PhD in Mathematics
Stanford University, 2007
Algebraic virtual cycles for quantum singularity theories
An effective theory of GW and FJRW invariants of quintics Calabi-Yau manifolds
Polynomial structure of Gromov-Witten potential of quintic 3-folds
The theory of n –mixed-spin-p fields
A Vanishing Associated with Irregular MSP Fields
Invariants of stable quasimaps with fields
Mixed-Spin-P fields of Fermat polynomials
Virtual Residue and an Integral Formalism
A Survey on Mixed Spin P-fields
Torus Localization and Wall Crossing for Cosection Localized Virtual Cycles
On the Mathematics and Physics of Mixed Spin P-fields
Conference paper
An algebraic proof of the hyperplane property of the genus one GW-invariants of quintics
Witten’s top Chern class via cosection localization
MSP fields and Gromov Witten invariants of Quintic Calabi Yau threefold
Conference paper
A Vanishing Result for Donaldson Thomas Invariants of P-1 Scroll
Algebro-geometric approach toward higher genus GW invariants of Quintics
Conference paper
Landau Ginzburg type theories from algebraic geometry
Conference paper
Landau Ginzburg Type Theories from Algebraic Geometry
Conference paper
Physics motivation and a fast Introduction to theories of P fields and Spin-curves
Conference paper
Poincaré invariants are Seiberg–Witten invariants
On A twisted Landau-Ginzburg Type Theory
Conference paper
On Algebraic Geometric Construction of Enumerative Invariants
Conference paper
Witten's Top Chern Class Revisited
Conference paper
Gromov-Witten Invariants of Stable Maps with Fields
Algebraic geometric construction of Gun-Sharpe-Witten model and Fan-Jarvis-Ruan Witten theory
Conference paper
Introduction to Gromov Witten and Fan Jarvis Ruan Witten Theory (I,II)
Conference paper
Introduction to Gromov Witten and Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten theory
Conference paper
The conference of Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics (MSRT)
Conference paper
Semi-perfect obstruction theory and Donaldson–Thomas invariants of derived objects
Algebraic geometry of A-twsited Landau Ginzburg theory
Conference paper
Algebraic geometry of A-twsited topological string theory of Landau Ginzburg type
Conference paper
Introduction to Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten theory
Conference paper
Moduli of stable maps with elds and its applications
Conference paper
Conference paper
On Algebro-geometric proof of Li-Zinger Conjecture for g=1 Gromov-Witten invariant of Quintic
Conference paper
Toward Algebraic geometry of Gauged Linear Sigma model in A side
Conference paper
On Donaldson-Thomas invariants of P1 scroll
Conference paper
On genus one Gromov Witten invariant of Quintic threefold
Conference paper
Toward algebraic geometry behind Gauged Linear Sigma model in all genus
Conference paper
Conference paper
Characterization of maps having the KKM property
MSP fields and Gromov Witten invariants of Quintic Calabi Yau threefold
Mixed-Spin-P fields of Fermat polynomials
Virtual Residue and an Integral Formalism
A Survey on Mixed Spin P-fields
Torus Localization and Wall Crossing for Cosection Localized Virtual Cycles
On the Mathematics and Physics of Mixed Spin P-fields
Conference paper
An algebraic proof of the hyperplane property of the genus one GW-invariants of quintics
Witten’s top Chern class via cosection localization
MSP fields and Gromov Witten invariants of Quintic Calabi Yau threefold
Conference paper
A Vanishing Result for Donaldson Thomas Invariants of P-1 Scroll
Algebro-geometric approach toward higher genus GW invariants of Quintics
Conference paper
Landau Ginzburg type theories from algebraic geometry
Conference paper
Landau Ginzburg Type Theories from Algebraic Geometry
Conference paper
Physics motivation and a fast Introduction to theories of P fields and Spin-curves
Conference paper
Poincaré invariants are Seiberg–Witten invariants
On A twisted Landau-Ginzburg Type Theory
Conference paper
On Algebraic Geometric Construction of Enumerative Invariants
Conference paper
Witten's Top Chern Class Revisited
Conference paper
Gromov-Witten Invariants of Stable Maps with Fields
Algebraic geometric construction of Gun-Sharpe-Witten model and Fan-Jarvis-Ruan Witten theory
Conference paper
Introduction to Gromov Witten and Fan Jarvis Ruan Witten Theory (I,II)
Conference paper
Introduction to Gromov Witten and Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten theory
Conference paper
The conference of Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics (MSRT)
Conference paper
Semi-perfect obstruction theory and Donaldson–Thomas invariants of derived objects
Algebraic geometry of A-twsited Landau Ginzburg theory
Conference paper
Algebraic geometry of A-twsited topological string theory of Landau Ginzburg type
Conference paper
Introduction to Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten theory
Conference paper
Moduli of stable maps with elds and its applications
Conference paper
Conference paper
On Algebro-geometric proof of Li-Zinger Conjecture for g=1 Gromov-Witten invariant of Quintic
Conference paper
Toward Algebraic geometry of Gauged Linear Sigma model in A side
Conference paper
On Donaldson-Thomas invariants of P1 scroll
Conference paper
On genus one Gromov Witten invariant of Quintic threefold
Conference paper
Toward algebraic geometry behind Gauged Linear Sigma model in all genus
Conference paper
Conference paper
Characterization of maps having the KKM property
No Publications |
No Publications |
MATH6913C | Reading Course: Gap Conjecture via MSP Theory |
MATH3121 | Abstract Algebra |
MATH4052 | Partial Differential Equations |
MATH6250L | Higher Loops in Topological Strings |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
ZHANG, Huaigong
YOU, Lei
WANG, Zhiyong
Mathematics( Completed in 2022 )
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