generation of parametric BIM for steel structures based on laser scanning data
A BIM-based Framework for Lift Planning in Topsides Disassembly of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms
Automated estimation of reinforced precast concrete rebar positions using colored laser scan data
Comparative LCA On Using Waste Materials In The Cement Industry: A Hong Kong Case Study
A BIM-based framework for automated generation of façade panel fabrication drawings
A Comparative Study on Economic Policies for Construction and Demolition Waste Minimisation
An Integrated Underground Utility Management and Decision Support Framework Based on BIM and GIS
Automated Clash Resolution of Steel Rebar in RC Beam-Column Joints Using BIM and GA
Automated Optimization of RC Building Frames using BIM and Hybrid GA
BIM- and IoT-based Framework for Building Energy Consumption and Indoor Human Comfort Management
Comparison of Marker-based AR and Marker-less AR: A Case Study on Indoor Decoration System
Improve Indoor Acoustics Performance by Using Building Information Modeling
Transformation of Semantic Information-rich Underground Utility Models Between BIM and Web GIS
A framework for 3D traffic noise mapping using data from BIM and GIS integration
Analytical review and evaluation of civil information modelling
Development of a Mixed Pixel Filter for Improved Dimension Estimation Using AMCW Laser Scanner
Evaluation of environmental friendliness of concrete paving eco-blocks using LCA approach
A BIM-based Facility Management Framework for Automatic Scheduling of Maintenance Work Orders
A BIM-based Framework for Lifting Planning in Disassembly of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms
A global review and evaluation of civil information modeling
Construction Supply Chain Coordination Leveraging 4D BIM and GIS Integration
Site-specific Modular Design Optimization for High-rise Residential Buildings
Time-based Construction Waste Management Planning Using Building Information Modeling (BIM)
A BIM-based automated site layout planning framework for congested construction sites
A data-driven study of important climate factors on the achievement of LEED-EB credits
A review of the efforts and roles of the public sector for BIM adoption worldwide
An Ontology-based Web Service Framework for Construction Supply Chain Collaboration and Management
Automatic Transformation of Different Levels of Detail in 3D GIS City Models in CityGML
A cloud based BIM framework for construction site layout planning
A framework for integrating energy simulation data in building information modeling
A Systematic Approach for Low Carbon Concrete Mix Design and Production
An integrated BIM-GIS framework for utility information management and analyses
Assessing the impact of experienced project team members in green building projects
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Using BIM Technology
Identifying the success and failure factors of green building projects
Mirror-based scanning system for side surface dimension inspection of precast concrete slab
Modeling and management of utility information using a 3D BIM-GIS integration framework
Selection of LEED-NC target credits based on case-based reasoning
Sustainability assessment of aggregates derived from wastes in Hong Kong by using LCA techniques
A bim-based web service framework for green building energy simulation and code checking
Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting Methods for Steel Production in China
Local Carbon Inventory Database for Construction Materials: Approaches and Potential Impacts
A BIM Based Construction Site Layout Planning Framework Considering Actual Travel Paths
Analysis of the Related Credits in LEED Green Building Rating System Using Data Mining Techniques
BIMCloud: A Cloud Computing Approach to Partial Exchange of BIM Models
BIMCloud: A Distributed Cloud-based Social BIM Framework for Project Collaboration
Cloud-BIM based dimensional quality assessment of full-scale precast concrete elements
Development of a Decision Support System for LEED for EB Credit Selection Based on Climate Factors
Integrating BIM and GIS for urban planning purposes considering acoustics
Social network analysis on the inter-organizational interactions in green building projects
A BIM-based system for demolition and renovation waste estimation and planning
A Web-based Collaborative System Framework for Green Building Certification
Analysis of the scope and trends of worldwide green building assessment standards
A study of the relationship between credits in the LEED-EB&OB green building rating system
Analysis of the Scope and Trends of Worldwide Green Building Assessment Standards
Developing an Agent-based Decision Support System for Construction Waste Management
Development of a Local Embodied Carbon Database for Construction Materials
Formulation of a framework for quality assessment of precast concrete based on 3D laser scanning
Mapping Between BIM Models and 3D GIS City Models of Different Levels of Detail
A study of the relationship between credits in the LEED-EB&OB green building rating system
A BIM-based framework for lifecycle environmental assessment of buildings
A BIM-based system for demolition and renovation waste quantification and planning
A gbXML-based web service framework for green building design and rule-based code checking
Carbon measurement of Hong Kong construction materials using life cycle assessment - cement
Carbon measurement of Hong Kong construction materials using life cycle assessment - cement
Collaborative System for HK-BEAM Green Building Certification
Environmental life cycle assessment of construction materials
Mapping BIM models and 3D GIS models using schema matching and linguistic methods
A service oriented framework for construction supply chain integration
Gauging agency involvement environmental management in text analysis of laws and regulations
Minoe: A software tool to analyze ocean management efforts in the context of ecosystems
A BIM-based location aware AR collaborative framework for facility maintenance management
A Comprehensive Approach to Mitigation of Embodied Carbon in Reinforced Concrete Buildings
An integrated underground utility management and decision support based on BIM and GIS
Automatic Generation of Fabrication Drawings For Façade Mullions and Transoms Through BIM Model
Development of High-accuracy Edge Line Estimation Algorithms Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Integrating 4D BIM and GIS for Construction Supply Chain Management
Natural-language-based Intelligent Retrieval Engine for BIM Object Database
Book chapter
A Methodology for Indoor Human Comfort Analysis Based on BIM and Ontology
Conference paper
Analysis of Pedestrian Walkability Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning
Conference paper
BIM- And IoT-based framework for building energy consumption and indoor human comfort management
Conference paper
Conference paper
Construction Payment Automation Through Smart Contract-based Blockchain Framework
Conference paper
Deep learning-based scan-to-BIM framework for complex MEP scene using laser scanning data
Conference paper
Conference paper
Developing efficient mechanisms for BIM model simplification
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Semantic Segmentation of Sewer Pipe Defects Using Deep Dilated Convolutional Neural Network
Conference paper
Conference paper
Automatic As-built BIM Creation of Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Panels Using Laser Scan Data
BIM-based Framework for Automatic Scheduling of Facility Maintenance Work Orders
Critical success and failure factors for managing green building projects
Holistic BIM Framework for Sustainable Low Carbon Design of High-rise Buildings
A BIM-based approach for implementing WELL standard on human health and comfort analysis
Conference paper
A secure and distributed construction document management system using blockchain
Conference paper
An ontology-based approach for information interoperability between BIM and facility management
Conference paper
Conference paper
BIM-based Automatic Pipe Routing Design Using 3D A* Algorithm
Conference paper
Conference paper
Deep learning-based real-time damage detection for sewer pipe inspection using faster R-CNN
Conference paper
Conference paper
Developing a Location Aware Building Information Modeling System for Facility Maintenance Management
Conference paper
Developing a Location Aware Building Information Modeling System for Facility Maintenance Management
Conference paper
Conference paper
Fully integrated 3D ground motion simulation on Site-City Interaction in an urban transport hub
Conference paper
Conference paper
Influencing factors of edge line estimation accuracy based on terrestrial laser scanning
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Towards automated generation of parametric BIM for steel structures based on laser scanning data
Conference paper
A BIM-based Framework for Lift Planning in Topsides Disassembly of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms
Automated estimation of reinforced precast concrete rebar positions using colored laser scan data
Comparative LCA On Using Waste Materials In The Cement Industry: A Hong Kong Case Study
A BIM-based framework for automated generation of façade panel fabrication drawings
Conference paper
A Comparative Study on Economic Policies for Construction and Demolition Waste Minimisation
Conference paper
An Integrated Underground Utility Management and Decision Support Framework Based on BIM and GIS
Conference paper
Automated Clash Resolution of Steel Rebar in RC Beam-Column Joints Using BIM and GA
Conference paper
Automated Optimization of RC Building Frames using BIM and Hybrid GA
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
BIM- and IoT-based Framework for Building Energy Consumption and Indoor Human Comfort Management
Conference paper
Comparison of Marker-based AR and Marker-less AR: A Case Study on Indoor Decoration System
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improve Indoor Acoustics Performance by Using Building Information Modeling
Conference paper
IT for Lean Construction - A Survey in India
Conference paper
Transformation of Semantic Information-rich Underground Utility Models Between BIM and Web GIS
Conference paper
A framework for 3D traffic noise mapping using data from BIM and GIS integration
Analytical review and evaluation of civil information modelling
Development of a Mixed Pixel Filter for Improved Dimension Estimation Using AMCW Laser Scanner
Evaluation of environmental friendliness of concrete paving eco-blocks using LCA approach
Engineering Applications of the Cloud
Book chapter
Conference paper
A BIM-based Facility Management Framework for Automatic Scheduling of Maintenance Work Orders
Conference paper
A BIM-based Framework for Lifting Planning in Disassembly of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms
Conference paper
A global review and evaluation of civil information modeling
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Construction Supply Chain Coordination Leveraging 4D BIM and GIS Integration
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Site-specific Modular Design Optimization for High-rise Residential Buildings
Conference paper
Time-based Construction Waste Management Planning Using Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Conference paper
A BIM-based automated site layout planning framework for congested construction sites
A data-driven study of important climate factors on the achievement of LEED-EB credits
A review of the efforts and roles of the public sector for BIM adoption worldwide
An Ontology-based Web Service Framework for Construction Supply Chain Collaboration and Management
Automatic Transformation of Different Levels of Detail in 3D GIS City Models in CityGML
A BIM-based Framework for Material Logistics Planning
Conference paper
A cloud based BIM framework for construction site layout planning
Conference paper
A Framework for Financial Decision Making Based on 5D BIM
Conference paper
A framework for integrating energy simulation data in building information modeling
Conference paper
A Systematic Approach for Low Carbon Concrete Mix Design and Production
Conference paper
An integrated BIM-GIS framework for utility information management and analyses
Conference paper
Assessing the impact of experienced project team members in green building projects
Conference paper
Conference paper
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Using BIM Technology
Conference paper
Identifying the success and failure factors of green building projects
Conference paper
Mirror-based scanning system for side surface dimension inspection of precast concrete slab
Conference paper
Modeling and management of utility information using a 3D BIM-GIS integration framework
Conference paper
Selection of LEED-NC target credits based on case-based reasoning
Conference paper
Conference paper
Sustainability assessment of aggregates derived from wastes in Hong Kong by using LCA techniques