DSc in Information Science
The University of Tokyo, 1997
PoseCoach: A Customizable Analysis and Visualization System for Video-based Running Coaching
Voxel-Mesh Network for Geodesic-Aware 3D Semantic Segmentation of Indoor Scenes
LiDAL: Inter-frame Uncertainty Based Active Learning for 3D LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
Conference paper
TransFusion: Robust LiDAR-Camera Fusion for 3D Object Detection with Transformers
Conference paper
Global Beautification of 2D and 3D Layouts with Interactive Ambiguity Resolution
SketchDesc: Learning Local Sketch Descriptors for Multi-View Correspondence
Sketch-R2CNN: An RNN-Rasterization-CNN Architecture For Vector Sketch Recognition
Learning to Match Features with Seeded Graph Matching Network.
Conference paper
Normalized Human Pose Features for Human Action Video Alignment
Conference paper
PointDSC: Robust Point Cloud Registration using Deep Spatial Consistency
Conference paper
VMNet: Voxel-Mesh Network for Geodesic-Aware 3D Semantic Segmentation
Conference paper
D3Feat: Joint Learning of Dense Detection and Description of 3D Local Features
Conference paper
End-to-End Learning Local Multi-view Descriptors for 3D Point Clouds
Conference paper
JSENet: Joint Semantic Segmentation and Edge Detection Network for 3D Point Clouds
Conference paper
PoseTween: Pose-driven Tween Animation
Conference paper
Context-based Sketch Classification
Conference paper
Live Sketch: Video-driven Dynamic Deformation of Static Drawings
Conference paper
TAvE: Template-based augmentation of visual effects to human actions in videos
Conference paper
Image-based Building Regularization Using Structural Linear Features
2D-Dragger: Unified Touch-based Target Acquisition with Constant Effective Width
Conference paper
Model-Driven Sketch Reconstruction with Structure-Oriented Retrieval
Conference paper
HIRM: A handle-independent reduced model for incremental mesh editing
GACA: Group-Aware Command-based Arrangement of Graphic Elements
Conference paper
Higher-order CRF Structural Segmentation of 3D Reconstructed Surfaces
Conference paper
Spectral 3D mesh segmentation with a novel single segmentation field
Dynamic sketching: simulating the process of observational drawing
Conference paper
Global beautification of layouts with interactive ambiguity resolution
Conference paper
Pairwise Harmonics for Shape Analysis
Middle-scale Maps for Mobile Locative Games
Conference paper
Quasi-regular Facade Structure Extraction
Conference paper
Scalable Maps of Random Dots for Middle-scale Locative Mobile Games
Conference paper
Dot Scissor: A Single-Click Interface for Mesh Segmentation
Lazy Selection: a Scribble-Based Tool for Smart Shape Elements Selection
Mesh Segmentation with Concavity-Aware Fields
Two-Finger Gestures for 6DOF Manipulation of 3D Objects
Multitouch Gestures for Constrained Transformation of 3D Objects
Conference paper
Parsing Facade with Rank-One Approximation
Conference paper
Bilateral Normal Filtering for Mesh Denoising
Component-wise Controllers for Structure-Preserving Shape Manipulation
Electors Voting for Fast Automatic Shape Correspondence
Mesh Decomposition with Cross-Boundary Brushes
Spatial Relationship Preserving Character Motion Adaptation
Multitouch finger registration and its applications
Conference paper
Hierarchical aggregation for efficient shape extraction
Implicit modeling from polygon soup using convolution
On the convergence of hybrid polynomial approximation to higher derivatives of rational curves
Optimized Scale-and-Stretch for Image Resizing
Skeleton extraction by mesh contraction
Spherical piecewise constant basis functions for all-frequency precomputed radiance transfer
Focus+Context Visualization with Distortion Minimization
Conference paper
Optimized scale-and-stretch for image resizing
Conference paper
Effective derivation of similarity transformations for implicit Laplacian mesh editing
Handle-aware isolines for scalable shape editing
Non-iterative approach for global mesh optimization
Handle-aware isolines for scalable shape editing
Conference paper
Optimal boundaries for Poisson mesh merging
Conference paper
Conference paper
Subtle Facial Animation Transfer from 2D Videos to 3D Faces with Laplacian Deformation
Conference paper
Dual Laplacian editing for meshes
A new recognition model for electronic architectural drawings
MoXi: Real-time ink dispersion in absorbent paper
A marching method for computing intersection curves of two subdivision solids
Conference paper
A marching method for computing intersection curves of two subdivision solids
Conference paper
Mesh editing with curvature flow Laplacian
Conference paper
Morphing with Laplacian coordinates and spatial-temporal texture
Conference paper
Optimization of epoxy flow for passive alignment of optical fiber arrays
Conference paper
A mesh reconstruction algorithm driven by an intrinsic property of a point cloud
Parametric representation of a surface pencil with a common spatial geodesic
Prototype modeling from sketched silhouettes based on convolution surfaces
Real-time painting with an expressive virtual Chinese brush
Sampling-sensitive multiresolution hierarchy for irregular meshes
Topology-free cut-and-paste editing over meshes
Conference paper
Approximate merging of B-spline curves via knot adjustment and constrained optimization
An extension algorithm for B-splines by curve unclamping
Analytical methods for polynomial weighted convolution surfaces with various kernels
Convolution surfaces for arcs and quadratic curves with a varying kernel
An efficient brush model for physically-based 3D painting
Conference paper
Convolution surfaces for line skeletons with polynomial weight distributions
Direct manipulation of FFD: efficient explicit solutions and decomposible multiple point constraints
An effective feature-preserving mesh simplification scheme based on face constriction
Conference paper
Animating chinese landscape paintings and panorama using multi-perspective modeling
Conference paper
Dimension recognition and geometry reconstruction in vectorization of engineering drawings
Conference paper
A Method for Deforming Polygonal Shapes into Smooth Spline Surface Models
Conference paper
Alpha-Spline: A C2 Continuous Spline with Weights and Tension Control
Conference paper
An interpolation method with weights and relaxation parameters
Conference paper
A Reeb graph-based representation for non-sequential construction of topologically complex shapes
Homotopy solid fillet for joining objects
Homotopy sweep for designing fillet joining disjoint geometric objects
Conference paper
Neural programming : an extension of functional programming
Conference paper
Integrated homotopy sweep technique for Computer-Aided Geometric Design
Conference paper
A marching method for computing intersection curves of two subdivision solids
A marching method for computing intersection curves of two subdivision solids
Morphing with Laplacian coordinates and spatial-temporal texture
Optimization of epoxy flow for passive alignment of optical fiber arrays
A mesh reconstruction algorithm driven by an intrinsic property of a point cloud
Parametric representation of a surface pencil with a common spatial geodesic
Prototype modeling from sketched silhouettes based on convolution surfaces
Sampling-sensitive multiresolution hierarchy for irregular meshes
Analytical methods for polynomial weighted convolution surfaces with various kernels
Convolution surfaces for arcs and quadratic curves with a varying kernel
Homotopy sweep for designing fillet joining disjoint geometric objects
Integrated homotopy sweep technique for Computer-Aided Geometric Design
Context-based Sketch Classification
Conference paper
Live Sketch: Video-driven Dynamic Deformation of Static Drawings
Conference paper
TAvE: Template-based augmentation of visual effects to human actions in videos
Conference paper
Image-based Building Regularization Using Structural Linear Features
2D-Dragger: Unified Touch-based Target Acquisition with Constant Effective Width
Conference paper
Model-Driven Sketch Reconstruction with Structure-Oriented Retrieval
Conference paper
HIRM: A handle-independent reduced model for incremental mesh editing
GACA: Group-Aware Command-based Arrangement of Graphic Elements
Conference paper
Higher-order CRF Structural Segmentation of 3D Reconstructed Surfaces
Conference paper
Spectral 3D mesh segmentation with a novel single segmentation field
Dynamic sketching: simulating the process of observational drawing
Conference paper
Global beautification of layouts with interactive ambiguity resolution
Conference paper
Pairwise Harmonics for Shape Analysis
Middle-scale Maps for Mobile Locative Games
Conference paper
Quasi-regular Facade Structure Extraction
Conference paper
Scalable Maps of Random Dots for Middle-scale Locative Mobile Games
Conference paper
Dot Scissor: A Single-Click Interface for Mesh Segmentation
Lazy Selection: a Scribble-Based Tool for Smart Shape Elements Selection
Mesh Segmentation with Concavity-Aware Fields
Two-Finger Gestures for 6DOF Manipulation of 3D Objects
Multitouch Gestures for Constrained Transformation of 3D Objects
Conference paper
Parsing Facade with Rank-One Approximation
Conference paper
Bilateral Normal Filtering for Mesh Denoising
Component-wise Controllers for Structure-Preserving Shape Manipulation
Electors Voting for Fast Automatic Shape Correspondence
Mesh Decomposition with Cross-Boundary Brushes
Spatial Relationship Preserving Character Motion Adaptation
Multitouch finger registration and its applications
Conference paper
Hierarchical aggregation for efficient shape extraction
Implicit modeling from polygon soup using convolution
On the convergence of hybrid polynomial approximation to higher derivatives of rational curves
Optimized Scale-and-Stretch for Image Resizing
Skeleton extraction by mesh contraction
Spherical piecewise constant basis functions for all-frequency precomputed radiance transfer
Focus+Context Visualization with Distortion Minimization
Conference paper
Optimized scale-and-stretch for image resizing
Conference paper
Effective derivation of similarity transformations for implicit Laplacian mesh editing
Handle-aware isolines for scalable shape editing
Non-iterative approach for global mesh optimization
Handle-aware isolines for scalable shape editing
Conference paper
Optimal boundaries for Poisson mesh merging
Conference paper
Conference paper
Subtle Facial Animation Transfer from 2D Videos to 3D Faces with Laplacian Deformation
Conference paper
Dual Laplacian editing for meshes
A new recognition model for electronic architectural drawings
MoXi: Real-time ink dispersion in absorbent paper
A marching method for computing intersection curves of two subdivision solids
Conference paper
A marching method for computing intersection curves of two subdivision solids
Conference paper
Mesh editing with curvature flow Laplacian
Conference paper
Morphing with Laplacian coordinates and spatial-temporal texture
Conference paper
Optimization of epoxy flow for passive alignment of optical fiber arrays
Conference paper
A mesh reconstruction algorithm driven by an intrinsic property of a point cloud
Parametric representation of a surface pencil with a common spatial geodesic
Prototype modeling from sketched silhouettes based on convolution surfaces
Real-time painting with an expressive virtual Chinese brush
Sampling-sensitive multiresolution hierarchy for irregular meshes
Topology-free cut-and-paste editing over meshes
Conference paper
Approximate merging of B-spline curves via knot adjustment and constrained optimization
An extension algorithm for B-splines by curve unclamping
Analytical methods for polynomial weighted convolution surfaces with various kernels
Convolution surfaces for arcs and quadratic curves with a varying kernel
An efficient brush model for physically-based 3D painting
Conference paper
Convolution surfaces for line skeletons with polynomial weight distributions
Direct manipulation of FFD: efficient explicit solutions and decomposible multiple point constraints
An effective feature-preserving mesh simplification scheme based on face constriction
Conference paper
Animating chinese landscape paintings and panorama using multi-perspective modeling
Conference paper
Dimension recognition and geometry reconstruction in vectorization of engineering drawings
Conference paper
A Method for Deforming Polygonal Shapes into Smooth Spline Surface Models
Conference paper
Alpha-Spline: A C2 Continuous Spline with Weights and Tension Control
Conference paper
An interpolation method with weights and relaxation parameters
Conference paper
A Reeb graph-based representation for non-sequential construction of topologically complex shapes
Homotopy solid fillet for joining objects
Homotopy sweep for designing fillet joining disjoint geometric objects
Conference paper
Neural programming : an extension of functional programming
Conference paper
Integrated homotopy sweep technique for Computer-Aided Geometric Design
Conference paper
No Publications |
No Publications |
COMP2711 | Discrete Mathematical Tools for Computer Science |
COMP5411 | Advanced Computer Graphics |
CPEG4901 | Computer Engineering Final Year Project in COMP |
CPEG4910 | Co-op Program |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
No Teaching Assignments |
ZHENG, Kexin
Computer Science and Engineering
BAI, Xuyang
Computer Science and Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
HU, Zeyu
Computer Science and Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
LIU, Jingyuan
Computer Science and Engineering( Completed in 2022 )
RONG, Zhiyi
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program (Computational Media and Arts)( Completed in 2022 )
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