PhD in Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley, 1992
Efficient Bilingual Generalization from Neural Transduction Grammar Induction
Conference paper
Handling Ties Correctly and Efficiently in Viterbi Training Using the Viterbi Semiring
Conference paper
SRL for Low Resource Languages Isn't Needed for Semantic SMT
Conference paper
Injecting a Semantic Objective Function into Early Stage Learning of Spoken Language Translation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Foundations of Text Alignment: Statistical Machine Translation Models From Bitexts to Bigrammars
A semantically confidence-weighted ITG induction algorithm
Conference paper
Driving inversion transduction grammar induction with semantic evaluation
Conference paper
Generalizing Transduction Grammars to Model Continuous Valued Musical Events
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improving Word Alignment for Low Resource Languages Using English Monolingual SRL
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Freestyle: A Rap Battle Bot that Learns to Improvise
Conference paper
Improving evaluation and optimization of MT systems against MEANT
Conference paper
Improving Semantic SMT via Soft Semantic Role Label Constraints on ITG Alignments
Conference paper
Learning to Rap Battle with Bilingual Recursive Neural Networks
Conference paper
Neural Versus Symbolic Rap Battle Bots
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-8, Eighth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Better semantic frame based MT evaluation via inversion transduction grammars
Conference paper
Conference paper
Evaluating Improvised Hip Hop Lyrics - Challenges and Observations
Conference paper
Improving MEANT Based Semantically Tuned SMT
Conference paper
Learning Music and Language with Stochastic Transduction Grammars
Conference paper
Conference paper
On the reliability and inter-annotator agreement of human semantic MT evaluation via HMEANT
Conference paper
Ternary Segmentation for Improving Search in Top-down Induction of Segmental ITGs
Conference paper
The Magic Number 4: Evolutionary Pressures on Semantic Frame Structure
Conference paper
Conference paper
XMEANT: Better Semantic MT Evaluation Without Reference Translations
Conference paper
Bayesian Induction of Bracketing Inversion Transduction Grammars
Conference paper
Can Informal Genres Be Better Translated by Tuning on Automatic Semantic Metrics?
Conference paper
Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Search for Unsupervised Induction of Transduction Grammars
Conference paper
Conference paper
Human Semantic MT Evaluation with HMEANT for IWSLT 2013
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improving machine translation into Chinese by tuning against Chinese MEANT
Conference paper
Conference paper
Learning Bilingual Categories in Unsupervised Inversion Transduction Grammar Induction
Conference paper
Learning to Freestyle: Hip Hop Challenge-Response Induction via Transduction Rule Segmentation
Conference paper
MEANT at WMT 2013: A Tunable, Accurate yet Inexpensive Semantic Frame Based MT Evaluation Metric
Conference paper
Modeling Hip Hop Challenge-Response Lyrics as Machine Translation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Segmenting vs. Chunking Rules: Unsupervised ITG Induction via Minimum Conditional Description Length
Conference paper
Conference paper
Unsupervised Learning of Bilingual Categories in Inversion Transduction Grammar Induction
Conference paper
Unsupervised Rhyme Scheme Identification In Hip Hop lyrics Using Hidden Markov Models
Conference paper
Unsupervised Transduction Grammar Induction via Minimum Description Length
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-6, Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Conference paper
From finite-state to inversion transductions: Toward unsupervised bilingual grammar induction
Conference paper
Fully Automatic Semantic MT Evaluation
Conference paper
LTG vs. ITG Coverage of Cross-Lingual Verb Frame Alternations
Conference paper
Towards a Predicate-Argument Evaluation for MT
Conference paper
Unsupervised vs. supervised weight estimation for semantic MT evaluation metrics
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-5, Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Conference paper
An Evaluation of MT Alignment Baseline Approaches upon Cross-Lingual Plagiarism Detection
Conference paper
Linear transduction grammars and zipper finite-state transducers
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mining Parallel Documents Using Low Bandwidth and High Precision CLIR from the Heterogeneous Web
Conference paper
On the Expressivity of Linear Transductions
Conference paper
Principled induction of phrasal bilexica
Conference paper
Reestimation of Reified Rules in Semiring Parsing and Biparsing
Conference paper
SMT versus AI redux: How semantic fames evaluate MT more accurately
Conference paper
Speech translation with grammar driven probabilistic phrasal bilexica extraction
Conference paper
Structured vs. Flat Semantic Role Representations for Machine Translation Evaluation
Conference paper
Book chapter
Conference paper
Evaluating Machine Translation Utility via Semantic Role Labels
Conference paper
Linear Inversion Transduction Grammar Alignments as a Second Translation Path
Conference paper
Semantic vs. Syntactic vs. N-gram Structure for Machine Translation Evaluation
Conference paper
Word alignment with stochastic bracketing linear inversion transduction grammar
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-3, 3rd Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation
Can semantic role labeling improve SMT?
Conference paper
Conference paper
HKUST Statistical Machine Translation Experiments for CWMT 2009
Conference paper
Conference paper
Learning Stochastic Bracketing Inversion Transduction Grammars with a Cubic Time Biparsing Algorithm
Conference paper
Semantic Roles for SMT: A Hybrid Two-Pass Model
Conference paper
Toward machine translation with statistics and syntax and semantics
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-2, Second Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation
Evaluation of Context-Dependent Phrasal Translation Lexicons for Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
WSD for Semantic SMT: Phrase Sense Disambiguation
Conference paper
Context-Dependent Phrasal Translation Lexicons for Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
HKUST Statistical Machine Translation Experiments for IWSLT 2007
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improving statistical machine translation using word sense disambiguation
Conference paper
Learning Bilingual Semantic Frames: Shallow Semantic Parsing vs. Semantic Role Projection
Conference paper
A grammatical approach to understanding textual tables using two-dimensional SCFGs
Conference paper
Automatic learning of Chinese English semantic structure mapping
Conference paper
Boosting for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
Conference paper
Conference paper
Textual entailment recognition using inversion transduction grammars
Conference paper
Toward Integrating Word Sense and Entity Disambiguation into Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
MT model space: Statistical versus compositional versus example-based machine translation
Evaluating the Word Sense Disambiguation Performance of Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
Conference paper
NTPC: N-fold templated piped correction
Conference paper
Recognizing Paraphrases and Textual Entailment using Inversion Transduction Grammars
Conference paper
Word Sense Disambiguation vs. Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
A Grammar-Based Chinese to English Speech Translation System for Portable Devices
Conference paper
A Kernel PCA Method for Superior Word Sense Disambiguation
Conference paper
An Efficient Algorithm to Induce Minimum Average Lookahead Grammars for Incremental LR Parsing
Conference paper
Augmenting Ensemble Classification for Word Sense Disambiguation with a Kernel PCA Model
Conference paper
Joining forces to resolve lexical ambiguity: East meets West in Barcelona
Conference paper
Raising the Bar: Stacked Conservative Error Correction Beyond Boosting
Conference paper
Semantic Role Labeling with Boosting, SVMs, Maximum Entropy, SNOW, and Decision Lists
Conference paper
Semi-Supervised Training of a Kernel PCA-Based Model for Word Sense Disambiguation
Conference paper
Using N-best Lists for Named Entity Recognition from Chinese Speech
Conference paper
Why Nitpicking Works: Evidence for Occam's Razor in Error Correctors
Conference paper
A Stacked, Voted, Stacked Model for Named Entity Recognition
Conference paper
The HKUST leading question translation system
Conference paper
Boosting for Named Entity Recognition
Conference paper
The Berkeley UNIX Consultant Project
Book chapter
The Berkeley UNIX consultant project
Book chapter
Book chapter
A comparative study of classification based personal E-mail filtering
Conference paper
An information-theory-based feature type analysis for the modelling of statistical parsing
Conference paper
Trainable Coarse Bilingual Grammars for Parallel Text Bracketing
Statistical Augmentation of a Chinese Machine-Readable Dictionary
Book chapter
Trainable Coarse Bilingual Grammars for Parallel Text Bracketing
Book chapter
A probabilistic approach to marker propagation
Conference paper
An information-based method for selecting feature types for word prediction
Conference paper
Conference paper
Are phrase structured grammars useful in statistical parsing?
Conference paper
Automatically merging lexicons that have incompatible part-of-speech categories
Conference paper
Improving n-gram modeling using distance-related unit association maximum entropy language modeling
Conference paper
Inferring maximally invertible bi-grammars for example-based machine translation
Conference paper
Learning a lightweight robust deterministic parser
Conference paper
On the use of right context in sense-disambiguating language models
Conference paper
A position statement on Chinese segmentation
Conference paper
Machine translation with a stochastic grammatical channel
Conference paper
Stochastic inversion transduction grammars and bilingual parsing of parallel corpora
Dealing with Multilinguality in a Spoken Language Query Translator
Conference paper
Structure and performance of a dependency language model
Conference paper
Structure and performance of a dependency language model
Conference paper
Learning restricted probabilistic link grammars
Book chapter
A polynomial-time algorithm for statistical machine translation
Conference paper
Parsing Chinese with an almost-context-free grammar
Conference paper
Large-scale automatic extraction of an English-Chinese translation lexicon
An algorithm for simultaneously bracketing parallel texts by aligning words
Conference paper
Coerced Markov Models for Cross-lingual Lexical-Tag Relations
Conference paper
Grammarless extraction of phrasal translation examples from parallel texts
Conference paper
Learning restricted probabilistic link grammars
Conference paper
Conference paper
Trainable coarse bilingual grammars for parallel text bracketing
Conference paper
Using brackets to improve search for statistical machine translation
Conference paper
Aligning a parallel English-Chinese corpus statistically with lexical criteria
Conference paper
Improving Chinese tokenization with linguistic Filters on statistical lexical acquisition
Conference paper
Learning an English-Chinese lexicon from a parallel corpus
Conference paper
Statistical Augmentation of a Chinese Machine-Readable Dictionary
Conference paper
Not all reflexive reasoning is deductive
An image-schematic system of thematic roles
Conference paper
Conference paper
Estimating probability distributions over hypotheses with variable unification
Conference paper
Tree matching with recursive distributed representations
Conference paper
A continuum of induction methods for learning probability distributions with generalization
Conference paper
Conference paper
The Berkeley UNIX Consultant Project
Concretion inferences in natural language understanding
Foundations of Text Alignment: Statistical Machine Translation Models From Bitexts to Bigrammars
Proceedings of SSST-8, Eighth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Better semantic frame based MT evaluation via inversion transduction grammars
Evaluating Improvised Hip Hop Lyrics - Challenges and Observations
Learning Music and Language with Stochastic Transduction Grammars
On the reliability and inter-annotator agreement of human semantic MT evaluation via HMEANT
Ternary Segmentation for Improving Search in Top-down Induction of Segmental ITGs
The Magic Number 4: Evolutionary Pressures on Semantic Frame Structure
XMEANT: Better Semantic MT Evaluation Without Reference Translations
Bayesian Induction of Bracketing Inversion Transduction Grammars
Can Informal Genres Be Better Translated by Tuning on Automatic Semantic Metrics?
Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Search for Unsupervised Induction of Transduction Grammars
Improving machine translation into Chinese by tuning against Chinese MEANT
Learning Bilingual Categories in Unsupervised Inversion Transduction Grammar Induction
Learning to Freestyle: Hip Hop Challenge-Response Induction via Transduction Rule Segmentation
MEANT at WMT 2013: A Tunable, Accurate yet Inexpensive Semantic Frame Based MT Evaluation Metric
Modeling Hip Hop Challenge-Response Lyrics as Machine Translation
Segmenting vs. Chunking Rules: Unsupervised ITG Induction via Minimum Conditional Description Length
Unsupervised Learning of Bilingual Categories in Inversion Transduction Grammar Induction
Unsupervised Rhyme Scheme Identification In Hip Hop lyrics Using Hidden Markov Models
Unsupervised Transduction Grammar Induction via Minimum Description Length
Proceedings of SSST-6, Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Proceedings of SSST-5, Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
An Evaluation of MT Alignment Baseline Approaches upon Cross-Lingual Plagiarism Detection
Linear transduction grammars and zipper finite-state transducers
Mining Parallel Documents Using Low Bandwidth and High Precision CLIR from the Heterogeneous Web
Reestimation of Reified Rules in Semiring Parsing and Biparsing
SMT versus AI redux: How semantic fames evaluate MT more accurately
Speech translation with grammar driven probabilistic phrasal bilexica extraction
Structured vs. Flat Semantic Role Representations for Machine Translation Evaluation
Evaluating Machine Translation Utility via Semantic Role Labels
Linear Inversion Transduction Grammar Alignments as a Second Translation Path
Semantic vs. Syntactic vs. N-gram Structure for Machine Translation Evaluation
Word alignment with stochastic bracketing linear inversion transduction grammar
Context-Dependent Phrasal Translation Lexicons for Statistical Machine Translation
HKUST Statistical Machine Translation Experiments for IWSLT 2007
Improving statistical machine translation using word sense disambiguation
Learning Bilingual Semantic Frames: Shallow Semantic Parsing vs. Semantic Role Projection
A grammatical approach to understanding textual tables using two-dimensional SCFGs
Automatic learning of Chinese English semantic structure mapping
Textual entailment recognition using inversion transduction grammars
Toward Integrating Word Sense and Entity Disambiguation into Statistical Machine Translation
A Grammar-Based Chinese to English Speech Translation System for Portable Devices
An Efficient Algorithm to Induce Minimum Average Lookahead Grammars for Incremental LR Parsing
Augmenting Ensemble Classification for Word Sense Disambiguation with a Kernel PCA Model
Joining forces to resolve lexical ambiguity: East meets West in Barcelona
Raising the Bar: Stacked Conservative Error Correction Beyond Boosting
Semantic Role Labeling with Boosting, SVMs, Maximum Entropy, SNOW, and Decision Lists
Semi-Supervised Training of a Kernel PCA-Based Model for Word Sense Disambiguation
Using N-best Lists for Named Entity Recognition from Chinese Speech
Why Nitpicking Works: Evidence for Occam's Razor in Error Correctors
Statistical Augmentation of a Chinese Machine-Readable Dictionary
Trainable Coarse Bilingual Grammars for Parallel Text Bracketing
An information-based method for selecting feature types for word prediction
Are phrase structured grammars useful in statistical parsing?
Automatically merging lexicons that have incompatible part-of-speech categories
Improving n-gram modeling using distance-related unit association maximum entropy language modeling
Inferring maximally invertible bi-grammars for example-based machine translation
On the use of right context in sense-disambiguating language models
An algorithm for simultaneously bracketing parallel texts by aligning words
Coerced Markov Models for Cross-lingual Lexical-Tag Relations
Grammarless extraction of phrasal translation examples from parallel texts
Trainable coarse bilingual grammars for parallel text bracketing
Using brackets to improve search for statistical machine translation
Efficient Bilingual Generalization from Neural Transduction Grammar Induction
Conference paper
Handling Ties Correctly and Efficiently in Viterbi Training Using the Viterbi Semiring
Conference paper
SRL for Low Resource Languages Isn't Needed for Semantic SMT
Conference paper
Injecting a Semantic Objective Function into Early Stage Learning of Spoken Language Translation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Foundations of Text Alignment: Statistical Machine Translation Models From Bitexts to Bigrammars
A semantically confidence-weighted ITG induction algorithm
Conference paper
Driving inversion transduction grammar induction with semantic evaluation
Conference paper
Generalizing Transduction Grammars to Model Continuous Valued Musical Events
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improving Word Alignment for Low Resource Languages Using English Monolingual SRL
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Conference paper
Freestyle: A Rap Battle Bot that Learns to Improvise
Conference paper
Improving evaluation and optimization of MT systems against MEANT
Conference paper
Improving Semantic SMT via Soft Semantic Role Label Constraints on ITG Alignments
Conference paper
Learning to Rap Battle with Bilingual Recursive Neural Networks
Conference paper
Neural Versus Symbolic Rap Battle Bots
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-8, Eighth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Better semantic frame based MT evaluation via inversion transduction grammars
Conference paper
Conference paper
Evaluating Improvised Hip Hop Lyrics - Challenges and Observations
Conference paper
Improving MEANT Based Semantically Tuned SMT
Conference paper
Learning Music and Language with Stochastic Transduction Grammars
Conference paper
Conference paper
On the reliability and inter-annotator agreement of human semantic MT evaluation via HMEANT
Conference paper
Ternary Segmentation for Improving Search in Top-down Induction of Segmental ITGs
Conference paper
The Magic Number 4: Evolutionary Pressures on Semantic Frame Structure
Conference paper
Conference paper
XMEANT: Better Semantic MT Evaluation Without Reference Translations
Conference paper
Bayesian Induction of Bracketing Inversion Transduction Grammars
Conference paper
Can Informal Genres Be Better Translated by Tuning on Automatic Semantic Metrics?
Conference paper
Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Search for Unsupervised Induction of Transduction Grammars
Conference paper
Conference paper
Human Semantic MT Evaluation with HMEANT for IWSLT 2013
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improving machine translation into Chinese by tuning against Chinese MEANT
Conference paper
Conference paper
Learning Bilingual Categories in Unsupervised Inversion Transduction Grammar Induction
Conference paper
Learning to Freestyle: Hip Hop Challenge-Response Induction via Transduction Rule Segmentation
Conference paper
MEANT at WMT 2013: A Tunable, Accurate yet Inexpensive Semantic Frame Based MT Evaluation Metric
Conference paper
Modeling Hip Hop Challenge-Response Lyrics as Machine Translation
Conference paper
Conference paper
Segmenting vs. Chunking Rules: Unsupervised ITG Induction via Minimum Conditional Description Length
Conference paper
Conference paper
Unsupervised Learning of Bilingual Categories in Inversion Transduction Grammar Induction
Conference paper
Unsupervised Rhyme Scheme Identification In Hip Hop lyrics Using Hidden Markov Models
Conference paper
Unsupervised Transduction Grammar Induction via Minimum Description Length
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-6, Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Conference paper
From finite-state to inversion transductions: Toward unsupervised bilingual grammar induction
Conference paper
Fully Automatic Semantic MT Evaluation
Conference paper
LTG vs. ITG Coverage of Cross-Lingual Verb Frame Alternations
Conference paper
Towards a Predicate-Argument Evaluation for MT
Conference paper
Unsupervised vs. supervised weight estimation for semantic MT evaluation metrics
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-5, Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Conference paper
An Evaluation of MT Alignment Baseline Approaches upon Cross-Lingual Plagiarism Detection
Conference paper
Linear transduction grammars and zipper finite-state transducers
Conference paper
Conference paper
Mining Parallel Documents Using Low Bandwidth and High Precision CLIR from the Heterogeneous Web
Conference paper
On the Expressivity of Linear Transductions
Conference paper
Principled induction of phrasal bilexica
Conference paper
Reestimation of Reified Rules in Semiring Parsing and Biparsing
Conference paper
SMT versus AI redux: How semantic fames evaluate MT more accurately
Conference paper
Speech translation with grammar driven probabilistic phrasal bilexica extraction
Conference paper
Structured vs. Flat Semantic Role Representations for Machine Translation Evaluation
Conference paper
Book chapter
Conference paper
Evaluating Machine Translation Utility via Semantic Role Labels
Conference paper
Linear Inversion Transduction Grammar Alignments as a Second Translation Path
Conference paper
Semantic vs. Syntactic vs. N-gram Structure for Machine Translation Evaluation
Conference paper
Word alignment with stochastic bracketing linear inversion transduction grammar
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-3, 3rd Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation
Can semantic role labeling improve SMT?
Conference paper
Conference paper
HKUST Statistical Machine Translation Experiments for CWMT 2009
Conference paper
Conference paper
Learning Stochastic Bracketing Inversion Transduction Grammars with a Cubic Time Biparsing Algorithm
Conference paper
Semantic Roles for SMT: A Hybrid Two-Pass Model
Conference paper
Toward machine translation with statistics and syntax and semantics
Conference paper
Proceedings of SSST-2, Second Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation
Evaluation of Context-Dependent Phrasal Translation Lexicons for Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
WSD for Semantic SMT: Phrase Sense Disambiguation
Conference paper
Context-Dependent Phrasal Translation Lexicons for Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
HKUST Statistical Machine Translation Experiments for IWSLT 2007
Conference paper
Conference paper
Improving statistical machine translation using word sense disambiguation
Conference paper
Learning Bilingual Semantic Frames: Shallow Semantic Parsing vs. Semantic Role Projection
Conference paper
A grammatical approach to understanding textual tables using two-dimensional SCFGs
Conference paper
Automatic learning of Chinese English semantic structure mapping
Conference paper
Boosting for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
Conference paper
Conference paper
Textual entailment recognition using inversion transduction grammars
Conference paper
Toward Integrating Word Sense and Entity Disambiguation into Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
MT model space: Statistical versus compositional versus example-based machine translation
Evaluating the Word Sense Disambiguation Performance of Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
Conference paper
NTPC: N-fold templated piped correction
Conference paper
Recognizing Paraphrases and Textual Entailment using Inversion Transduction Grammars
Conference paper
Word Sense Disambiguation vs. Statistical Machine Translation
Conference paper
A Grammar-Based Chinese to English Speech Translation System for Portable Devices
Conference paper
A Kernel PCA Method for Superior Word Sense Disambiguation
Conference paper
An Efficient Algorithm to Induce Minimum Average Lookahead Grammars for Incremental LR Parsing
Conference paper
Augmenting Ensemble Classification for Word Sense Disambiguation with a Kernel PCA Model
Conference paper
Joining forces to resolve lexical ambiguity: East meets West in Barcelona
Conference paper
Raising the Bar: Stacked Conservative Error Correction Beyond Boosting
Conference paper
Semantic Role Labeling with Boosting, SVMs, Maximum Entropy, SNOW, and Decision Lists
Conference paper
Semi-Supervised Training of a Kernel PCA-Based Model for Word Sense Disambiguation
Conference paper
Using N-best Lists for Named Entity Recognition from Chinese Speech
Conference paper
Why Nitpicking Works: Evidence for Occam's Razor in Error Correctors
Conference paper
A Stacked, Voted, Stacked Model for Named Entity Recognition
Conference paper
The HKUST leading question translation system
Conference paper
Boosting for Named Entity Recognition
Conference paper
The Berkeley UNIX Consultant Project
Book chapter
The Berkeley UNIX consultant project
Book chapter
Book chapter
A comparative study of classification based personal E-mail filtering
Conference paper
An information-theory-based feature type analysis for the modelling of statistical parsing
Conference paper
Trainable Coarse Bilingual Grammars for Parallel Text Bracketing
Statistical Augmentation of a Chinese Machine-Readable Dictionary
Book chapter
Trainable Coarse Bilingual Grammars for Parallel Text Bracketing
Book chapter
A probabilistic approach to marker propagation
Conference paper
An information-based method for selecting feature types for word prediction
Conference paper
Conference paper
Are phrase structured grammars useful in statistical parsing?
Conference paper
Automatically merging lexicons that have incompatible part-of-speech categories
Conference paper
Improving n-gram modeling using distance-related unit association maximum entropy language modeling
Conference paper
Inferring maximally invertible bi-grammars for example-based machine translation
Conference paper
Learning a lightweight robust deterministic parser
Conference paper
On the use of right context in sense-disambiguating language models
Conference paper
A position statement on Chinese segmentation
Conference paper
Machine translation with a stochastic grammatical channel
Conference paper
Stochastic inversion transduction grammars and bilingual parsing of parallel corpora
Dealing with Multilinguality in a Spoken Language Query Translator
Conference paper
Structure and performance of a dependency language model
Conference paper
Structure and performance of a dependency language model
Conference paper
Learning restricted probabilistic link grammars
Book chapter
A polynomial-time algorithm for statistical machine translation
Conference paper
Parsing Chinese with an almost-context-free grammar
Conference paper
Large-scale automatic extraction of an English-Chinese translation lexicon
An algorithm for simultaneously bracketing parallel texts by aligning words
Conference paper
Coerced Markov Models for Cross-lingual Lexical-Tag Relations
Conference paper
Grammarless extraction of phrasal translation examples from parallel texts
Conference paper
Learning restricted probabilistic link grammars
Conference paper
Conference paper
Trainable coarse bilingual grammars for parallel text bracketing
Conference paper
Using brackets to improve search for statistical machine translation
Conference paper
Aligning a parallel English-Chinese corpus statistically with lexical criteria
Conference paper
Improving Chinese tokenization with linguistic Filters on statistical lexical acquisition
Conference paper
Learning an English-Chinese lexicon from a parallel corpus
Conference paper
Statistical Augmentation of a Chinese Machine-Readable Dictionary
Conference paper
Not all reflexive reasoning is deductive
An image-schematic system of thematic roles
Conference paper
Conference paper
Estimating probability distributions over hypotheses with variable unification
Conference paper
Tree matching with recursive distributed representations
Conference paper
A continuum of induction methods for learning probability distributions with generalization
Conference paper
Conference paper
The Berkeley UNIX Consultant Project
Concretion inferences in natural language understanding
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COMP5221 | Natural Language Processing |
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