PhD in Electrical Engineering
The University of Maryland, 2004
CRTF-MoeICP: A robust coarse-to-fine reflector-based LiDAR indoor positioning algorithm
Distributed field mapping for mobile sensor teams using a derivative-free optimisation algorithm
Dynamic event-triggered integrated task and motion planning for process-aware source seeking
Fault-Tolerant Motion Control for Catamaran Under Single Hull Failure
Metastructure-Enabled Underwater Acoustic Integrated Sensing and Communication
Online Learning Based Shape Control for a Soft Manipulator Based on Spatial Features Feedback
Trust-Preserved Human-Robot Shared Autonomy Enabled by Bayesian Relational Event Modeling
A Hybrid Controller Design for Human-Assistive Piloting of an Underactuated Blimp
Conference paper
Development of Desktop-Size Marine Swarm Research Platform
Conference paper
Bio-inspired robotic fish enabled motion tomography
Modeling collective motion for fish schooling via multi-agent reinforcement learning
Performance Prediction of Fundamental Transcriptional Programs
Planning and Motion Control for Underwater Bimanual Soft Manipulator in Underwater Grasping Task
Conference paper
An Interleaved Algorithm for Integration of Robotic Task and Motion Planning
Conference paper
Anomaly Detection of Underwater Gliders Verified by Deployment Data
Conference paper
Cognition Difference-Based Dynamic Trust Network for Distributed Bayesian Data Fusion
Conference paper
CoralBuddy-1: A Micro-Sized Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Offshore Coral Reef Monitoring
Conference paper
Conference paper
Event-triggered Basis Augmentation for Data-driven Adaptive Control
Conference paper
Game-Theoretical Approach to Multi-Robot Task Allocation Using a Bio-Inspired Optimization Strategy
Conference paper
General Anomaly Detection of Underwater Gliders Validated by Large-scale Deployment Datasets
Conference paper
Hybrid Co-Learning for Proximate Human-Robot Teaming
Conference paper
Hybrid SUSD-Based Task Allocation for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Teams
Conference paper
Integrated Task and Motion Planning for Process-aware Source Seeking
Conference paper
Real-time Autonomous Glider Navigation Software
Conference paper
The Open-Blimp: An Open-Source Blimp Platform for Lighter-Than-Air Research
Conference paper
Underwater swarm formation control with distributed beamforming
Conference paper
A Distributed Active Perception Strategy for Source Seeking and Level Curve Tracking
Autopilot design of a class of miniature autonomous blimps enabled by switched controllers
Bayesian Learning Model Predictive Control for Process-Aware Source Seeking
Human pointing motion during interaction with an autonomous blimp
Improved trajectory tracing of underwater vehicles for flow field mapping
Kinematic Control for Crossed-Fiber-Reinforced Soft Manipulator Using Sparse Bayesian Learning
Method of evolving junction on optimal path planning in flows fields
Modeling and learning underwater acoustic channel parameters through deep recursive neural networks
Multi-MAV Autonomous Full Coverage Search in Cluttered Forest Environments
R&D of a low-complexity OFDM acoustic communication payload for Micro-AUV in confined space
BlueBuzz, an Open-Source Acoustic Modem
Conference paper
Collaborative Persistent Excitation in RKHS Embedded Adaptive Estimation with Consensus
Conference paper
Cooperative Filtering and Parameter Estimation for Polynomial PDEs using a Mobile Sensor Network
Conference paper
Demo: The integration of mu-Net and BlueBuzz Acoustic Modem
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Integration of Acoustic Communication with Underwater Autonomy: A Case Study
Conference paper
Lyapunov-Net: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Lyapunov Function Approximation
Conference paper
Miniature Autonomous Blimps for Indoor Applications
Conference paper
Opinion Dynamics on the Sphere for Stable Consensus and Stable Bipartite Dissensus
Conference paper
Plume tracing simulations using multiple autonomous underwater vehicles
Conference paper
Risk-Aware Model Predictive Control Enabled by Bayesian Learning
Conference paper
RoboMaze: Swarm Robotics and Coordinated Navigation in Smart City
Conference paper
A bio-inspired localization-free stochastic coverage algorithm with verified reachability
Adaptiveness and consistency of a class of online ensemble learning algorithms
An algorithm for computing robust forward invariant sets of two dimensional nonlinear systems
Contention-resolving model predictive control for an intelligent intersection traffic model
Learning and detecting abnormal speed of marine robots
Modeling and Control of Swing Oscillation of Underactuated Indoor Miniature Autonomous Blimps
Mu-Net: Community-shared infrastructure for mobile underwater acoustic networks
Path-Guided Containment Maneuvering of Mobile Robots: Theory and Experiments
Swing-Reducing Flight Control System for an Underactuated Indoor Miniature Autonomous Blimp
Tracking moving mesoscale eddies with underwater gliders under autonomous prediction and control
Conference paper
A Laplacian Regularized Least Square Algorithm for Motion Tomography
Conference paper
Belief Space Partitioning for Symbolic Motion Planning
Conference paper
Dissensus Algorithms for Opinion Dynamics on the Sphere
Conference paper
Evaluating underwater acoustics sensor network based on sparse LMS algorithm driven physical layer
Conference paper
First Step Towards μnet: Open-Access Aquatic Testbeds and Robotic Ecosystem
Conference paper
Contention-resolving model predictive control for coupled control systems with a shared resource
A Deep Learning Approach to Localization for Navigation on a Miniature Autonomous Blimp
Conference paper
A distributed scalar field mapping strategy for mobile robots
Conference paper
Bounded Cost HTN Planning for Marine Autonomy
Conference paper
Level Curve Tracking without Localization Enabled by Recurrent Neural Networks
Conference paper
Conference paper
Optimal Real-time Scheduling of Human Attention for a Human and Multi-robot Collaboration System
Conference paper
Planning for Fish Net Inspection with an Autonomous OSV
Conference paper
Set-based state estimation of mobile robots from coarse range measurements
Conference paper
A data assimilation framework for data-driven flow models enabled by motion tomography
A Gradient-Free Three-Dimensional Source Seeking Strategy With Robustness Analysis
Autonomous flying blimp interaction with human in an indoor space
Design and Evaluation of an Acoustic Modem for a Small Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle
Distributed Traversability Analysis of Flow Field under Communication Constraints
A Multi-Layer Swarm Control Model for Information Propagation and Multi-Tasking
Conference paper
An LSTM based kalman filter for spatio-temporal ocean currents assimilation
Conference paper
Avoiding Chatter in an Online Co-Learning Algorithm Predicting Human Intention
Conference paper
Conference paper
Distributed motion tomography for reconstruction of flow fields
Conference paper
Modeling Pointing Tasks in Human-Blimp Interactions
Conference paper
Observing an anticyclonic eddy in the South China Sea using multiple underwater gliders
Conference paper
Conference paper
Omnidirectional Surface Vehicle for Fish Cage Inspection
Conference paper
Partitioning ocean flow field for underwater vehicle path planning
Conference paper
Conference paper
R&D of a Low-Complexity OFDM Modem for Micro-AUV
Conference paper
Virtual MIMO Transmissions for Underwater Acoustic Communications with Moving Platforms
Conference paper
Controlled Lagrangian Particle Tracking: Error Growth Under Feedback Control
Conference paper
A Distributed Level Curve Tracking Control Law for Multi-Agent Systems
Conference paper
An Improved Algorithm for Motion Tomography by Incorporating Vehicle Travel Time
Conference paper
Computing Largest Tolerable Disturbance Sets
Conference paper
Consensus on a sphere for a 3-dimensional speeding up and slowing down strategy
Conference paper
Doppler correction of mobile acoustic communication via adjustable ad sampling rate
Conference paper
Evaluating acoustic communication performance of micro AUV in confined space
Conference paper
Integrating a PCA Learning Algorithm with the SUSD Strategy for a Collective Source Seeking Behavior
Conference paper
Parameter Identification of Blimp Dynamics through Swinging Motion
Conference paper
Conference paper
Underwater acoustic intensity field reconstruction by kriged compressive sensing
Conference paper
Model predictive control under timing constraints induced by controller area networks
Motion tomography: Mapping flow fields using autonomous underwater vehicles
Stability and robustness analysis for human pointing motions with acceleration under feedback delays
Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications
Trends in control and decision-making for human-robot collaboration systems
A learning algorithm to select consistent reactions to human movements
Book chapter
Scheduling Feasibility of Energy Management in Micro-Grids Based on Significant Moment Analysis
Book chapter
Conference paper
Anomaly detection for controlled Lagrangian particles
Conference paper
Autopilot design for A class of miniature autonomous blimps
Conference paper
Contention resolving optimal priority assignment for event-triggered model predictive controllers
Conference paper
Cooperative parameter identification of advection-diffusion processes using a mobile sensor network
Conference paper
Detecting abnormal speed of marine robots using controlled Lagrangian particle tracking methods
Conference paper
Explorability of a turbulent scalar field
Conference paper
Extending a routing protocol for mobile robot mesh networking
Conference paper
Monocular vision-based human following on miniature robotic blimp
Conference paper
Using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as planners for bio-inspired robotic motion
Conference paper
A speeding-up and slowing-down strategy for distributed source seeking with robustness analysis
Cyber-Maritime Cycle: Autonomy of Marine Robots for Ocean Sensing
Design and analysis of folding propulsion mechanism for hybrid-driven underwater gliders
A learning algorithm to select consistent reactions to human movements
Conference paper
A stochastic optimization framework for source seeking with infotaxis-like algorithms
Conference paper
Adaptive Learning for Controlled Lagrangian Particle Tracking
Conference paper
Adaptive planar curve tracking control with unknown curvature
Conference paper
An adaptive control law for controlled lagrangian particle tracking
Conference paper
Bio inspired source seeking: A Hybrid Speeding Up and Slowing Down Algorithm
Conference paper
Cooperative filtering for parameter identification of diffusion processes
Conference paper
Discretized boundary methods for computing smallest forward invariant sets
Conference paper
Distributed motion tomography for time-varying flow fields
Conference paper
Glider CT: Analysis and experimental validation
Conference paper
Localization of underwater gliders with acoustic travel-time in an observation network
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Nonlinear observer design for current estimation based on underwater vehicle dynamic model
Conference paper
Resolving Temporal Variations in Data-Driven Flow Models Constructed by Motion Tomography
Conference paper
Conference paper
Sampling optimization for networked underwater gliders
Conference paper
Tidal variability of acoustic detection
Conference paper
Dynamic modeling of an autonomous underwater vehicle
Dynamic real-time scheduling for human-agent collaboration systems based on mutual trust
Future trends in marine robotics
Real-time guidance of underwater gliders assisted by predictive ocean models
Robustness of adaptive control under time delays for three-dimensional curve tracking
An adaptive scheme of sharing compressed flow information among networked underwater gliders
Conference paper
Characteristics of human pointing motions with acceleration
Conference paper
Localization of autonomous underwater vehicles incorporating flow models and acoustic detection
Conference paper
Mutual trust based scheduling for (semi)autonomous multi-agent systems
Conference paper
Navigation positioning algorithm for underwater gliders in three-dimensional space
Conference paper
A high-gain adaptive observer for detecting Li-ion battery terminal voltage collapse
Tail-Enabled Spiraling Maneuver for Gliding Robotic Fish
Trend and bounds for error growth in controlled lagrangian particle tracking
Collaborative autonomous surveys in marine environments affected by oil spills
Book chapter
Human-robot mutual trust in (Semi)autonomous underwater robots
Book chapter
Real-time modeling of ocean currents for navigating underwater glider sensing networks
Book chapter
A model for controlling the resting membrane potential of cells using nanoparticles
Conference paper
A path planning approach to compute the smallest robust forward invariant sets
Conference paper
A speed-up and speed-down strategy for swarm optimization
Conference paper
Cooperative path planning for networked gliders under weak communication
Conference paper
Cooperatively mapping of the underwater acoustic channel by robot swarms
Conference paper
Dynamics analysis of wave-driven unmanned surface vehicle in longitudinal profile
Conference paper
Target localization: Energy-information trade-offs using mobile sensor networks
Conference paper
A switching strategy for target tracking by mobile sensing agents
Adaptive control for planar curve tracking under controller uncertainty
Motion parameter optimization and sensor scheduling for the sea-wing underwater glider
Robustness analysis for battery-supported cyber-physical systems
Spiraling motion of underwater gliders: Modeling, analysis, and experimental results
A bio-inspired plume tracking algorithm for mobile sensing swarms in turbulent flow
Conference paper
A bio-inspired robust 3D plume tracking strategy using mobile sensor networks
Conference paper
An adaptive control design for 3D curve tracking based on robust forward invariance
Conference paper
Boundary Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance Using Gyroscopic Control
Conference paper
Controlled Lagrangian particle tracking error under biased flow prediction
Conference paper
Dissipativity-based teleoperation with time-varying communication delays
Conference paper
Energy-information tradeoffs in motion and sensing for target localization
Conference paper
Glider CT: Reconstructing flow fields from predicted motion of underwater gliders
Conference paper
Predicting time-delays under real-time scheduling for linear model predictive control
Conference paper
Robust geometric formation control of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles with time delays
Conference paper
Conference paper
Robust control of formation dynamics for autonomous underwater vehicles in horizontal plane
Robust cooperative exploration with a switching strategy
Stability and robustness analysis for curve tracking control using input-to-state stability
Adaptive controllers and robustness analysis for curve tracking with unknown control gains
Conference paper
Adaptive detection of terminal voltage collapses for Li-ion batteries
Conference paper
An Analytical Model of the CAN Bus for Online Schedulability Test
Conference paper
Bio-inspired source seeking with no explicit gradient estimation
Conference paper
Coherent steps of mobile sensing agents in Gaussian scalar fields
Conference paper
Controller performance of marine robots in reminiscent oil surveys
Conference paper
Real-time modelling of tidal current for navigating underwater glider sensing networks
Conference paper
Steady spiraling motion of gliding robotic fish
Conference paper
Cooperative exploration of level surfaces of three dimensional scalar fields
A lower bound on navigation error for marine robots guided by ocean circulation models
Conference paper
Conference paper
Experimental validation of source seeking with a switching strategy
Conference paper
Explorability of noisy scalar fields
Conference paper
Input-to-state stability for curve tracking control: A constructive approach
Conference paper
Intruder capturing game on a topological map assisted by information networks
Conference paper
Robust control of horizontal formation dynamics for autonomous underwater vehicles
Conference paper
Steady three dimensional gliding motion of an underwater glider
Conference paper
A provably complete exploration strategy by constructing Voronoi diagrams
Cooperative filters and control for cooperative exploration
Geometric cooperative control of particle formations
A lower bound for controlled Lagrangian particle tracking error
Conference paper
A switching strategy for robust cooperative exploration
Conference paper
Battery level estimation of mobile agents under communication Constraints
Conference paper
Curvature based cooperative exploration of three dimensional scalar fields
Conference paper
Geometric formation control for autonomous underwater vehicles
Conference paper
Motion model and control strategies for an underwater glider
Conference paper
Curve tracking control for autonomous vehicles with rigidly mounted range sensors
A Dynamic Battery Model for Co-design in Cyber-physical systems
Conference paper
A Dynamic Battery Model for Co-design in Cyber-physical systems
Conference paper
An exploration strategy by constructing Voronoi Diagrams with provable completeness
Conference paper
Optimal and adaptive battery discharge strategies for cyber-physical systems
Conference paper
Simultaneous cooperative exploration and networking based on Voronoi diagrams
Conference paper
Tracking performance under time delay and asynchronicity in distributed camera systems
Conference paper
Cooperative control for ocean sampling: The glider coordinated control system
Boundary following by robot formations without GPS
Conference paper
Cooperative Kalman filters for cooperative exploration
Conference paper
Curve tracking control for autonomous vehicles with rigidly mounted range sensors
Conference paper
Task scheduling for control oriented requirements for cyber-physical systems
Conference paper
Control of coordinated patterns for ocean sampling
Coordinated patterns of unit speed particles on a closed curve
A controller design method under infrequent, asynchronous sensing
Conference paper
Cooperative shape control of particle formations
Conference paper
Curve tracking control for legged locomotion
Conference paper
Exploring scalar fields using multiple sensor platforms: Tracking level curves
Conference paper
Coordinated patterns on smooth curves
Conference paper
Coordination of an Underwater Glider Fleet for Adaptive Ocean Sampling
Conference paper
Generating contour plots using multiple sensor platforms
Conference paper
Coordinated orbit transfer for satellite clusters
Boundary following using gyroscopic control
Conference paper
Experimental study of curvature-based control laws for obstacle avoidance
Conference paper
Control of small formations using shape coordinates
Conference paper
Coordinated orbit transfer for satellite clusters
Conference paper
Formation dynamics under a class of control laws
Conference paper
Fault Recognition of A 20 MVAR Statcom Main Circuit Using Artificial Neural Network
Conference paper
CRTF-MoeICP: A robust coarse-to-fine reflector-based LiDAR indoor positioning algorithm
Distributed field mapping for mobile sensor teams using a derivative-free optimisation algorithm
Dynamic event-triggered integrated task and motion planning for process-aware source seeking
Fault-Tolerant Motion Control for Catamaran Under Single Hull Failure
Metastructure-Enabled Underwater Acoustic Integrated Sensing and Communication
Online Learning Based Shape Control for a Soft Manipulator Based on Spatial Features Feedback
Trust-Preserved Human-Robot Shared Autonomy Enabled by Bayesian Relational Event Modeling
Modeling collective motion for fish schooling via multi-agent reinforcement learning
Performance Prediction of Fundamental Transcriptional Programs
Planning and Motion Control for Underwater Bimanual Soft Manipulator in Underwater Grasping Task
An Interleaved Algorithm for Integration of Robotic Task and Motion Planning
Anomaly Detection of Underwater Gliders Verified by Deployment Data
Cognition Difference-Based Dynamic Trust Network for Distributed Bayesian Data Fusion
CoralBuddy-1: A Micro-Sized Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Offshore Coral Reef Monitoring
Event-triggered Basis Augmentation for Data-driven Adaptive Control
Game-Theoretical Approach to Multi-Robot Task Allocation Using a Bio-Inspired Optimization Strategy
General Anomaly Detection of Underwater Gliders Validated by Large-scale Deployment Datasets
Hybrid SUSD-Based Task Allocation for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Teams
Integrated Task and Motion Planning for Process-aware Source Seeking
The Open-Blimp: An Open-Source Blimp Platform for Lighter-Than-Air Research
Underwater swarm formation control with distributed beamforming
A Distributed Active Perception Strategy for Source Seeking and Level Curve Tracking
Autopilot design of a class of miniature autonomous blimps enabled by switched controllers
Bayesian Learning Model Predictive Control for Process-Aware Source Seeking
Human pointing motion during interaction with an autonomous blimp
Improved trajectory tracing of underwater vehicles for flow field mapping
Kinematic Control for Crossed-Fiber-Reinforced Soft Manipulator Using Sparse Bayesian Learning
Method of evolving junction on optimal path planning in flows fields
Modeling and learning underwater acoustic channel parameters through deep recursive neural networks
Multi-MAV Autonomous Full Coverage Search in Cluttered Forest Environments
R&D of a low-complexity OFDM acoustic communication payload for Micro-AUV in confined space
Collaborative Persistent Excitation in RKHS Embedded Adaptive Estimation with Consensus
Cooperative Filtering and Parameter Estimation for Polynomial PDEs using a Mobile Sensor Network
Integration of Acoustic Communication with Underwater Autonomy: A Case Study
Lyapunov-Net: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Lyapunov Function Approximation
Opinion Dynamics on the Sphere for Stable Consensus and Stable Bipartite Dissensus
Plume tracing simulations using multiple autonomous underwater vehicles
Risk-Aware Model Predictive Control Enabled by Bayesian Learning
RoboMaze: Swarm Robotics and Coordinated Navigation in Smart City
A bio-inspired localization-free stochastic coverage algorithm with verified reachability
Adaptiveness and consistency of a class of online ensemble learning algorithms
An algorithm for computing robust forward invariant sets of two dimensional nonlinear systems
Contention-resolving model predictive control for an intelligent intersection traffic model
Modeling and Control of Swing Oscillation of Underactuated Indoor Miniature Autonomous Blimps
Mu-Net: Community-shared infrastructure for mobile underwater acoustic networks
Path-Guided Containment Maneuvering of Mobile Robots: Theory and Experiments
Swing-Reducing Flight Control System for an Underactuated Indoor Miniature Autonomous Blimp
Tracking moving mesoscale eddies with underwater gliders under autonomous prediction and control
Contention-resolving model predictive control for coupled control systems with a shared resource
A Deep Learning Approach to Localization for Navigation on a Miniature Autonomous Blimp
A distributed scalar field mapping strategy for mobile robots
Level Curve Tracking without Localization Enabled by Recurrent Neural Networks
Optimal Real-time Scheduling of Human Attention for a Human and Multi-robot Collaboration System
Set-based state estimation of mobile robots from coarse range measurements
A data assimilation framework for data-driven flow models enabled by motion tomography
A Gradient-Free Three-Dimensional Source Seeking Strategy With Robustness Analysis
Autonomous flying blimp interaction with human in an indoor space
Design and Evaluation of an Acoustic Modem for a Small Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle
Distributed Traversability Analysis of Flow Field under Communication Constraints
A Multi-Layer Swarm Control Model for Information Propagation and Multi-Tasking
An LSTM based kalman filter for spatio-temporal ocean currents assimilation
Avoiding Chatter in an Online Co-Learning Algorithm Predicting Human Intention
Distributed motion tomography for reconstruction of flow fields
Observing an anticyclonic eddy in the South China Sea using multiple underwater gliders
Partitioning ocean flow field for underwater vehicle path planning
Virtual MIMO Transmissions for Underwater Acoustic Communications with Moving Platforms
A Distributed Level Curve Tracking Control Law for Multi-Agent Systems
An Improved Algorithm for Motion Tomography by Incorporating Vehicle Travel Time
Consensus on a sphere for a 3-dimensional speeding up and slowing down strategy
Doppler correction of mobile acoustic communication via adjustable ad sampling rate
Evaluating acoustic communication performance of micro AUV in confined space
Integrating a PCA Learning Algorithm with the SUSD Strategy for a Collective Source Seeking Behavior
Parameter Identification of Blimp Dynamics through Swinging Motion
Underwater acoustic intensity field reconstruction by kriged compressive sensing
Model predictive control under timing constraints induced by controller area networks
Motion tomography: Mapping flow fields using autonomous underwater vehicles
Stability and robustness analysis for human pointing motions with acceleration under feedback delays
Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications
Trends in control and decision-making for human-robot collaboration systems
A learning algorithm to select consistent reactions to human movements
Scheduling Feasibility of Energy Management in Micro-Grids Based on Significant Moment Analysis
Contention resolving optimal priority assignment for event-triggered model predictive controllers
Cooperative parameter identification of advection-diffusion processes using a mobile sensor network
Detecting abnormal speed of marine robots using controlled Lagrangian particle tracking methods
Extending a routing protocol for mobile robot mesh networking
Monocular vision-based human following on miniature robotic blimp
Using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as planners for bio-inspired robotic motion
A speeding-up and slowing-down strategy for distributed source seeking with robustness analysis
Cyber-Maritime Cycle: Autonomy of Marine Robots for Ocean Sensing
Design and analysis of folding propulsion mechanism for hybrid-driven underwater gliders
A learning algorithm to select consistent reactions to human movements
A stochastic optimization framework for source seeking with infotaxis-like algorithms
Adaptive Learning for Controlled Lagrangian Particle Tracking
Adaptive planar curve tracking control with unknown curvature
An adaptive control law for controlled lagrangian particle tracking
Bio inspired source seeking: A Hybrid Speeding Up and Slowing Down Algorithm
Cooperative filtering for parameter identification of diffusion processes
Discretized boundary methods for computing smallest forward invariant sets
Localization of underwater gliders with acoustic travel-time in an observation network
Nonlinear observer design for current estimation based on underwater vehicle dynamic model
Resolving Temporal Variations in Data-Driven Flow Models Constructed by Motion Tomography
Dynamic real-time scheduling for human-agent collaboration systems based on mutual trust
Real-time guidance of underwater gliders assisted by predictive ocean models
Robustness of adaptive control under time delays for three-dimensional curve tracking
An adaptive scheme of sharing compressed flow information among networked underwater gliders
Localization of autonomous underwater vehicles incorporating flow models and acoustic detection
Mutual trust based scheduling for (semi)autonomous multi-agent systems
Navigation positioning algorithm for underwater gliders in three-dimensional space
A high-gain adaptive observer for detecting Li-ion battery terminal voltage collapse
Trend and bounds for error growth in controlled lagrangian particle tracking
Collaborative autonomous surveys in marine environments affected by oil spills
Human-robot mutual trust in (Semi)autonomous underwater robots
Real-time modeling of ocean currents for navigating underwater glider sensing networks
A model for controlling the resting membrane potential of cells using nanoparticles
A path planning approach to compute the smallest robust forward invariant sets
Cooperative path planning for networked gliders under weak communication
Cooperatively mapping of the underwater acoustic channel by robot swarms
Dynamics analysis of wave-driven unmanned surface vehicle in longitudinal profile
Target localization: Energy-information trade-offs using mobile sensor networks
A switching strategy for target tracking by mobile sensing agents
Adaptive control for planar curve tracking under controller uncertainty
Motion parameter optimization and sensor scheduling for the sea-wing underwater glider
Robustness analysis for battery-supported cyber-physical systems
Spiraling motion of underwater gliders: Modeling, analysis, and experimental results
A bio-inspired plume tracking algorithm for mobile sensing swarms in turbulent flow
A bio-inspired robust 3D plume tracking strategy using mobile sensor networks
An adaptive control design for 3D curve tracking based on robust forward invariance
Boundary Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance Using Gyroscopic Control
Controlled Lagrangian particle tracking error under biased flow prediction
Dissipativity-based teleoperation with time-varying communication delays
Energy-information tradeoffs in motion and sensing for target localization
Glider CT: Reconstructing flow fields from predicted motion of underwater gliders
Predicting time-delays under real-time scheduling for linear model predictive control
Robust geometric formation control of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles with time delays
Robust control of formation dynamics for autonomous underwater vehicles in horizontal plane
Stability and robustness analysis for curve tracking control using input-to-state stability
Adaptive controllers and robustness analysis for curve tracking with unknown control gains
Adaptive detection of terminal voltage collapses for Li-ion batteries
An Analytical Model of the CAN Bus for Online Schedulability Test
Bio-inspired source seeking with no explicit gradient estimation
Coherent steps of mobile sensing agents in Gaussian scalar fields
Controller performance of marine robots in reminiscent oil surveys
Real-time modelling of tidal current for navigating underwater glider sensing networks
A lower bound on navigation error for marine robots guided by ocean circulation models
Experimental validation of source seeking with a switching strategy
Input-to-state stability for curve tracking control: A constructive approach
Intruder capturing game on a topological map assisted by information networks
Robust control of horizontal formation dynamics for autonomous underwater vehicles
Steady three dimensional gliding motion of an underwater glider
A lower bound for controlled Lagrangian particle tracking error
Battery level estimation of mobile agents under communication Constraints
Curvature based cooperative exploration of three dimensional scalar fields
Geometric formation control for autonomous underwater vehicles
Motion model and control strategies for an underwater glider
A Dynamic Battery Model for Co-design in Cyber-physical systems
A Dynamic Battery Model for Co-design in Cyber-physical systems
An exploration strategy by constructing Voronoi Diagrams with provable completeness
Optimal and adaptive battery discharge strategies for cyber-physical systems
Simultaneous cooperative exploration and networking based on Voronoi diagrams
Tracking performance under time delay and asynchronicity in distributed camera systems
A data assimilation framework for data-driven flow models enabled by motion tomography
A Gradient-Free Three-Dimensional Source Seeking Strategy With Robustness Analysis
Autonomous flying blimp interaction with human in an indoor space
Design and Evaluation of an Acoustic Modem for a Small Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle
Distributed Traversability Analysis of Flow Field under Communication Constraints
A Multi-Layer Swarm Control Model for Information Propagation and Multi-Tasking
Conference paper
An LSTM based kalman filter for spatio-temporal ocean currents assimilation
Conference paper
Avoiding Chatter in an Online Co-Learning Algorithm Predicting Human Intention
Conference paper
Conference paper
Distributed motion tomography for reconstruction of flow fields
Conference paper
Modeling Pointing Tasks in Human-Blimp Interactions
Conference paper
Observing an anticyclonic eddy in the South China Sea using multiple underwater gliders
Conference paper
Conference paper
Omnidirectional Surface Vehicle for Fish Cage Inspection
Conference paper
Partitioning ocean flow field for underwater vehicle path planning
Conference paper
Conference paper
R&D of a Low-Complexity OFDM Modem for Micro-AUV
Conference paper
Virtual MIMO Transmissions for Underwater Acoustic Communications with Moving Platforms
Conference paper
Controlled Lagrangian Particle Tracking: Error Growth Under Feedback Control
Conference paper
A Distributed Level Curve Tracking Control Law for Multi-Agent Systems
Conference paper
An Improved Algorithm for Motion Tomography by Incorporating Vehicle Travel Time
Conference paper
Computing Largest Tolerable Disturbance Sets
Conference paper
Consensus on a sphere for a 3-dimensional speeding up and slowing down strategy
Conference paper
Doppler correction of mobile acoustic communication via adjustable ad sampling rate
Conference paper
Evaluating acoustic communication performance of micro AUV in confined space
Conference paper
Integrating a PCA Learning Algorithm with the SUSD Strategy for a Collective Source Seeking Behavior
Conference paper
Parameter Identification of Blimp Dynamics through Swinging Motion
Conference paper
Conference paper
Underwater acoustic intensity field reconstruction by kriged compressive sensing
Conference paper
Model predictive control under timing constraints induced by controller area networks
Motion tomography: Mapping flow fields using autonomous underwater vehicles
Stability and robustness analysis for human pointing motions with acceleration under feedback delays
Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications
Trends in control and decision-making for human-robot collaboration systems
A learning algorithm to select consistent reactions to human movements
Book chapter
Scheduling Feasibility of Energy Management in Micro-Grids Based on Significant Moment Analysis
Book chapter
Conference paper
Anomaly detection for controlled Lagrangian particles
Conference paper
Autopilot design for A class of miniature autonomous blimps
Conference paper
Contention resolving optimal priority assignment for event-triggered model predictive controllers
Conference paper
Cooperative parameter identification of advection-diffusion processes using a mobile sensor network
Conference paper
Detecting abnormal speed of marine robots using controlled Lagrangian particle tracking methods
Conference paper
Explorability of a turbulent scalar field
Conference paper
Extending a routing protocol for mobile robot mesh networking
Conference paper
Monocular vision-based human following on miniature robotic blimp
Conference paper
Using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as planners for bio-inspired robotic motion
Conference paper
A speeding-up and slowing-down strategy for distributed source seeking with robustness analysis
Cyber-Maritime Cycle: Autonomy of Marine Robots for Ocean Sensing
Design and analysis of folding propulsion mechanism for hybrid-driven underwater gliders
A learning algorithm to select consistent reactions to human movements
Conference paper
A stochastic optimization framework for source seeking with infotaxis-like algorithms
Conference paper
Adaptive Learning for Controlled Lagrangian Particle Tracking
Conference paper
Adaptive planar curve tracking control with unknown curvature
Conference paper
An adaptive control law for controlled lagrangian particle tracking
Conference paper
Bio inspired source seeking: A Hybrid Speeding Up and Slowing Down Algorithm
Conference paper
Cooperative filtering for parameter identification of diffusion processes
Conference paper
Discretized boundary methods for computing smallest forward invariant sets
Conference paper
Distributed motion tomography for time-varying flow fields
Conference paper
Glider CT: Analysis and experimental validation
Conference paper
Localization of underwater gliders with acoustic travel-time in an observation network
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Nonlinear observer design for current estimation based on underwater vehicle dynamic model
Conference paper
Resolving Temporal Variations in Data-Driven Flow Models Constructed by Motion Tomography
Conference paper
Conference paper
Sampling optimization for networked underwater gliders
Conference paper
Tidal variability of acoustic detection
Conference paper
Dynamic modeling of an autonomous underwater vehicle
Dynamic real-time scheduling for human-agent collaboration systems based on mutual trust
Future trends in marine robotics
Real-time guidance of underwater gliders assisted by predictive ocean models
Robustness of adaptive control under time delays for three-dimensional curve tracking
An adaptive scheme of sharing compressed flow information among networked underwater gliders
Conference paper
Characteristics of human pointing motions with acceleration
Conference paper
Localization of autonomous underwater vehicles incorporating flow models and acoustic detection
Conference paper
Mutual trust based scheduling for (semi)autonomous multi-agent systems
Conference paper
Navigation positioning algorithm for underwater gliders in three-dimensional space
Conference paper
A high-gain adaptive observer for detecting Li-ion battery terminal voltage collapse
Tail-Enabled Spiraling Maneuver for Gliding Robotic Fish
Trend and bounds for error growth in controlled lagrangian particle tracking
Collaborative autonomous surveys in marine environments affected by oil spills
Book chapter
Human-robot mutual trust in (Semi)autonomous underwater robots
Book chapter
Real-time modeling of ocean currents for navigating underwater glider sensing networks
Book chapter
A model for controlling the resting membrane potential of cells using nanoparticles
Conference paper
A path planning approach to compute the smallest robust forward invariant sets
Conference paper
A speed-up and speed-down strategy for swarm optimization
Conference paper
Cooperative path planning for networked gliders under weak communication
Conference paper
Cooperatively mapping of the underwater acoustic channel by robot swarms
Conference paper
Dynamics analysis of wave-driven unmanned surface vehicle in longitudinal profile
Conference paper
Target localization: Energy-information trade-offs using mobile sensor networks
Conference paper
A switching strategy for target tracking by mobile sensing agents
Adaptive control for planar curve tracking under controller uncertainty
Motion parameter optimization and sensor scheduling for the sea-wing underwater glider
Robustness analysis for battery-supported cyber-physical systems
Spiraling motion of underwater gliders: Modeling, analysis, and experimental results
A bio-inspired plume tracking algorithm for mobile sensing swarms in turbulent flow
Conference paper
A bio-inspired robust 3D plume tracking strategy using mobile sensor networks
Conference paper
An adaptive control design for 3D curve tracking based on robust forward invariance
Conference paper
Boundary Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance Using Gyroscopic Control
Conference paper
Controlled Lagrangian particle tracking error under biased flow prediction
Conference paper
Dissipativity-based teleoperation with time-varying communication delays
Conference paper
Energy-information tradeoffs in motion and sensing for target localization
Conference paper
Glider CT: Reconstructing flow fields from predicted motion of underwater gliders
Conference paper
Predicting time-delays under real-time scheduling for linear model predictive control
Conference paper
Robust geometric formation control of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles with time delays
Conference paper
Conference paper
Robust control of formation dynamics for autonomous underwater vehicles in horizontal plane
Robust cooperative exploration with a switching strategy
Stability and robustness analysis for curve tracking control using input-to-state stability
Adaptive controllers and robustness analysis for curve tracking with unknown control gains
Conference paper
Adaptive detection of terminal voltage collapses for Li-ion batteries
Conference paper
An Analytical Model of the CAN Bus for Online Schedulability Test
Conference paper
Bio-inspired source seeking with no explicit gradient estimation
Conference paper
Coherent steps of mobile sensing agents in Gaussian scalar fields
Conference paper
Controller performance of marine robots in reminiscent oil surveys
Conference paper
Real-time modelling of tidal current for navigating underwater glider sensing networks
Conference paper
Steady spiraling motion of gliding robotic fish
Conference paper
Cooperative exploration of level surfaces of three dimensional scalar fields
A lower bound on navigation error for marine robots guided by ocean circulation models
Conference paper
Conference paper
Experimental validation of source seeking with a switching strategy
Conference paper
Explorability of noisy scalar fields
Conference paper
Input-to-state stability for curve tracking control: A constructive approach
Conference paper
Intruder capturing game on a topological map assisted by information networks
Conference paper
Robust control of horizontal formation dynamics for autonomous underwater vehicles
Conference paper
Steady three dimensional gliding motion of an underwater glider
Conference paper
A provably complete exploration strategy by constructing Voronoi diagrams
Cooperative filters and control for cooperative exploration
Geometric cooperative control of particle formations
A lower bound for controlled Lagrangian particle tracking error
Conference paper
A switching strategy for robust cooperative exploration
Conference paper
Battery level estimation of mobile agents under communication Constraints
Conference paper
Curvature based cooperative exploration of three dimensional scalar fields
Conference paper
Geometric formation control for autonomous underwater vehicles
Conference paper
Motion model and control strategies for an underwater glider
Conference paper
Curve tracking control for autonomous vehicles with rigidly mounted range sensors
A Dynamic Battery Model for Co-design in Cyber-physical systems
Conference paper
A Dynamic Battery Model for Co-design in Cyber-physical systems
Conference paper
An exploration strategy by constructing Voronoi Diagrams with provable completeness
Conference paper
Optimal and adaptive battery discharge strategies for cyber-physical systems
Conference paper
Simultaneous cooperative exploration and networking based on Voronoi diagrams
Conference paper
Tracking performance under time delay and asynchronicity in distributed camera systems
Conference paper
Cooperative control for ocean sampling: The glider coordinated control system
Boundary following by robot formations without GPS
Conference paper
Cooperative Kalman filters for cooperative exploration
Conference paper
Curve tracking control for autonomous vehicles with rigidly mounted range sensors
Conference paper
Task scheduling for control oriented requirements for cyber-physical systems
Conference paper
Control of coordinated patterns for ocean sampling
Coordinated patterns of unit speed particles on a closed curve
A controller design method under infrequent, asynchronous sensing
Conference paper
Cooperative shape control of particle formations
Conference paper
Curve tracking control for legged locomotion
Conference paper
Exploring scalar fields using multiple sensor platforms: Tracking level curves
Conference paper
Coordinated patterns on smooth curves
Conference paper
Coordination of an Underwater Glider Fleet for Adaptive Ocean Sampling
Conference paper
Generating contour plots using multiple sensor platforms
Conference paper
Coordinated orbit transfer for satellite clusters
Boundary following using gyroscopic control
Conference paper
Experimental study of curvature-based control laws for obstacle avoidance
Conference paper
Control of small formations using shape coordinates
Conference paper
Coordinated orbit transfer for satellite clusters
Conference paper
Formation dynamics under a class of control laws
Conference paper
Fault Recognition of A 20 MVAR Statcom Main Circuit Using Artificial Neural Network
Conference paper
ELEC2910 | Academic and Professional Development I |
ELEC3910 | Academic and Professional Development II |
ELEC2910 | Academic and Professional Development I |
ELEC3910 | Academic and Professional Development II |
ELEC4220 | Introduction to Robotics: From Mobile Robots to Manipulators |
MECH4900 | Final Year Design Project |
ELEC2910 | Academic and Professional Development I |
ELEC3910 | Academic and Professional Development II |
ELEC5640 | Robot Manipulation |
MECH5561 | Robot Manipulation |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
ZHAO, Yingzhuo
Electronic and Computer Engineering
LYU, Minen
Electronic and Computer Engineering
YANG, Yuanlin
Electronic and Computer Engineering
ZHANG, Boyang
Electronic and Computer Engineering
ZHAO, Yuxuan
Electronic and Computer Engineering
ZUO, Jiahui
Electronic and Computer Engineering
CAI, Jinzhi
Electronic and Computer Engineering
MENG, Wugang
Electronic and Computer Engineering
WU, Tianfu
Electronic and Computer Engineering
ZHANG, Huibo
Electronic and Computer Engineering
XU, Zelong
Electronic and Computer Engineering
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