PhD in Civil Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2009
Recursive modal properties of fractal monopodial trees, from finite to infinite order
Extended Modified Bridge System (EMBS) method for decoupling seismic vehicle‐bridge interaction
Modal properties of fractal trees as recursive analytical solutions
Utilizing on-board sensing of passing train vehicles for virtual sensing of bridges
Conference paper
Statistical property parameterization of simple rocking block response
Conference paper
A Semi-analytical Approach to Approximate Chattering Time of Rocking Structures
Conference paper
An asymptotic approximation of the chattering time for the rocking problem
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Response Reconstruction in Bridges Using On-Board Measurements from Passing Vehicles
Conference paper
Rocking intensity measures: from interface variables to response proxies
Conference paper
Seismic rocking response classification through the lens of a machine learning methodology
Conference paper
Conference paper
Chattering: an overlooked peculiarity of rocking motion
Effect of a longitudinal crack on the flexural performance of bamboo culms
Insight into the behaviour of bamboo culms subjected to bending
Prediction of bamboo culm embedment properties parallel to grain via dimensional analysis
Simulation and experimental verification of an original full-scale bamboo truss
Subspace identification of bridge dynamics via traversing vehicle measurements
Analytical prediction of failure mechanism and failure moment in full-culm bamboo bending tests
Conference paper
Design of multiculm bamboo members with bolted connections
Conference paper
Modeling embedment in bamboo culms and full-culm bamboo bolted connections
Conference paper
A Dynamic Partitioning Method to solve the vehicle-bridge interaction problem
Non-Linear Behaviour and Failure Mechanism of Bamboo Poles in Bending
Pilot Study on Capacity-Based Design of Multiculm Bamboo Axial Members with Dowel-Type Connections
Simulation of embedment phenomena on bamboo culms via a modified foundation modelling approach
A systematic approach to solve the vehicle-bridge interaction problem under earthquake
Conference paper
Effect of Vehicle-Bridge Interaction On the Vibration of the Bridge
Conference paper
A Modified Bridge System Method to Characterize and Decouple Vehicle-Bridge Interaction
Additional damping effect on bridges because of vehicle-bridge interaction
MDOF extension of the Modified Bridge System method for vehicle-bridge interaction
Quasi-static Reversed Cyclic Testing of Multi-culm Bamboo Members With Steel Connectors
Experimental characterization of multi-full-culm bamboo to steel connections
Conference paper
Monotonic Loading Testing and Characterization of New Multi-full-culm Bamboo to Steel Connections
A rational method to decouple the train-bridge interaction problem
Conference paper
Characterizing the Performance of Transversely Confined Multi-culm Bamboo to Steel Connections
Conference paper
Numerical simulation of full-culm bamboo structural member connections
Conference paper
Vehicle-bridge interaction analysis using the localized Lagrange multipliers approach
Conference paper
A Localized Lagrange Multipliers Approach for the Problem of Vehicle-bridge-interaction
Rocking amplification and strong-motion duration
Vehicle-bridge interaction analysis modeling derailment during earthquakes
Edge bearing induced failure of full culm bamboo
Conference paper
Conference paper
Estimation of Bridge Frequencies From a Passing Vehicle
Conference paper
Conference paper
In quest of optimal intensity measures of rocking behavior
Conference paper
Seismic analysis between trains and bridges using a localized Lagrange multipliers approach
Conference paper
Simultaneous Vibration Control and Energy Harvesting Using Actor-critic Based Reinforcement Learning
Conference paper
Comparative Evaluation of Two Simulation Approaches of Deck-abutment Pounding in Bridges
Design and Experimental Verification of Easily Constructible Bamboo Footbridges for Rural Areas
Dynamic Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Under Simultaneous Vertical Earthquake Excitation
Nonsmooth Dynamic Analysis of Sticking Impacts in Rocking Structures
Nonsmooth Dynamics Prediction of Measured Bridge Response Involving Deck-abutment Pounding
Seismic Performance of Rocking Frames with Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Behavior
A new family of probabilistic seismic demand models for rocking structures
Conference paper
Comparative Study of Deck-abutment Interaction With Different Contact Models
Conference paper
Derailment Mechanism of Trains Running Over Bridges During Strong Earthquakes
Conference paper
Easily constructable bamboo footbridges for rural areas
Conference paper
Extraction of bridge frequencies from a passing vehicle by stochastic subspace identification
Conference paper
Nonsmooth Modelling of Impacts in Rocking Structures with Poisson's Law
Conference paper
Nonsmooth Modelling Ofimpactsinrocking Structures with Poisson's Law
Conference paper
Conference paper
Seismic Reliability Assessment of Rocking Bridge Bents with Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Behavior
Conference paper
Seismic Response Analysis of an Interacting Train-Bridge System considering Derailment
Conference paper
Vulnerability Assessment of Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Rocking Bridge Bents
Conference paper
Closed-Form Rocking Overturning Conditions for a Family of Pulse Ground Motions
Dynamic Response of High Speed Vehicles and Sustaining Curved Bridges Under Conditions of Resonance
Seismic Response Analysis of an Interacting Curved Bridge–train System Under Frequent Earthquakes
Dynamic Interaction of High Speed Trains and Curved Bridges Under Resonance Conditions
Conference paper
Conference paper
Modelling Contact in Rocking Structures with a Nonsmooth Dynamics Approach
Conference paper
On the safety of high-speed trains running on bridges during earthquakes
Conference paper
The Role of the Prestressed Tendons on the Seismic Performance of Hybrid Rocking Bridge Bents
Conference paper
Dimensionless fragility curves for rocking response to near-fault excitations
Seismic Response Analysis of the Planar Rocking Frame
Vulnerability assessment and feasibility analysis of seismic strengthening of school buildings
Conference paper
Nonlinear Effects of Energy Harvesting Circuit Topology on a Structure-harvester System
Conference paper
Seismic Reliability Aseessment of Rocking Behaviour Under Near-Fault Excitations
Conference paper
Conference paper
Seismic Response Analysis of a Coupled Vehicle - Bridge System
Conference paper
Conference paper
Seismic response analysis of interacting vehicle - bridge systems under frequent earthquakes
Conference paper
Seismic Response of Rocking Bridge Bents with Parameterized Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Behavior
Conference paper
Conference paper
Dynamically equivalent rocking structures
Dynamic interaction between high-speed trains and curved railway bridges
Conference paper
Nonsmooth Analysis of the Earthquake-Induced Pounding in Skew Bridges
Conference paper
Scavenging Vibration Energy from Seismically-isolated Bridges Using an Electromagnetic Harvester
Conference paper
Seismic Analysis of the Hybrid Rocking Bridge Bents
Conference paper
Seismic safety and vulnerability mitigation of school buildings
Conference paper
Towards a Unified Description of Rocking Structures
Conference paper
Seismic Overturning of Rocking Structures with External Viscous Dampers
Harvesting Vibration Energy Using a Tuned Mass Damper with an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester
Conference paper
Seismic Assessment of Rocking Bridge Bents using an Equivalent Rocking Block
Conference paper
Nonsmooth Analysis of the Impact Between Successive Skew Bridge-segments
Overturning of Retrofitted Rocking Structures under Pulse-Type Excitations
Revisiting the rocking block: Closed-form solutions and similarity laws
Conference paper
Conference paper
Dimensional analysis of the earthquake-induced pounding between inelastic structures
Seismic response analysis of skew bridges with pounding deck-abutment joints
Seismic overturning of damped rocking structures
Conference paper
Analysis of a frictional oblique impact observed in skew bridges
Dimensional analysis of the earthquake response of a pounding oscillator
A Semi-analytical Approach to Approximate Chattering Time of Rocking Structures
An asymptotic approximation of the chattering time for the rocking problem
Response Reconstruction in Bridges Using On-Board Measurements from Passing Vehicles
Rocking intensity measures: from interface variables to response proxies
Seismic rocking response classification through the lens of a machine learning methodology
Effect of a longitudinal crack on the flexural performance of bamboo culms
Insight into the behaviour of bamboo culms subjected to bending
Prediction of bamboo culm embedment properties parallel to grain via dimensional analysis
Simulation and experimental verification of an original full-scale bamboo truss
Subspace identification of bridge dynamics via traversing vehicle measurements
A Dynamic Partitioning Method to solve the vehicle-bridge interaction problem
Non-Linear Behaviour and Failure Mechanism of Bamboo Poles in Bending
Pilot Study on Capacity-Based Design of Multiculm Bamboo Axial Members with Dowel-Type Connections
Simulation of embedment phenomena on bamboo culms via a modified foundation modelling approach
A Modified Bridge System Method to Characterize and Decouple Vehicle-Bridge Interaction
Additional damping effect on bridges because of vehicle-bridge interaction
MDOF extension of the Modified Bridge System method for vehicle-bridge interaction
Quasi-static Reversed Cyclic Testing of Multi-culm Bamboo Members With Steel Connectors
Experimental characterization of multi-full-culm bamboo to steel connections
Monotonic Loading Testing and Characterization of New Multi-full-culm Bamboo to Steel Connections
A rational method to decouple the train-bridge interaction problem
Characterizing the Performance of Transversely Confined Multi-culm Bamboo to Steel Connections
Numerical simulation of full-culm bamboo structural member connections
Vehicle-bridge interaction analysis using the localized Lagrange multipliers approach
A Localized Lagrange Multipliers Approach for the Problem of Vehicle-bridge-interaction
Vehicle-bridge interaction analysis modeling derailment during earthquakes
Comparative Evaluation of Two Simulation Approaches of Deck-abutment Pounding in Bridges
Design and Experimental Verification of Easily Constructible Bamboo Footbridges for Rural Areas
Dynamic Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Under Simultaneous Vertical Earthquake Excitation
Nonsmooth Dynamic Analysis of Sticking Impacts in Rocking Structures
Nonsmooth Dynamics Prediction of Measured Bridge Response Involving Deck-abutment Pounding
Seismic Performance of Rocking Frames with Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Behavior
A new family of probabilistic seismic demand models for rocking structures
Comparative Study of Deck-abutment Interaction With Different Contact Models
Derailment Mechanism of Trains Running Over Bridges During Strong Earthquakes
Extraction of bridge frequencies from a passing vehicle by stochastic subspace identification
Nonsmooth Modelling of Impacts in Rocking Structures with Poisson's Law
Nonsmooth Modelling Ofimpactsinrocking Structures with Poisson's Law
Seismic Reliability Assessment of Rocking Bridge Bents with Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Behavior
Seismic Response Analysis of an Interacting Train-Bridge System considering Derailment
Vulnerability Assessment of Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Rocking Bridge Bents
Closed-Form Rocking Overturning Conditions for a Family of Pulse Ground Motions
Dynamic Response of High Speed Vehicles and Sustaining Curved Bridges Under Conditions of Resonance
Seismic Response Analysis of an Interacting Curved Bridge–train System Under Frequent Earthquakes
Dynamic Interaction of High Speed Trains and Curved Bridges Under Resonance Conditions
Modelling Contact in Rocking Structures with a Nonsmooth Dynamics Approach
On the safety of high-speed trains running on bridges during earthquakes
The Role of the Prestressed Tendons on the Seismic Performance of Hybrid Rocking Bridge Bents
Dimensionless fragility curves for rocking response to near-fault excitations
Vulnerability assessment and feasibility analysis of seismic strengthening of school buildings
Nonlinear Effects of Energy Harvesting Circuit Topology on a Structure-harvester System
Seismic Reliability Aseessment of Rocking Behaviour Under Near-Fault Excitations
Seismic Response Analysis of a Coupled Vehicle - Bridge System
Seismic response analysis of interacting vehicle - bridge systems under frequent earthquakes
Seismic Response of Rocking Bridge Bents with Parameterized Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Behavior
Dynamic interaction between high-speed trains and curved railway bridges
Nonsmooth Analysis of the Earthquake-Induced Pounding in Skew Bridges
Scavenging Vibration Energy from Seismically-isolated Bridges Using an Electromagnetic Harvester
Seismic safety and vulnerability mitigation of school buildings
Dimensional analysis of the earthquake-induced pounding between inelastic structures
Seismic response analysis of skew bridges with pounding deck-abutment joints
Monotonic Loading Testing and Characterization of New Multi-full-culm Bamboo to Steel Connections
A rational method to decouple the train-bridge interaction problem
Conference paper
Characterizing the Performance of Transversely Confined Multi-culm Bamboo to Steel Connections
Conference paper
Numerical simulation of full-culm bamboo structural member connections
Conference paper
Vehicle-bridge interaction analysis using the localized Lagrange multipliers approach
Conference paper
A Localized Lagrange Multipliers Approach for the Problem of Vehicle-bridge-interaction
Rocking amplification and strong-motion duration
Vehicle-bridge interaction analysis modeling derailment during earthquakes
Edge bearing induced failure of full culm bamboo
Conference paper
Conference paper
Estimation of Bridge Frequencies From a Passing Vehicle
Conference paper
Conference paper
In quest of optimal intensity measures of rocking behavior
Conference paper
Seismic analysis between trains and bridges using a localized Lagrange multipliers approach
Conference paper
Simultaneous Vibration Control and Energy Harvesting Using Actor-critic Based Reinforcement Learning
Conference paper
Comparative Evaluation of Two Simulation Approaches of Deck-abutment Pounding in Bridges
Design and Experimental Verification of Easily Constructible Bamboo Footbridges for Rural Areas
Dynamic Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Under Simultaneous Vertical Earthquake Excitation
Nonsmooth Dynamic Analysis of Sticking Impacts in Rocking Structures
Nonsmooth Dynamics Prediction of Measured Bridge Response Involving Deck-abutment Pounding
Seismic Performance of Rocking Frames with Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Behavior
A new family of probabilistic seismic demand models for rocking structures
Conference paper
Comparative Study of Deck-abutment Interaction With Different Contact Models
Conference paper
Derailment Mechanism of Trains Running Over Bridges During Strong Earthquakes
Conference paper
Easily constructable bamboo footbridges for rural areas
Conference paper
Extraction of bridge frequencies from a passing vehicle by stochastic subspace identification
Conference paper
Nonsmooth Modelling of Impacts in Rocking Structures with Poisson's Law
Conference paper
Nonsmooth Modelling Ofimpactsinrocking Structures with Poisson's Law
Conference paper
Conference paper
Seismic Reliability Assessment of Rocking Bridge Bents with Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Behavior
Conference paper
Seismic Response Analysis of an Interacting Train-Bridge System considering Derailment
Conference paper
Vulnerability Assessment of Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Rocking Bridge Bents
Conference paper
Closed-Form Rocking Overturning Conditions for a Family of Pulse Ground Motions
Dynamic Response of High Speed Vehicles and Sustaining Curved Bridges Under Conditions of Resonance
Seismic Response Analysis of an Interacting Curved Bridge–train System Under Frequent Earthquakes
Dynamic Interaction of High Speed Trains and Curved Bridges Under Resonance Conditions
Conference paper
Conference paper
Modelling Contact in Rocking Structures with a Nonsmooth Dynamics Approach
Conference paper
On the safety of high-speed trains running on bridges during earthquakes
Conference paper
The Role of the Prestressed Tendons on the Seismic Performance of Hybrid Rocking Bridge Bents
Conference paper
Dimensionless fragility curves for rocking response to near-fault excitations
Seismic Response Analysis of the Planar Rocking Frame
Vulnerability assessment and feasibility analysis of seismic strengthening of school buildings
Conference paper
Nonlinear Effects of Energy Harvesting Circuit Topology on a Structure-harvester System
Conference paper
Seismic Reliability Aseessment of Rocking Behaviour Under Near-Fault Excitations
Conference paper
Conference paper
Seismic Response Analysis of a Coupled Vehicle - Bridge System
Conference paper
Conference paper
Seismic response analysis of interacting vehicle - bridge systems under frequent earthquakes
Conference paper
Seismic Response of Rocking Bridge Bents with Parameterized Flag-Shaped Hysteretic Behavior
Conference paper
Conference paper
Dynamically equivalent rocking structures
Dynamic interaction between high-speed trains and curved railway bridges
Conference paper
Nonsmooth Analysis of the Earthquake-Induced Pounding in Skew Bridges
Conference paper
Scavenging Vibration Energy from Seismically-isolated Bridges Using an Electromagnetic Harvester
Conference paper
Seismic Analysis of the Hybrid Rocking Bridge Bents
Conference paper
Seismic safety and vulnerability mitigation of school buildings
Conference paper
Towards a Unified Description of Rocking Structures
Conference paper
Seismic Overturning of Rocking Structures with External Viscous Dampers
Harvesting Vibration Energy Using a Tuned Mass Damper with an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester
Conference paper
Seismic Assessment of Rocking Bridge Bents using an Equivalent Rocking Block
Conference paper
Nonsmooth Analysis of the Impact Between Successive Skew Bridge-segments
Overturning of Retrofitted Rocking Structures under Pulse-Type Excitations
Revisiting the rocking block: Closed-form solutions and similarity laws
Conference paper
Conference paper
Dimensional analysis of the earthquake-induced pounding between inelastic structures
Seismic response analysis of skew bridges with pounding deck-abutment joints
Seismic overturning of damped rocking structures
Conference paper
Analysis of a frictional oblique impact observed in skew bridges
Dimensional analysis of the earthquake response of a pounding oscillator
UROP1100N | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 1 |
UROP1000 | Undergraduate Research Opportunities |
CIVL3320 | Reinforced Concrete Design |
CIVL4910 | Civil and Environmental Engineering Final Year Project |
CIVL5350 | Bridge Engineering |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
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